Marty Jianghu

Chapter 64 Where is the Holy Labor Prison

One night, four jailers suddenly came into the prison, holding steel knives in their hands and escorted the murderer out.

Yang Jing thought to himself, "Is it to take him out to execute the beheading? That's good for him. I don't have to suffer such a hard life in the future, and I don't have to be bullied by him anymore.

He was sleeping hazyly when he suddenly heard the sound of chains, and the four jailers came back with the murderer. Yang Jing opened his eyes and saw that the murderer was full of blood, which was obviously tortured severely.

As soon as the prisoner fell to the ground, he fell into a coma. After the four jailers left, Yang Jing took advantage of the moonlight shining into the cell and looked at him. He saw that his face, arms and legs were all bloody marks that had been whipped. At first glance, he knew that he was an old prisoner. Although Yang Jing was bullied by him for days and saw such a miserable situation, he couldn't help pouring some water from the water bowl and feeding him.

The prisoner in the opposite cell slowly woke up and saw that it was Yang Jing. He suddenly raised his iron cuffs and violently grabbed all kinds of dead bones and smashed them on his head. Although Yang Jing lost his strength, he was still agile and hurriedly dodged to avoid him. Unexpectedly, the prisoner's hands were not strong enough. He kept hitting Yang Jing and banging him heavily on his waist. Yang Jing stood uncertainly and fell straight to the left. His hands and feet were connected with chains and bones. At that time, he was in severe pain. He couldn't help but be shocked and angry and scolded, "Crazy!"

In the morning of this day, Yang Jing's eyes were not opened, and he heard the swallow muttering outside the cell. Suddenly, he remembered the scene of watching the swallows build a nest with his sister Yang Qi. Suddenly, he suddenly looked at the swallow language and saw a pair of swallows flying away, passing under the window of a tall building dozens of feet away. He was bored for a long day and often looked at the screen window and guessed who lived in the building, but the window was always closed tightly, but there was a pot of flowers on the window sill all year round, and the spring was shining.

While thinking nonsense, I suddenly heard the old crazy man in the opposite cell sighing softly. Over the past year, the old madman has either laughed or cursed. He has never heard him sigh, not to mention that this sigh is quite sad and gentle. Yang Jing couldn't help turning his head and saw a smile at the corners of the madman's mouth, looking at the direction of the prison door. Yang Jingwei realized that he was peeping at his face and immediately turned his head and dared not look again.

Suddenly, there were shouts and moans everywhere, and just then the prisoner came in with the food, "What are you shouting? Isn't it good to starve to death? Save the need to suffer..." The ghosts went to distribute food in cells one by one.

The ghost prisoner turned around before coming to Yang Jing's cell: "Hey, the boy is having dinner!

Yang Jing suddenly felt the fragrance and nose and looked at a plate full of big fish and meat, and he was shocked. Is this the last meal?

Seeing Yang Jing's face of fear and doubt, the old prisoner smiled and said, "Kid, don't worry, even if there is no poison, it is not the last meal." The wrinkles on his face suddenly gathered, like pine bark, and Yang Jing's resolutely sharp eyes really wanted to never see him.

After saying that, the old man turned around and left, staring directly at the old prisoner opposite him. Yang Jing felt strange at a glance. The old prisoner opened the opposite door and said to him, "If I had known today, why should I do it!" After saying that, only one steamed bun was still on the ground.

The old prisoner shouted in a very strong and heavy voice, "Send me to that cell."

"Good..." But the old prisoner didn't say much.

Looking at the old prisoner dragging the chain towards him step by step, Yang Jing had an ominous hunch and quickly hid in the corner.

Suddenly, I saw the old prisoner wave the chain in his hand and clap at the old prisoner three times. Although his hand was weak, he used the chain instead of the sword, and his tricks were still quite exquisite. Hearing the shouting of a fat jailer go straight in with his knife, the old prisoner made a half-hanging iron lock on one side of his body, turned a circle with one hand, waved it, and cut it on his leg. The jailer was so scared that he rolled and crawled out.

