Loveless: spoiled cold wife

Chapter 87 Seek Skin with the Tiger

He Qian watched Zheng Pei leave and turned to leave, but was blocked by a wall. He Qian raised his eyes, and Ouyang Hanyu's elegant face came into sight.

" Hanyu!" He Qian was slightly surprised, "I just..." She looked at Zhao Longtao and others, "I saw you just now. Did you come out to relax or talk about business?"

Ouyang Hanyu looked at He Qian inquiringly: "Why are you here?"

He Qian shrugged his shoulders and showed helplessness: "Forced by life, why did you... hang out with them?" He Qian pointed to Zhao Longtao and the others opposite with his eyebrows.

Her voice was not loud, but it happened to be heard by the people opposite. Liu Henglei's straight temper came up and was so angry that he almost jumped out to fight with her.

Liu Henglei was pulled by Zhao Longtao and could only wait for copper bell-like eyes, trying to kill her with his eyes.

Ouyang Hanyu smiled faintly and said, "They are all friends."

He Qian counted Liu Mei: "Friend? No, Hanyu, they are Ouyang Feibai people. I don't like them!"

She whispered, "Hanyu, in fact... My real identity is not He Qian. I am Fang Yu, the daughter of Fang Zhongping, the boss of Qianyu Group!"

Ouyang Hanyu looked at He Qian in shock. Compared with the news itself, Ouyang Hanyu was more shocked by He Qian's behavior. She actually told him such an important secret, which was equivalent to exposing herself in front of the enemy, which was undoubtedly a fatal mistake. Why did she do this? It's completely illogical, unless... unless she really doesn't know anything, or she knows everything.

He Qian said, "I'm sorry, I've been hiding it from you until now. I don't want to say that it's because Ouyang Feibai is your brother. I'm afraid that we will never be friends again after saying it."

Ouyang Hanyu thought: "So you are not afraid now?"

He Qian bit his lips: "Lies will definitely be exposed. I can't hide them for a lifetime. What's more, I can't hide my disgust and hatred for Ouyang Feibai, which can't escape your eyes at all."

Ouyang Hanyu looked at her.

He Qian said, "I hate Ouyang Feibai secretly dealing with the Ye Group. I hate him for five years and hasn't let me go. Hanyu, if I avenge Ouyang Feibai, will you definitely stop me?"

Ouyang Hanyu looked at her clarified eyes and measured her words. She was so frank that he didn't know how to deal with it. Does she really regard him as a friend? So is the next plan much simpler?

Ouyang Hanyu said, "It won't be shallow."

He Qian was a little lost: "I know, you must be directed at him. Are you afraid that I will retaliate against Ouyang Feibai and hide him? Where is he?"

He Qian's sad appearance made Ouyang Hanyu worried. He almost blurted out the whereabouts of Ouyang Feibai and realized that he would love her. Ouyang Hanyu was secretly annoyed.

He hugged her, and He Qianyi was in his arms, thinking that at least the first step of the plan had been done. The more controllable her performance, the safer Ye Chen and Ouyang Feibai would be. Who would be afraid of a heartless opponent? Who would offend the Ye Group for a woman who could easily control?

"He Qian!" The sharp woman's voice came from behind.

He Qian and Ouyang Hanyu looked over together. Yixi stood quietly not far away in a white turtleneck sweater pomegranate red coat and looked at He Qian. The red color made her skin as white as snow, like a noble queen.

Isi said, "He Qian, I have something to tell you."

He Qian squinted and looked at her with a plain expression. She was the beautiful woman in front of her, making herself more envious and inferior. She was Ye Chen's first lover, Ye Chen's most wanted to see after she tried to wake up from the vegetative state, and the person who made Ye Chen crazy to love the house...

He Qian thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay."

Inferiority does not mean timidity, and envy does not mean jealousy.

He Qian followed Yixi to the box. The two sat on both sides of the coffee table. The usually arrogant beauty now looked a little sad and haggard. Yixi came straight to the point: "He Qian, I know it's despicable to do this, but I beg you, please leave Ye Chen!"

He Qian didn't expect that Yixi would be so direct, let alone that she would be so humble. He Qian was soft but not hard, and Yixi's first punch hit her weakness.

"Please!" Yixi's face was a little pale. "Ye Chen and I finally came together after so many hardships. Please don't separate us anymore. He Qian, I know I'm sorry for you for doing this, but I have Ye Chen's baby. Please, please leave him."

Do you have...Ye Chen'

The news was like a bolt from the blue. He Qian only felt that it was dark. She looked at Yixi's flat lower abdomen, her hands trembled slightly on her lower abdomen, and slowly closed her eyes. When and when did it happen? This month? Or earlier?

