Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 065 Tell the world

Liu Mai didn't expect to be awarded the title because of his achievements yesterday, and today he will be guilty today because of his fault. Liu Mai said degenerately, "The reason why the sinner does not repay is not to betray the emperor's kindness, but to protect his brother. The guilty minister is unwilling to betray neither your majesty nor his brothers. For a moment, I was confused about the choice between loyalty and righteousness. That's why I asked His Majesty to go to Jingling in order to stay out of the dilemma. Your Majesty, please forgive me!"

"Hmm! If you are an official of the imperial court, you should be dedicated to the country, how can you be abandoned because of personal affairs? Since ancient times, loyalty and righteousness can't be as complete as cow hair. Those who are ministers have nothing to do with the king, those who are sons have nothing to do with their fathers, and those who are wives have nothing to do with their husbands. This is a great rebellion. You are the important minister of our dynasty, and you are the one who was raised from Jingzhou to Jiankang. How dare you take the lead in plotting against it. Come on!"

At this time, Liu Mai had no intention to refute. So he was beheaded by Huan Xuan in court to warn his courtiers.

Liu Mai did not wait for the period of the uprising.

I listened to Liu Yi's narration and sighed, "My uncle has always been known for not being afraid of death. How can he become so scared this time?"

Liu Yi heard this and cried again. After a while, he choked and said, "What my brother is afraid of is not his own death, but my death. His depression is not for himself, but for me. Did he offend Huan Xuan more than once or twice? If you want to be afraid, you should be afraid at that time.

The reason why he reported to Huan Xuan was that he mistakenly thought that Huan Xuan had already known about the uprising in the north of Beijing, but he just hoped to replace him with merit and leave a way for me. Just like the story of Director Wang. Director Wang treated the palace not to save his brother Wang Dun, but to save other clans; my brother treated the palace to save me.

Director Wang helped the former emperor rebuild the Great Jin Kingdom in the south of the Yangtze River. His brother Wang Dun launched a rebellion in Jingzhou with his qualifications and people, preparing to share the world with the court. Director Wang led the head of the clan to kneel in the court to show his loyalty to the court. After the court calmed down Wang Dun's rebellion, it did not blame Director Wang, but continued to abuse him.

If even Director Wang was worried about his brother's rebellion, it is naturally understandable that Liu Mai was worried about his brother Liu Yi's uprising.

Besides, Liu Mai is not a coward. He is famous for his fear of death.

Liu Mai used to be a Chinese soldier of Yin Zhongkan to join the army. When Yin Zhongkan was sitting in Jiangling, Huan Xuan was in Nan County. As a subordinate, Huan Xuan often came to Jiangling to visit Yin Zhongkan. Huan Xuan's martial arts are outstanding, and one day he was in front of Zhongkan. There is no etiquette at all. Finally, he actually took the thorn in his hand and illuminated Yin Zhongkan's face.

Liu Mai was also present at that time. Seeing Huan Xuan so arrogant and indignant, he stood up and said before Yin Zhongkan, "Those who are good at martial arts should combine qi and weapons. Although your dance is good, there is nothing to say.

Huan Xuan is conceited that there are few enemies in the world in martial arts. How can he stand the ridicule of this civil official who has no power to bind chickens? However, in front of Yin Zhongkan, he was also inconvenient to get angry and left with hatred.

Yin Zhong knew that Huan Xuan had suffered this great humiliation and would definitely harm Liu Mai, so he arranged for Liu Mai to escape. Sure enough, Ye Huanxuan instructed the assassin to assassinate Liu Mai. Liu Mai survived the escape in time.

Huan Xuan won his ambition in the future, so he stepped down and replaced Yin Zhongkan and sat in Jingzhou. Liu Mai did not escape from Jingzhou because of this, but went to Huan Xuanfu to congratulate him. Huan Xuan saw that Liu Mai, who had once stared at himself, dared to come and die, so he said, "It's your life that you have never been buried under the assassin's blade before. I almost forgot about it, but you died instead?"

Liu Mai said, "When the general is using people, I know that he will not die, so I dare to come to the door."

"How do you know I won't kill you?"

"The Duke Huan of Qi did not kill Guan Zhong who shot the hook, and Duke Wen of Jin did not kill the vigor. If Duke Huan hadn't killed me, wouldn't he have achieved the third ancient story?

During the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the two princes of the State of Qi competed for power, and Guan Zhongbao was the prince's correction. In order to worry about the prince Xiaobai's struggle for power, he shot Xiaobai with an arrow. In the end, Mr. Xiaobai survived with his wit. After Xiaobai became the king, he appointed Guan Zhong as his secretary regardless of the past. Xiaobai also became the first hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period - Duke Huan of Qi.

Also during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Chong Er, the son of the State of Jin, was almost killed by the warrior in the process of escaping from rebellion in China. After returning to the State of Jin through hardships, Chong Er pardoned Bo's sin. And this heavy ear also became another hegemony in the Spring and Autumn - Duke Wen of Jin.

Liu Mai compares himself to Guan Zhong and Bo Yang, which is nothing more than hoping that Huan Xuan can also reuse him to achieve his ambition to be the hegemon of the State of Jin. This is exactly what Huan Xuan means.

Huan Xuan is helpless when he meets such a person. First, because Liu Mai's words are reasonable, and second, he has just calmed down Jingzhou, which is the time to buy people's hearts. Killing Liu Mai will block the way for talents to enter Jingzhou, and reusing Liu Mai shows his magnanimity. Besides, Liu Mai is also a talented person. Therefore, Huan Xuan appointed him to join the army as a prison.

