Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 057 Treacherous Theory

Huan Xuan still invited me to the banquet from time to time and deliberately introduced his cronies and important members in the court to me.

Once, Huan Xuan summoned me to the inner hall to talk to me.

"Zhiyuan appreciates Aiqing very much." Huan Xuan suddenly mentioned Wang Mi.

"The prince actually has great kindness to his ministers." I replied.

"Oh? Why did you say that?"

So I told Huan Xuan about Wang Mi's humiliation when he saved me.

Huan Xuan listened and sighed, "It turns out that you and Wang and Diao are both old friends. Haha." Huan Xuan intended to emphasize the word "gu ren".

Now Wang Mi, who is kind to me and Diao Kui, who is hostile to me, have become Huan Xuan's confidants.

"That's true."

Huan Xuan continued: "Zhiyuan is indeed a prime minister, and he can actually know morality in the grass. Compared with Xiao He, there is no more than him. It seems that I need to use him more in the future.

I listened to this and echoed, "Wang Situ is indeed a great talent."

Huan Xuan changed the topic and asked, "Aiqing's name is a slave?"

I replied, "Yes. I lost my mother when I was young, and my father could not raise him. After that, he lived under the residence.

Huan Xuan sighed and said, "A hero can only be a big thing if he is sharpened. Han Xin was also humiliated by **. Aiqing is like Han Xin. His ancestors are kings and marquises, but he is born in poverty. I think Liu Yu and Liu Deyu are the Han Xin of my dynasty.

"I dare not be." When I said this, I thought to myself: In Huan Xuan's opinion, should I attack the city and help Han Gaozu fight against Han Xin, the king of Chu in the Central Plains, or Han Xin, the Marquis of Huaiyin, who was killed by Queen Lv? Maybe both, success is the king, and failure is the bandits.

"Alas," Huan Xuan continued, "It's not just love you. Even I was humiliated when I was young.

So Huan Xuan told me a story that I had heard.

Although Huan Xuan's father, the former Sima Huanwen, was powerful, but because of his long-term ambition, the monarchs and ministers in the court thought that Huan Wen had a disrespect. After Huan Wen's death, his nephews were deprived of their real rights. Huan Xuan was finally appointed as the governor of a county, so he was depressed. He once sighed, "The father is the uncle of Kyushu, and the son is the head of the five lakes." So the hanging seal went away.

Once, he went to Huiji's palace for a banquet. Sima Daozi scolded Huan Xuan with drunkenness and said, "I heard that your father Huan Wen intended to rebel back then?"

Huan Xuan was so scared that he fell to the ground and dared not get up. Sima Daozi ignored the guests and still humiliated him in public. Huan Xuan, as a famous family, received such a reprimand at the time of staggering, which was really humiliating. Humiliate not only yourself, but also the ancestors underground. However, deterring the power of Sima Daozi, Huan Xuan was submissive and dared not speak.

Huan Xuan talked about this old story and said to me, "How can you come from a famous family? Do the princes have a seed? Although I have the cornerstone left by my ancestors, if I am willing to sink, I am just like the sons of ordinary high-ranking and rich people in Jiankang City, and I only know how to drink and talk. Sima Daozi is an example.

How can it be a pity to be born in poverty? He wanted his ancestors to kill the white snake uprising, defeat Xiang Yu and achieve eternal achievements. It's really amazing. At the end of the Han Dynasty, Cao Cao, a famous family, Sun Jian, a scholar, and Liu Bei, a poor family, were able to build immortal achievements and become a great momentum. What is the difference between a famous family and a poor family? As the saying goes, success or failure is in people, but also in the sky, not in origin.

"Your Majesty sees very high! I have been taught."

"Aiqing doesn't have to talk like them. There is something I can't see, just say it clearly."

"I dare not."

"I've heard about you for a long time. I appreciate Aiqing, but not everyone in the court is kind to you. Those people have been in high positions for a long time and have not known how to govern the country. They have long known their ambitions in those years. They only know how to drink and sing every day and eat vegetarian meals. People from such origin as Aiqing are in the same dynasty, and naturally there are many inconvenient words to say. I know all about this."

"Your Majesty's clear appreciation. It's really a great blessing to meet Mingjun.

"Haha. No matter what, you don't have to pay attention to them. Some people, I will move sooner or later.

Speaking of this, Yuqing Yujing sounds like Huan Xuan's heart. I listened to him continue quietly.

"When the emperor was alive, he had seen an old man in Shu, and he was more than a hundred years old. The old man claimed that he had served as a minor official under the account of Zhuge Wuhou. The emperor asked Zhuge Liang what was wrong with him. The old man said, 'There is nothing worse'. For a long time, the old man said, 'All things should be done properly. No one can match this. The emperor talked about this matter and told me that anyone who has achieved great things, even if there is nothing extraordinary, if he is careful, it will definitely be beneficial to things. What does Deyu think?

Hearing this, I thought to myself: This Huan Xuan has always thought that he is talented in literature and martial arts. However, what he did after usurping power was meticulous and tried to show caution, which seemed to have nothing to do with the teaching of the so-called "Emperor" Huan Wen.

