Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 25 Marshal 2

I led Bao Sizhi and 200 soldiers to attack the city.

It was surprising that the thief soldiers who attacked the city suddenly saw someone coming from outside the city. However, when we saw that the number of our troops was not large, we immediately calmed down and allocated 400 or 500 people to meet us. The remaining thieves still attacked the city regardless of their life and death.

As soon as the death squad killed hundreds of thieves, they heard a loud "boom-" sound. A wall on the right side of the tower collapsed. The soldiers in the city, the thieves on the wall, and the people under the city who had time to escape were all buried.

Acupuncture! I was shocked.

Now I understand the intention of sending several boats to destroy the water gate the other day and attack the water city to take a long axe and a long hammer to cut the wall. It turned out that at that time, they did not cut down the wall, but just to check the texture of the wall and prepare for the cave attack.

No wonder more than a dozen ships that followed later were blocked outside the open gate and were not in a hurry to attack. After the thieves and soldiers on the boats locked inside the Ming Gate were raped, the dozen boats outside the Ming Gate wandered around before withdrawing. It seems that Yao Sheng or other thieves must be on more than a dozen ships. It turned out that at that time, they just came to check the city defense, not to attack the city.

While fighting with the thief soldiers, I said to Kuai En and Sun Ji high-level people around me, "Find Yao Sheng quickly! If you capture the thief, capture the king first!"

I didn't expect that Yao Sheng would send it to his door without waiting for us to find it. He probably saw that the 400 or 500 people could not stop us from moving forward and personally led more than 1,000 people to attack us. Yao Sheng is very conspicuous on a tall horse, but our arrows and arrows are still difficult to cause damage to Yao Sheng, who wears heavy armor and has guards.

"Let's adjust the formation! Attack the rider in the distance!"

The death squad listened to the order and gathered around me. I ordered Bao Sizhi's team of guards, and Kuan and I took the lead in attacking in the direction Yao Sheng was.

Although there are many thieves and soldiers, this full assault is very effective. We forced the thief soldiers in front of us to retreat repeatedly. I stared at a gap, inserted from the thief group alone, and quickly jumped in front of Yao Sheng and waved a knife straight to him.

Yao Sheng hurriedly raised his halberd to welcome him. After only two moves, the halberd in Yao Sheng's hand was blown away by my knife.

Yao Sheng saw that the situation was not good and hurriedly took his horse away.

I cut a knife at the horse, but I didn't hit it. I saw the horse shoot out like an arrow from the string.

I chased more than a dozen steps forward, but saw the horse running farther and farther suddenly hissing, shaking and falling to the ground, and also fell Yao Sheng heavily.

I was surprised to see a short man coming out from under the horse's belly. This person turned out to be Li Mi.

Li Mi is not a member of the death squad, and I didn't take him out of the city. I don't know when he came to the city, and when he got under Yao Sheng's horse's belly and stabbed him to death with a dagger.

Yao Sheng, who didn't have a horse, panicked when he saw me getting closer and closer. His heavy armor looked very inconvenient at this time. I was more than ten steps away from Yao Sheng. When I was about to catch up, six big men suddenly came out of the oblique thorn to block me and Li Mi.

Compared with my strangely shaped moon knife, the weapons in the hands of the six big men are very ordinary: one holds a nail target, one holds a hoe, and one holds a sickle in his hand. That's all right, but the remaining three weapons are: a broom, a dustpan, and a chicken feather duster.

I frowned and thought: Was Yao Sheng chased to jump over the wall, and even the tenants and servants in the countryside were sent to battle.

But after getting hands with each other, I found that these "servants" were very difficult to deal with. The seemingly ineffective dustpan that I ignored most posed the greatest threat to me. Because the person holding the dustpan is very flexible, and the dustpan is big. He jumped forward and backward, in fact, not to kill me, but to block my sight so that the other five people can find a chance to attack.

This dustpan is not an ordinary dustpan. I don't know what mechanism is installed in it, and it emits light from time to time. This light not only keeps me in the light, but also attracts my attention all the time.

The first time I encountered such a situation, although I didn't lose anything, I was a little dizzy by the dustpan. I was very annoyed.

I was very anxious to see Yao Sheng, who fell off the horse, fleeing far away.

At this time, I heard a strange cry approaching: "Sima, who are these people you hit?"

"Servant!" I thought about Yao Sheng's own soldiers, but the export became a "servant".

"Servant? Oh, that's easy to deal with... your ancestors!"

Hearing the newly arrived kuan shouting "your ancestor", he naturally cut down another thief.

I hurriedly shouted at him, "It's hard to deal with! They are not servants, but Yao Sheng's own soldiers. Come and help me. Yao Sheng is going to escape.

"Good. Your ancestors, I'm coming!"

Kou En's words followed my last sentence, which made me laugh and cry.

"Wow-haha, wow-haha." Kone looked at these people's weapons and couldn't help laughing.

In fact, if I hadn't put up with it, I'm afraid I would have laughed a long time ago.

I never thought that the battlefield of life and death was full of such joy. However, how can I have time to enjoy this alien interest here now?

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the six "servants" to be distracted from dealing with Kuai En, I cut a knife according to the big dustpan, dodged and chased Yao Sheng.

Yao Sheng didn't run far, because he couldn't take off his heavy armor for a while. Those soldiers who helped him take off his armor had to take time to turn back and deal with Li Mi, who followed him firmly.

Although Li Mi is not strong, he runs fast and quickly. Although there were many people on the other side, he was at a loss under the attack of Li Midong. The thief shouted angrily, "Li Mi, it's enough for you to surrender. Unexpectedly, he helped the enemy fight us. Do you still have a conscience?

Li Mi poked with a dagger and replied, "I, Li Mi, am small and a man. I went the wrong way with my master, but now I'm going to kill all of you thieves.

"What kind of man are you, little dwarf? It's just a capricious villain... Ah, Liu Nu is chasing me!"

The thief called "Liu Nu" is me. This is not only the abbreviation of my nickname "Liu Xinu", but also the name used by the thief soldiers to indicate me.

Now the name of "Liu Nu" is very loud in the thief army. This nickname is obviously a great deterrent to many thief soldiers who have participated in the battle of Haiyan; and for the thief soldiers who have not participated in the war between the two places, the deterrent will only be greater. After all, rumors usually magnify an ordinary thing many times.