Marty Jianghu

Chapter 115 Chasing Fairy Grass in the Cave

The huge "bull" completely broke out under Yang Jing's indiscriminate bombing. Yang Jing was shocked by how the four big wolves and guards outside ran in and how they could retreat. At this time, Yang Jing thought of the bottle of elixir given to Wu Feier in a hurry.

So Yang Jing immediately opened the lid and suddenly smelled a huge smell. Yang Jing was about to vomit, but when he saw that the monster had settled down again, he immediately floated up. Fortunately, his light skills were still smart and his skills were still agile. Otherwise, how could he resist such a crazy collision of this monster? Yang Jingqiang, who was in mid-air, endured the huge smell and swallowed it, and he couldn't care so much at this time.

But Yang Jing felt that a force in his Dantian was exploding. If he didn't hit this palm, he would definitely be killed.

Yang Jing slapped dozens of palms in one breath and suddenly found a very strange place. Whenever he hit something under the monster's belly, the other party would be extremely painful, as if the belly was also his weakness.

Yang Jing's heart moved, accelerated his speed, and suddenly slapped three times on the two white dots. The monster suddenly roared, jumped up and rushed to Yang Jing. Yang Jinggang dodged and smashed a big hole on the ground.

Then, the big tail swept away and broke ten big trees. Yang Jing, who was floating in the sky, was already scared to white his face.

The monster's tail hit the slate and broke for a moment, and then stood up with two feet, like a giant. Two pairs of sharp feet danced in the air, opening the door-like blood mouth, teeth, and two black ink-like gas began to spewing out of their nostrils.

At this time, the bird that has been flying and spinning suddenly said, "It's poisonous in the fog, Brother Yang Jing, be careful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the monster spewed a black gas from his mouth and rolled towards Yang Jing. Yang Jing did not dare to be careless. He held his breath, jumped up and fell diagonally six feet away.

Although the black gas did not hit Yang Jing, it slowly spread, and all the walls swept away by the black air immediately turned waxy yellow.

Yang Jing thought to himself, "Isn't it looking for a dead end if he lifts his belly out at this time?"

"Wrew through the speechless sword" hit the strange belly three times.

The monster was obviously completely angered by Yang Jing. He desperately used a unique trick to let Yang Jing know its strength. The black gas kept gushing out of its mouth. Yang Jing did not dare to get too close and beat it to its belly.

The sound of "Bum..." was endless. When it hit the monster, the monster's flame was suddenly suppressed again and no longer spewed black gas and changed to defense, constantly dodging the body.

After a while, Yang Jing felt a little tired and consumed a lot of internal power, but the monster still did not fall down.

"Good!" The bird also shouted.

This time, Yang Jing's attack is only its weakness. He must knock it down within a quarter of an hour, otherwise when the elixir looks at each other, with a long roar, the roar comes out, shaking the mountainside, and the monster is shaken back several feet by the roar of the two.

Under Yang Jing's consecutive palm, the monster wanted to avoid it, but it was too late. He could only spit out a black gas again. This black gas is its most powerful move. Not to mention human beings, stones will be melted by black gas.

Yang Jing held his breath, and with the effect of elixir, his whole body was full of Gangqi. Unexpectedly, he was not afraid of any blow. Unexpectedly, when he met the monster's last breath of black gas, Gangqi was suddenly broken, and Yang Jing was about to attack the white spot.

Yang Jing only felt dizzy, pain all over his body, his skin was about to crack, and his body stopped in the air. This "black gas" is really poisonous and can penetrate through the skin. In a hurry, Yang Jing waved his palm. Suddenly, the monster screamed, and the power of the black gas suddenly decreased.

At this moment, Yang Jing woke up, gritted his teeth, kicked out his palms in the air, and even inserted it into the abdomen with a "palm knife".

The monster let out a shocking scream and rolled on the ground.

Yang Jing pulled out his hand and saw a disgusting smell dripping from the white paste, which was disgusting.

The monster's pain seemed to have reached an extreme. With a shock, Yang Jing flew out from half a point and hit a stone wall far away.

Yang Jing fell to the ground and felt swelling and pain all over his body. There seemed to be a fire burning in his lower abdomen, and his eyes were red and staring at the resting monster.

At this time, the monster coiled his body, lay on the ground, raised his head, and greedily looked at the red crystals in the cave. To be precise, Yang Jing obviously felt the golden light of those crystals, as if the aura between heaven and earth had been absorbed by it.

Yang Jing and Xiaoniao looked at it stupidly and didn't know what to do.

Skily, an old voice said, "Don't let it absorb 'Su Hongshi'!" It's Su Qianyang's voice!

Yang Jingru picked up a life: "Hey, Senior Su, you woke up!" There is reproach in his tone.

"I've been observing you and wanted to test you... Keep attacking it!" Su Qianyang shouted.

Yang Jing heard this, suddenly woke up and flew to the monster like a flash. The monster roared, spewing two black gas from his nostrils, and then opened his mouth to bite and swallowed one of its "Su Hongshi" into his mouth.

Yang Jing was blocked by the black gas and fell to the ground. As soon as he landed, he felt a figure flying past him and shooting at the monster.

"Evil, spit out 'Su Hongshi'!" People came to drink.

Then there was a loud "boom", and the monster was shaken by the palm of the coming person and broke through the cave.

However, the monster had completely swallowed "Su Hongshi". After rolling on the ground a few times in pain, his whole body emitted a dazzling red light, and his big tail stood up. He had a pair of big eyes and looked at the person who shook it with some fear.

The person stopped and stared at the standing monster, with a solemn face and was quite afraid of it.

The two fixed their eyes and saw that the man was an old man in a Taoist robe. The old man has yellow hair, his body is slightly fat, and his face is like a full moon. He looks a little cute.

Who is this yellow-haired old man? He has such a great magical power. It should be noted that Yang Jing has been very powerful after Su Qianyang's transformation, and Su Feidan medicine has doubled the internal strength and can't help this monster. As soon as this white-haired old man comes, he can shake the monster through the cave with one palm. He is so strong that he is afraid it will not have hundreds of thousands of catties. Judging from this hand alone, the famous super master in martial arts can only be regarded as second- and third-rate in front of such masters.

The yellow-haired old man did not look at Yang Jing more. His heart sank, and the air machine dispersed like a cobweb, which had locked the monster, and the monster transported "Su Hongshi". Under the stimulation of "Su Hongshi" at a right angle above his head, he shot a golden light, entangled with the other party's air machine, trying The picture is to get rid of the control of the other party's air machine. In this way, one person and one beast are so deadlocked.

Yang Jing wanted to go up to help, but as soon as he took a few steps, he felt that there seemed to be an invisible air wall in front of him, and it was difficult to take a step forward.

"It's not difficult to force yourself to come forward, but in this way, it will undoubtedly bring great trouble to the yellow-haired old man." Su Qianyang shouted that because of this, Yang Jing did not dare to take another step forward and watched quietly.

"Don't pay attention to them and ask for your fairy grass!" Hearing this, Yang Jing realized that this is a good time!