Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 11 Abandoned Chapter 3

The old man hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to me, then helped me up and took my hand with tears.

I said to the old man, "Liu Yu is very grateful that the old man is so knowledgeable. Old man, I'm sorry, we failed to protect your son.

"My son died... in a good place." The old man's tears kept flowing down, saying, "Death is right."

I don't know what to say, helping the old man cry. For a long time, he felt that this was not good, so he let go of his hand and worshipped in front of the soldier's coffin.

After getting up, I said to the old man, "How difficult is the country nowadays. There are strong enemies in the north and Sun En's internal troubles in the east. As soldiers of the Great Jin Kingdom, although we may not be able to save the country from danger, we should also do our best to fight against the enemy. Thieves and soldiers made great efforts to violate the rules, and I will definitely try my best to keep the city.

General Liu, although I am old, I have read several books and know the safety of the country. When I sent my son to the army, I knew that there might be such a day. Now it is not a peaceful and prosperous era. Even if my son does not join the army, our family may die in a foreign country. His life alone may stop Sun En from havoc, may save his family, and may save the lives of the whole city. He died in his right place. It is my son's luck that you can serve under your command and die with you.

The old man stretched out his hand and wiped away the tears on my face. Where can I finish my tears? Seeing that the old man was so resolute, the martyrs' relatives were so painful, and the innocent eyes squeezing for survival and life squeezed at the door, I strengthened my belief that I must lead my soldiers to keep the sentences.

When the situation is unfavorable, I can indeed abandon this sentence city in order to take care of the overall situation.

The sentence is not my hometown, and I don't have any relatives here. However, in the past month, what my parents here have given me is the affection of my hometown.

When they thought that the guards of the sentence were unavailable, they defended the small city with their flesh and blood; when they thought that the officials of the sentence were unavailable, they never abandoned the duty of protecting the city and protected the people; when they thought that the sentence was not available, they asked the city to participate in the war when the war was at its most urgent. .

Before I met this father, I kept the sentence for the country, for Liu prison, and for the sake of Huiji. At that time, he still had the idea that once the war situation was unfavorable, he would rather abandon the rules and save Yu or Huiji.

After meeting this old father, I am determined to guard the city for the sake of my father. No matter how many thieves are under pressure, as long as the people are still in the city, I will protect them at all costs.

In the sentence, I deeply feel the respect of the people. Before the enemy came to the scene, many people packed up their family, money and softness, and were ready to go out of the city to flee for their lives at any time. However, when the siege war began, those who hired donkey carts and carried burdens gathered at the gate to wait for the gate to escape in the direction of Huiji. They rushed back to the donkey cart, carried the burden home, and then found hoes, sickles, kitchen knives, etc. and gathered downstairs again to prepare to go to the city to help kill the enemy.

I don't know why they suddenly gave up the idea of running for their lives to help defend the city. Maybe it comes from the wave of the arm of some knowledgeable people, or from the blood they share. But their blood was suppressed by me, because I clearly ordered that the people were not allowed to go to the city without authorization.

These people saw that the military order was uncon violation, so they had to throw away their weapons. But they did not leave, but spontaneously helped transport the supplies for the city under the command of the soldiers.

A teenager also picked up a pot of ash. When it is really bad, he can also raise the ash down to fascinate the enemy's eyes and weaken their combat effectiveness.

I heard that a teenager picked up a pot of ashes, and I took time to find the teenager in the city.

The teenager stared at me nervously when he saw me strode towards him.

I grabbed him and said, "Do you know anything else to abide by the city?"

The teenager was stunned, his face turned red, and he couldn't speak for a while.

I said, "Since I know how to use pot ash to help defend the city, I should also know some other law of guarding the city. Let's talk about it. Well said, there are many rewards.

The teenager was pulled away by me and was about to cry.

I quickly let him go, smiled at him, and asked pleasantly, "Don't be afraid. At present, you are preparing for the method of defending the city. Where did you learn this method?

The teenager was a little relieved and asked, "What's the way?"

"Use pot ash to defend the city."

"I don't know how to abide by the city. However, if the thief is fascinated, there is naturally no way to attack the city.

I can't help but be a little disappointed. After asking for a long time, he still couldn't say why.

I can't help but feel that the city is equipped with pot ash, small gravel, etc., which are used to fascinate the enemy's eyes when the enemy attacks the city. This is one of the effective city defense techniques throughout the ages. Today, this teenager reminded me of this method after carrying the pot of ashes. I thought this teenager was well shud the way to defend the city and wanted to ask for advice, but it turned out that he just happened to secretly defend the city.

I ordered Yuqiu to send some people around to collect some pot ash, gravel and so on. Mix the two into a pot with a lid and put two or three pots every 50 steps.

Siege and defense have been an important part of the military since ancient times. After more than a thousand years of evolution, various means will be applied to siege and defense. I don't know how many wars this seemingly inconspicuous method of raising ash and sand to defeat the enemy has been applied, but because it is a small skill of carving insects and difficult to become elegant, it is not involved in many military books.

The military books I have read are very miscellaneous. I have wanted to organize them into many times, but in the end they were not completed because of laziness. Nowadays, when it comes to guarding the city, although I think of many skills of guarding the city, it is difficult to exhaust it for a while. Today, I hate why I didn't sort it out before, but I couldn't remember it when it was time to use it.

I often think that attacking and defending the city is the same as playing chess. The soldiers came to block it, and the water came to cover it. Once the attacker makes a move, the defenders will be passive if they deal with mistakes and losses. The siege can worry about things, but as long as one of the moves can defeat the enemy, he can win; the defenders must be comprehensive, and it is too late to repent as long as they are given the opportunity to take advantage of.

I ordered my soldiers to write down the names and addresses of these people who helped the defenders defend the city, and ordered the military officials who managed the treasury to give them some rewards, especially this teenager who carried the ashes.

With such people and hundreds of such brave and invincible soldiers, why worry about not keeping their sentences?

On the day after we attacked Yao Sheng's barracks, I promoted Kuan, who was brave and good at fighting, to Shi Chang (Note 1) to replace a low-level officer who died in the attack camp.