Wudi sent slaves

Chapter 068 Farewell Late Night

I will leave for Jiankang tomorrow. Although I didn't have much leisure due to the deployment of the expedition overnight, I still went home once.

I don't know what the good or bad luck is in this battle against Jiankang. Although the flag is raised for the country, it is still for the family. Not only for my own family, but also for the families of thousands of Limin.

As soon as mother, wife Zang Aiqin and daughter Liu Xingdi saw me coming back, she hurriedly greeted me with tears.

"Jier, you have lost weight!" My mother wiped her tears with one hand and touched my face with the other.

"Mom, it's okay."

Madam brought a cup of hot tea to my hand, but she shed tears and didn't say anything.

I took them to sit down. Although there were thousands of words, I really didn't know how to say it. I had to say, "Mother, dear, you have suffered. This battle of Jingkou and Guangling was much smoother than we expected. As you know, we have planned this uprising for a long time and will succeed. You see, there are Tan Pingzhi, Liu Yi, He Wuji and others in our rebels. After conquering Jingkou, even Huan Xuan's cronies Zhu Lingshi and Zhu Chaoshi brothers also joined in..."

"Is it the fierce general who was good at Zheng Yongjia?" Madam asked.

"Hmm. That's Zhu Chaoshi. Although his brother Lingshi is not as brave as Chaoshi, he is a rare handsome talent. I explained, "In addition, there are Liu Muzhi and others. It can be said that this is a righteous act carried out by most of the civil and military righteous people in Yangzhou and Xuzhou, and the destruction of the Huan family is just around the corner. If things go well, the result will be seen in less than half a month.

My second brother Daolian and my younger brother Daogui, who came home before me, also said, "Yes, mother. Our original plan was that it would take a few days to calm down the two counties of Jingkou and Guangling. As a result, two main cities were captured in just half a day. In addition, hundreds of soldiers were used to defeat Diao Hong's army deployed in Dantu. It can be seen that Huan Xuan is in vain. The most elite Beifu soldiers of the Great Jin Dynasty are in our hands and should be in our hands.

The mother said, "Your brother's threesome is a big deal, and we women can't understand. However, you don't have to worry. There is love and affection for things at home, and there is also compassion for things outside the home. Just do good deeds wholeheartedly."

Madam said, "In ancient times, benevolent people and righteous people are all in the interests of the country. My mother and I naturally understand. Don't worry."

Although my daughter cried with everyone, she was young and didn't understand what we were crying. I don't know that I will leave home tomorrow and go to an unexpected battlefield. We talked for a long time, and our daughter had been sleepy and slept in her arms.

This time, its danger is unprecedented in my life. However, although the future is uncertain, the family has not been forced to stay or mourn. Mother and wife are both reasonable people. At this time of national disaster, they naturally know that loyalty and righteousness are far more than filial and kinship.

I was inspired by this, and my two younger brothers also shed tears with me. In fact, at first, I wanted to leave Liu Daoru to take care of his parents at home, but Daoru refused and said that he would join Jiankang with his brother and establish the immortal merit of rejuvenating the Jin Dynasty. My second brother Liu Daolian and I also know how difficult it is to keep him at home. Therefore, he can only force his second brother Liu Daolian to stay in Jingkou to take care of his family.

Although Dao Lian also wants to lead the rebels with me to take Jiankang, he also knows that his responsibility in Jingkou is not limited to protecting Liu's family, but also my expectations for him to help Meng Chang stay in Jingkou. Liu Daolian's ability is not as good as me and Taoist rules, but he is more kind, so his popularity in his hometown is much better than me and Taoism. If Liu Jianzhi and others recruit soldiers in Beijing and Japan, Liu Daolian can also help.

Jingkou is the foundation. Although the Rebels' attack on Jiankang is desperate, if even the base of Jingkou cannot be stabilized, it will inevitably affect the morale of the Rebels. Therefore, the responsibility of Shoujingkou is also very important.

After avoiding my mother and wife, I had a careful conversation with my two younger brothers in the study.

I said to Daogui first: "Taogui, you did a good job in Guangling before. Although Liu Yi and Meng Chang are talented, I think these two are more resourceful than military aircraft. Although you have not been in charge of the army, you have lived up to my expectations and deployed the army in Guangling properly. It's really valuable! If you go to Jiankang, I'm afraid that most of the war will be done by me, Tan, etc. You can't get involved, but you have to study hard. Once there is an opportunity in the future, you will definitely be appointed as a general.

"Thank you for your teaching!"

I also reminded Liu Daolian, "Jingkou and Guangling are the fundamentals. Daolian stayed in Beijing, not only guarding the home, but more importantly, guarding the city. In addition to Meng Chang and Liu Jian, you need to move more. Don't put out your air as a Beijing official in the Ministry of Ceremonies. Everything should be low-key. Listen to the news of Jiankang at any time. If I wait unfavorably and follow the previous plan..."

