Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 1 2

When I woke up from this hazy consciousness, the soldiers had gathered around.

At this time, all the horses had fallen, and there were only seven or eight people left in the scout team (note 4). Although the thieves in the encirclement were suppressed by our formation for a while, more and more thieves in the periphery. We killed far less thieves than the swarming.

"Capture the long weapon!" I shouted.

This roar is not only an order to the soldiers, but also angrily for themselves.

The sudden thief soldiers made people lose their minds and clear judgment. Soldiers should have been allowed to seize long-term weapons. At that time, we were on the horse, sprinting with long guns or long spears in a cavalry formation, and perhaps there was a chance to rush out of a bloody road. Now that there is no war horse, even if long weapons are taken, it is just delaying the time of being slaughtered.

The soldiers were surprised and seized their long weapons after cutting down the thief soldiers. What I took was a long knife. The sword in his hand flew over the thieves and inserted into the face of a thief soldier in the distance.

Although the long weapons taken enhanced our attack power and attack range, the initial formation was disrupted. The soldiers beside us were quickly dispersed, and one of my soldiers and I was surrounded by a group of thieves.

Without the formation, the two of us can no longer take care of other comrades-in-arms, so we have to deal with the thief soldiers who besieged us. This soldier's martial arts skills are not bad, but he is weaker than strength, so his momentum is getting weaker and weaker. I have to take care of him and block some weapons for him.

For good, we cut down seven or eight in a short time. The thief was restrained by our momentum for a while and dared not get too close. The soldier and I stood back to back and silently confronted the thief.

The soldier is very close to me and very tight. I can feel his body trembling, shaking violently. His shaking seems to have a tendency to pass on to me.

Just now, he rushed through the thief group with a stream of blood, and he had no intention to think about life and death at all. At this time, when I stopped and saw the endless thief soldiers, I felt that my legs were suddenly a little weak. I meditated in my heart: I am a slave! Kill the enemy bravely! Never flinch!

Never flinched! Such a statement is ridiculous. Can I still retreat? But the thoughts in my heart can restrain the unstable magic barrier in my heart and add strength to myself.

The thief has already seen which of us is easier to deal with. A thief made a few attacks with a long knife, and the rest of the thief rushed up when we raised our weapons to fight. In the face of many thieves and soldiers, unable to take care of each other, we were dispersed for a long time.

With no comrades-in-arms around, it is more conducive to waving a long knife without hesitation. Surrounded, if your footsteps stay in one place, it is easy to be attacked by the enemy's group, which is tantamount to suicide. As I danced my knife, I quickly moved in a selected direction. Relying on my height and strength, the thieves who could not escape fell to the ground one after another.

I don't know when the sound of weapon collision that could be heard at the beginning has disappeared in the distance. There are more and more thieves surrounding me. From this, it can be judged that all my soldiers should have died. At this time, I am not sad, and I don't have time to be sad; there is no indignation, and I have no intention of indignation. Perhaps the next person to be here is me.

Tiredness suddenly pressed against my body and felt sore all over. I stared intently at the weapons waved by the thief soldiers and dared not slack off at all. At this moment, my foot suddenly slipped, and I fell under the river bank with a knife.

The idea of taking the opportunity to swim to the other side of the river moved in my mind, and I got up and raised my feet and went into the river. But after only two or three steps, they had to stop, because what the horse boots stepped on was not the river, but thin ice.

The fog may be thick or lightly sprinkled with a river, drifting with the wind. The thin ice on the water is no different from the flowing river at a glance. If the ice is thicker, it can be crossed by stepping on the river; thin ice can neither bear the load nor easy to water. When he had no choice, he had to trip back to the shore with one foot.

Several thieves on the shore came. I leaned over and dodged and swept under their feet with a knife. This sweep just cut the leg of a thief soldier. He was unstable and fell to one side with a "ah" scream, knocking off the two thief soldiers next to him. Before they got up, I died one by one.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other thieves withdrew their weapons to protect their lower plates, while resisting the crowd pushing behind them and retreated.

There is no high advantage when standing by the river. Taking advantage of the opportunity that the thief did not dare to approach, I took a few corpses and jumped up the river embankment again.