So I said tactfully, "If you are an ordinary person, it will be of great benefit to get one of the two. If it is an extraordinary thing, both of them must be available. I deliberately paused, observing Huan Xuan's reaction on the one hand, and paving the way for the next sentence on the other hand.

Huan Xuan picked up his beard and didn't say anything.

So I said the following sentence: "For example, Your Majesty. How many people can have both literary and martial arts talents in the world? Even if three or four people have such talent, who can take care of everything as clearly as your majesty? Zhuge Wuhou has won the position of minister alone, and his Majesty's son is beyond the reach of Wuhou.

After listening to what I said, Huan Xuan raised his eyebrows, smiled slightly and said, "Aiqing's words sound appropriate. I heard that Aiqing was a fierce general, but I didn't expect that his speech was extraordinary.

"Your Majesty is flattered. Liu Yu's family was poor when he was a child, and he didn't study much and didn't have much knowledge. Since joining the army and being promoted to officer, he may be despised by his subordinates, so he has to read several military books of the ancients and learn some of the words of the ancients. Compared with the ministers, it is already vulgar. In front of your majesty, he is even more afraid and afraid of being afraid of humiliating the saint. But it's lucky that your majesty won't be surprised.

Where, where. Most of those in the court are talkers. Although it is magnificent, it is nothing. If you don't talk to Aiqing, you can still be wholehearted.

Although there are many exaggerations in the rumors, having been with Huan Xuan for a long time has more or less a feeling of admiration.

Huan Xuancai is too intelligent. He is quick-thinking and good at talking about classics. Even the Qing talkers felt quite short in front of Huan Xuan. Because of this, although Huan Xuan did a lot of injustice when he first entered Jiankang City, he attracted many like-smelling scholars.

He was born in a scholarly family, but he grew up in the military sect, so he can often drink, fight boxing and pup with illiterate military generals, which won their recognition. When talking to me, he tried to choose some words that I was familiar with, instead of showing off his rich learning and talent, as if he were a drunk who had read several books or a depressed scholar.

Although Huan Xuan has a bad temper and often scolds others, he can often comfort him afterwards. After being frightened, I feel a great satisfaction and honor. Everyone around him, except Yin Zhongwen, has been scolded by him. However, it is precisely these people who are loyal to him.

It is impossible for such a character to fail to do great things. With such talents, he could have made a career for the peace of the world and the people, but with his reputation and power, he drove the emperor off the dragon throne and took the world by himself. It is deplorable and hateful.

Huan Xuan first ruled the government, which made people have the illusion that he was lucky to meet the ancient Ming Lord. He changed the rule of officials, severely punished many corrupt officials, corrected the bad habits of officialdom, and made the people applaud their hands. But soon after, things changed.

The "Three Chapters of the Covenant" that first entered Jiankang City became the "Thirty Chapters of the Covenant", and soon became the "Three Hundred Chapters of the Covenant". There are many contradictions between law and law. It is said that these decrees were drafted and amended by Huan Xuan himself. He was based on the legalists of the Warring States and emphasized the establishment of the country according to law, but did not consider that the current situation was unbearable.

The direct army from Jingchu to Jiankang was still guarding the military discipline. Over time, the officers took themselves as the founding fathers and became increasingly arrogant, while the soldiers were lawless and rampaged in Jiankang City and harassed the people everywhere. The officers couldn't see it and pressed it several times, but it didn't work. Although the deacon's Beijing officials knew about the chaos in Jingzhou, they did not dare to report it truthfully, and finally understated and dealt with it randomly.

Huan Xuan knows that these people were born to death and fought the world with themselves and suffered for many years. Now that they are in control of the world, they should also return some high-ranking officials. Although he also heard some truths, he did not really punish them. Only a few murderers and robbers were executed to rest.

There were also several officials who wrote to Huan Xuan, who secretly played the hardships of the people. However, he was dismissed because of his improper use of resignation. The so-called "inappropriate use of words" is a saying from the palace. As for the truth, it is unknown to the outside world. I once asked Wang Mi about this. Wang Mi also shook his head and said, "Isn't this man Wang Mang?"

Wang Mang was relied on by the imperial court at the end of the Western Han Dynasty and was known as the minister of society. The royal family placed his hopes of revitalizing the world of Gaozu, the rule of Wenjing, and the prestige of Hanwu on this famous minister of Zhongxing. At first, Wang Mang was conscientious and mastered the ancient famous ministers to govern the country. Over time, Wang Mang sprouted the meaning of the ancient Ming emperor and forced the emperor to give up the throne to himself.

After becoming emperor, Wang Mang was dedicated to revitalizing the rule of the three emperors and five emperors, so he worked hard to govern and reform the government, people, army, etc. at that time according to the ancient law. Unexpectedly, it touched the interests of the nobles, and the second, it led to people's complaints and finally aroused the uprising of the Green Forest people. Wang Mang's retro politics dissipated in a few years.