Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 10 Brave Pen Holder 3

Although I am still worried about the sneak attack of the thief soldiers, after two battles, I have great confidence in defeating this group of thief soldiers. This group of thieves should be the least effective enemy I have ever met. When they were stationed under the city, they did look like attacking the city, but when they attacked the city, they were like a group of robbers who came to fight the autumn wind. There is no strategy or rules. Juzhang City is naturally insufficient to deal with the regular army, but it is still more than enough to deal with robbers.

Whether these people are the vanguards of the army, I have decided to teach them a good lesson.

Today, it seems that the arrogance of the thief is no longer as arrogant as yesterday. After two consecutive defeats, their morale has been much lower, and the morale of our army is rising. The people in the city were encouraged by the victory, and dozens of people rushed to the city early in the morning to join the war. I only selected a dozen people who were willing to be scouts, and persuaded those who wanted to go to the city to participate in the battle.

When the sound of the bang ready to defend the city sounded again, I only looked at the enemy camp from a distance and turned around and went down the city.

Although the number of thieves has increased significantly, the attack method is still the same as yesterday: shouting and rushing to the moat, crossing the river, and then climbing the city.

Just as they were halfway across the river, the gate suddenly opened, and the suspension bridge began to creak down. Out of the city gate was a team of soldiers of the Jin Kingdom with full armor. The leader is me.

The thief saw someone rushing out of the city, frightened and raised their blades to prepare to meet the enemy. The thief soldiers on the shore were fine, but the thief soldiers in the water were very embarrassed. Half of the river has been turned, and it is not moving forward, and it is not willing to turn back.

Some thieves only hate themselves for swimming too fast. Before they could turn around and swim back, they were killed by us in the moat.

As soon as the suspension bridge fell, I jumped on the bridge first, shouted, and danced my strange moon knife to the thief.

I roared so suddenly and rushed, not only shocked the thief soldiers, but also the soldiers behind me. The soldiers were stunned for a long time before they remembered to catch up.

I have had the experience of "fighting" outside Wujun City, and in the past few months, I have used this moon knife to find a set of knives suitable for hand-to-hand combat. This knife has never been tried, and today is a great opportunity. As soon as I danced the knife, I suddenly felt like a tiger adding wings, and the more I killed, the more it became. In less than a moment, a piece fell in front of me.

In the battle outside Wujun City, I was still timid. As soon as I go to war today, I will win. In addition, there were 100 dead soldiers behind him, and I suddenly felt that the hundreds of thieves in front of me were not enough for me to kill. Under my encouragement, the 100 soldiers who followed me also became more and more brave in the Vietnam War.

The thief soldiers couldn't resist our sharpness and retreated one after another.

While fighting, I suddenly heard a thief screaming: "This is the man who killed many of my brothers in Wu County!"

"Is it the man who led General Li to besiege hundreds of people and finally let him escape?"

"Yes. Oh, no. Not hundreds, but 2,000..."

"Two thousand?"

"Yes. That's him, I know him. He also danced the knife like that day... No, the knife seems to be a little different, but I remember his appearance and killing method.

When that man mentioned that my knife was different, many thief soldiers focused their attention on my knife. But the shape of the moon knife is strange, and the knife is full of blood, so this knife looks extremely ferocious. I simply waved my knife into the air and shouted, "Take your life!" An arrow stepped forward and cut down a nearby thief.

Everyone was scared and trembling, even the soldiers around me.

This roar is really effective. It turned out that it was true that the ancients killed the enemy with a roar. I can't help but feel a little proud!

Thieves get together and get entangled with us. We took advantage of this weak confrontation to recover our strength, and I also took the opportunity to observe the best direction of the attack. The current situation is completely different from that outside Wujun City. At that time, I was thinking about a breakthrough, and now I was thinking about a breakthrough.

When I was thinking about it, I saw a group of thieves in the distance**. A yellow flag floated towards us from a distance, and most of the noise came from that direction. When I was speculating about what was going on, the yellow flag and the noise moved closer. The yellow flag shook left and right, and the thieves separated from each other, and a big man in bronze armor flashed in the middle.

The big man went to the front and stood up. Immediately, two dwarfs turned behind him. Every dwarf holds a bronze hammer in his arms. The hammer looked extremely heavy and made the two dwarfs breathless. The big man took the hammer from the dwarf's hand one by one, and the two relieved dwarfs turned happily and jumped into the crowd.

The big man raised two bronze hammers in front of me. The two hammer heads were the size of a big man's head wearing a bronze helmet. At a glance, three bronze balls were connected by their arms, just like a pen holder on the desk. I can't help laughing in my heart.

The bronze pen holder stared at me for a long time and said, "The enemy will report his name before he dies."

I was stunned when I heard this, and the first time I heard this kind of conversation before.

What people usually say is: "The opponent will be named quickly", or "the opponent will come and die quickly", or simply kill without saying anything. This pen holder needs to know who the other party is before killing. It seems that he is very interested in the identity of the person who died.

Although he was rude, he still knew some etiquette before the war. I put my knife to the ground and said, "Liu Yu and Liu Deyu, the Northern Expedition of the Jin Dynasty. Who are you?"

"General Li Er."

Oh? Li Er? I seem to have heard this name. Thinking about it again, this name is not only heard of it, but also famous. Li Er, isn't it Lao Zi's real name? This old man is the originator of the heavenly master Tao that Sun En and his group of people believe in. As a believer, he was named after his ancestor, and he didn't know how to avoid it. It's really incredible!

The pen holder raised the bronze hammer in his hand and interrupted my wild thoughts: "That day, Wujun City injured hundreds of my brothers, but you?"

It turned out that it was General Li's subordinates who were injured that day. Liu Yuduo was offended. However, if they honestly farm in their hometown, how can they be killed in Wu County for no reason? General Li, if you are also afraid of killing and injury, why don't you take your brothers home to farm?

I speak with a long tone, but everyone can hear that it is full of sarcasm. The pen holder was not stupid, and he gritted his teeth in anger. However, his patience was not good, and he turned to smile: "Well said! Well said! Since Liu Sima was surrounded by hundreds of my subordinates that day, he must be able to escape from my hammer today.

"There were not hundreds of people around him that day, but 2,000 people." Corrected in a low voice.

The pen holder looked back angrily and stared at the direction of the sound. A thief quickly squeezed into the crowd and disappeared.

"Do you think you can deal with the knife in my hand?" I pulled the knife up from the ground and waved it in my hand.

The thief soldiers couldn't help taking a step back.