wu dao xian ying

Chapter 188 Ancient Secrets (36)

After all, people who harm themselves and others do not exist today. This is a very cruel and realistic world. Such people who harm themselves and others can only exist in novels. Such people will not appear in reality at all. It can be said that there are such people, and they will not grow in this cruel and realistic world. Cun, will definitely be eliminated by the world, and now the silent situation, if the book wants to solve it,

is a very easy thing, but after Mingshu woke up Su Wuyan at this time, Mingshu did not let Su Wuyan continue to wait, but left when Su Wuyan was about to wake up. For Su Wuyan, Su Wuyan is now in terms of strength, not to mention the Mingshu at the peak. In comparison, the underworld book that has lost its strength is far less than that. It can be said that now the underworld book only believes that the potential of plain speechless is relatively large,

Now it happens to be saved. After all, Su Wuyan and Mingshu now have an enemy. Only when Su Wuyan's strength reaches the same as that of Mingshu will Mingshu be truly officially silent. At that time, Su Wuyan has the qualification to sit with Mingshu at the same time. It can be said that Su Wuyan does not have it at all now. The qualification to sit with the Mingshu at the same time, and did not intend to meet the silent Mingshu, left when Su Wuyan was about to wake up.

After leaving this place that has trapped me for countless years, after leaving here, the underworld has a sense of a sense of confusion. After all, today's era is no longer an ancient era. The changes outside are very huge, which makes the underworld book simply unable to recognize it. It can be said that the underworld book is at this time. I don't know where I am now and where I was in ancient times.

You should know that in the past, although the underworld book has known that the outside has changed dramatically, this change simply makes the underworld book unbelievable, but now at this time, the underworld book can only choose to accept it, but at this time, after it really came outside, the underworld book found the changes outside, although now Kyushu can be numbered It is said to be boundless and boundless, but the underworld now feels that today's Kyushu is far away from comparing with the ancient times.

You should know that in the ancient era, no one could find the edge at all. What is different from now is that the ancient era was a continent, which is not like now. It is divided into many places. It can be said that there are many places now, which makes the book suspect that many places are ancient today. The result of the division of the continent in the era is also such a suspicion, but it makes Mingshu want to figure out what happened in ancient times,

Unexpectedly, the mainland has been split. It can be said that the idea of the underworld book is not much different from the magic bell. As long as it is a spiritual treasure left in ancient times, it will definitely be very interested in the reasons for the destruction of ancient times. After all, there are not many such things nowadays, but in this era, you want to understand But it is a very difficult thing. After all, it is now a medieval era away from the ancient times.

If you want to know what happened in those years, it is not a simple thing. What happened is really too long away from now. After so many years, it is easy to make the things of that year be sealed in history.

And now in front of the Ming writing is a choice, where to go. Although the Mingshu has a general understanding of Kyushu, it is not too clear. The Mingshu, which is not clear about the current Kyushu situation, does not know where to go. < /P>

Only those who encounter the same as the owner of the underworld can understand the complex mind of the underworld book. It can be said that when the underworld book was sealed, at that time, the underworld book could be said to have a goal, which was to get out of trouble and escape this sealed result.

But when it was too difficult to come, Mingshu found that after the goal of getting out of trouble disappeared, he was now very confused and didn't know what to do. It can be said that he had no goal. This feeling made Mingshu very uncomfortable.

However, such a situation occurs in Mingshu now, but he didn't expect such a result in the past. Now after thinking about it carefully, half a day has passed, but it has let Mingshu find out his next goal, which is to find out what happened in ancient times. Love, this has ended the ancient era when the strong are everywhere. It can be said that as long as this problem cannot be solved, it will be a problem in front of the underworld writing. Only a real individual like the underworld book can understand the mood at this time. If it were someone else, they would not understand it at all.

I don't understand why the book has such an urgent feeling at all, but having this feeling is not only the book itself, but also the magic clock has the same feeling as the book. It can be said that the clock is negotiating with the demon master at this time. The biggest bargaining chip between the clock and the demon master is to get the clock. The statue,

The magic clock does not believe that someone will give up a chance to get a breakthrough in front of him. Officially because of this, the magic clock is full of confidence, but the demon master can't get rid of such a **. Only people like the demon lord who don't know how many years of strength have not been saved,

can experience the pleasure of enhancing strength. You should know that after the strength reaches the point of the demon master, no matter how you practice, your strength can't survive at all. It is precisely because of this that the demon master will come here this time knowing that he can have the hope of a breakthrough.

Now there is also a hope for a breakthrough. It's just that the demon lord is not an ordinary person. At this time, all the advantages and disadvantages have been clearly thought out. It can be said that the other party's conditions do not have much impact on themselves, and they just promise the other party to explore what happened in ancient times.

This is the end of the ancient era that made the strong everywhere, but it is the Middle Ages. Although it is a very small thing to find out such news now, the other party has no time limit and no other restrictions. It can be said that it has a great impact on himself,

So at this time, the demon master was thinking for a moment, but promised the condition of the magic bell, and the magic bell did not expect that the other party would refuse him at all, so the devil's current choice is that everything is expected by the magic bell, and it is not beyond the imagination of the magic bell at all.

So after hearing the demon master's promise, it directly followed the method in the memory of the magic bell and began to improve the strength of the demon lord. The magic bell did not think that the demon lord would regret it at all. After all, the magic bell has thought about it. For the devil, there is no constraint at all,

And although he has not been in contact with the demon master for a long time, the magic bell has clearly explored the character of the demon owner. He knows that the demon master is a person who will not repent as long as he makes a promise. Such a character is very imaginative with the owner of the demon bell in those years, which is why the magic bell feels The reason why I am very predestined with the devil.

On the other side, Su Wuyan woke up shortly after the book left. It can be said that he was silent after waking up, but he was thinking about what had happened. Although Su Wuyan had woken up at this time, he was still at the moment when the magic bell was powerful.

It can be said that Su Wuyan is not really awake at all now. His mind is like a paste, which is very chaotic. After an hour, Su Wuyan straightened out the things in his mind. It was also at this time that Su Wuyan knew that he had only heard it at the beginning. A few bells,

I have been in a coma. I don't know everything that will happen in the future, and I don't know what happened in the future. What has changed in the city? It can be said that what I am most concerned about now is what has changed in the city.

But when Su Wuyan did not have the next step, at this time, Su Wuyan felt that his whole body was constantly rotating. With the passage of time, this feeling not only did not weaken, but continued to strengthen. Su Wuyan was soon be in a state of dizziness again.

Fortunately, Su Wuyan is a warrior with a very strong resistance, so it has not been affected much and has not directly caused too much harm to Su Wuyan's body. When Su Wuyan was able to restore his vision again, Su Wuyan found that he had left at this time. Open the place just now,

Just now, Su Wuyan still remembered that he was in a city, but now Su Wuyan can see that there is no city around him. It is an endless grassland. At the beginning, the first thought of seeing the grassland was that he had left that strange place. < /P>

But next, Su Wuyan ruled out this idea, because Su Wuyan has now seen that he is in various places. With the seemingly endless grassland, he can't judge where he is at all. Whether he has left or not, maybe all this now is not. It's just a fantasy, so Su Wuyan is very careful at this time. If such a thing happened when Su Wuyan first entered here, he may think that he had left, but now Su Wuyan can't be sure.

Now Su Wuyan can only explore and verify carefully. After all, Su Wuyan doesn't know whether he is in the real world or in the illusory world. After all, all this is so real that people can't distinguish it at all.