wu dao xian ying

Chapter 162 Ancient Secret 10

There is a scene in front of us. The breeze blows. Looking at the broken companion tribe at this time, a sad mood surged into my heart. After all, the companion tribe is the root of everyone. Without the companion tribe, everyone is wandering around like a rootless peace. After all, I don't know if I can leave now. It's enough to come back,

The chief of the companion tribe is now in a complicated mood. What he knows best about the chief of the companion tribe is the patriarch of the previous generation of the companion tribe. After all, both of them have become the patriarch of the companion tribe. Although the two have no direct blood connection, in any case, the relationship between the two is indeed better than before.

The previous generation of companion tribal chiefs can be said to be not the people of the companion tribe, that is, they were adopted by the elders of the companion tribe. They have been adopted as apprentices since childhood. They can accept the previous generation of companion tribal chiefs who have shown extraordinary talent since childhood. After growing up, the elders of the companion tribe are usually practiced, so for the companion department Things can't be managed,

Let this person become the head of the companion tribe at that time. It can be said that this person can become the leader of the companion tribe, but it takes a lot of effort. If you know the difficulty of an outsider to become the leader of the companion tribe, only the bloodline of the founder of the first generation of the companion tribe can inherit the position of the companion tribe, and the companion Although the elder fell did not become the patriarch, the position of patriarch in those years was the elder of the tribe who gave up to his younger brother, which was because the elder of the tribe focused on cultivation. Later, the younger brother of the elder of the tribe died unexpectedly in practice.

The position of the patriarch of the companion tribe has always been vacant and has always been managed by the elder of the companion tribe. After all, when the elder brother of the companion tribe died at that time, his son was only two years old. Fortunately, there were descendants. Otherwise, this inheritance would have been interrupted. A few years later, the elder of the clan found that If it goes on like this, it will affect your own cultivation. You should know that the strength of the elders of the tribe at that time was not the third level, but the peak of the second level. It was the critical time to break through. At the critical time, I saw that my land had revealed its talent for management.

Many times, the elders of the tribe slowly handed over the affairs of the clan to their apprentices. In the end, the elders of the tribe had to appoint their land as the next generation of patriarchs, but they did not expect that such an order led to a dispute. Many people in the tribe disagreed. Although there are no clear regulations, it has become an unwritten rule for so many years. At this time, it is suddenly tempting to break, and the resistance can be imagined. It can be said that most people in the companion tribe objected at that time.

Many people were even forced to die, but in the end they were still suppressed by the elders of the tribe. The elders of the tribe did not want to delay too long, because the elders of the tribe felt that they had the hope of breaking through to the third level, so after suppressing them by tough means, the elders of the tribe were closed. After practice, I left a thing. All this can be said to be very difficult for the patriarch of the tribe who has just become a companion. This is also the test of the elder of the tribe to test his apprentice and how his land is.

Do you have the ability to manage the companion tribe? If you can't solve these things, it means that you are not suitable to be the patriarch of the companion tribe. If you solve it, everything will be better, and the elder of the companion tribe has not considered that his land can be solved perfectly. As long as the people of the companion tribe accept it, but the elder of the companion tribe obviously muttered the power of their land. When the elder of the companion tribe broke through to the third level of strength as they wish, they found that everything in the companion tribe was developing towards prosperity.

It can be said that in the past few years, the companion tribe has been more prosperous than before. Seeing the current situation of the companion tribe, coupled with the expressions of the people of the companion tribe towards their apprentices, let the elders of the companion tribe know that this test was self-breaking.

It can be said that the patriarch of the previous generation of the companion tribe was very difficult at the beginning. As a stranger who became the patriarch, the already calm companion tribe continued to make trouble after the patriarch of this generation became an adult, because the direct bloodline of the patriarch has grown up.

It is reasonable to pass on the position of the patriarch to the direct bloodline, but the elder of the tribe refused at a young age. It can be said that this time, the elder of the clan is much stronger than last time, because this time the elder of the tribe has become the third level. Master,

It can't be said on the same day. If the strength of the elder of the companion tribe is still at the peak of the second level, although it can suppress the matter this time, it will take effort. However, now the strength of the elder of the companion tribe has reached the third level. In a word, it makes those who oppose it begin to think about it and shut up. Not to say, after all, the strength of the elders of the tribe is here, and the deterrent is very strong,

Outside the plug, the third-order and second-order are basically two concepts. Once the strength breaks through from the second-order to the third-order, it can be said that they are simply two concepts. It can be said that the status is very different. A third-order master is simply a unique existence for a tribe like the companion tribe.

