wu dao xian ying

Chapter 57 The First Day of Auction (14)

But now it's different. Although Qin Min hasn't said a word so far, the momentum on Qin Min gives Su Wuyan a very strange feeling.

At this time, the melee had already taken place. The people who were still working together were forcing Qin Min back, but after forcing Qin Min back, several short-lived camps immediately collapsed and began to be hostile to each other.

Several people came towards the Qinglian sword at the same time, but how could a Qinglian sword be enough for so many people to grab it? Although several people caught the Qinglian sword, the Qinglian sword was caught by several people.

At this time, several people looked at each other and let each other let go, but at this time, there was a chance to grab the Qinglian Sword. Who would let go at this time? At this time, Qin Min forced several people with a sword. Just now, several people joined hands to force Qin Min back.

This made Qin Min very angry. If these people hadn't appeared, the Qinglian Sword would have been the property of the Qin family, but the appearance of these people would have been an accident and an unchangeable state.

The feeling that Qinglian Sword was not available in front of him was simply crazy, so as soon as Qin Min reacted, he directly attacked several people. After this retreat, Qin Min is now very confident in his strength.

This comes from his own strength. In Qin Min's attack, Sensen's sword spirit swept towards several people, but these people's strength has now been weakened. After all, they still have to grab the Qinglian Sword with one hand. It can be said that even ten times of their skills can't be exerted now.

Not to mention that a few people have to guard against a few people around them. After all, several people around them can also be said to be eyeing at the Qinglian Sword, and Qin Min's attack also came at this time, and several people had to jointly fight against Qin Min's attack for a short time again.

You should know that Qin Min's strength is much higher than that of several people. Even Nangong Tianxiang must admit that his strength is not as good as Qin Min. Now Nangong Tianxiang's strength is Qin Min's strength in Guangzong City, but now that Qin Min has gone through the incident of Guangzong City, his strength has become more Further.

In today's level, every step of strength is different, and it is often two people with equal strength. However, due to the breakthrough of the other, there is a huge difference in strength between the two, which is also clearly reflected in their status.

And now Qin Min and Nangong Tianxiang are like this. Although Qin Min can't compete with Nangong Tianxiang's strength, the actual difference is very huge. Although Nangong Xiangtian's cultivation is killing and powerful, he still can't be compared with Qin Min. After all, Qin Min practiced Kyushu in that year. Lu's first-ranked divine skill, the first emperor, although now the first emperor's decision can't compare with the Qinglian sword formula in the ranking.

However, the Qinglian sword secret has never appeared on the mainland of Kyushu for so many years, so now the First Emperor is still a veritable first skill. Now that Qinglian Sword is born, the First Emperor may not be the future, but it is still,

Qin Min, who is pregnant with the First Emperor's decision, is invincible at the same level, not to mention that the strength of these people is far weaker than Qin Min. If they fight alone, everyone here is not Qin Min's opponent, but now they are not fighting alone. Everyone's goal is very clear, all for the Qinglian Sword.

Most of the people who got the sixth-order supreme in the auction were not together. They began to look for the Qinglian Sword separately. Qin Min and others heard the words, not only Qin Min and others, but also these people also heard the distance. It's relatively far away, so I can't get there in time.

But as long as Qin Min and others are wasting a little time, I believe that these people can get there immediately, but now they have to shoot arrows on the strings. Although everyone knows that if they continue to drag on, more and more people will come here, and their strength will become stronger and stronger, but there is no good thing to do. The law can solve it,

Now in the face of Qin Min's attack, several people have to unite to fight against Qin Min's attack, and this time Qin Min's attack can't be easily resolved. The First Emperor is also very harsh on cultivation. The First Emperor is determined to cultivate the spirit of the true dragon. The spirit of the true dragon is a mysterious thing.

No one has ever known what the true dragon spirit is, but he knows that every emperor has the true dragon spirit. No matter what this emperor has done, and the first emperor's decision is such a strange skill. Only with the true dragon spirit can he exert the power of the first emperor's decision, but now The Qin Dynasty has collapsed for 3,000 years. In such a long time,

There has never been an emperor at all, and there is no need to say that the true dragon spirit. It simply never appeared once, which confused the original head of the Qin family. At this time, the strength of the Qin family also fell into a low point. You should know that the unique first emperor of the Qin family has never practiced at all. .

You should know that before the Qin Dynasty collapsed, it had never worried about the spirit of the real dragon. It can be said that the spirit of the real dragon is a very common thing, but after the collapse of the Qin Dynasty, it made the owners of the Qin family of all dynasties at a loss. In this way, no one could practice for nearly a thousand years.

The unique learning of the Qin family has been stranded, but since the collapse of the Qin Dynasty 1,200 years ago, a talented Qin family has appeared. In a short period of time to practice martial arts, he dared to make progress of others for several years.

Soon this person became the key training object of the Qin family. Later, this person also became the eleventh head of the Qin family. This person can be said to be a genius. The First Emperor could never practice, which made this person find a solution, although he could not exert the power of the First Emperor's decision.

It can still reflect the power of the first emperor's response, that is, to absorb the power of the society in the national jade seal. Although there is no true dragon spirit in the national jade seal, after such a long time, as a social artifact, the national jade seal has long been not such a simple thing.

It is a crazy idea to replace the spirit of the true dragon with the power of society in the national jade seal. When this person put forward, he was opposed by all the Qin family, but he did not expect that this person would succeed and successfully study the power of society to replace the true dragon spirit.

Although there are some shortcomings, these can be directly ignored in terms of absolute power. It is precisely because of this that this person will become the eleventh head of the Qin family. With such credit that the First Emperor can be re-cultivated, this person is also a rare existence in the history of the Qin family. .

Not to mention that after this person became the head of the Qin family, he vigorously developed the Qin family. Although in the end, because of too many vulgar facts, it delayed this person's practice time, and this person's achievements in martial arts are not very high, this person did improve the strength of the Qin family. One level,

can be said to be one of the few owners who revitalized the Qin family, and it is also rare in the history of the Qin family. In the 3,000-year history of the collapse of the Qin Dynasty, only the first generation of the family can be compared with this person. The first generation of family owners can be called a generation of heroes. At that time, the huge Qin Dynasty collapsed.

There was simply no time for people to react. Overnight, the Qin Dynasty no longer existed. At that time, the first generation of the Qin family was an unknown prince at that time, unknown, but at a critical moment, at the most chaotic time in Kyushu, it occupied the center of Kyushu's economy, the Central Plains District,

This formed the Qin family in today's Central Plains. Otherwise, the Qin Dynasty would collapse and disappear into the long river of history like in historical dynasties. However, although the Qin family is no longer the owner of the Kyushu mainland, it still firmly occupies the Central Plains and has the title of the first family in Kyushu.

can be said to be a pivotal position, which comes from the great talent of the first generation of the Qin family.