Wudi sent slaves

Classification Strong List

Today, I am honored to be on the historical and military strong list. I would like to thank all the readers, the vertical and horizontal websites, the editors of a grain of sand by the sea, and all the friends in the author group. It was you who supported me and gave me enthusiasm to write down the story of this hero.

Before I began to write this novel on New Year's Day in 2010, I wrote a diary. It mentioned the reason why I wrote this novel:

"When I was reviewing for the exam in early 2009, I had been reading "Zizhi Tongjian" in my spare time. At that time, I was deeply touched when I read the story of Liu Yu, Emperor Wu of Song. Later, he published the "Ancient Literature View" series on his blog, in which he wrote part of Liu Yu's story, but it was not finally completed, because he had been busy with the exam.

"After the exam in June, I had a lot of time, so I found a novel about Liu Yu to read. Unfortunately, I didn't find a work that satisfied me, so I thought of writing a novel. In order to write this novel, I suspended the creation of another historical novel about Eastern Zhou. In addition to rereading Zizhi Tongjian, he also learned many historical* and humanistic customs during the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties from the Book of Jin and Song.

Since I planned to write this novel, a lot of preliminary preparations have been carried out. Because this novel involves military and politics, in addition to referring to all kinds of military law books, it also refers to military ancient books such as "Simple Notes of Mozi City Guard", "God Mechanism Enemy Taibai Yin Jing", "Wu Bei Zhi", "Wu Jing General Summary" (If you are interested, please leave a message in the book review area, and I will share my review version with you. . Hehe); I also read several works related to politics. The whole preparatory period has lasted for nearly half a year (it is still reading a lot to prepare for the second part).

It took two and a half years from the first writing to the first manuscript. Because of work, mood and other reasons, I don't code words every day, but I often think when waiting for people, taking a car, walking, and immediately remember them in my mobile phone memo. Although there are still many immature places as mentioned in the book review, the high expectations for them are as sincere as parents to their children.

Like life, there is helplessness and wonderful, elegance and secularity. The helpless may not be wonderful, and the secular may not be elegant. It's just a different perspective.

I hope to take the opportunity to promote the list this week to share my mood with readers. I hope you can talk about your views on this novel, praise or bricks, which are all encouragement to the author.
