Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 026 After the loyal minister

Although Lu Xun inherited Sun En's manor and became the leader of Tianshi Tao, he did not often wear Taoist robes except for holding important intra-teaching meetings. Although Lu Xun is a believer in Tianshi Taoism, he is also a Confucian believer, because his family background comes from the scholar family after all. In his bones, he believes that Confucian clothes or official uniforms are more in line with his identity. The belief in the Heavenly Master is not so much his personal belief as his own.

Lu Xun's great-grandfather Lu Chen once served as the middle man of Sikong Liu Kun. Lu Zhan is not only a poet and essayist, but also a scholar who studies old and Zhuang. The Zhuangzi he annotated has spread all over the world and has become a must-read for those who believe in the heavenly master, and has also been cited as the classics of this religion by Sun Tai and Sun En.

In fact, what Lu Xun adheres to is not only the faith of his great-grandfather, but also the patriotism of his great-grandfather.

Among the words left by Zeng Zu, Lu Xun most often read a letter written by Zeng Zu to Liu Kun. There are a few sentences:

"Royal mourners, private relocation.

I hope the public will return and see the danger and difficulties.

I don't want to succeed, and the middle road is blocked.

Looking up to the sadness of the ancestors, bowing down and thinking about it.

Lu Chen admires Liu Kun, who he has served, which is very similar to Huan Wen. However, Lu Xun, Lu's great-grandson, is completely different from Huan Xuan, the son of Huan Wen. Huan Xuan is trying to revitalize his family business and realize his father's unfinished ambition to occupy the world, but Lu Xun has the ambition to serve the country, hoping that he can resist the strong enemy like Liu Kun and his great-grandfather.

Lu Zhuming knew that Sun En's purpose of rising up the army was different from his, but he also knew that Sun En was not just to avenge his uncle, but had a grand ambition to create a prosperous era of heaven and Taoism.

Thinking that Liu Kun and Zu Yi's will to expel Hu's fugitives were repeatedly suppressed by the court, Lu Xun realized that the first thing to do was to overthrow the rule of the Sima family. If Sun En can successfully establish the country, Lu Xun, as his brother-in-law, important staff and important general, will certainly guide Sun En to love the people with benevolence and righteousness. After establishing the country and strengthening the army, he will go north and recover the rivers and mountains of China to complete the will of Lu Chen, Liu Kun and Zu Yi.

However, to Lu Zhuan's puzzlement, Sun En's personality became more and more violent. In several tug-wars with officers and soldiers, that personality became more and more intense. After several failures, Sun En became a cruel man. Perhaps it is precisely because it is too easy for Sun En to win the hearts of the people, so when he is getting closer and closer to success, Sun En pays less and less attention to public opinion. When he led 100,000 people to conquer Jiankang, the army was like a locust, and there was no grass where it passed.

At that time, Lu Xun saw that Sun En was getting deeper and deeper on a road of no return, and he was unable to stop him any more. I only hope that I can break through Jiankang and establish a new dynasty in one fell swoop, and then I will ad the new emperor with a group of loyal ministers with the prince, or the prime minister.

However, Lu Xun's intention disappeared with the course of the war. Unexpectedly, Haohao's army was defeated by Liu Yu, who was close to Jiankang.

That war cast an indelible shadow on Lu Xun's heart. On that day, Lu Xun and Sun En climbed to watch the army together. The two cities of Tieweng and Dantu in Jingkou County are like flat boats in the torrent. As long as the siege order is issued, the two flat boats will drift away with the stream and will not know where to return.

However, they got the opposite ending. After the siege order was issued, although the siege was fierce, the defenders took the opportunity to rush out of the city. Under the leadership of Liu Yu, hundreds of people rampaged among tens of thousands of people, like entering no man's land. Liu Yuzhi's soldiers slaughtered Sun En's soldiers like a fierce man dealing with an unarmed child.

Sun En has never been so cowardly since the uprising. The battle of Dantu is a battle of victory. Coupled with the tenacious resistance of Liu's army outside Jiankang City, Sun En completely lost the courage to continue to attack.

Before, Sun En took 100,000 people to defend Jiankang; after that, Sun En took tens of thousands of people to be hunted by thousands of people by Liu Yu. So much so that Sun En had to sigh that he was born at the right time and the land, but he was born at the right time.

Lu Xun witnessed the whole process from Sun En's prosperity to his defeat. He believed that although Sun En's defeat had strong enemies such as Liu Prison and Liu Yu, it was mainly because Sun En himself did not come up with a practical battle plan. Attack

Lu Xun, Xu Daofu and others strongly advocated how to set up officials to guard the people after the fall of the city, and how to form a defense network of neighboring cities. Although Sun En also adopted some suggestions, he did not fully adopt them. As a result, he demolished the east wall to repair the west wall and put out the fire everywhere. Even if you lose, you will retreat to the island of Yongdong, and if you lose again, you will retreat to the island of Yongdong.

How to compete for the world without an inch of land?

In those years, Liu Bang had the foundation to compete with Xiang Yu for the world after capturing the customs and obtaining the land of Shu. Only after Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou and obtained Nanjun in that year could he escape from the wings of Eastern Wu and establish his own power.

The same is true of the Hu Fu in the north. The Di people of the Zhou Dynasty fought with the Central Plains for many years, and finally established Zhongshan to end their exile; the Xiongnu of the Han Dynasty plundered in the northern desert and occupied Chang'an to end the loss.

This is why Lu Xun insisted on the autonomy of a county when he submitted to the court. As an important counselor of Lu Xun, Xu Daofu suggested that if Lu Xun asked for the state governor, he would at least ask for the position of governor of Yongjia County. Although Yongjia County is not an important county, its geographical location is very special. Once Yongjia is in hand, he can control a large area of land extending south of Huiji to the South China Sea.

Sure enough, as soon as he arrived at Yongjia Xu Daofu, he advised Lu Zhun to guard the road from south to north. On the one hand, it can be used for profit; on the other hand, it can control the flow of people. It affects the surrounding states and counties with the land of one county.

After the military and people of Yongjia County were stabilized, Lu Xun began to harass the surrounding counties. Lu Xun's intention was not to really occupy those counties, but to test the court. In addition, I also want to use some small-scale battles to train troops.

When guarding the meeting, his army defeated Sun Wushu, Gao Yazhi and others. At that time, Lu Xun thought that his military ability was far more than Sun En. This

In the past few months, Xu Daofu, the mastermind, has repeatedly discussed with him the gains and losses of previous battles, which has made Lu Xun more confident in military confrontation with the court. It just takes more time. Run Yongjia for the best time to rise.

However, when they thought that small-scale nuisance would be nothing more than blamed or warned by the court, the court raised the situation to the highest level - directly sent Beifu soldiers to suppress it.

Although this was unexpected by Lu Xun and Xu Dao, but since Wang Shi was on the way to the south, they had to prepare well so that the soldiers could block and cover the earth.