Marty Jianghu

Chapter 112 Children's Long Love

In the cave.

"Take a rest. I have to practice for a while." After breaking the silence, Yang Jing smiled at Wu Feier, then sat down cross-legged on the stone platform beside him, closed his eyes and entered a state of cultivation.

Sitting on Shi**, Wu Feier stared at the beautiful face. After a long time, she sighed, lay down slowly, and muttered softly, "Go to bed. When you get up tomorrow, you will forget everything."

With the slow silence in the cave, after a long time, Yang Jing, who closed his eyes and practiced, opened his eyes, turned his head to look at Wu Feier, who was like a sleeping beauty, slowly walked down the stone platform, came to the side of the stone bed, glanced at the elegant and charming curve, and finally stayed at the beautiful cheek with slightly frowning willow eyebrows. Up.

He stared at this pretty face that may not be able to look so directly in the future. After a moment, Yang Jing took off a big robe from his body and gently covered Wu Feier's body. Then he turned around and walked outside the cave. Night was the peak of poisonous bats, so he must keep the police at all times. Caution.

When Yang Jing turned around, Wu Feier, who closed her eyes and was sleeping, suddenly opened her eyes and quietly looked at Yang Jing, who was very strange to walk for fear of making a sound. Her jade hand stroked the robe covered with her body. Her quiet mood was inexplicably rippled.

"Tut..." Inside the cave, a sigh slowly faded away.

Over there, the black and white battle between Pingwumen and the Demon Sect is on fire.

Jiang Huai shouted and said, "Don't give up your gun and surrender!" Hei Sha had a long smile, and the shadow of his palm appeared, which flashed flat on the other party's chest.

Jiang Huai did not dare to take the enemy lightly and jumped out his sword together. Cuttering to the black evil, it is as fast as electricity, with profound power, and even the black evil is surprised.

St. Selder here dealt with Bai Xiao, but his white smoke wrapped around him was blurred. All he saw was their swords and shadows.

"Dang!" Zhou Tianren forced Juehai and Chaofeng back three steps with two knives. Then he turned against the knife and hit the other two short sticks, and the two short sticks were actually picked off and flew to the lake.

Although these two people's martial arts skills are far inferior to Zhou Tianren. But it's not so bad, just because they don't know the "borrowing power" in the way of complementing each other this Sunday.

When the short stick is on the Shuangren's knife, the two knives can absorb the strength of the two people by skillfully stir-frying, and let the strength go along the left knife. When the strength comes forward from the right knife, the right knife has been split by Zhou Tianren, and with its own strength, it is sent out by the other hand, so the short stick of the two people is given to Zhou Tianren's knife. Almost at the time of picking, if they bear the true strength of themselves and the other two at the same time, how can they resist it?

Two stick masters taught by heaven and earth people flowed blood and staggered back.

"If we fight again, my life will die!" As Feng said, the two abandoned the field with sticks and retreated, leaving black and white to fight against the three vice-compresidents of Pingwumen.

Zhou Tianren saw that Jiang Huai and Hei Shao fought inexplicable and looked solemn for a moment. When Hei Shao had a back, Zhou Tianren cut it out with a knife.

In addition to the shock, the palm wind wrapped around Zhou Tianren's two knives with black gas. At that time, the black blade easily blocked the enemy's knife, and Jiang Huai rushed out from his waist and shot the left waist eye of the black blade.

As soon as the two took action, Hei Shi failed to arouse internal strength. In contrast, Jiang Huai and Zhou Tianren are more powerful, which can make anyone unsistible.

Unexpectedly, the black man smiled, his palms were glowing, and a lot of black gas gushed out, which made Jiang Huai feel bad, but how could there be a reason to recycle the move?

"When, when!" Two shocks shocked the whole audience.

But with a cough, Jiang Huai shouted, "Retir now, this black smoke is poisonous!"

The long river-like offensive of the two heroes of Pingwu was suddenly cut off. Heisha pressed his hands and drew a heavy palm shadow, which exploded in front of the two, and another black smoke involved the two people in an instant.

The disciples of Pingwumen were stunned. The confrontation between the masters had no effect on them, and only looked at the three people fighting in the field.

And Saintsold and Baishad have long disappeared from everyone's sight.

On a path, Saint Hande turned his back to Bai Xiao.

Bai Shu's side facing De. A breeze stirred the silk hair and sleeves of the two, and also stirred the heartstrings of the two.

"I can't imagine that it will be more than ten years... When we met, it was on the sword. Bai Shi sighed.

"The world is changeable, and people's hearts are easy to get old. How can you force Qiushui?" St. Deld said.

"A good person is easy to grow old! I, Bai Shimei, really shouldn't believe what men say..." She turned around and stared at St. Deld with beautiful eyes.

"That's all in the past. I liked you and liked you very much... But you have always been under the control of the black track, and... And how can I hold the beauty and hold the beautiful woman in his arms..." At this time, St. Hand has always turned his back to her, and his eyes are always far away. He looks at the clouds chasing in the sky. When he looks at the clouds, it is very close, and when he looks at her, it is far away. Now St. Hande dares not look at her directly.

"Well, I hope you can find the person you love and is close..." Bai Shimei accidentally dripped down with two drops of hot tears. Fortunately, the other party didn't see it. Bai Shimei flew away, not in the direction of the Heisha battle.

May, when the sun sets, the sunset glow, and the love will not return. Saint Seirde always stood still and looked at the clouds in the sky, perhaps there was something he yearned for. He is looking up at what he can't touch, fairy? King? I'm afraid it's too far away from him. No one knows what he wants in this changing world.

No matter how strong the black man is, after all, he is a person. At present, he may be worried about the safety of the white man or something else that can't see the white man and Saint Hande. He left a sentence: "If he sees it, he will wait for your life!" Chasing to the side.

Under the banyan tree halfway, a woman in white cried in the wind. Who is this person? It seems that there are also people over 30 years old. What's so sad that I burst into tears here alone?

After all, Hei Sha stopped and looked at the shadow and said, "He is not worth your nostalgia to go back to Longmen Mountain with me!"

The woman is Bai Shimei. Hearing this, she stretched out her sleeve and gently covered her face. When her face returned to normal, Heisha said, "When you go back to your life, you can say that you did it. I believe that the master will not blame you much. Let's go!" The black and white figure stepped on the grass and went away.

When the warm dawn shone on the sleeping Yang Jing, he opened his eyes with some sleepy eyes. At the moment of opening his eyes, Yang Jing suddenly turned his head suddenly.

On the stone bed inside the cave, Wu Feier sat, and the strange sword was placed flat on her legs. Today, she changed into a set of snow-white plain skirts. The phoenix hairdress on her head, which was originally a little lazy, was gathered again, emitting a faint noble, beautiful cheeks, indifferent and elegant, a few days ago. Weakness has completely disappeared.

seemed to notice Yang Jing's awakening, and her eyes also opened slightly. Her beautiful eyes swept to Yang Jing and said faintly, "Wake up?"

is vaguely the previous crisp voice, but this time, it brings some cold and plain tone, like a conversation between strangers.

"Hmm." Yang Jing nodded faintly.

Wu Feier moved slightly. When she appeared again, she actually stood directly in front of Yang Jing. Her beautiful eyes moved down, staring at his face and said, "Let's go. After going out, I will help you temporarily improve your strength."

After saying that, she took the lead in turning to the cave, an elegant lotus walk, beautiful and charming.

Looking up at the back of the beauty who was about to come out of the hole, Yang Jing suddenly said, "I like Wu Feier the other day... Now I like you more."

At the gate of the cave, the beautiful back stiffened slightly. After a moment in place, he stepped out again.