Wu Dong Qian Kun

Chapter 1148 cocoon

Chapter 1148

The blazing desert hurricane with magma, the cold wind blade as cold as a blade, and the ice and snow storm that can completely turn the spirit into an ice sculpture...

Since entering this area, Lin Dong has finally clearly understood the meaning of this " purgatory". Here, he does not have the same powerful ** and power as before. The only thing is the weak spiritual body, the strength of this spiritual body, any kind of ordeal in this " purgatory" It can really erase it in this virtual and real world.

But once entering this kind of place, he has lost the way back, so he is not qualified to do multiple choice questions. The only thing he can do is to survive. Otherwise, waiting for him will be a real dead end.

Experience is quite cruel, but fortunately, Lin Dong also expected this. There is no ordinary power between heaven and earth. If Fu Zong is really so easy to achieve, the number of the earth on that day will not be so rare.

If you want to get rid of the cocoon into a butterfly, you naturally have to experience the endless pain of skin and flesh separation.

On this point, Lin Dong has clearly understood from the beginning... Hail poured down from the sky like a rainstorm. The red and yellow earth has already become white, and a kind of cold air visible to the naked eye is permeated, and even the air has signs of turning into ice crystals at this time.

And somewhere in this ice and snowy land, a thin figure is trembling as the snowflakes are falling. He sat on the ground, and his skin showed a dark blue color. The blood, muscles and bones in his body seemed to be eroded by the cold at this time.


When the snowflakes fell from all over him and swept over his body. Suddenly, blood stains emerged, and after the wound, no blood flowed out. It looks like a withered mummified corpse.

The black hair is drooping, a pair of black eyes without any focal length and fluctuation. There is a kind of twilight all over his body, and he is like a dying man.

The sharp snowflakes as a knife kept passing around him, and blood stains kept appearing, but this figure has never moved.

This kind of mummified sit-in lasted for a whole day, and the snowflakes and hail falling in the sky gradually weakened until they finally dispersed.

And with the snowflakes dissipate. The cold air that permeates the world is also retreating in a trace.

While these chills receded, in the unfocused black eyes, a touch of anger hidden in the depths appeared, and then. His body trembled crazily.

He held his palms tightly, and his nails pinched into the palm of his hand. He saw that the wounds all over his body gradually became scarlet red at this time, and then the blood, like a spring water, immediately penetrated out.

The whole person. Become a bloody person in an instant.


The roar suppressed in the throat, with a kind of low hoarseness, like a dying beast, echoed in this land.

He knelt on his legs, his head against the ground, and his fists hit the ground heavily. His body was eroded by the cold before, and he almost lost his sense of his body, so even if countless blade-like snowflakes swept across his body, he had no feeling at all. The terrible thing was that this severe pain did not disappear Instead, the accumulation is superimposed on his body. When the cold air fades and the body returns to control again, the sudden outbreak of severe pain is enough to make a person with a firm mind torture him crazy.

The painful roar lasted for half an hour, and the figure finally gradually stopped. His body almost collapsed to the ground, and his fingers did not even have the strength to move.

"Damn... Purgatory."

Lin Dong buried half of his face in the sand, which was extremely haggard. The time here seemed to be a little different from the outside world, but Lin Dong had been enjoying the perverted hardship here for two months.

He spent every day in endless pain. Every time, he would really feel the approach of death. Although he used to walk between the knives, that feeling was particularly obvious here, because at least ten times, Lin Dong's tight mind was almost lost in that kind of In terrible pain.

And once lost, his mental body will completely disappear, so that there will be no chance to come again.

"The coldness of ice and snow this time is more severe than last time."

Lin Dong felt the physical strength of the gradual recovery in his body, and the originally confused mind also returned to some. He could feel that the ice and snow cold this time was much stronger than the last time. Obviously, the various experiences here are getting stronger every time, and once he himself can't become stronger with this, then he In the end, it can't be tolerated. In this way, there will naturally be no good results.

