Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 008 Jingzhou Strategy

"Gong Huan, General Youdao has led his army to Jiangling." Bian Fanzhi went into the inner room to report to Huan Xuan. This young Taoist is Huan Xuan's brother Huan Wei.

"When will it arrive?" Huan Xuan asked while dressing under the service of the maid.

"Noon the day after tomorrow. The generals have been waiting in the council chamber for a long time.

Huan Xuan wore a military uniform. He has been fighting for several months, so Huan Xuan is used to putting a military uniform in the inner room in case.

Huan Xuan, who is quite elegant, wears a military uniform and is a heroic general. Huan Xuan, who is in his heyday, has both literature and martial arts, but also has both talent and beauty. He seized the military and political power in one fell swoop. At that time, he was in high spirits and complatonish.

Before, he repeatedly wanted to wave his army to the east and take advantage of Sun En's rebellion to coerce Sima Daozi and Sima Yuanxian and his son. However, when Sima Yuanxian took the lead and waved his army to the west to coerce Huan Xuan, Huan Xuan was a little panicked.

Huan Xuan had a relationship with Sima Daozi before and knew that Sima Daozi was also a successful person when he was young. Unexpectedly, he became a wise man in his forties. I don't know what else is in the world except for power, wealth, alcoholism and fun every day. Such a person doesn't pay attention to the arrogant Huan Xuan at all.

However, Huan Xuan's attitude towards Sima Yuanxian is completely different. Sima Yuanxian was more than ten years younger than Huan Xuan. At the beginning of his debut, he assisted Sima Daozi to defeat Wang Gong, Yin Zhongkan and Huan Xuan. Before long, Sima Daozi, the powerful minister, was squeezed out of the political core. Unify the government when you are less than 20 years old.

In the military and politics, this Sima Yuanxian should not be underestimated. Huan Xuan, who is conceited as a young wizard, appreciates and is afraid of Sima Yuanxian, who is also a young wizard. Now that Sima Yuanxian has taken the initiative to attack him, how can Huan Xuan not panic?

Except for Bian Fanzhi, Yin Zhongwen and other counselors who arrived at the council hall, the rest were cronies. Since they are all aware of the current situation, Huan Xuan went straight to the point and discussed military deployment.

The generals have different opinions. Some people suggest that they go down the river to meet Sima Yuanxian, and some people suggest setting up a defensive line in Wuchang to wait for work. Huan Xuan was so heartfelt that he couldn't take care of it.

Before, the four princes fought against Sima Yuanxian and suffered a fiasco. Now that they are fighting alone, how many chances do they have to win? Huan Xuan thought about it over and over again, and was more inclined to establish a defense in Jingzhou at his doorstep.

Seeing Huan Xuan's worries, Bian Fanzhi suggested: "Huan Gongwei's famous works are in the world. Sima Yuanxian is a child who has not been smelly. Yuan Xian's previous expedition to Wang Gong and this expedition to Sun En were relied on by Liulao. Although Liu Laozhi is strong, his personal reputation is poor, the military discipline is poor, and Yu Yang, Xu and other states are greatly lost.

If Duke Huan approaches the capital with heavy troops and shows prestige to the soldiers and civilians of the states, the collapse of Liu prison's army can be waited for. How can Huan Gong stand the appearance of no prison? What's more, there is no one who delays the entry of the enemy and takes the weak!"

Huan Xuan listened to Bian Fanzhi's words and thought it was very reasonable, and his concerns had been completely eliminated. So he stood up and shouted to the generals, "I have made up my mind!" When Huan Wei's soldiers arrive, I will lead a strong soldier to go straight to Jiankang. The opportunity for the generals to make achievements is at this time!"

After Huan Wei's arrival, Huan Xuan asked him to guard Jiangling, the state capital of Jingzhou, and personally led the army down the river, through Wuchang and straight to Xunyang. Until the army arrived in Xunyang and heard a soldier of Wu Yuanxian in front of him, Huan Xuan couldn't help but be overjoyed: Bian Fanzhi's judgment was really good.

