Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 16 Dress Up 2

After such a righteous act spread, the world praised Mrs. Xie for her courage and insight. Therefore, there is a lot of public opinion that hopes that our country will no longer have to strictly abide by the order that women are not required to join the army. Since ancient times, no generation has imposed such a strict ban on women joining the army.

Despite public opinion, the decree has not changed after all.

Amaranth said such a seat in the hall. Although everyone knew that it was reasonable, it was not in line with the law.

Everyone doesn't know how to deal with it. Let me take a look at He Wuji. When He Wuji first heard that there was someone pretending to be a soldier, he suddenly felt happy and had nothing to do with him, with the mentality of watching the bustle. But when he saw that the man was amaranth, his expression became very helpless.

In addition to one or two personal soldiers, only He Wuji knows about me and Amaranth.

He Wuji saw me look at him, but he shook his head at me helplessly.

Yu Qiu came over and asked in a low voice, "What is Sima going to do with these two?"

I patted the desk and shouted, "Officer Xun Mao led the violation of military discipline and beheaded!" It will be implemented at noon tomorrow. The woman privately entered the barracks, filled the prisoner's camp, and worked hard. After saying that, despite everyone's surprised expression, I got up and left the county government.

As soon as he turned a corner on the mountain road, Yu Qiujin caught up with him.

When he returned to my house, Yu Qiujin followed the front office and whispered, "I'm afraid it's too harsh to punish the officer and the woman like this."

"Oh? Harsh? If the military order is not strict, why do you intimidate the enemy? As a soldier, it is strictly forbidden to bring family members, not to mention..."

"But that woman is not a family..."

"Women can't join the army!"

"But the officer will not be executed."

I looked up and stared at Yu Qiujin. He didn't say any more and stood aside.

I spread out a * on the table and looked at it for a long time. After making comments, I threw it on the table. With a sound, Yu Qiujin might as well tremble with coldness. He looked at me and didn't leave or stay.

I said to him, "Is that officer familiar with you?"

"I'm not familiar with him, but Dawn is very familiar with him and seems to be from the same hometown."

"I know, let's go."

Yu Qiujin just went out, and Liu Zhong came in again.

"What's the matter?" I asked angrily.

"Oh. It's not a big deal."

I turned my head and waved to him. Liu Zhong retreated knowingly. After a while, he came in again.

"What's the matter?"

"He joined the army."

"I know."

I just said "I know" and overwhelmed Liu Zhong. I don't know whether it means "please" or "please go". He was stunned and went out to lead He Wuji in.

I glanced at He Wuji and said, "What are you doing?"

He Wuji smiled and approached me and said, "Go into the inner room and say a few words."

I had to let him go to the inner room. The two sat face to face across the table.

He Wuji made a cup of tea for me and said, "Sima really wants to kill that officer?"

I didn't say anything.

He Wuji said: "Although this officer violated military discipline, he did not die. Moreover, the soldiers are guards in this small stream village, and they can't even pay well. What should they do to restrain people by risking their lives to defend the city and the fortress? Although the military order fell like a mountain. It's easy to say. Do you want to do it? It's strange that the guards don't run away. So, I know you are angry..."

"How can I be angry?"

He Wuji smiled and then said, "Anyway, it's a little too much. Why don't I come forward to plead with you when we discuss the matter early tomorrow morning, and you can follow the steps. Just hit him with dozens of military sticks.

"Don't worry about it. I have my own reason.

He Wuji smiled when he saw that I was soft and hard, and I couldn't eat water and fire. He poured himself a cup of tea, picked it up, took a sip, and tasted it with great interest.

I think: I don't know how many hours ago the tea was made. Does it taste so good?

He Wuji didn't care about the taste of the tea. He took two sips and said to me, "So, what should amaranth deal with?"

I sighed, "What do you think should be done?"

"It's reasonable that your sentence just now is appropriate, but do you have the heart to let her fill the prison camp as a coolant?"

"You can't bear it, can you?"

He Wuji laughed and pointed to me and said, "Liu Sima, although you are my boss, don't point to me in this matter. I still know about you and Amaranth. To tell you the truth, I am naturally very moved by the beauty of amaranth. Oh, it's not a heartbeat, it's a mouth-watering.

Hearing this, I smiled and said, "Why don't you know anything else? That's all you can do."

He Wuji was happy to see me and relieved and said, "You're wrong. Why can I do anything, but I won't attract the hearts of beautiful women."

"Do you attract fewer women?"

"Okay, okay, don't talk about that. Let me give you a piece of advice."

"What's the trick?" Hearing this, I became interested.

"When I discuss the matter tomorrow morning, I will come forward to plead with you. Please follow the steps..."

"Stop talking." I interrupted him and said, "I finally understand now. Speaking of which, I, Liu Yu, wanted to kill and was saved by you He Wuji; I, Liu Yu, wanted to let the woman join the army, but I was also saved by You He Wuji. I am the villain! You are so good at being a man."

He Wuji laughed and said, "Okay, let's not talk about it. I really want to give you a piece of advice. How about..."

He Wuji's advice to me is not very smart. If he really wants to do what he says, he may be criticized for my favoritism and perus in the future. However, it is dangerous, and there is no other way at present, so we have to give it a try.

After Yuqiu walked in, I walked alone to Kuan's military tent. When you see me in the tent, you quickly get up from the couch and salute.

"Done, thank you for your hard work during the day." In today's battle at noon, Koon contributed the most. I am not only grateful to this fierce general, but also to his comrades-in-arms. Although I am also brave and good at fighting, I can't fight on the heroism of just a few people. Unfortunately, there are too few strong generals like

"It's not hard to kill a thief."

"Good! OK! Sit down."

I sat by his couch and asked, "What do you think of the officer and the woman who disposed of today?"

"The last general dare not say."

"But it doesn't matter."

"The officer and the last general are old. Although I think this punishment is too strict, I can't say anything because of my personal feelings. Moreover, with all due respect, although you will be in the army, you can't accept the king's order, Liu Sima, you can't kill at will.

"You are also straightforward." I didn't want to discuss with him whether killing was reasonable or not, so I asked him, "What's your relationship with him?"

"It's a fellow villager, and it's also half a benefactor. In his early years, he lived together in a village, and later he was separated by a military disaster. He inadvertently saved my life. Later, when I arrived at the sentence, I knew that he had joined the army, so I begged him to recommend me to be the groom.

"It turns out that he recommended you to be the groom."


I laughed and said, "It seems that you are promoted faster than him."

"Duo Cheng Sima's help."

"Dao, since this person is kind to you, how about I give you a favor?"

"What kind of favor?"

I whispered to him, and then went back to my place to live.