A heartbreaking pain spread from the heart to the whole body, and only thought: Ye Chen, why didn't you tell me earlier? Since you are just playing games with me, why don't you show some professional ethics? If Icy doesn't tell me, how long will you want to hide it from me?

He Qian took a deep breath and tried to calm his voice: "Icy, is the contradiction within Ye's Group related to you? Did you encourage the old guys in the shareholders of Ye's Group to withdraw their shares? How much money did Sailing Entertainment give them? What's the benefit to you from teaming up with Ouyang Qingyuan to make Ye's difficulties and crises everywhere?

He Qian just guessed that Isi, who didn't want her to be with Ye Chen, is also one. It's not without this possibility.

I didn't expect that Esh's face changed greatly after hearing this, but she recovered quickly. She said, "I have made an objective analysis of the current situation and said something negative but objective. I can't decide what to do whether those people listen or not."

Oh, she is really a wonderful person. He Qian would like to admire her ability to adapt to changes.

He Qian asked, "What do you think the old man and Uncle Ye's aunt will think after knowing it?"

A triumphant smile appeared on Yixi's face: "Ye Chen will resist for me to the end, and he will solve everything for me, and I..." Just solve you!

Ye Chen will resist for me to the end, and he will solve everything for me. This sentence pierces He Qian's chest like a sharp sword. Yes, as long as Ye Chen is willing, what else can be stopped?

Ye Chen, Ye Chen, you said that you were not in my plan because you were my variable. No matter how I planned, my plan changed with you, and I was always in your plan, but you deleted the part about me halfway.

He Qian stood up and walked to Yixi with high heels. Her easy-going breath suddenly brushed her cheeks and smiled, "Why should I leave? Just by your words? Do you always do this business?"

Isi looked at He Qian in surprise: "You mean that as long as I meet your conditions, you will agree?"

He Qian tilted his head mischievously: "Do you think I should work hard with you for someone who doesn't love me?"

Isi said coldly, "What do you want?" But I can't hide the surprise on my face.

He Qianman's body rotated slightly and sat next to Isi and said with a faint smile, "Ten million, no bargaining, you know, Ye Chen is worth this number."

Eaxi said angrily, "You are blackmailing! If Ye Chen knew, he would leave you without me!"

He Qian smiled and took out the silver recording pen in his hand and shook it in front of Yixi: "Are you talking about this?"

"You..." Yisi touched her pocket in a hurry, looking embarrassed and angry. When did she take away the recording pen and just wiped her and sat next to her?

He Qian shook his head: "You are so smart, Esie. Why don't you show some sincerity when you want to negotiate? 20 million is still entangled to the end. You can choose for yourself!"

Entangled to the end, Ye Chen, if I persist, what will you choose?

When Icy left, she was like a deserter who lost the battle.

He Qian held her arm and watched her leave. Ouyang Hanyu looked at He Qian with a smile. This woman can always bring surprises to people. When she is sad, it can make you feel sad to your bone marrow. When she smiles, it can warm your heart. When she is serious, you can see the world from her eyes.

He Qian shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands: "The conversation is broken."

Ouyang Hanyu laughed and said, "I never knew that Comrade He Qian was a bad guy who loves money and is delicate and treacherous." This sentence was half true and half false. He was really shocked when he heard He Qian's blackmail when he eavesdropped on the door just now.

He Qian said indifferently, "I just don't want to work too hard for the rest of my life. Is it wrong?" She answered so frankly and talked about such a despicable act of seeking wealth so boldly. Ouyang Hanyu really wanted to admire her. He Qian in front of him was still quiet and rational, but there was a faint banditry in his rationality. There was something different, but she was even more irresistible and attractive.

He Qian looked at him with the corners of his eyes. He should have heard the conversation between her and Yixi just now. He should know what kind of person she is. He is not afraid that the enemy is strong but afraid that the enemy has no weakness. He should be relieved.

"You just want money and nothing else?" Ouyang Hanyu joked.

He Qian smiled bitterly: "What else can I ask for? Hanyu, am I too stupid? Until now, I don't know that the person Ye Chen really loves is Yixi. What should I do if I hate him a little? I'm homeless, Hanyu..."

Ouyang Hanyu rubbed her hair and scratched her cheeks. The smooth skin and soft hair gently aroused ripples in his heart. Such a beautiful woman...

"Qianqian, if you don't mind, you can stay with me first."

"Is this... convenient?"

Ouyang Hanyu rubbed her hair and said gently, "It's convenient!"