Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 12 Moving Creek 3

With He Wuji, a wise general, it does make our army more powerful. I asked him to work hard and take my military order to guard for me for a few days.

With the wisdom of wisdom and kindness. If Zhangcheng is handed over to the two of them, I can arrange the defense of the stream wholeheartedly.

Kwang really lived up to expectations. After I placed all the people and soldiers in the stream, he replaced me to harass the thief camp. It was not until the thief soldiers attacked the city again that he withdrew all the soldiers to the stream.

More than ten days later, He Wuji and Kuai En led the rest of the soldiers and civilians in Juzhang City back to the stream. Not long after they returned, and the thief soldiers followed.

This is exactly what we want. The importance of keeping sentences is not to defend a county, but also to contain Sun En's troops there to share the worries of Huiji, Shangyu and other places.

When the thief soldiers attack the city, in addition to protecting their troops and retreating to the stream, they also need to lead the thief soldiers to the new fortress of the stream step by step. The responsibility of harassment and guarding has been done well, but the seduction of the enemy depends on He Wuji's planning.

Now, in addition to Li Er and Yao Sheng's siege of the remnants of Juzhang, there have been thousands of troops.

Before, almost all human and material resources were concentrated on the construction of the small stream wall. Although the time is very short, the wall has begun to resist the enemy after being tested by the sun and rain. Compared with resisting the enemy, it is not a problem to build auxiliary facilities such as towers and crossbow platforms, as well as military camps and residential houses in the fortress.

The fortifications of the stream are undoubtedly simple, but when the thief soldiers saw this sudden camp standing in front of them, their mood was undoubtedly complicated.

The following thief soldiers dared to camp after the reinforcements arrived. They camped on the bank of the river and blocked our way north.

On the night when the thief arrived at the stream, the messenger I sent to Liu prison came back. After learning that the sentence had been abandoned, Liu Jaozhi did not accuse us of losing the city.

He asked the messenger to bring back some new situations: the number of thieves who invaded the sentence was not as 4,000 or 5,000 we estimated before, but as many as 20,000. It's just that the army did not approach the city to camp. In addition, a large number of thieves rushed to Juzhang from sea and land. After we withdrew, Sun En had stationed in the sentence and regarded it as a temporary route to attack the Huiji.

Although the general did not accuse us of abandoning it, and although the people moved to the stream without complaint under our orders, I still felt ashamed. Although it is true that hundreds of people I lead can't fight against 20,000 thieves, after all, I am deeply entrusted and lost the city of Juzhang, so that Sun En can use Juzhang as a base for attack.

In addition, I have to try my best to keep the words in my ears. How long has it been since the city was lost? For me, these are undoubtedly a heavy burden and pressure in my heart.

It is slightly relieved that there are dozens of soldiers who came with the messenger. Every soldier rode a horse and cameld a lot of things. The most important of these items are some bows and arrows.

At the beginning of the sentence, I brought 30 bows and ten crossbows. However, the arrow has always been missing.

The hundreds of arrows we carry will obviously not last long. Although there are several craftsmen in the city, they are not proficient in making arrows. Craftsmen were also asked to make some arrows and arrows before, but they were discarded after they were distributed to the arch camp. Guarding the sentence, the arrows are definitely not enough, so even if the defense of the city is in danger, these arrows are not easily used. Now that there are more than 2,000 arrows, bows and arrows can be used to fight at the right time.

Yu Qiujin, Liu Zhong and others are very happy about this. Kween disdained and said, "The thief has no bows and arrows. What do I want to do?" It's better to have a hand-to-hand fight."

Liu Zhong was about to retort each other, and I stopped him with a look.

He Wuji praised Kuan's words: "It's a pity that no one can compare with Dao En except Liu Sima. If others are as brave as Dawn, the sentences and streams will not be difficult to guard.

He Wuji has been with Kwain for a few days. At first, he was very angry with this big man who did not obey orders, but later slowly figured out his temper and knew that this man's hair could only be touched. If you feel comfortable, don't hesitate to let him go through fire and water.

As soon as Kuan heard this, he was very useful and couldn't help but be modest: "Sima and I are naturally too far away, and compared with other soldiers, there are also shortcomings. It's just a little stronger."

Liu Zhong said with a smile, "It's true."

Kuan En stared at Liu Zhong, but there was nothing that could refute his words.

He Wuji is smart. These days, he saw that the big black man was at peace with his own commander, and only smiled and said nothing.

I said, "At present, defense matters are basically ready, and if you want to strengthen the city defense, it will not be a one-day work. The thief soldiers have moved from the sentence to the outside of Xiaoxi Village, and the number of them is more than those attacking the sentence. Depending on the situation, you won't give up if you don't attack the stream. Although there are fruits, fish and animals in the village, the food is limited after all. This is a top priority."

"That's exactly what happened. If you don't accumulate more food, I'm afraid it won't last long. Yu Qiujin was deeply concerned about this and looked at He Wuji after saying that.

He Wuji understood what Yu Qiujin meant and explained: "General Liu doesn't accumulate much grain. He is trying to transfer food from Yangzhou, Xuzhou and other places, but I'm afraid he won't be able to get help for a while. I think it's better to go west and south to collect some food.

Yu Qiujin spread out his hand and said, "How to collect grain without money?"

"How much money is left in the treasury?"

"Where is the money in the treasury? When we went from Huiji to Juzhang, the treasury was an empty shell, empty except for dozens of broken armor. It is said that the money of the county government is regularly allocated from the Huiji government every month. The county officials in charge all ran away. I don't know if this is true or not.

"So it is." He Wuji frowned when he heard this and bowed his head without saying anything.

Until the discussion was over, there was no good way to collect grain. Everyone still had military affairs, and the grass dispersed.

On the way back to the house, I had a lot of thoughts in my heart. Although defense has been deployed, there will never be an end to urban defense. As long as there are people, things and time, we can continue to strengthen and constantly improve the city's defense. What I'm most worried about is about food.

Suddenly, I saw a shadow in the distance and disappeared in an all of an eye.

It's getting late and I can't identify it clearly. In addition, I was absent-minded just now, and I suspect that I have read it wrong. I looked back at the soldiers who followed me, and they didn't seem to have any reaction, which made me believe that they were really dazzled.