Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 4 The joy of the world 4

When everyone heard this, they said in unison, "Alas, Liu Shenjun is modest. Don't talk nonsense, talk about it quickly."

I smiled and said, "There is really nothing to say. However, you are all soldiers who have studied the art of war. In terms of military tactics, the two armies compete with each other to win. At that time, I was surrounded and panic was meaningless. Death is no longer enough to threaten a person who is about to die; but death is enough to threaten a person who should not have died. Therefore, under such circumstances, what I am really afraid of is not me, but the thief who besieged me.

I stopped talking after saying this. The officers at the same table and the diners at the different table were stunned and did not react. The shopkeeper's shaking rag stopped in the air. Everyone is waiting for me to shake the material. He Wuji slammed the table with chopsticks and said, "This is after subduing people without fighting!"

Only then did others understand.

The Wujun officer corrected He Wuji and said, "This is not a battle, but a brief battle."

"To" He Wuji agrees with the officer's statement, "This is a slight battle and subduing soldier."

Several smart officers knew that I didn't want to be entangled in this matter anymore, so they helped me turn the topic to the art of war. Although they didn't hear what they liked to hear, they were a little sad, but they were all very interested in talking about military tactics. As a result, he blushed and had a thick neck on the question of whether Xiang Yu and Han Xin were better or worse at the wine table.

Several diners listened to our talk and came to toast us with wine bowls. With the power of wine, we simply put the two tables together, forcibly pulled the diners down, and shouted happily. It was not until those diners repeatedly inferred that something had happened and fined themselves a few cups to leave that we let them go.

After drinking a jar of wine, a few of them are no longer strong. Or talk nonsense, or lie on the table like a dead pig.

I got up and looked down from the railing, with a panoramic view of the city's market. The difference between Wu County and other places is that the market here is divided into the land market and the water market. The land market is the black tile and white wall shops built along the street, mostly selling silk and satin; the water market is a picker stall along the river, mostly selling vegetables, rice and small gadgets.

A hill above the northwest wall emerges from the mouth of the stack, which is the scenic tiger hill in Wu County.

When Wu Jun's officer saw me looking over there, he asked me, "Has Liu Sanjun ever been to Huqiu?"

I shook my head: "No. How far is it from the city?

"Not far, less than ten miles away. If you are interested, you might as well go for a walk.

At this time, an officer crowded over and said, "This Tiger Hill is a scenic spot in Wuzhong. The scenery is superb. The weather is good today. Why don't we visit Gu now?

The officer of Wujun turned back and woke up several drunken people and encouraged everyone to go out of the city together.

We called a personal soldier to come up, asked him to go back to the camp and ask a few people to pick up our horses, and then send some drunk and unconscious people back by the way.

According to reason, drunk people cannot enter the barracks without permission, but in Wu County is not as good as in Beijing, and these trivial military discipline are slowly being deeply corrected.

Huqiu is not far from Wujuncheng, but there is no post road. Although it is sunny, there is still a lot of mud on the road, and it is difficult to walk. In order to avoid the muddy water from the horses' hoofs getting dirty, and everyone drank some wine, we called and walked slowly all the way.

Walking in front of me, I brought a reins and waited for the officer from Wu County to come and asked, "Sun En has occupied Wu County for several months, and many families in the city have been robbed. I think the restaurant just now is well preserved. The industries of many rich families in the city have basically not been damaged, but those rich or poor families have been robbed. There must be a reason."

"Liu doesn't know anything about joining the army. Although Sun En, a group of thieves, are brutal and murderous, most of them are also greedy for money. Officials and soldiers of the State of Jin are to be executed without exception. If civilians want to join the thieves, they can avoid suffering. Those who have been robbed at home are unwilling to follow the thief. Of course, rich people don't want to follow thieves, but as long as they have more money to buy out the thieves or support the gods they believe in, the thieves will not make it difficult for them.

"So, Sun En, a group of thieves, have been in Wu County for so long, and the supply of money and grain does not rely on official silver and official grain in the military warehouse or warehouse?"

"No." The officer kept silent after answering so briefly.

I still want to delve deeper, but looking at the officer's expression, it seems that I don't want to talk more. I immediately realized that if the rich people in Wu County have to subsidize Sun En in order to protect their families and property, they will naturally be suspected of tying with the enemy. Looking at the relationship between the officer and the shopkeeper, maybe his relatives and friends, and even himself are rich in the local area. Naturally, he doesn't want to analyze this matter to me so as not to get angry.

I didn't ask any more questions. Seeing that the road to Huqiu was gradually becoming less muddy, he rode horses with him to catch up with others.

It took less than a cup of tea to reach the foot of the mountain.

We tied the horses to the tree, took care of the monks in the temple, and then hiked up the mountain. Tiger Hill is not high. It is not so much a mountain as a mound. In fact, many people don't know that it is actually a mausoleum. Helu, the king of Wu, is buried in it, and several of his swords.

The State of Wu is the most respected vassal state in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. After King Wu of Zhou seized the world, he sealed Wu land to his uncle, so the monarch of the State of Wu was generally called Taibo. Wu Taibo's status is much higher than that of ordinary princes, marquises, uncles, sons, men and other princes, but his fiefdom is far away from the Central Plains, and it is not much to call it a wild land.

At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, Jin and Chu competed for hegemony. The State of Jin taught military, military tactics and even swordsmanship to the State of Wu, and carefully cultivated a powerful force behind the State of Chu to contain the struggle between the State of Chu and the State of Jin. After that, Wu regarded the manufacture of weapons as the first state matter. So much so that most of the sharp weapons in the world come from the State of Wu, such as Gan Jiang, Mo Xie, Yuchang Sword, Wu Wang Hook, etc. The famous swordsmith in the Spring and Autumn Period was also based on the State of Wu.

After the death of King Wu, the world's famous swords were buried with him at the foot of Tiger Hill. Since then, there have been not only literati, but also generals.

The monks in the temple knew that we were the officers and soldiers who recovered Wujun City, and they were particularly polite to us. But because we had just been stained with alcohol and were afraid of polluting the temple, we only stood in the courtyard in front of the temple and went out. The sick abbot came out to meet him with a stick. Because we refused to enter the hall anyway, he had to ask a little monk to accompany us around the front and back of the mountain.

I don't know much about the study of Western Buddhas, but I only know that there are many people who believe in it. Its number of followers may be second only to Tianshi Dao.

I asked where the tomb of the little monk Wu Wang Helu was. The little monk put his hands together and replied, "This mountain is the Mausoleum of King Wu, so the tomb of King Wu is naturally under this mountain."

"Then the sword pool..."

When the little monk saw me asking about the sword pool, he smiled and said, "Many people come here to visit the sword pool. It is said that the sword of King Wu was thrown into the sword pool. This is a legend and cannot be trusted. There are also rumors that this is a pool of sword casting, which is also a rumor. However, the water in the pool is clear and sweet and mellow. The fragrance of the tea brim in this water is unusual. People in the city often come here to draw water and take it home to make tea for guests.