Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 3 Southern Expedition Sun En 4

This is more than an hour.

However, such a wait is worth it, because we finally waited for the good news from Taihu Lake: our army robbed two batches of grain ships, a total of more than 20 ships, and captured all the thief soldiers. One of Liu prison was overjoyed and was ready to order a red flag to be planted at the head of the city and asked Xie Yan to attack together.

I suggest Liu Zhenzhi wait a little longer.

"Oh? Why?" He asked.

"Let him release a few thieves from Taihu Lake and let them go back to the camp to talk about their 'war achievements' to Sun En." I laughed and bit the two sounds of 'war merit' very heavily.

Liulaozhi was satisfed and pointed to me and said, "It's really cunning!"

I said, "Although it is often said that soldiers are never tired of cheating', what we passed on to Sun En is the real news."

Liu Jaozhi laughed.

He immediately asked the messenger to return to Taihu to order him to release more than a dozen thieves who did not want to surrender, and sent a cavalry to Xie Yan's army to report the news, so that he could prepare for the raid in advance and always pay attention to the red flag at the head of the city.

Liu Zhenzhi sat back in the chair, stretched out his arms and stretched his waist, looking much better than in the early morning.

It is true that the grain and grass hoarded last night were burned; the grain trucks in Shanghai were also burned, which must have been heard a long time ago. The only hope of the thief soldiers naturally rested on the Taihu waterway. As long as the captured thief soldiers are released and let them go back and tell the thief soldiers about the food and grass in Taihu Lake. It won't take long, worries will spread quickly all over the thief army like a plague, and the army will be as depressed as a critically ill patient.

The upcoming battle is actually a psychological war. According to the tactics, we should starve the enemy for a few days. When they lose their physical strength and completely lose morale because of hunger, they will win if they attack again. However, the current situation is that there are few enemies, and there is no depth between me and the enemy from the terrain. Once the enemy is desperate to attack the city or Xie Yan's camp to seize food, we will face crazy opponents.

No one wants to be crazy, let alone the opponent to be crazy.

Instead of fighting with a group of hungry ghosts at that time, it is better to take advantage of the chaos to decide the outcome when they lose morale and have no idea.

Another hour passed, and when the frustrating news had spread all over the thieves, the war drums on the top of the city suddenly beat. With the sound of war drums, three red flags were inserted into the city. Before long, Xie Yan's barracks also beat drums and echoed.

Liu prison led 3,000 soldiers out of the city. There are 200 cavalry in the front, 200 archers in the back row, and finally infantry. Another 200 light cavalry swept back and forth to cover the archers and infantry in the middle.

Xie Yan also led 5,000 soldiers out of the camp. Two hundred heavy cavalry were arranged in the front, 200 archers in the back row, and finally infantry and light cavalry.

When I watched the battle at the head of the city, I was quite surprised to see these two famous generals arrayed so tacitly.

After the army lined up in the two battles, the rhythm of the drums in the city suddenly changed, and the rhythm of the drums in Xie Yan's camp also changed. The two Jin troops were two miles apart and marched towards the thief camp without saying a word.

The team of thieves who went out to fight were messy and out of line. A few days ago, thieves attacked, and our army defended it. Today is the first time we have seen our army take the initiative to launch an attack on the battlefield. Suddenly, seeing such a strict army approaching step by step, the thieves took their weapons and squeezed into the open space in front of the camp one after another, at a loss. Although several thieves will ride back and forth, the thieves are still in chaos, much more chaotic than before. It seems that the military heart of the thief soldiers is really lax.

At this time, the two armies waved the flag, the archers and infantry stopped, and the two teams of heavy cavalry stepped out of the horse and charged towards the thief soldiers.

Although the cavalry charged fast, they always lined up, pushing the thief like a wall.

Except for a few thieves riding horses, the rest of the thieves are infantry. Although the weapons of the thief are sharp enough, they cannot pierce the thick armor of the heavy cavalry; although some of the thief soldiers wear armor, they are like nothing under the tip of the gun reflecting bright light of the heavy cavalry.

The heavy cavalry broke into the thieves' array, like a tiger entering the sheep, and soon rushed the thieves to pieces. After quickly breaking through the enemy's array, the heavy cavalry quickly turned around and retreated to the front of our army. Prepare for the next charge.

Far away, I saw the thief soldiers moving out of the armor of defensive cavalry such as wooden fences and antlers from the camp. It seems that this group of thieves are not all rabbles. Because I haven't met the cavalry before, these wooden fences and antlers have obviously not been used. The thief soldiers moved out of these protections so quickly after the attack of the cavalry, indicating that they were already ready to deal with the cavalry in the regular army.

Since ancient times, it has been impossible to have an advantage over cavalry with infantry. The only thing that can be done is to keep the cavalry away from getting close.

At this time, the rhythm of the drums in the city changed again, and the rhythm of the drums in the Xie camp also changed.

The thief soldiers were extremely decadent by the rush of the cavalry, and they only cared about placing protection and couldn't move forward.

Suddenly, hundreds of flying locusts rose in the sky and fell straight into the enemy's array. From the top of the city, it looks like a black cloud pressing against the thief army. The screams of the thieves came endlessly like thunderstorms in the sky. This scene is like the sudden change of weather in the battlefield, accompanied by thunder and dark clouds.

When the various thieves who came to reinforce from the surrounding camps heard such a scream, they were so scared that they stopped far away and dared not move lightly.

Any one equipped with archers shoots with bows and arrows when the two armies are against each other, disrupting the enemy's formation before rushing with cavalry or infantry. Xie and Liu's army first used cavalry to break up the enemy's array and then use archery. In fact, I don't see the advantage of reversing the order of the two. However, this move is very effective against Sun En's thief soldiers.

As the rhythm of the drum changed again, the cavalry and archers suddenly dodged a way to both sides. The infantry roared towards the thief army. In less than half an hour, a battalion of nearly 4,000 or 5,000 thieves were destroyed.

Our army took advantage of the situation to attack the enemy camp and killed the left-behind thief soldiers. Except for about 2,000 soldiers guarding around the thief camp, all the rest entered the empty enemy barracks. Start a rest.

Two battalions of thieves wanted to take back the camp, but they were shot back by the bows and arrows in the camp before they approached. Although the thieves of other battalions were eager to participate in the war, they gave up in the end. Watching the self-run battalion being occupied by the enemy but standing by, he didn't know what Sun En, who had always used human tactics to attack and fight randomly, was thinking at this time.

It's getting late. Campfires rose in clusters, illuminating half a day.

The enemy and our battalions are in sharp contrast. The enemy camp was noisy, and the camp occupied by our army was only silent. In that way, it seemed that Liu and Xie's two armies were just trying to seize an enemy camp, and there was no sign of next action. The contrast formed by this quietness makes people mistakenly think that Xie and Liu's armies were defeated and the enemy was cheering.

Although I proposed an active attack strategy to the two generals Xie and Liu, I did not know their specific implementation methods. We don't seem to have discussed this topic since then. When I encountered the current situation, I was very confused and asked Liu Jingxuan, who was standing beside me to watch the battle.

Liu Jingxuan was also confused and replied, "There must be a reason, but I don't know much about it."