Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 13 Reproduce the strange 5

After returning to the house after the county government discussed the matter, Li Mi and his brother Li Xu were already waiting in the house.

When discussing the matter before, He Wuji had already mentioned his idea to me. He thinks these two people can be used by our army. Among the 3,000 diners of the talented Meng Changjun in ancient times, there were many people who crowed and thieves. Needless to say, Li Xu's medical skills are very skillful. It's better to stay in the army than to abandon it.

He Wuji's only concern is that I killed their master with my own hands. I don't know if these two will have to kill me like Yu Rang.

This Yu Rang was a famous assassin in ancient times. He was originally a minister. Zhao Xiangzi killed Yurang's master and annexed his country. Yu Rang vowed to avenge his master, so he disguised himself as a prisoner to build a toilet in Zhao Xiangzi's palace and attempted to assassinate him. After being recognized, Zhao Xiangzi's men wanted to kill him. But Zhao Xiangzi felt that he was a loyal minister and let him go.

Unexpectedly, Yu let his ambition to revenge disappear, and once again disguised himself as a beggar and hid under the bridge to ambush. This time it was recognized again. Zhao Xiangzi had to kill him. Before being killed, Yu Rang had only one request, which was to ask Zhao Xiangzi to take off his clothes, and then swing his sword and cut a few knives on Zhao Xiangzi's clothes to show the underground master that the minister had tried his best.

Desp with the worries of the Li brothers, I took the risk of leaving them behind. An area was drawn for Li Mi, and he was not allowed to go out without permission and let him help his own soldiers repair the damaged roof for me every day; Li Xu followed Yu Qiujin and others to treat the wounded soldiers.

After the last time the thief soldiers failed to attack the city in the way of "ant attachment", they did not attack again these days, but I did not relax for a day to patrol the wall.

That day, I visited the wall as usual, but I saw many sharp piles on the women's wall.

A group of soldiers transported bamboo and branches to the city and cut them into sharp piles with knives; the other team of soldiers tied these cut sharp piles to the women's wall with ropes and wickers.

"What is this doing?"

"To make sharp piles."

"I know it's making stakes. Which one told you to do it?"

"It was what the general told us to do."


"Yes. Last night, after you patrolled the city and returned to the house, you asked the commander to come and send an order to let us start cutting trees and bamboo in the morning and put sharp piles on the wall, saying that it was to prevent the ants of the thief soldiers from attacking the city.

"Liu Zhong said it?"


"Call Liu Zhong to come! No, I'll go find him."

I looked around and found nothing abnormal except the sharp piles. So he went back to his house to find Liu Zhong.

Liu Zhongzheng lay on the couch in his clothes. I guess I got up early in the morning and went out for a walk, and then went back to the house to rest. After recovery, he looked much better. Seeing me enter the room, he quickly stood up from the couch. I motioned him to sit back on the couch.

"Shizhi, did you send my order last night to let the soldiers put stakes on the wall?"

"Yes. Didn't they do it?"

"They are doing it."

"Oh. That's good." Liu Zhong was rebelled.

He was relieved, but I was worried: "Yesterday was the order I asked you to send?"

"Yes. I met you on my way back from the platform last night that you were going to join the army. You asked me not to go back to the house for the time being and go to the city to give orders. After I passed the order, I went back to the house and went to bed.

"I didn't meet you last night! I didn't ask you to go to the city to upload an order!"

"Ah?" Liu Zhong almost jumped up from the couch. What's going on?"

This incident is extremely strange, which reminds me of a veteran who went to the city and ordered the soldiers defending the city to splash water on the city and freeze the city wall. At that time, I warned the soldiers defending the city not to change the tactics of defending the city without my order, and strengthened the vigilance in the city.

Now this has happened again. It seems that it was the same person who made the city's guards make sharp stakes on the wall this time. However, he no longer pretended to be a veteran, but faked my orders through Liu Zhong's mouth.

Who the hell is this? Why did he come to assist me again and again, but hide it so that I don't know?

I asked Liu Zhong, "Shizhi, the person you met last night really looks exactly like me?"

"At that time, I couldn't see clearly on the mountain road. It looks very similar, especially the voice is exactly the same. So I believed it for a moment.

"Was there anyone else at that time?"


"Can that person bring his own soldiers?"

"No. You often patrol the village alone without your own soldiers.

What Liu Zhong said is true. Whether in chapters or in the stream, it is not difficult to understand my actions. I am the leader of the garrison, and my every move has attracted much attention. Therefore, it is impossible to guess who this mysterious figure is based on these clues alone.

The character was selected by Liu Zhong. It's because that since last time, that person can't repeat the old drama, and Liu Zhong often sent orders on my behalf, and it is easier to believe that he went to the city. The time was chosen last night, naturally to find out that he had toured the city, and he was not with Liu Zhong. In addition, it is not easy to see the modification at night.

In addition to his changeable appearance, this person can't even distinguish my voice from the soldiers who get along with me day and night. Thinking about this, I can't help but stand up.

I comforted Liu Zhong a few words and asked him to rest. I went out to inspect Zhainan along the mountain road. As I walked, I thought carefully.

If this person really wants to help me, he can tell me the strategy of defending the city through his own soldiers or other people. Naturally, I will not force him to expose him to the eyes of the world. But he did not do that, but adopted an extreme and troublesome method.

Although this method is effective, it has caused great interference to the military discipline of the defenders. After all, after hearing about Liu's army's bad behavior in Huiji, I vowed to gradually turn Juzhang and Xiaoxi into a "fine willow camp" with strict military discipline.

"General Liu, please." A squire I met on the mountain road gave way to arch his hand to me.

I returned the salute and asked, "Where is your husband's foot now?"

He turned around and pointed to a hillside and said, "I have several rooms there. Although it is not as spacious as a house, it is still spacious. If the general is idle, don't come to the cold house to drink a bowl of tea.

"It's easy to say. It's easy to say."

After saying goodbye to this squire, I suddenly remembered that I heard that rich people paid money to bribe the thief soldiers when I was in Wu County. Like the rich people in Wu County, some of the rich people in Juzhang bribed Sun En to protect themselves. On the one hand, they had to "filial piety" the thief soldiers, and on the other hand, they hoped that the officers and soldiers could calm down Sun En's rebellion.

But if the sentences are not kept, these rich people will still fall into the brutality of Sun En. So even if rich people want to help me, it is not convenient to help in the bright place. Not only can't let me know, but also can't let others know.

Thinking this way, the person who secretly helped me twice probably came from a rich man. Because he doesn't want anyone to know that he is helping me, that's probably why he disguised himself twice.

Thinking of this, although there are still many worries in my heart, I am also relieved.