The status is different, and the weight of speech is very different. In a word, no one dares not disothe. However, the apprentice of the elder of the tribe has not continued to be the current tribal chief for several years.

A few years later, like the elders of the companion tribe, they began to practice in isolation and practice hard. If it was not enough, the mouth of the cave was found at this time, which was also the reason for the destruction of the companion tribe now. The patriarch of the companion tribe may not think so much when he looked at the companion tribe.

But the previous generation of patriarchs of the Yanban tribe will not be like this. After all, a series of reasons for the Yanban tribe were caused by that hole in those years. Now the patriarchs of the Yanban tribe don't know what happened in those years.

After all, in order to keep it secret, only the elders of the companion tribe and their apprentices knew everything. Before telling the current leader of the companion tribe, such a thing happened to the companion tribe. It can be said that everything was never expected. Now the elders of the companion tribe have not appeared so far.

It can be said that it is already more evil and less fortunate. Several people no longer have any hope for the elders of the tribe. After so many days, since they entered the forbidden land, no one has been able to come out alive, but fortunately, one thing is good, that is, at the beginning The wise choice made by the elder of the tribe and left his apprentice behind,

did not follow everyone to go to the cave, which left his apprentice a life and saved the strength of the companion tribe. After all, although the strength of the companion tribe is greatly damaged now, in any case, there is a third-order master. Anyway,

The strength of the companion tribe is still there. Although it can't be compared with the past, it was not difficult to establish the companion tribe again with the strength of today, but it is also easier after the Holy Mountain is destroyed. If the Holy Mountain is not destroyed,

For the control outside the plug, it has reached a terrible state. It will not let the companion tribe grab a tribe like this, and restore the strength of the companion tribe in a short time. It can be said that for the remaining heavy people of the companion tribe, the focus can be said to be very unlucky.

The dream of working hard for a lifetime has no chance to be realized. Originally, according to the silent estimate, the focus may have died in the hands of his own demon, but he did not expect that he did not wait for the heart demon to attack at all, and the focal length had died in the forbidden land of the companion tribe.

After all, there were too many people who went to the forbidden land of the tribe. Although they were speechless and focused, they could not meet each other, because there were very many people who went there. If the focus could persist in the forbidden land until the end, there were only a few people left.

You can also recognize that Su is speechless, but the focal length does not have this opportunity. At the beginning, when everyone chased the two third-level masters and each went all the way, although the strength of the second-order peak of the focal length is good, it is still not as good as the third-order master.

It can be said that a lot of third-order masters have died, and the focal length is more dangerous. In the end, the focal length was not spent safely. He died in it, and did not die in the hands of the heart demon, but died under the organs of the forbidden land of the companion tribe, which is also considered to be a good death.

You should know that Su Wuyan has long forgotten the focal length. After all, the focal length has been sentenced to death by Su Wuyan, which can be said to be short of life. At this time, Su Wuyan is a practice of dedicated mind. If you can reach the third level of strength earlier, you can leave here.

The person who is practicing is speechless. At this time, the companion tribe is already a gathering place for heroes. Many people have come in to fight for treasures. It can be said that for the silent and difficult organs, for these people, it is nothing at all. It has been easily avoided by everyone.

However, if no one knows where Su Wuyan is, Su Wuyan came here, and Su Wuyan doesn't know how the i frame came from. It can be said that everything that Su Wuyan can come here can be said to be an accident, and Su Wuyan in a coma,

Belled here by the struggle between the ghost book and the magic bell. Su Wuyi didn't know about all this, and the place where he appeared silently was also a very remote place. Now it can be said that there are many people who have entered the companion tribe.

It can be said that no one found Su Wuyan, or even No one found Su Wuyan here, and they didn't know how big the hole was. Anyway, these people who came in were not explored clearly in the fight, and Su Wuyan is now directly giving up leaving. Plan to open here,

Because Su Wuyan can't find a way to let himself leave here, it can be said that Su Wuyan has only one way to go now, that is, his strength has reached the third level. Fortunately, it is Su Wuyan's strength, and he is only a little short to break through. If he becomes a person,

but there is no hope at all, but although it is only a little short, it is not clear when it will break through, but there is a hope that it will not be desperate, which makes it more uncomfortable to be speechless.

The silent in practice can be said to not let go of every second of practice time and strive to break through the current state earlier. In this way, for Su Wuyan, he can leave here earlier. This smooth stone wall has brought a lot of pressure to Su Wuyan.

