Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 9 First Leader 5

Before I opened my mouth, I heard a man shouting in the distance: "If the enemy and our strength gap is thousands of times, we can still defeat the enemy. Do you believe it?" I turned my head and saw that I followed a soldier from Huiji.

What he said was obviously about me in Wu County. I smiled and didn't say anything.

Some of the soldiers in every sentence already know my experience and pretend to be deep and silent. Those unwitting sides shook their heads and laughed and said, "How can this be possible?"

Another said, "Only Sun En's men can do this. It is said that Sun En can invite heavenly soldiers to help him. Once the heavenly soldier comes, it will be a hundred battles and invincible..." Before he finished his words, he was stabbed in the arm by the people next to him and immediately stopped talking. After a while, he said mockingly, "However, I think it's all nonsense."

When the enemy is present, talk about how brave the enemy is. If it is small, it is said that it will grow the prestige of the enemy and destroy the morale of the army; if it is big, it can be determined to be a crime of disturbing the heart of the army.

However, I pretended not to hear it.

Several other soldiers also said that this kind of thing was not credible.

The soldiers who deliberately silenced before were waiting at this moment, and they proudly began to laugh at the unknown soldiers and said, "What do you know? General Liu in front of you is the one who defeated thousands of Sun En's thief soldiers alone.

Several soldiers who love to show their way, you scrambled with me to render the matter of Wu County again.

I heard them finish the main plot and interrupted them: "You are too legendary. First of all, I was far from so fierce; again, I didn't have any help at that time; moreover, I didn't defeat the thief, but the thief didn't defeat me.

"You didn't defeat them, and they didn't defeat you, so who did you defeat?" The soldier who said this doesn't seem to have a good brain.

The other soldier who "stupid" has scolded him for me, "They are tied."

"One person draws with thousands of people?"

"Yes. Didn't you listen just now?"

"I... listened... but I didn't understand."

"Then you are still a fool."

I ignored them and told them about the actual situation, especially the isolation and helplessness at that time.

Although they were moved by my description of personal experience, they were not completely relieved. Because such a thing is really incredible. Moreover, what happened to me may not happen to them.

I looked at everyone's expressions and said, "I know that even if I tell this myself, you probably still don't believe it. You know, if I hadn't experienced it myself, I wouldn't have believed it. The so-called man-made, you are all soldiers, and you must know those examples of winning more with less. Are there few such incredible battles from ancient times to the present? Does Zhou Yu know that he can defeat Cao Cao? Do General Xie Xuan and General Liu Laozhi know that they can defeat Fu Jian? The battle between Red Cliff and Water was incredible, but it really happened.

"Oh. That's right."

"I can't know that I can defeat thousands of enemies, and I can't defeat thousands of enemies. Otherwise, won't everything be fine if you let me go out alone to drive away the thief soldiers outside the city? But everything is possible. Since even I have personally experienced the battle of winning more with less, it is not possible to defend the city with strategies and tactics with our 300 people.

I noticed that some soldiers began to nod.

"I think that with the strength of our army, we can not only defend the city, but also take the opportunity to defeat Sun En's thief soldiers outside the city, so that all these thousands of thief soldiers can be thrown under the city. We are well-trained soldiers; outside the city, we are just a mob. You are all soldiers who have experienced several battles. How can you be afraid of these thieves who are even afraid to kill chickens?

The morale of the soldiers was gradually mobilized.

"General Liu's prison is close to Shangyu. Once there is a change, he will send troops to save him. What are you worried about? However, I don't think we need to worry about General Liu's escort. I will hire someone to escort us. The person invited to escort is... We ourselves. Shangyu is the gateway of Huiji, and the offensive he faces is far stronger than the sentence. We are also guards. Will we be worse than Shangyu's guards? Each of you is the bravest warrior in my heart.

"We keep the sentences, that is, we keep the Shangyu, Huiji, the Stone City, and the capital Jiankang. You must be confident that there are few people, but it is also true that the combat effectiveness is far stronger than the thief soldiers. Here, I promise you that in every battle starting today, I, Liu Yu, will rush to the front when attacking and will stay behind you when retreating. Gentlemen, please join me and kill Sun En, a group of thieves.

I looked around and shouted, "Warriors of the Great Jin Kingdom, do you have the courage?"

"Yes!" The soldiers echoed loudly.

Soldiers with morale can be used by me, while soldiers without morale would rather demobilize them than stay in the army. They will make the army unstable and make the soldiers look forward and confused.

"The warriors of the Great Jin Kingdom, what should I do if there are thieves who violate me?"

"Must kill! Must be killed!"

The soldiers in front of them gradually regained their confidence and courage.

In terms of current morale, I think most of them can be used by me, and I am deeply gratified by it.

From these soldiers, I selected 100 of the boldest and strongest death squads. They will be the main force in the charge. In the face of the approaching army, these soldiers have no idea how to charge as defenders of the city. However, even under such circumstances, there are still so many people who have joined in with enthusiasm. This surprised me a lot.

A soldier who had just entered the death squad answered this question: "General Liu, there are thousands of thieves outside the city, and we are indeed a little timid. However, many of us are not afraid to fight with the thieves. We all understand what you just said. It's just that there was no good general before, and we will die in vain. Now that the general is here, we are willing to follow him to the fire and water.

"This brother said it well. With everyone here, I will try to guard the city. We should not only fight with thieves, but also fight with them. I will never attack without certainty. Everyone's life is important, and my Liu Yu's life is also important.

Everyone laughed.

All the soldiers who have not been included in the death squad are organized into a team, mainly defending and patrolling the city.