If you want to survive here, you must adapt to the cruel rhythm here.

This strong sense of crisis forced Lin Dong's body to become stronger after experiencing the terrible pain, and the only thing that made Lin Dong feel was that he could also feel that his body was getting stronger at a slow speed.

This body is not his real body, but his spiritual body, that is to say, his spiritual power is gradually getting stronger, and he is moving towards the point of Fu Zong step by step.

This progress may be slow, but it finally gives people a sense of hope.


Lin Dong exhaled. He looked up at the boundless land. In his eyes, there was a touch of persistence that could not be erased even after so many years of ups and downs. He believed that one day, he would show disdain to this purgatory.

"Wait for me!"

Lin Dong gritted his teeth and said to the sky fiercely. Then he struggled to get up and went to the distance in confusion. He knew that soon, there would be the next round of ordeal.

As he stays in this purgatory longer and longer, Lin Dong can vaguely feel that he is not the only one in this purgatory, and the vague perception may be the key to finally being able to leave... He made a grand wish, but what he has to face next is still the endless pain, which is enough to make People's crazy hardships still come one after another, so that De Lindong has no time to breathe. Sometimes, he even forgets the feeling when his body is in peace.

In purgatory, the concept of time is quite vague, and the passage of time here seems to be completely different from the outside world. Although the power of the eternal magic flower is strange, it is indeed a little powerful.

Because of this power, Lin Dong could still calculate the time in his heart at the beginning, but as the pain of his body gradually intensified every day, he could no longer be distracted by this. He could only shrink all the power to resist all kinds of things from purgatory. Death threats.

Time passes aimlessly, and the daily hardships have not stopped.

Half a year... One year... Two years... Three years...

In the lonely purgatory, each drill was staged in turn. The thin figure seemed to come from afar, and under that death threat, it became stronger little by little.

He endured pain and loneliness, just like the pupa in the cocoon, gradually precipitating, waiting for the day when the cocoon turns into a butterfly.


It is still a red-yellow desert, and in that desert, dozens of huge tornado storms are raging crazily, and huge sand whips are like giants waving, and the sound of tearing the air echoes harshly in the world.


The line of sight approached, and the sand whip fell on the human body. In the middle of the several tornado storms, a dusty figure slowly walked out.

Huge sand whips roared towards the figure with amazing power, and then fell directly on his body, and a deep and harsh voice sounded.

However, it was surprising that such a fierce attack fell on the figure, but the latter was motionless, and even the slow pace had not been disturbed at all.

The cruel attack that seems to be a giant now seems to be particularly powerless.

The figure finally stood down. He raised his black eyes, which looked particularly deep, like a mysterious black hole in the starry sky, but there was a trace of confusion.

He looked at the huge giant-like tornado storms, which were many times more powerful than the one he had just encountered when he entered the purgatory, but now they can no longer pose a threat to him.

How many years has this been? Five years? Or ten years? How much of this has he experienced, even the pain of his collapse?

I can't remember the time clearly. Now he just knows that these trainings that once made him feel extremely terrible seem to have become ordinary, and he has become stronger.

"Are you getting stronger..."

Lin Dong bowed his head. He looked at the white and slender hands. At the beginning, the pair of palms had no strength at all, but now...

Lin Dong seemed to smile, and then he slowly raised his palm and gently shook it against the huge tornado storm.


The raging storm between heaven and earth almost stopped in an instant. The high-speed rotating storm was frozen by life, like a big hand, holding it out of thin air.


The storm finally burst into yellow fog and scattered.

Huangsha flew down from the forest, and he exhaled a long breath. At this time, he could finally feel the vast ocean-like power in his body, which was the spiritual power he had cultivated over the years.

This kind of spiritual power seems to be much more powerful than at the beginning...

"This is the end of the experience."

Lin Dong slowly closed his eyes. After a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a fierce and murderous intention of silence for too long.

"So, you should show up."

Lin Dong looked at the empty heaven and earth, and his low voice echoed in this heaven and earth. RQ