So Huan Xuansuo ordered all the warships not to stay in Xunyang and sailed straight into Jiankang's Xifan City.

Shou Gu is the king of Sima Shangzhi. Sima Shangzhi did not expect that Huan Xuan's army would suddenly attack, just like a sudden surrender of heavenly soldiers, so he had to mobilise his army to respond to the battle. As a result, he was quickly defeated by Huan Xuan, and Sima Shangzhi had to abandon his aunt and lead hundreds of remnants to break through the siege and flee to Jiankang.

Huan Xuan took Gu Jie as the Chinese army and arrayed to fight against the vanguard of the incoming Yuanxian army. This striker general is Liu Zhenzhi.

"This Sima Yuanxian is so flamboyant that he wants to go against the water. What's the reason why Chen Bing is at the gate of Jiankang now? After occupying the city, Huan Xuan patrolled the city while asking everyone.

"Is it to attack the east and the west?" A general's collar blurted out.

Huh? Strike east and west?" Huan Xuan took a look at the general, lowered his head and thought about it, and then said, "No, no. Jiankang to Wuchang and Jiangling is against the water, and it is impossible to raid. Jingzhou is heavily guarded and attacked Jingzhou by land. It is not a quick battle to win. If it is invincible, it must be trapped, and neither water nor land can advance or retreat. It's not a strategy to attack the east and the west.

"Or ambushed the army, lure me to go deep, and then surround it?" Another counselor guessed again.

"If this is unavoidable. However, as long as our army makes the waterway smooth, Sima Yuanxian's encirclement plan will do nothing. This time, it was Yin Zhongwen. He continued:

"What's more, the army guarding Wuchang will also go down as scheduled in a few days, but it will have to stick to the aunt for more than a month, attack inside and outside, and its encirclement will resolve itself. And I thought it seemed unreasonable to abandon the important town upstream and surround me. Jiankang is near the left. If the siege is invalid, will the Jiankang City be broken on the eve? Moreover, it has not been heard of tempting the enemy to Beijing since ancient times. Yuan Xian has not sent troops this time, I'm afraid it's an internal reason.

Huan Xuan listened and nodded to look at Bian Fanzhi. Bian Fanzhi also nodded and said, "What Zhong Wen said is very true. The two armies competed with each other, and there was no one who abandoned the land. Isn't it cowardly to attack the army and only know how to guard Jiankang? I thought that our army could be divided into three parts: sticking in the city, guerrillas outside the city, and the navy through the upstream and downstream waterways. If so, it will be foolproof."

Everyone agrees with such a deployment. Huan Xuan immediately sent generals to garrison.

Looking at the direction of Jiankang, Huan Xuan couldn't help sighing. Since his father and uncle, the Huan family has lived in Jingzhou, but Huan Xuan is also very familiar with Jiankang. In his youth, he went to Jiankang countless times and visited the public secretary in order to be reused by the imperial court. However, nothing has been done.

When he finally did something, there was no time that he was not the enemy of Jiankang's minister.

I thought I would rise up and take a different path from my father. However, in any case, every step of my step seems to fall into my father's footprints, and I don't even have a chance to resist.

Age away from Jiankang, Huan Xuan suddenly realized that walking a path that is the same or different from his father is not what he can decide, but by himself. This road is not his father's road, but a road that every prince who guards Jingzhou will take. Wang Dun, his father Huan Wen, Yin Zhongkan, that's not the case.

Of course, there are exceptions. After thinking deeply again, Huan Xuan thought that those exceptions such as Tao Kan were just because they did not stay in Jingzhou long enough. It seems that as long as you stay in Jingzhou long enough, you will definitely be the enemy of Jiankang.

Huan Xuan was secretly happy to find this law, but the reason for this law was unsolved in his heart. In addition to being happy, I am also a little annoyed.