Before I finished speaking, Dao Lian cried out.

I patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "The so-called successful king and loser. Once this is successful, all three of my brothers will make great contributions; once they fail, their families may be destroyed. Therefore, everything should not be careless. However, there is no need to worry. As I told my mother just now, our rebels have gathered the most elite benevolent and righteous people in Yangzhou and Xuzhou. If we still can't succeed, it is God's will, but it is not manpower.

The three brothers sighed again before they came out of the study. It was almost the third watch.

After saying goodbye to my family, I took Liu Daogui back to the general's mansion. Looking at the younger brother who is driving side by side with me, there is a sadness and sadness in my heart: the future is extremely thrilling, and once there is a mistake, the Taoist rules and I will suffer. At this point, it can be said to be the most loyal; and there is a mercy in the family that will not be destroyed. Here, it can be said to be filial piety. Whether it is success or failure, there is no regret in this life.

When the sky is slightly bright, it is quite chilly. The curfew has not been lifted in Jingkou City. There was no one in the originally lively market. From time to time, dozens of soldiers lined up on the street and gathered towards the north of the city.

Although most people have not slept all night, everyone is energetic.

The closer we get to the north gate, the more people we gather. In the end, we can only abandon our horses and walk through the ranks. The soldiers nodded to us frequently, but they were silent. I walked to the front of the team, and many generals had arrived.

I approached Tan and said to him, "Brother Qingzi is a good general. The army gathered in a hurry is still guarding the military discipline, even those new soldiers."

Tan said with a smile, "How can you be moraleless? How can you be powerful if you don't do so?"

I nodded: "If the generals arrive, I'll go to the city later."

Liu Zhong came forward and reported: "The newspaper general, Sima, and all the soldiers have arrived. Please go to the city to school.

As soon as I climbed to the head of the city with Tan Pingzhi, Liu Yi, He Wuji and others, I saw an eagle standing proudly on the wall and overlooking the queue under the city. Seeing our group going to the city, it was not afraid.

Liu Zhonggang wanted to drive the eagle away, but I stopped him. We walked to the wall, and the eagle took two steps back and looked at me warily.

I no longer paid attention to the eagle, but leaned over and looked at the generals under the city: it was a righteous army composed of the soldiers of the North and the righteous people. A total of 1,700 people. Although the number is small, everyone comes with sincerity, every warrior who is not afraid of life and death, and every fighter who is willing to fight for the dignity of the country and his own dignity.

At this moment, a ray of golden sunlight shot out of the haze, coating half of Jingkou City with a bright color. Facing the morning sun, I only feel refreshed: Isn't our trip like this sunrise? Even if there are many dark clouds, they will be completely dispersed by the sun.

I cleared my throat and was about to start training, but I saw the soldiers in the city begin to **, and even the leader generals who checked the military discipline couldn't help whispering to the people next to me. I frowned and thought to myself: Is the neat military discipline gone at this moment?

At this time, Meng Chang pulled Liu Zhong away from me, and the others couldn't help retreating from me. I looked around me suspiciously and had nothing. I looked at Meng Chang, Tan Pingzhi, Liu Zhong and others with exploratory eyes, and I didn't understand what they were avoiding. Liu Zhong pointed to the top of my head and said, "General, there seems to be a faint stream of smoke on your head."

I looked up, but I didn't see anything. Only the eagle that had just stopped beside me was hovering around my head. Just like dancing, there is no such arrogance.

After a long time, the eagle above my head circled down again and fell beside me, staring at me and motionless.

"That's not smoke, it's..." Meng Chang stopped halfway through his words. Everyone just looked at me in surprise and looked at me puzzled.

I have no idea what they are doing or what the eagle is doing. What I know completely is that it's getting late.

I gestured to the city, signaling everyone to calm down, and then whispered to the generals and soldiers: "In today's world, strong enemies are around. The princes did not want to assist the emperor in order to restore the great cause of China. Instead, they fought with each other, so that the Huan Party took advantage of the opportunity to enter and deposed the emperor, which was a great evil.

Fortunately, there are all the righteous soldiers in our northern government. Fortunately, there are righteous people in Jingkou and Guangling. I will fight against the unjust division with righteous soldiers and attack the unjust thieves with righteous soldiers, just like destroying Sun En, so that he will have no return. Today is the day when our army attacks Jiankang in the west; tomorrow is the time to welcome His Majesty the Emperor and rectify the state affairs. This will definitely sweep away the traitors, expel the culprit, and return the rivers and mountains of the Jin Dynasty. If you go here, you must expel the Huan Party and restore the Jin Dynasty.

After saying these routine and puzzling motivational words, I raised my right hand and waved up: "Drive out the Huan Party and restore the Jin Dynasty!"

Up and down the city, people raised their right hands and waved up one after another: "Exvict the Huan Party and restore the Jin Dynasty!"

The eagle jumped up and dived into the city, and then suddenly rose up and flew west. The West is exactly the way forward...