Marty Jianghu

Chapter 103 Night Black Wind High Sword Flying Light

I don't know when Yang Jing had such a thin sword in his hand, and his whole body was red but shining. Suddenly, the sky was full of light, dragons and snakes flew, and the world was like an ice stove, soaked in cold moonlight. The boundless brilliance just disappeared for a moment.

Fang Ye raised his eyes and saw this sword. He was shocked that this was not an ordinary sword, which was transformed by essence.

In heaven and the world, all the scenery seems to have disappeared, and only this sword remains. This sword goes to heaven and earth. From ancient times to the present, the sun is it, and the moon is also it. It is ubiquitous, but no one has ever witnessed its grace. Now, it is revealed in its heyday. Therefore, the world bowed to this king.

This sword seems to be waved very casually, as if it is full of flaws, which can be broken easily, but it is strong and powerful, and unbreakable. It contains the essence, spirit and spirit of Su Qianyang and Yang Jing's souls! The hatred of the sky penetrated his whole body, which made him reach the state of selflessness. This sword is destined to be the strongest since there are human beings.

The sword body has been raised flat in front of the chest. The young man raised his head and seemed to be shocked by Yang Yun's ruthlessness and angry with his fate. However, he himself had a quiet temperament, like a blue water, clear and far away, and did not change for a while. His long hair shattered with a very dark blue light. Under his long hair is an extremely handsome face. The sadness and loneliness between his eyebrows did not drown out his demeanor, but set off his outstanding temperament like a lonely moon in the sky.

The teenager's eyes. These eyes have nothing special, let alone special colors, but they are like two deep pools, ancient mirrors shining on the gods, in which there seems to be a kind of understanding of all the mysterious silence and wisdom between heaven and earth, but at the same time, they are so clear, like the first time to look at this child in the world, and they will not be contaminated with any earthly impurities in the future.

Since ancient times, heroes have had many hardships, and Yang Jing has been Yang Jing after the hardships.

Yang Jing, who was temporarily controlled by Su Qianyang with his spirit, looked up to the sky and smiled and said, "Okay! Let's use facts to prove who is obedient and what is old is rebellious; what is life and what is death.

The murderous wave took Yang Jing as the core and rushed to the three people.

Fang Ye smiled and retreated.

He is calm on the surface, but in fact, he has raised his power to the limit. If he captures the king first, Yang Jing will not do it. Once he does it, he will definitely aim at him.

Yang Shen and Yunxian rushed forward from both sides and stabbed away with a knife and lightning. They must be vigorous before Yang Jing's momentum reaches the peak.

Yang Jing's face was cold, he hummed, patted his hands, and slapped the blade and the tip of the sword one after another.

"Huo! Huo!"

Yang Shenyun and Xian both snorted together to block Yang Jing's illusionary red sword.

Yang Jing was not surprised by the strength of the two. It should be strange that they were not so strong in martial arts. Then he snorted, and his hands were full of blood and sword shadows in the sky, and he caught them in vain.

At this moment, the wind came.

Four figures were pounced down by the roof tiles, and four spears hit Yang Jing, who launched an offensive against Yang Shen and Yunxian.

Yang Jing sighed in his heart that he was indeed a well-trained elite teacher who came to besiege this time and knew the way of joint attack, because if too many people jumped down, the situation would be complicated, and he could fish cheaply, but the four people just mended every gap behind him and exerted the greatest strength.

Yang Shen was hit by Yang Jing. Although he did not retreat, his blood was already churning. The recovered knife was no longer able to take the initiative and wanted to turn attack into defense. In front of him was the blood-red sword shadow of Yang Jing's claws. Still facing the danger, he shouted loudly and cut it out with a knife. What he took was not Yang Jing's blood sword, but Yang Jing's waist, which turned out to die together.

Although the appearance of the destruction is rough, how can it be seen that it is the opposite of the masculine road? It is soft and delicate, and a sword flower bursts on the tip of the sword, protecting it in front of it, and strictly seals all the entrance roads of Ganluo.

One attack and one defense, the cooperation is seamless.

Yang Jing shouted coldly, "Okay!", and his figure did not stop. At a speed that was imperceptible to the naked eye, he flashed a few flashes, cut into the middle of the two people, and pointed to both sides at the same time, and the starlight popped up the sword.

In the later Fang Ye's heart, Yang Jing's strength was far above his estimation. Who has he inherited since the prison? Thinking about it, Yang Jing had already come empty.

"That red sword is melted by internal strength and true qi!" It was not until the night that Yang Jing's sword had to pierce him.

Qi sword is a mysterious thing, which originates from the strange power of life. It lurks in the meridians and acupuncture points of each person and god, pursues the land of martial arts. Through the hard training of spirit and body, it stimulates endless potential, and then controls it with various secret methods. The level of achievement is the difference between masters and low hands in the martial arts. .


The clear sound shocked the whole audience. The sword's ability to take the head of the night was Yang Shen and Yunxian behind him. After Yang Jing suddenly waved his sword, the two did not expect to be bloody!

Fang Ye snorted coldly and retreated. He used the 38 long sticks in his hand, one of the three life-saving tricks handed down by Geyang Tuyuan, urging a fierce spirit, and hit the chasing red sword.


Fang Ye floated like a feather and retreated out, which was the peerless light skill of Pingwumen. But in the eyes of Yang Jing, who was controlled by Su Qianyang, it was nothing more than that!

For a while, no one dared to jump on the wall and provoke Qianluo.

In all directions, I don't know how many enemies have come.


A woman's scream and fight came from the tile far away on the left.

Yang Jing was stunned, with his eyes, and looked at the sound.

I saw a petite figure jumping high and low, rushing in his direction.

Even if Su Qianyang controlled Yang Jing, Yang Jing, who only had a body, was also hot in his heart and lost his voice, "Sister!" With his feet hard, Yang Qi, who often struggled under the enemy's sword, rushed away like a big bird.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yun felt that Yang Jing might have a master to help him. The only way to do this is to arrest Yang Jing back!

Su Qianyang knew something and hit those people, picked up Yang Qi, and retreated 30 feet before landing.

"Brother..." Yang Qi's tears were sobbing that she couldn't speak.

Yang Jing hugged Yang Qi: "I thought I would never enter you again!" When he lost his voice and cried, Su Qianyang knew that he should no longer control Yang Jing's body at this time, and the brother and sister sincerely told each other.

"They treat me very well. Why don't my brother go home and live a happy life together?" Yang Qi's two lines of tears have already soaked Yang Jing's shoulder, and now this shoulder can be relied on by her.

"No, my sister, I'm going to take you out of Yang's house." Yang Jing looked ahead and borrowed some starlight. He saw more than a dozen knights under the black pressure, covering them like a dark cloud. What they were holding in his hand were giant shields, heavy spears and other offensive weapons, which seemed to be prepared for his two red guns.

Suddenly, Yang Qi's soft words whispered in his ear, "It seems that they are by no means good. Brother, you should take good care of Xiaoqi!"


The knights shouted together, but only shouted like a person, which was only more than ten times bigger and deterred people. At the same time, they showed that they were used to group warfare, otherwise how could they drink so consistently?

The heavy spears of the four knights in the front row pointed forward flat. With the rush of the war horses, only the momentum can make people afraid.