By this time, the thieves probably knew that I was not exactly the same as the Jin soldiers they killed. The initial joy and excitement on their faces have passed away in exchange for timidity and helplessness to participate in the battle.

At this time, I knew that I was actually the same as the soldiers killed by the thieves. The only difference is that I am more powerful than them, more flexible than them, and more powerful than them.

When the thief saw me coming ashore and standing there holding a knife, they only held their weapons and pointed at me. No one wanted to risk being the first to rush forward.

My face shows anger, but what I feel is infinite sadness: I have rarely participated in the war since I joined the army, and the only few times I have been promoted to an officer when I visited the battlefield in person, and I don't need to personally add to the enemy's blades. The first face-to-face battle with the enemy, he actually encountered such a huge difference in strength. In the face of thousands of enemy troops, our army is left alone. God really favors me!

Suddenly, a hot current surged from my heart, and this hot current soared straight up and quickly defeated the unbearable secret wound: how similar today's situation is to the back battle of the overlord Xiang Yu! The overlord deliberately broke the boat and trapped himself in danger. Now that I am in danger, why don't I fight with all my strength like the overlord and his soldiers? Thinking of this, confidence and courage gradually filled the whole body.

It's not a bad thing to confront the thieves. It's a good time to take a break to recover your strength.

The river bank is just above a slope, and I have a better view when I stand here. All the eyes are full of thieves. The thief soldiers who rushed behind saw me standing there quietly, didn't understand what was going on, and didn't dare to squeeze in casually, but shouted and cheered outside.

I hope this situation will continue as long as possible. The longer it lasts, the faster my physical strength recovers; the longer it lasts, the lower the morale of the enemy, and the stronger my morale will only be.

Many wars in ancient and modern times have not killed the enemy by force, but by morale. This is true of Cao Yu's debate in the Spring and Autumn Period and Xiang Yu's Battle of Giant Deer just mentioned. In today's situation of short-numbered troops, I must use morale! We can only rely on morale!

I quietly watched the thief soldiers in front of me, waiting for the opportunity to take action. I know very well what they are thinking, but they know nothing about what I am thinking. One party knows the other but does not know the other, and the other knows the other.

War is better than confusion!

A cold wind roared from behind me and came extremely fiercely. This gust of wind brushed the skin under my broken military uniform and made me feel a scratched pain. This pain made me extremely awake and excited.

A thief with a knife in front of me raised his hand to cover the sudden wind.

This is the perfect time I've been waiting for!

I took a step forward and raised my knife to quickly cut at the thief. The accomplice standing next to him subconsciously raised a gun to fight for him, but before the gun was fully raised, it was cut off by my knife. The rapid knife is still moving towards the set goal. Hearing a few sounds, the thief's head was split open and one hand was cut off. The broken hand was taken into the air by my blade, and suddenly there was a strange cry in the crowd behind.

Following the force, I danced the knife again and rushed forward. The thieves were stunned by my sudden action, and their screams changed their tone of fear. While they were at a loss, they staggered back, hating that their retreat was blocked too much by their accomplices.

The thief soldiers standing behind the crowd were unknown. At a time, a long gun came flying, and at a time, a broken hand came. The people in front of them were desperately trying to escape, and they were so scared that they dragged their weapons to escape. The thieves behind the crowd dispersed, and more than half of the thieves around me also took the opportunity to escape, leaving only about a dozen closest attacks and escapes.

I didn't give these dozen people a chance to make a decision. The first ones to cut down were a few halberd. The remaining people with short weapons wanted to take the opportunity to turn around and escape, but the previous hesitation had destroyed their chances of rebirth. I cut them all with a long sword.

I don't know whether it's sweat or blood flowing down my forehead. They blur my eyeliner. I brushed my sleeves casually and didn't want to see if they were dyed red. The color of the sleeves is not irrelevant to me, but it has lost its meaning now. At this time, all my desires are to survive.

When survival becomes a luxury, or even hopeless, whenever it is found that there is still a little hope, even the most timid person will suddenly become extremely strong. Such expectations, expectations, expectations and expectations will make him fight with his last breath and will. The courage and strength at this time will be shocking.

At this moment, I have become a murderer in the extravagant hope of survival.