Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 6 Women's Hero 3

When I visited Chang'an, I didn't leave a specific impression except for a light. And when I asked what Chang'an looked like, she couldn't tell herself. She told me that she was born in Chang'an. When she left Chang'an, she was still young and didn't remember at all.

Now I realize that Amaranth's father was not a general of the Great Jin Dynasty. It can be imagined that if Amaranth didn't really know his surname, he must have deliberately concealed it. However, no matter what family she was born in, her desire to return to the Central Plains in the Northern Expedition is undoubtedly true.

It turns out that I and Amaranth actually have the same wish to return to Chang'an. For amaranth, Chang'an is her home; for me, Chang'an is the home of her ancestors; for me and Amaran, Chang'an is the old capital of this suffering country.

Who said that all sentient beings only covet the pleasure in front of them? Many civilians and even the poor people I know have a strong sense of homeland. However, because they are only civilians and even poor people, they can only express their yearning for their hometown and capital in words at best.

The blood boiling in the first half of the night turned into tenderness in the second half of the night. Amaranth's posture and appearance kept emerging in front of my eyes. Her voice is like muttering in her ear, and her tone is like a breeze blowing on her face. Her passionate narrative became more and more warm in my repeated memories. Even the smile before she left moved me...

After a few days, I felt sad. Occasionally, when he was preparing to go to the "Fairy Pavilion" to find the amaranth, he forcibly restrained himself. My mind is so confused that even I can't figure it out. My wife and I have been married for more than ten years now. Although we miss her endlessly whether we are there or not, we have never had such feelings for a woman since childhood.

Time and memories seem to conspire to play tricks on people.

I thought that the longer it took, the lighter my memory would be. However, time deliberately slowed down so that I could hear the sound of it wandering around me; my memory also reminded me intentionally or unintentionally, and even imposed the fragrance of amaranth that I smelled in my nose in addition to what I saw and heard in my ears. It seemed that a few days later, Amaranth suddenly enveloped me with the green sachet in her hand.

Ten days later, a boy sent a letter. As soon as I opened the envelope and saw the letter paper, I knew that the letter was written by amaranth. The letter was very short, with only a few ordinary greetings.

I hesitated for a long time and didn't know how to answer. Seeing that the boy was still waiting outside the door, I gave him some reward money and asked him to find his own soldiers to get the letter later. After the boy left, I went back to my room and lay on the couch, pinched the letter paper and turned it over and looked at it more than a dozen times.

This is what happens in the world. It is often this ordinary sentence, but it often contains an unusual deep meaning.

If I write some greetings like her, I will go back without salt, for fear of disappointment; if I write down my thoughts for her these days on paper, it will be abrupt. After all, I am neither a dil nor a married man. At my age, a man as a father can't do anything regardless of the consequences.

It is impossible to ask those army and military officials who have read a lot of poetry to consider the matter of replying to Amaranth. Finally, I suddenly thought of an important thing that I haven't paid attention to: I really can't do my words. Even if I think of how to reply to Amaranth's letter, how can I write those words to her by myself?

Thinking of this, I changed into an ordinary dress and went out without a personal soldier. I rode to a place in the north of the city that I seldom go to and found a gentleman who measured words. After making sure that he didn't recognize me, I told him the reason and asked him to reply to the letter. Of course, the letter was also written by him. Half of Mr. Tester's life comes from writing for others, so he doesn't care about things like me at all.

When I got home, I didn't even give the letter to my soldiers and asked him to wait for the boy to come and hand over the letter. After that, I turned around to visit a soldier who had a good relationship with me.

Although I think I am a relatively patient person, it is very difficult for me to stay alone in my home and wait for Amaranth's reply. At this time, visiting other people's homes is nothing more than wanting to do something to distract myself from the matter.

Riding on a horse, he looked at the army's family and walked away, thinking nonsense while walking. The more I think about it, the darker it gets.

When I woke up from the manic of the ** horse, I found that there was a lot of noise around me, and people on the street were fleeing around. No, Sun En's thief is coming again!" My heart tightened.

I was about to avoid passers-by, but I found many people looking at the sky. I quickly looked up at the sky and only felt that today's sun was a little unusual. I endured the tingling of my eyes and squinted to see a small piece missing from the right side of the sun. No wonder the sky suddenly became so dark. It turned out to be a solar eclipse (Note 1).

is the fourth year of Long'an (AD 400), June.

How can there be a solar eclipse today? Who is the murder of this solar eclipse?

People on the street rushed back and there, frightened by the evil omen of the eclipse. The horse could no longer move forward, so I had to get down from the horse, turn the horse's head, and pull the reins to the military palace.

The amaranth that has just been on my mind has long been forgotten, hoping to arrive at the military office earlier. Liu prison must have sent people to separate to convene the generals.

Although there is a statue of peace around Wu County, the military and civilians are still harassed by Sun En in the coastal areas. In the past few days, there have been frequent reports of war, and countless people have been killed or injured. Has God been furious about this and heralded the imminent punishment with a solar eclipse?

This reminds me of a fable told by Mrs. Zang Aiqin, saying that Zhuang Zi said: the two countries' all-day war will kill you and die. Finally, I realized that these two countries only lived in the left tentacle of the insect and the right tentacle of the insect. Two completely inconspicuous small countries.

In this case, we are engaged in a life-and-death war between us and Sun En all day. Isn't such a war meaningless to God? If the noise in the two tentacles annoys the insect, it might as well get rid of the two small countries in the tentacles.

Speculate on personnel by insects, and divine events by personnel. If heaven is upset, it is better to destroy the people who fight, the place where they fight, and even the army and the country where they fight. One hundred.

The time of a cup of tea was chaotic, and there were no people on the road except for a few soldiers. After a few steps forward, even the soldiers just now could not see - at this time, the sky was already dark and the whole street was dark.