Su Wuyan's heart is very heavy here, which is impossible at all. After all, the stone wall is the most strange thing seen by Su Wuyan, because in Su Wuyan's heart, such a thing happened at all, which is not what he imagined,

With a few days of continuous operation, it can be said that Su Wuyan has a hint of opportunity to break through. Su Wuyan knows that if he continues to practice like this, as long as he will be able to break through to the third level in a short time,

Two days have passed. In the past two days, I have been speechless several times and wanted to break through the bottleneck, but every time I failed. Today, after yesterday's recovery, I am finally planning to hit the bottleneck again. Several times, I have failed.

is a continuous impact after returning the consumed pure Yang Zhenyuan to the peak. Although several shocks have failed, they have not been in vain. Every impact fails, but the bottleneck of the third order is constantly loosening again and again.

It can be said that it is now in danger, but it seems that it is about to break through, but it is still resisting tenaciously like a rock. It can be said that the efforts made without words are very great, but it can't be shaken for a while. However, today's silence is preparing for a day to hit this bottleneck.

It can be said that Su Wuyan has reached his peak today. If he can't break through the bottleneck today, it will take a week for Su Wuyan to reach today's state. After all, he can't break through this time, but it will affect the state of Su Wuyan.

After all, it takes a while to adjust your mentality. After all, the peak moment is not easy to achieve. For the current state, it can be said that you have prepared for a day. In this day, Su Wuyan can be said to have done nothing. < /P>

I am adjusting my mentality, as well as the pure yang Zhenyuan in my body to ensure that my pure yang Zhenyuan reaches its peak. It can be said that I am preparing for my efforts all the time.

A day is not long or short. All the time of the speechless day is used to adjust your mentality. It can be said that it is also a waste of effort to be speechless. After all, it is not only to adjust your mentality, but also the pure and positive elements in the body. These two are indispensable. If you can't reach the peak, it can't be regarded as the moment to reach the peak,

Finally, a day passed, and Su Wuyan reached its peak. At the moment when Su Wuyan reached its peak, it was a pure Yang Zhenyuan who had been preparing for a long time and rushed to the bottleneck fiercely.

It is stuck in silence. Now it can be said that there is only one acupuncture point. After all, the acupuncture points that were not opened in Su Wuyan's body at the beginning were almost broken when the violent energy was rampant in Su Wuyan's body, and only a small part of them have not been broken.

But this small part of the acupuncture point is not what can be opened now. Only this acupuncture point that can be opened now is the only thing that can be opened now.

This time, Su Wuyan can be said to be well prepared. The surging pure yang Zhenyuan has been impacted by waves. Su Wuyi has no intention to go through it. He can succeed with one impact. Su Wuyan just wants to consume his pure yang Zhenyuan all the time.

It can break the acupuncture point in front of you and make your strength reach the third level. It can be said that the strength of only the elements can reach the third level. Then the Great Sun Buddha Sutra, which is practiced without words, can enter another world. This is also what Su Wuyan is looking forward to. At the same time, Su Wuyan also has a sense of the third form of the Sun-eating knife method. Interest,

After all, as long as the strength reaches the third level, it can be said that the silent strength must achieve a qualitative breakthrough, but the silent strength can be improved.

The power of the Great Sun Buddha True Sutra is more and more horrible. At the beginning, although it is more powerful than ordinary skills, it is not obvious in terms of advantages compared with others. Some excellent skills are much more than the Great Sun Buddha Sutra.

However, with the continuous strengthening of Su Wuyan's strength, Su Wuyan has seen the power of the growth of his true scriptures. Now that he has reached the third level, Su Wuyan believes that his Tairi Tathagata can definitely double the power of the True Sutra, which makes Su Wuyan believe that his strength will reach the third level at that time,

I don't know which step I want to reach with my real strength in the early stage of the third-order stage, which makes me look forward to it. At the same time, I also show the urgency of leaving here. The longer I love here, the more I can feel that I have a crisis.

And this sense of crisis has not disappeared with the passage of time, but is constantly strengthening, making the silent sense of crisis stronger and stronger, even urgent. If you feel that you stay too long, you will never be able to continue to survive. This is the silent thought now. Law,

It can be said that all of this is the reason why the promoter has been silent and constantly trying to break through. Only after reaching the third level of strength, he can not only let himself leave here, but also be able to escape when he is in danger.

After all, there is danger everywhere, and a little carelessness is a disaster.