The old prisoner didn't seem to know how to do martial arts. He just stood far away, and the basket in his hand was broken for a moment.

I don't know what the old prisoner did. Two knives fell to the ground in a blink of an eye. The two officials fell in the air and fell to the ground without moving. They didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

In an instant, blood splashed on the prison door. The remaining jailers saw that he was a crazy tiger and desperate, but they did not dare to grab him easily. Suddenly, they closed the prison door outside the prison door and scolded the 18 generations of the old prisoner's ancestors to death, and all the dirty words were scolded out. The old prisoner didn't say a word, just guarded the prison gate. The four jailers didn't go to ask for reinforcements. Seeing that they couldn't attack, they scolded for a while and then went.

One day after another, the old jailer neither delivered food nor water. Yang Jing

At night, I am so thirsty that I can't stand it anymore. The old prisoner who was locked back to the opposite side also burned his lips. Suddenly, he said, "Let the boy die!"

Yang Jing was shocked to see that the old prisoner was crazy again. Shouting and running away.

The old prisoner threw the dead bones to Yang Jing. The old prisoner threw dead bones with kung fu, but Yang Jing had to prevent it.

However, the distance between the two cells was originally small. Under the blow of his turn, Yang Jing was caught off guard and howled. He went forward and hit the cold and uneven stone ground, and blood oozed at the moment. The chains of hands and feet rubbed, and the sound came into the prison, echoing like ringing the death knell of hell.

Yang Jing looked out in vague tears and faintly saw the big prison head staring

stared at him with a pair of fierce eyes.

The head of the prison snorted coldly, "What if you are from Yangfu? I, Pu Richeng, is the head of the prison here. If you want to live, you will die, and if you die, do you understand?"

Another prisoner behind him shouted, "Don't answer Master Pu!"

Before Yang Jing agreed, the figure in front of him bullied him. The head of the big prison passed his neck with two hands, rushed forward with strength, and slammed his knee to his Dantian Qihai hole.

Yang Jing screamed, hit the back wall, and then slid to the ground.

The head of the prison laughed and said, "Have you sent the confession paper?"

Someone replied, "Not yet!"

The head of the cell said coldly, "When he drew flowers on the confession paper, you know what to do!"

The prisoner replied, "Of course! We will take good care of this little fortune star.

"The canopy!"

Yang Jing fell four feet and finally fainted.

I don't know how many times passed, a sound penetrated into my ear and said, "Kid! Boy! Are you awake?"

Yang Jing was shocked, thinking that the big prison came to beat himself again, and quickly sat up. Looking around, there is no prisoner.

Is it that I'm about to die, so I have hallucinations?

There is silence around.

Suddenly, the voice said, "I'm right opposite you. Although you can't see me, I have already touched every inch of your body to heal your injury, otherwise you can't speak now."

The voice said again, "If I hadn't seen that you were a talent, I wouldn't have bothered."

Yang Jing's heart moved, and he really didn't have the previous pain and fatigue. It seemed that he was not bragging and couldn't help asking, "Why did the senior put people here?"

His voice groaned coldly, "If Su wants to come, he will come. If he wants to go, who can lock me up?" After a pause, he sighed, which was quite heroic.

Yang Jing's sympathy rose greatly, and everyone was a fallen person and comforted him, "In this way, the seniors must have no choice but to settle here... here."

The old prisoner in the opposite cell laughed and said, "Settlement! OK! It's settled down. You have a good heart. I beat you with dead bones before, the most important thing is to test whether you have never learned kung fu. Now it seems that you are a piece of material! Good material!"

Yang Jing didn't know what he was talking about. Although he beat himself, the two have been together for a long time. Although they have suffered from his bullying, they really don't want to die under the jailer like this. Since he was imprisoned, Yang Jing saw his friendliness for the first time, and suddenly felt in his heart with incomparable joy.