Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 3 Southern Expedition 2

"Redeedly, as the general said, what should we do?" Other army and generals in the account also felt that this matter was more difficult.

Liu looks at me.

In these days, I seem to have found the feeling that I can use my talents to my heart's content. Although there are not many things to do, most of the things can be said.

Although Liu Jaozhi and Liu Jingxuan's father and son are good at fighting, they are good at fighting, but not good at fighting strange battles; they are good at fighting bravely, but not good at fighting skillfully. Therefore, I am familiar with the ancient art of war, which makes them deeply agree with the analysis of war and tactics, especially the tactics of strange warfare. These days, Liu Laozhi, as the general, has come up with me.

I have thought about how to solve the siege of Wu County before. Seeing that Liu Laozhi wanted to listen to my opinion, he said, "There are more and more thief soldiers, and there is a clear field outside Wu County..."

"Robbery of grain and grass?!" He Wuji interrupted again without waiting for me to finish speaking. He slapped his thigh hard and smiled, "A wonderful plan! Since General Xie led a large army to camp outside the city, Brother Wanshou and I no longer have to be a ranger outside the city. It's better to rob the enemy's food and fodder. Once the food and grass are cut off, won't the thieves disperse as birds and beasts? OK! OK!"

Everyone in the account nodded in agreement.

My "but" attracted everyone's attention again. "However, if the enemy is out of food, I'm afraid that he will inevitably be desperate to attack the city or the camp. We can't consume troops with it.

Liu firmly waved his hand and said, "There is no need to think about those for the time being. Soldiers come to block it, and the water comes to cover it.

Although Liu Laozhi does not recommend considering the attack of enemy soldiers after cutting off food, he attaches great importance to another suggestion to me. That is to make a raid when the enemy learns that the food and fodder has been robbed. In this way, you can effectively annihilate the enemy when the morale of the enemy is low, so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

I came up with the idea, and I naturally became a messenger to meet Xie Yan in the city. In addition, I can also take the opportunity to meet another general of the Battle of Yushui.

So Liu Laozhi and others continued to discuss the details of the robbery of grain and fodder in the Central Military Mansion. I took a few soldiers out of the city to meet Xie Yan.

Although Xie Yan is from the Beifu Army, he has been leading the garrison in the capital over the years.

This is the first time I have met him. After greeting each other, I expressed my admiration to Xie Yan: "When General Xie showed his power in the water, Liu Yu was just a villager and had not yet joined the army."

"It's a fallacy. What shows great power? In those years, I defeated Fu Jian with my uncle and cousin, but it was just a narrow victory, and I still have a lingering heart. Haha. I have heard that you have been mentioned many times, and I have long wanted to find a chance to meet his high ginseng. I just didn't expect to be here."

"It's just the two generals, Duomeng Liu and Sun, who have not made any achievements so far, and the reputation of Gao Shen is really not worthy."

"No hurry, no hurry. As long as you help Liu Laozhi defeat Sun En, it will be a great achievement. Haha."

Xie Yan is the son of Xie An, a famous minister, and the nephew of Xie Shi, the commander of the battle of Yushui, and the cousin of Xie Xuan, the marshal of the vanguard army. After Xie Xuan's death, Xie Yan became the leading figure in the Beifu army. Liu Jaozhi, Sun Wuzhen and other Beifu generals respected him.

With Xie Yan's weight in the army, the court generally does not easily send out expeditions. When we talked with Sun Wuji before, we also didn't quite understand that the court sent two generals to fight against Sun En. However, after several battles in Wu County, he found that Sun En was indeed not an ordinary grass bandit.

Although Sun En's soldiers are not good and generals, the number of people is large. Sun En seems to be deliberately contrary to the law of war: the more he loses, the more he loses, the stronger his strength. In such a situation, if you don't suppress the elite soldiers with good, once there is a surge of wind and clouds, it will be too late to repent.

Although Liu and Xie led their own army, Xie Yan was there, and Liu prison had to discuss everything with Xie Yan. I understand what Liulaozhi means, so although it has been discussed, when talking to Xie Yan, he also asked for advice and instructions.

I told Xie Yan and the army and the generals in the account of the Chinese army about the robbery of grain and grass, and everyone also thought that this method was feasible.

Xie Yan and others' judgment on the war situation of Wujun coincides with us: Sun En transferred so many soldiers from various places to Wu County may not be to fight against us in Wu County, or to re-contain Wu County, but to contain our troops here.

The longer Sun En used procrastination tactics to trap us here, the longer Sun En's disciples had more time to lobby and gather more people to rebel in the south. If the offensive and defensive battle of Wu County continues for a long time, all the south of Zhejiang will fall into the hands of thieves. Therefore, our army must fight quickly and defeat the thief soldiers in the first battle.

Although there are many difficulties in defeating Sun En, a quick decision is necessary. The strategy of robbing grain and fodder can obviously calm all difficulties in one war.

"Since Liu prison sent people to rob grain and grass, what should I wait for?" Xie Yan spoke to me. I wonder why Xie Yan has been calling Liu Laozhi's name instead of calling him Daojian. But I didn't think about it.

According to the general's assumption, whether inside or outside the city, he still works with the thieves as usual. Whether they want to recapture Wu County or trap our army here, and let the thieves mistakenly think that their strategy has been achieved and relax their vigilance. Once General Liu robbed the grain, the two armies inside and outside the city attacked with elites. At that time, the thief soldiers were trapped in food and fodder, and the square inch was in chaos. They did not dare to fight, and they were bound to escape.


"Is there any reason to defeat the soldiers with the whole army in the end?" I observed Xie Yan's expression and said, "It is true that this is only the last general's humble opinion. I'm afraid he neglected to think carefully, which made General Xie laugh."

"I knew it was all your idea to join the army. Haha." Xie Yan said, "The prison is indeed a tiger general on the battlefield, but his weakness is that he is not good at strategy. With the help of you joining the army, you are like a tiger with wings.

"I'm flattered. If the plan is not well planned, I hope the general will give me some advice.

Xie Yan slapped the table, stood up and said to everyone, "I think this is a good plan. This tactic seems ordinary, but other than that, it is difficult to solve the current dilemma.

Xie Yan asked me to discuss specific offensive strategies with the army and generals, and set meals in the Chinese army's tent for me to eat. I had to send two people back to the city to restore Liu's life. I stayed with a few soldiers.

I didn't expect that Xie Ying's lunch was not a military meal commonly used in the march, but a dinner. After using the first tea before the meal, Xie Yan asked me, "Is Sun Wuyan all right?"

"Good. General Sun..." Before I finished my words, Xie Yan interrupted and said, "If you don't tell me, I know. His temper is always like that. If he won't make a difference, it's better to follow Liu prison. Haha."

"Yes. Thank you for your teaching." Listening to other people's comments on my two superiors, I can't say anything. I just want to change the topic and talk about something else.

Xie Yan commented on the topic of Sun Wuyi, and discussed the commanders of each army one by one, and then attached several ministers in the court. When everyone here encounters such a topic, they can only listen and dare not talk. Looking at Xie Yan pointing at the country like this, I feel that this person is both heroic and a little conceited.

This lunch took an hour to finish. I think since I have been delayed here today, I will simply delay some more time. So he asked Xie Yan to see his barracks. Xie Yan knew that I wanted to see how he ruled the army, so he readily agreed and sent his Sima to accompany him.