Now think about it, the man who brushed Huan Xuan's reverse scales several times finally died under Huan Xuan's men. Isn't it lamentable!

Xu Xianzhi was also deeply touched: "It is indeed incredible that such a righteous and awe-inspiring person is afraid of death because of the uprising. Now that I have heard Xi Le's statement, I think he has a deeper intention. Imagine that no matter what the result is, it is beneficial and harmless for Xi Le.

Because Huan Xuan may pardon his brother because he trusts Uncle Qun; if he can't, at least Uncle Qun can also warn his brother with his death and let Xi Le try to protect himself. However, his brother is dedicated to destroying Huan Xuan this time, although he died.

Everyone nodded frequently and said yes. I think Xu Xianzhi's statement is reasonable. Liu Mai may leave his life to persuade Liu Yi to protect himself, but Liu Yi will definitely not listen; and death can enhance the effect of persuasion. Unfortunately, this strengthened Liu Yi's determination to revolt. Moreover, Liu Mai did not die actively, but died passively. His death will not have no effect, but will make people doubt his courage and loyalty. A good beginning but not a good end is Liu Mai's misfortune.

I patted Liu Yi on the shoulder and said, "Xile, let's kill Jiankang together to avenge Brother Buchun!"

Liu Yi stood up and said, "Brother Deyu, this is not a family matter, but a state affair of sacrifice for righteousness. Although it is sad and regretless. Please plan early to attack Jiankang! Don't kill Jiankang, take Huan Xuan's life, and vow not to be a human!"

"Good brother!"

Liu Yi said again, "When I entered the city, I heard that Diao Hong led troops here?"

I nodded: "I'm about to send someone to take the Dantu camp."

Liu Yi said, "There is no need for others. I can go."

"How do you take the camp?"

"Since Diao Hong has just returned to the camp from Jingkou, he must not have expected that our army will seize the camp immediately and the defense will not be complete. This is a good opportunity to attack at night. Moreover, for Dantu Camp, just lost the capital, it was a time when people were panicked. Although there were two or three thousand troops, only half of them could fight.

"Hmm." I also agree with Liu Yi's analysis, which coincides with my idea, "How many troops do you need?"

"It doesn't need too much, 400 is enough."

"Good. I'll give you 400 people and you can leave immediately. In addition, another 200 people were allocated to be led by Coon as backup. If Xi Le wins, he will attack with all his strength; if Xi Le is unfavorable, he will cover the retreat of the whole army. Don't fight recklessly. Dawn?"

"General, I'm here! I have heard what you said. Be sure to obey!"

Liu Yi and Kui En were about to go out. He Wuji came in and said to us, "I have seen the battle brought by Brother Xile. Please also have a look."

This battle was originally proposed by He Wuji. After Meng Chang's modification, it is even more shocking to read, which is indeed a good article. Xu Xianzhi, Tan Pingzhi and I read it together and said to He Wuji, "It's very well written! Quickly send out the battle, so that the world will know the evil of Huan Xuan, and fight against the thief with us!"

Our battle was handed over to the generals of the bow and arrow battalion, and they sent archers to shoot the battle into Guazhou, Wujun, Huiji, Jiankang and other cities the next morning, as well as Shanghai blasphemy and other cities, villages and barracks:

"The husband's cause of chaos is not very reasonable, cunning and rampant, or worthy of the holy light. In the great Jin Dynasty, Yangjiu has been repeatedly constructed. Since Long'an, it has been difficult to form a royal family. Loyal ministers are broken by tigers, and chastity is bad for jackals. Rebel Huan Xuan, the mausoleum abused people and ghosts, blocked Jing Ying, and ravaged the capital. The sky has not died, and the fierce force has flourished. Over the years, it has fallen to the emperor...

...Looking up at astronomy and looking down on people, who can die for a long time! Whoever has a heart will not choke his wrist. Yu waited for his heart and wept blood, not less than those who were enlightened. It is the evening, the night is happy, the support award is loyal, the latent structure is rugged, and the tiger is almost over. Liu Yi, General of Fuguo, He Wuji, General of Guangwu, Meng Chang, the master of Zhenbei, Wei Yongzhi, the master of Yanzhou, Liu Daogui, General of Ningyuan, Liu Yu, General of Longyu, and Tan Pingzhi, General Zhenwei, etc., are loyal to break gold, diligent in the day, and He Ge is determined to die...

... Yu Ci didn't get it, so the general army wanted it. Relying on the spirit of his ancestors, he ran out of the power of the righteous husband, and he was rebellious, and wandered in the capital. The princes, or the princes, are loyal to the world, or are favored by the Lord, and bow their eyebrows and are cunning. They can't help themselves. They would rather not hang around! Today's move is also a good thing. Yu Yi is weak, not the ancients. He took over the opportunity to replace him and was entrusted with the fate of decadent times. Dancheng did not announce it, sighed with anger, and looked forward to the Han Dynasty to cherish it forever, and look at the mountains and rivers to increase the fierceness. On the day of the award, Shenchi Thieves..."

Guazhou has been one of the most important military towns along the Dajiang River since ancient times and the largest ferry east of Jiankang. When the Central Plains suffered from the fall of the Hu Dynasty decades ago, most of the Han people crossed the south of the Yangtze River from Guazhou. About half of the people crossing the river settled on the south bank. Therefore, after decades, Jingkou on the south bank has become a metropolis second only to Jiankang, known as Jiangling, Wujun and Huiji.

I have a special feeling for this Guazhou city. This city was repaired by me with many craftsmen and soldiers. However, that was 20 years ago.