Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 9 First Leader 2

Although the number of soldiers guarding Juzhang is small, fortunately all of them have been to the battlefield, fought, or at least survived the battles of the city. Although many of them are new soldiers, they are no longer as timid as they used to be. Although there are more than a dozen disabled soldiers, they are fine and can be called at their discretion.

Under my command, the preparations were carried out in an orderly manner before the arrival of the thief soldiers.

I have been in the army for many years, and I haven't fought many battles, but I have done a lot of preparations. Now it is really easy for me to practice war in this small city, Juzhang, which has been practicing for many years in Beijing. You can build fortifications, build weapons, and train soldiers by yourself.

Occasionally, it is really helpless to build fortifications so carefully away from the enemy. The decline of the country's national strength has made the soldiers in the country study the most about how to defend, how to defend the city, and how to protect themselves, rather than how to march, how to attack the city, and how to recover the land.

Of course, I can't do anything wrong in this bullet land. It is not easy to keep this city. As for taking the initiative to attack, just wait for God to open his eyes and give him a good opportunity.

The most important elements of defending the city are the following elements: people, things, and cities.

Whether it is attack or defense, human elements are always the most important. Whether the more profitable spear and the solid shield can be effective ultimately depends on the person who can use it. Whether it is one enemy or ten thousand enemies, it ultimately depends on people fighting against each other.

things are war preparations. In addition to preventing the enemy from breaking through the city, the defense of the city also needs to defend against hunger, fire, water, plague, etc. Once the city is besieged, the enemy can calmly use the terrain and material conditions to find a way to break the city. Either destroy the city or indirectly annihilate the people trapped in the city. Just as we have attacked Huiji City countless times, the attacker will be successful once he wins; and even if the defenders of the city win a hundred times, they will lose their previous achievements as long as they fail once.

The methods of attacking the city are endless, and the attackers use everything. Water attack is one of the methods commonly used by those who have been attacking the city since ancient times.

At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, Zhibo, the powerful minister of the State of Jin, besieged Zhao Xiangzi in Jinyang City (Note 3), and used water attack. When Jinyang built the city, he fully considered the war preparedness, making this city a model of solidification in the world at that time. In the absence of foreign aid, the defense of the city can last for several years. However, even such a city was almost captured by Zhibo with water. Later, Zhao Xiangzi saw that the situation was unfavorable and secretly plotted against Zhibo's two allies, Wei Huanzi and Han Kangzi. Finally, Zhao, Wei and Han joined hands to defeat Zhibo and divide the world of the State of Jin equally.

The city is the city defense. Countless people who don't understand soldiers think that defending the city is the first priority, but in fact, it is a big fallacy. Sun Yun "condescending soldiers without fighting". There are countless examples of consolidating the city defense and losing the battle, and defeating the city defense without repairing the enemy. There are also things that spread thousands of miles with one person's lobbying, and there are also things that repel the enemy by one person playing the piano on the empty city. Therefore, urban defense is indeed important, but compared with the above-mentioned people and combat readiness, it is at the end.

Today, it is impossible for us to drive away Sun En's disciples with just a few lobbyist; playing an empty city plan in a small sentence is tantamount to a fool's dream. Moreover, the court's attitude towards Sun En is very resolute - not "expelled", let alone "comfort", but "exterminate". Especially after Wang Ningzhi and Xie Yan died one after another and Huiji was repeatedly occupied, Sima Daozi and Sima Yuanxian were furious and eager to skin Sun En and swallow Sun En's flesh.

We can only rely on, in addition to the brave defenders of the city, is combat readiness and city defense.

On the way to the sentence, I have made a comprehensive plan for the battle. After coming to the sentence to see the truth, I think what I need most is wood and iron in addition to grain and grass.

Wood and iron are used to make weapons. Although the amount of wood is large, there are many forests in the west of the city, but some soldiers and civilians are arranged to cut down and transport them to the city for later use.

The lack of iron is a big problem. Except for some that can be collected from the battlefield, other parts can only be purchased from the private sector. When it's really bad, you can also replace it with expensive copperware.

The so-called copperware is actually money. Gold instruments such as gold and silver are extremely rare among the people, and the currencies in circulation are mainly copper. Although the government prohibits making money without permission, the price of copper is almost the same as the price of money. With copper, I would rather use it to recruit soldiers than build weapons.

Food and fodder are the most worrying. The number of local households in the city is small, and there are not many grain reserves. In addition, there are many foreign refugees, which consumes a lot of food and fodder.

Although the thief soldiers did not besiege the city, there were often sporadic bandits harassing around Juzhang City. I guess it's probably because the thieves also know that there is not enough food and fodder in the city, and Juzhang City can't run away for a while. Even if they work hard to capture Juzhang, it's not much benefit. It's better to search elsewhere first.

Whether my conjecture is reasonable or not, it is true that the thief did not seem to attack the sentence. However, I can't relax my vigilance because the thieves are not in a hurry to attack the city. When they have saved grain and prepared enough, they may not be far from the day of siege. Once the thieves besiege the city and consume for a long time, it is hard to predict how long the city will last.

I remember reading some of Mozi and his disciples' discussions about defending the city before. Among them, there are 14 conditions that must be met to defend the city. About what I can remember now is that the city wall is high and thick, the defense equipment is fully equipped, the food in the city is sufficient, the army and the people are united against the enemy, the soldiers are trusted by local officials or the people, the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the parents are in the city, the rewards and punishments are clearly not selfish, etc.

Conditions such as city walls and defensive equipment are a luxury for small sentences. It can only be arranged according to the current situation. I hope the enemy's offensive will not be too strong, otherwise this sentence will not be preserved.

There is no female wall on the wall. In addition to peeping at the enemy and self-defense, the women's wall is also convenient for the placement of defensive personnel in the stack. Without a female wall, the enemy's target is everywhere, and it is impossible to accurately judge the location of the enemy's climb. Because the wall is not high, almost all siege methods are effective. This causes our defense to anticipate various methods of attacking the city in advance.

The gate is still thick, but the door hole is not deep. If the thief destroys the city gate, the depth we can protect is very limited. However, if the thief soldiers really want to think about the city gate, I will block the door with rambed soil like they defend Huiji City.

Every 40 steps, close to the inner wall, there is a pair of connecting (Note 4), a pair of long axes and powerful crossbows, and hundreds of large and small stones and tiles are piled up on both sides. Lianqi is used to lean out from the wall city and attack the enemies who have climbed the city from the side. The long axe is used to destroy ladders, flying hooks and other equipment, and can also hurt people if necessary. Needless to say, crossbows, stones and tiles are used for long-range shooting and throwing to hurt enemies.

The connecting and long axes can be picked up by the defenders according to the situation, and the use of crossbows requires special authorization. Because the weapons of Lianting and Long Axe can be used unlimitedly, but the number of arrows is limited. If it weren't for the urgent moment, I would never easily let the soldiers touch the crossbow.