Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 023 Keep a low profile

Back home, I told my stepmother and wife about Sun En's death. They are also happy about this. The lady also specially arranged a family banquet in the garden for this purpose. I told her to set up a fragrance case in the garden. She just wanted to say something, but she stopped thinking about it and ordered the servants to prepare.

The new moon is like a hook, which evokes many memories. In the past year, I led the soldiers to fight in Wu County, Huiji, Juzhang, Haiyan, Lou County, my hometown Dantu and other places. The bodies of countless soldiers were submerged by weeds and ruins; countless parents, wives and children were overwhelmed by tears and grief. Poor and lamentable.

Standing in the garden, the bloody sky of Haiyan Street Battle came to my mind again and could not be erased for a long time.

The servant arranged the incense case. First, I took my wife and children to kneel down in front of the incense case and raise wine to pay tribute to my ancestors. Although I, Liu Yu, did not make any strange achievements, I finally did what a seven-foot man should do for the country and his family under the protection of his underground ancestors. There is no great loss in loyalty, filial piety, etiquette and festival.

Then, I alone commemorated the soldiers, civilians, and even those innocent people who went to the battlefield who died in several battles. Bless their undead to be safe and not to be involved in any disputes in the future.

Although the mood is quite heavy, this family banquet is also a celebration after all, and the family is very happy.

I couldn't sleep at night, thinking of the wind and rain in the years of war. This year's experience has changed me from a rigorous officer who governs the army to a general who is good at attacking cities and fighting in the field.

From the day of the attack on Wu County, I have experienced the hand-to-hand battle of Wu County, the defense of Juzhang and Dantu, the siege of Huiji and Lou County, the empty city plan and street battle of Haiyan, the position battle and land battle of Shanghai, and the water battle of Yuzhou.

These battles can only be experienced by ordinary generals for more than ten or even decades. However, I have experienced it all in a year. Now think about it, maybe my lost career is for today. It's really in vain for me to train soldiers and carefully study tactics and formations for so many years.

This year's experience has awakened a dormant ambition in my heart. I can't see the whole picture of ambition. I can only see a scale and half a claw, but just by looking at it, I can realize that it is a huge body of sprouting ambition. Its size is so big that I have to look up, but even so, I still can't see its face.

I'm even a little surprised. Where did such ambition come from? Why did you possess me? What do I do?

Over the years, what I have been thinking about all day is nothing more than how to maintain a livelihood. Even if I have been promoted year by year in the army and even joined the general's mansion as a military and Sima, I have been suppressing what I think. As a soldier, I am just exercising my duties and earning income to support my family. That's all.

In the birth and death of the war, I have no energy to think about my life at all. Now when I return to this familiar home and see my familiar relatives and friends, although I am far away from the battlefield, the smoke does not seem to be moving away, but getting closer and closer. Behind the smoke, there is a force calling me. This power is not entirely the feng shui of my father's grave, not exactly the words of the old monks of Zhulin Temple in Jingkou...

The scenery in the south of the Yangtze River in spring is pleasant.

Farmer workers are working in the fields and have no time to pay attention to the good spring. There is time to pay attention to this spring, including me and my family.

This day, I was taking my wife and children on an outing by the river in the suburbs. Willows by the river began to sprout and cast shade on the shore of the river. Some young people are sitting in the shadow of the tree. Or a few people lean against the tree trunk to read a book. There was even a young man chanting something as if no one was around.

"The man seems to recite the gift of Kangle." My wife pointed to the poet in the car and said to me.

"What kind of recreation?" I asked.

"Kangle Gong's name is Xie Lingyun, and he is the grandson of General Xie Xuan. The attack is the lord of Kangle. 18 years old. He is good at poetry and has the style of Tao Yuanming. Jiang Zuishi recites a lot.

Unexpectedly, his wife lived in the boudoir and knew that General Xie Xuan had such a grandson named Xie Lingyun.

"Oh, it turned out to be a follower of Yuan Liang." Tao Yuanming was very well-known in the dynasty. He once served as Huan Xuan's staff. When I was in Jiankang, I often heard Jingzhou people mention him. Before I left Jiankang, Yin Zhongwen held a banquet to entertain the generals who left Beijing. A poem he wrote during the banquet was Tao Yuanming's poem.

"No, Kang Legong's style of writing is similar to Tao Yuanming, but he is not a follower. In my opinion, Kang Legong seems to be better than Tao Yuanming.

I shook my head and didn't say anything. In my opinion, Yin Zhongwen calls himself a genius. Tao Yuanming can be appreciated by Yin Zhongwen. He must not be a mortal. I'm afraid the reason why my wife's evaluation of Xie Lingyun is high is that Xie Lingyun is a young handsome young man, while Tao Yuanming is getting drowing. How can he attract his wife or the young man under the tree?

I thought about this and looked at the young man shaking his head with his eyes closed, worried that he would fall inadtentionally.

"Oh, madam. When our family grows up, we can't marry such a person. I touched my daughter's little head and said.

"Xing'er is here, and you still talk nonsense like this. What's wrong with this boy? I like it very well." Madam said.

"Xinger, do you like that little brother with his eyes closed?" I lowered my head and asked my daughter.

My daughter pouted and didn't say anything to me. Madam hurriedly pushed my arm: "Don't say these boring things in front of my daughter."


Although they took their wives and daughters out of the city for a break, they could only sit in the car and lift the curtain to look around. Now my identity is different from before, and my wife and children are also different. According to the etiquette system of the dynasty, wives and children are not allowed to get along with civilians, especially men.

The car was parked in a scenic place by the river. I took a servant and sat by the river.

The river here is very wide, and the river is not in a hurry. Occasionally, when large ships pass by, there will be countless large or small whirlpools in the river. Jiang Lang jumped up and slapped the huge reef on the shore. Although those huge reefs have been baptized for thousands of years, they are still angular and seem to be more bony than the reefs on the shore.

Sometimes, I would rather be this eternal reef. Just quietly stay by the river, watch the changes of the four seasons, and look at the distant shadows of the lonely sails. I don't need to take any action, just watch all this silently, whether it's good, evil, joy or sorrow. There is no need to do anything; there is no generosity**, and there is no melancholy. There is no need to admire the glory of the temple or worry about the suffering of the grass people. Everything has nothing to do with yourself, and nothing will be missed. Let the past pass by like smoke and dust...

If you are the reef, will you have any memories? If the reef has memories, how complicated and heavy will its memories be after thousands of years of cold and heat and dynasty changes?