Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 13 Reappearance 3

I ordered the civil official to write a notice about the punishment of Quan, showing it all over the village.

After the discussion, I privately asked He Wuji to comfort Kuo En. This stubborn man doesn't know what he will do after receiving such a punishment. I asked He Wuji to tell Kuan that punishment and sweeping are available in all armies. He is not the only one who has been humiliated. Let him do these chores at ease and don't do anything anymore. If there is a chance, let him take on important responsibilities.

The reason why He Wuji was specially arranged to talk about these things with Kwain was not because he was my lover and had a preference for it, but that this black man was straightforward for fear that he would be confused for a moment.

The next day, on the way back to the house after inspecting the wall, I saw Kwon, dressed in casual clothes, bowing to clean up horse manure in the horse ring. As he worked, he muttered, "Your ancestors, it's my bad luck to meet these grandchildren. Next time I see one, I will hit one and see how many heads he has. Alas, the more I don't want to be a groom, the more I want to be a groom. What a shame..."

He has said a lot now, but he has become a dull gourd when he should speak on the campus. Thinking of this guy who didn't want to be a groom, but returned to the horse pens today, I couldn't help laughing secretly. Several of my own soldiers who followed me also covered their smiles. I urged them to leave quickly.

As soon as I walked to the door of the house, I heard a loud noise in the courtyard. Then he heard the shouts of his own soldiers: "Don't get rid of him!"

When I heard that someone was going to escape, I quickly ordered the soldiers beside me to guard the gate. I pulled out the moon knife and carefully walked into the door.

I saw five or six soldiers bent down and spread out their hands to contain something. But the courtyard was empty and I didn't see anything.

I put down my hanging heart, inserted Xiaoyue's knife into the scabbard, and said to those soldiers, "What are you catching? Chicken or duck?"

One of the soldiers shouted at me, "Sima, be careful, there are assassins! Go out and hide. We are arresting him!"

I felt funny when I heard this. Nothing, where did the assassin come from? At this time, a soldier guarding outside the door also took a step in. Looking at his confused eyes, I also knew that he saw nothing. But those busy soldiers were absorbed, not like joking with their bosses.

Although the personal soldiers who came in from outside the door were puzzled, they took two steps in front of me and blocked me to prevent a sneak attack.

"Hick it! Hook it up!" I saw a personal soldier pulling a flying hook used by a thief to attack the city. The rope of the hook was pulled straight, and obviously the hook around the tank hooked something.

The personal soldier pulled back the flying hook hard, and several other soldiers rushed up. After a while, you pulled me to the ground and pulled a person out of the back of the water tank.

When everyone saw this person, they said at the same time, "What?"

It turns out that we can't remember this man's face, but his figure is unforgettable. He is one of the two dwarfs under General Li Er.

When the dwarf was pushed down in front of me, I asked him, "What are you doing here?"

He curled his lips and said nothing.

"What about your brother?" I'm not sure if the other dwarf is really his brother, but when I asked, everyone understood who I was talking about.

He curled his lips again, but this time he said, "He ran away." After saying that, he opened his mouth and cried.

Although he is small, his mouth is not small, and his voice is not small. This cry made me and everyone very upset.

"What the hell are you doing here? From the truth!"

He only cried and did not answer.

I asked questions repeatedly and threatened him to be tortured, but he only cried and ignored it. I was very upset and said loudly to my soldiers, "Put him up first and take good care of him!"

I walked into the inner room and saw the roof of a wing collapse. It's a mess inside. Fortunately, there is no one, otherwise he will die or be injured.

Without waiting for my question, the soldier on duty quickly explained, "I don't know when the dwarf came in. When I heard the movement in the room and came in to check, I found that the short man was holding a roll* and trying to escape. When I reached out to grab him, the roof suddenly collapsed and I was almost crushed under the roof. The dwarf took advantage of the situation and ran out. When I called for a siege, he almost ran out of the hospital. This dwarf is small and flies at an amazing speed.

"Hmm." I nodded in agreement. It is not too much to describe his speed as "amazing". Because when I was besieged just now, I couldn't see him.

Fortunately, these soldiers of mine are well-trained and good, which caught the dwarf.

"Demany, there must be another person at that time." The soldier continued, "A person can't let the roof fall at the right time."

"He just said that the dwarf brother had escaped, although he didn't know whether it was true or not. It is better to believe in what it is than not to believe in what it is. He must be nearby. You need to be more careful."


"Go on the order, and the whole village will be under martial law! Follow the whereabouts of another dwarf."


At noon, He Wuji came over.

As soon as he entered the door, he looked left and right. When I finished reading it, I said to him, "I didn't expect that there would be spies sneaking into the village."

"Are they two dwarfs?"

"We only caught one of them, and we don't know if the other is a dwarf."

"Okay, okay. I just came to see the dwarf.


"In the previous sentence, I heard Kuan talk about your war against the Heavenly General. He regretted coming late and didn't see the two dwarfs. I heard that I caught one, so I came here to have a look.

"Is it just to see the dwarf?" I thought, there are small people everywhere. There is no need to come here with such an interest, right? Since entering the door, He Wuji hasn't even expressed his condolences when my roof collapsed.

"No. I heard that this dwarf is extraordinary. It is said to be the servant of the general Tiangong. He is not amazing in appearance, but he has unique skills.

"Have a unique skill? Where does this start?"

General Tiangong is called Li Er. Li is a member of Jiangzhou. Li Er practiced martial arts hard since he was a child and was promoted to captain only a few years after he joined the army. Originally, Zefei, who was from the family, was expected to be promoted along his official career, but because his family believed in the heavenly master, he went to the military post and did not join the thief army.

"So it is." It turned out that He Wuji knew a lot of things.

"The two dwarfs are the sons of Li's servants. Twins, the same year as Li Er. The figure of the domestic servant is no different from that of ordinary people, but the two sons are naturally short. Because I can't practice martial arts in my figure, I have learned other stunts.

"The Thief?"

He Wuji listened and pointed to me and laughed. I laughed inexplicably. After he finally finished laughing, he said, "It's not stealing skills. One who has learned to walk quickly is probably the one you caught. The other has learned medicine.

I have seen this fast walk, but the one who studies medicine can lift the roof, which is quite puzzling.