Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 19 Regulating Military Discipline 2

After Liu Laozhi returned to Huiji, he instructed He Wuji to guard Shangyu for him. He Wuji got the order and left the stream.

Although Liu Laozhi led troops to attack Sun En and guard the coastal defense, many people were not grateful to Liu Laozhi wherever he went, whether it was Wu County, Huiji or Shangyu.

The reason is nothing more than that in the eyes of the people, Liu Laozhi and Sun En are the same. Since Liu Laozhi came to Jiangnan, the military discipline has become worse and worse. Wherever it passes, it is no different from locusts sweeping through, and the only thing people can save is their lives and surplus food. In some places, even surplus food is not guaranteed.

Before Wu County went south to Huiji County, I only heard such rumors and thought they were exaggerated and disdained them. I know that the people are silent about the rule of the dynasty and dare not complain. Ming Li dares not say anything, but he often renders some trivial things into big things in private.

After the meeting and even the sentences, I had a personal understanding of the truth. The people's impression of the army is getting worse and worse, and even when it comes to military discipline, it is no longer obscure. Of course, market gossip alone is not enough. This rendering is mostly done by those talkers after they are full of wine and food.

Although they are in a high position, they regard themselves as clean and honest. Although they never get along with the people, they have always attacked the current dynasty with the image of the people asking for their lives and speaking for the people. Sima Daozi and Yuan Xian and others hate such clear talkers, but ironically, these two are the leaders of these talkers.

The two Sima also knew that what these talkers said was indeed true, but since the dynasty moved south, it had jurisdiction over only a few states and few people. If the tax is not increased, even the majesty of the imperial dynasty cannot be preserved.

Those talkers don't do anything, but just say that it may not be too easy. If you are not a courtier, who can solve the difficulties and worries? Occasionally, when the two Sima were full of friends, they also said some malpractices and talk about change, but that was just comforting and creating some public opinion that they did their best for the country and the people.

In this regard, Liulaozhi complained to me more than once: the two above are too good at being people. They have all the benefits, and the disadvantages are the local bureaucrats and the army. He also knew that his army had done something wrong to the people, but many of them were done under the instructions or influence of the two Sima. He leads the army of the State of Jin. The country does not support the army. Does he need a general to support it? Although I can't agree with Liu Zhenzhi's complaint, it is not convenient to refute it.

At the beginning of the sentence, when I saw the desolation outside the city, I took it for granted that it originated from the brutality of Sun En's thief army. After asking the garrison last time, I knew that Sun En's violence was not enough, and what Liu prison's army did was frightening.

When the Beifu Army was set up in Jingkou, this army was the best of all the armies of the Jin Dynasty. Every citizen of the State of Jin who is determined to fight and kill the enemy is proud to join the Northern Army. When one person enters the north mansion, not only the glory of the whole family, but also the gentry and local tyrants in his hometown are extremely respectful. For a while, Beifu was full of talents and tiring. All the officers are virtuous soldiers and their own soldiers, and all the soldiers take it as their responsibility to protect the people and settle down their families.

It is also because of the status of the Beifu Army in the Jin army and because there is no big battle to fight after the Battle of Yushui, so that the Beifu army can rely on the famous battle, which makes the generals increasingly arrogant and arrogant. When Xie Xuan and Xie Yan, the masters of Beifu, were still restrained. After the Xie brothers were transferred from the North House, the soldiers of the North House were like horses out of control, and no one could control them anymore.

In addition, although most of the soldiers of the Beifu army come from ordinary people's families, there are also many children of the scholars. A seemingly ordinary soldier may be a relative and friend of a minister or general. If they violate discipline, who dares to plead guilty at will?

Liu Laozhi and other old generals of Xie Xuan can still abide by the discipline and etiquette of Beifu, but those newly recruited officers and soldiers are really difficult to compliment. It turned out to be a bad behavior of a few people, like a plague, which infected the whole army in a few years. When the disease is terminal, it is already difficult to treat it again. Liu Jaozhi and Sun Wujun have also worked hard to govern the army, but with little effect. The last thing he did was to occasionally remove some grudges, but he had no choice but to get rid of the tumor.

Liu Jaozhi did not completely ignore my adjud, but he was thinking about how to put out Sun En's rebellion and didn't care about it. Besides, the country has owed the military pay to the soldiers of Beifu for a long time, and it is impossible to really be ruthless in governing military discipline. Although it can't be said that the bad military discipline was condoned by Liu Prison, at least he turned a blind eye. He can't control it and doesn't want to control it. Later, I saw that it was useless to persuade, so I simply stopped talking.

After leading the troops into Juzhang, I was ruthless to cure the Juzhang army. When he first entered Juzhang City, he also made three tough hands on all the generals and soldiers, and the military discipline was really boosted. However, over time, this military discipline has also been disindocumented a lot. Especially after arriving at the stream, the war is getting more and more fierce, the use is getting bigger and bigger, the military pay is getting more and more uneven, and the military discipline is becoming more and more difficult to correct it seriously.

Needless to say, I have little contact with soldiers, even the people around me have all kinds of problems.

Before, I was busy with the war and didn't have time to take care of many things. Now that Sun En has been repulsed, he can free up his hands to rectify military discipline.

This day, I summoned the main officers and some veterans to the county government to discuss military discipline.

In fact, the county government of Xiaoxi should be commensurate with the military government at this time. Because after the arrival of the county magistrate of Juzhang, a temporary county government office has been built before the new Juzhang City was repaired. After the county government moved, the mansion in Xiaoxi Village became a special military government.

After we sat down, we said, "At present, there is a shortage of people in the army, and you should be very clear about it. I know that most people don't pay importance to these official titles given to you by the imperial court. So what kind of reward do you want to get when you make contributions?

I didn't talk about military discipline directly, but about rewards. The training over the years has made me seem to have made greater progress in dealing with people than martial arts and tactics.

If you want to talk about two things with people, one is pleasant and the other unpleasant. The best way is to talk about the previous one thing first, make people feel better, and then talk about the last thing. After talking about the last unpleasant thing and ending with the previous happy thing, such a conversation or discussion will definitely get twice the result with half the effort and achieve unexpected success.

One of the officers said, "It doesn't matter whether you reward or not. It's best if you can get the reward on time."

Before I said anything, a seemingly honest veteran said, "General Liu, in fact, you should also know that we are different from you. Most of us have no ambition. We just joined the army for a bite of food. No, not for a mouthful of rice, but for a few mouthfuls of rice, or even a dozen mouthfuls of rice.


"My hometown is Xuzhou, where I fight almost every day. After the family fled to Jingkou, I joined the army. If it's just to support me, then I can escape to Jiangzhou or even Lingnan. But I have a family and I can't escape that far.

"In the army, once we have military achievements, the court will award the title, which of course is what we hope. However, the rewards gradually decreased, and the titles gradually increased, and gradually became more and more abusive. These official ranks are more or less paid in the past dynasties. But in my dynasty, most of the titles we got were virtual titles. In our opinion, these official titles can only be held on the head and cannot be eaten as food. If the court doesn't pay, what will our family eat?

"Exact." Several people echoed.