Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 029 Strong Generals

The thief's army moved, and Zhu Chaoshi took advantage of the situation to reach the top of the city. Meng Huaiyu commanded Huan Xiu's army to follow the fishing, while Liu Rongzu suppressed the defense of the city with bows and arrows under the city. Soon, our army occupied the head of the city. For a moment, the gate was also opened, and our army rushed into the city.

However, the main general who led the army into the city was not me, but Huan Xiu.

I sent someone to invite Huan Xiu to the city before starting the siege.

Although this battle is small, it is Huan Xiu's first battle. If he leads the army and loses and I win, it is obviously extremely embarrassing for him. Since Huan Xiu wants to make military achievements in the first battle, why don't I raise my hand to give in? Since I am now hiding my time to show my submission to the Huan family, I might as well make this move more convincing.

Huan Xiu came extremely quickly when he heard the battle report of the city's general, faster than his escape.

Although Meng Huaiyu and Meng Longfu brothers attacked the city together with Zhu Chaoshi, the two brothers were instructed by me to control the rhythm of climbing the city and intended to let Zhu Chaoshi get the first achievement of the first attack. If Zhu Shi can control the head of the city, the Meng brothers can naturally be a little easier; if they can't control it, the Meng brothers must go to the head of the city to control the situation. Sun Jigao, Kui En, Liu Rongzu and others under the city also participated in the war to assist Zhu Chaoshi.

This county is not big, and it didn't take long to calm down.

That night, Huan Xiu set up wine to entertain the soldiers who attacked the city to celebrate the victory.

Huan Xiu decided to set up wine at the banquet and let the guards find more than a dozen jars of good wine from the city.

Although several generals and I joined the army to persuade them, Huan Xiu said to the generals: "There is no wine in the army, which is a military order, and naturally cannot be disobeyed. However, General Deyu fought with the generals today and achieved such a great victory, which is to pay tribute with wine. You must not drink too much. Each person can only measure three. It's just a light drink. Whoever indulges in drinking will be given a military order.

When Huan Xiu said this, the generals were naturally very happy.

At the banquet, I naturally attributed the lord of the siege to Huan Xiu and Zhu Chaoshi. Although I fought the siege, Huan Xiu was the main general after all. Although Huan Xiu felt embarrassed, he also understood my feelings.

Huan Xiu first toasted the soldiers. The second cup is dedicated to me alone. He whispered to me, "This victory is really the strength of General Deyu. I hope that in the future war, the general can eliminate the harm for Dajin as always. We also rely on the blessing of the general.

I quickly raised my glass and said, "I dare not. It's over. As a lieutenant and a general of the Fu army, I am dying. Besides, in today's battle, I should be the first vanguard. Siege and plunder the land is our job. The general is too modest.

Just as Huan Xiu and I were talking happily, there was a sudden riot in the seat. Several generals were there pulling and making loud noise.

Those are all my subordinates. I asked loudly, "What's the matter?"

Sun Jigao came out and reported: "It's okay. En is too drunk and a little drunk.

"Oh? Can three of them get drunk?

Sun Jigao was about to speak when Kuan broke free from the crowd, stood in the hall and shouted, "Who said I was drunk? I'm not drunk. His ancestors! I'm just not convinced!"

I understand what ion means. He hurriedly scolded, "Don't be rude. Get out of there!"

Huan Xiu also got up at this time and said, "This is the thief called the 'black-faced star'."

I replied, "Exactly."

"It's really a strong man. What does General Kaku have to say? Huan Xiu also seemed to appreciate this great man who awed the enemy.

"Our brothers fought desperately to capture the city. Why did they give up the first merit to Zhu Chaoshi?"

I was a little relieved to hear what you said. I'm worried that he mentioned why Huan Xiu did first, but I didn't expect that he just didn't accept Zhu Chaoshi.

"Zhu Chaoshi is the main general. We are reinforcements. Of course, the first contribution belongs to Zhu Chaoshi. If you don't accept it, go down and talk about it in detail. Don't disturb the general Yaxing here. I wink at Sun Jigao, Yu Qiujin and asked them to take Kuo En away.

I didn't know that Kwaen had a bad temper at this time and pushed Sun Jigao and Yu Qiujin away. Sun Jigao didn't matter. He staggered and almost knocked over a wine table.

"Well, it's him that I don't accept. Just now, Liu Zhong also said that I couldn't fight him. If he had the courage, he might as well fight here.

I turned my head and stared at Liu Zhong. I thought to himself: It turned out that Liu Zhong provoked from it.

Liu Zhong and Kuai En have never been able to go anywhere. Because Kuai En is strong and grumpy, Liu Zhong does not dare to provoke him. Since Meng Longfu came, Liu Zhong has provoked Kuan and Meng Longfu all day long, which made the two people quarreled in one place and almost fought several times. Now Liu Zhong has come to provoke Kuai En and Zhu Chaoshi.

Liu Zhongjian shook him out and bowed his head in fear.

When Huan Xiu heard this, he immediately became interested. He turned his head and said to Zhu Chaoshi, "Chuoshi, would you like to compare martial arts with General Kai?"

Zhu Chaoshi got up, practiced a salute, and said, "Superstone practiced martial arts to kill the enemy, not to be an enemy of his soldiers. I hope General Huan will forgive me."

I was quite surprised to see Zhu Chaoshi talking to Huan Xiu so subservilely. At the same time, he also secretly appreciates that this fierce general has more than just courage.

Rely refused by Zhu Chaoshi, Huan Xiu was not unhappy. Just nod.

But Klean didn't agree. However, he didn't mess around. He just said that since it was a celebration banquet, he couldn't drink too much, and there was nothing to cheer him in. It's better to be lively.

Huan Xiu became interested in this matter, so I can't restrain him so as not to spoil everyone's interest.

Although Zhu Chaoshi insisted on not wanting to compare martial arts with Ouen, he made a compromise suggestion: there is no need to fight. If anyone wants, he can perform some martial arts for everyone to enjoy.

This suggestion has been approved by everyone. Although Kwen has not achieved his goal, he can no longer insist. So he sent someone to take his long knife and helped the miscellaneous soldiers push tables and move chairs. Soon a spacious open space was cleared in the middle of the banquet.

The generals saw that this matter was interesting, and some wanted to try their hands. They quickly sent people to get their weapons, lest they would miss this opportunity to show themselves in front of the generals and generals of the army.

Kou En took the lead in playing. He is already tall and big, and his knife dances and rings loudly. Kouten's face was dark and on a night when the lights were not very bright. Everyone saw only a knife and a suit of clothes, but no head or hands. This knife is really a little scary when it dances. No wonder the thieves are timid when they see him.

After a set of knife dance, Huan Xiu took the lead and shouted, and then ordered the bodyguard to reward. En proudly received the reward.

The second appearance is naturally Zhu Chaoshi, who is what Kaien wants to challenge. I thought I would see that exquisite weapon again, but I didn't expect that Zhu Chaoshi did not take the long hammer he killed the enemy today, but brought a pair of double hammers.

The two hammers are bigger than Zhu Chaoshi's head. The weight is really something that ordinary people can move, and these hammers are like a plaything in Zhu Chaoshi's hand, and the sound of dancing is no less than the momentum of Kaien.