Marty Jianghu

Chapter 235 Good and Evil are difficult

Hearing Gu Lian's words, the stimul in Yang Jing's heart suddenly appeared, and he faintly found that there was more or less ambiguity in the eyes of Xiong Feng and the mysterious woman. Yang Jing's eyes naturally saw that the woman beside Xiongfeng was gentle and beautiful, like a fairy coming down to the earth and standing graceful. And the mysterious woman is also full of charm and has a little chivalrous temperament, but that pair of eyes are not in line with her identity at all. That is a pair of charming and friendly eyes, and there is no fear at all. But maybe the other party's identity is too special to make people unable to get close to her. You should know what kind of person even Mo Yu, Ouyang Hongmen's beloved disciple, will be respectful of him. That is the existence that orders the whole world to teach. Will such a person be confused by her eyes? If so, you should be careful.

And when he saw such a powerful figure in the magic religion, Shen Dadao was shocked. However, Mo Yu felt that it was difficult to deal with it alone. What's more, there was an Ouyang Jing. Now the people in the martial arts hall have left him alone to fight against the master of the magic religion. Even if Zeng Rushan is present, he will not help himself according to today's situation. In the face of Ouyang Jing's anti-view Xiongfeng, he was even more anxious and worried that he had to protect Tang Xiaorou around him, but he was also a wise and brave person. He saw that there was a lack of tacit understanding between Ouyang Jing and Mo Yu. I'm afraid that Mo Yu wanted to kill him in one fell swoop, and Ouyang Jing came from a few parts by herself. She thought that she would not kill herself. At the beginning, she and she had a kiss of heaven and earth. Besides, how could Ouyang Jing kill herself if she was kind? Xiongfeng also smiled and said, "Miss Ouyang, you came just in time. How about having two moves with me in the ring?"

Hearing this, Mo Yu stood up and shouted, "Don't be rampant. Someone will come to deal with you. You won't die soon!"

Xiongfeng glanced at Mo Yu and thought that he was the second generation of a unique and rare world education. Now it seems that he can't accept his loss for a while, but the fact is that Mo Yu is not the opponent of Xiongfeng. He can only hope that the elders in the religion hope that they can Breathe out for yourself and suppress the domineering arrogance of Xiongfeng.

And Ouyang Jing waved her hand to indicate that Mo Yu retreated from the surprised Chaoxiongfeng side.

I saw such a holy and beautiful woman beside Xiongfeng. Ouyang Jing's eyes stared at her and didn't pay much attention, but stared at Xiongfeng's tense handsome face, and said in a provocative tone, "Do you want me to take you away today, or do you want me to go with me?"

"What if I say I want to leave, but I won't leave if I don't want to?" Xiongfeng said.

"You are not satisfied with me. Do you want to fight with my predecessor Zheng Rong?" Ouyang Jing said.

Xiongfeng naturally understood from her eyes and tone that Ouyang Jing was really defending herself, and imagined that if he fell into Zheng Rong's hands, he would die. If you follow Ouyang Jing, how to explain to Shen Dadao and Tang Xiaorou, and how to explain to the righteous martial arts people and the people present. It is not difficult for Xiong Feng at all, and said decisively, "Who wants to fight?" Mo Yu deliberately glanced at him.

As a little magician, Mo Yu was so tightly jumped up by Xiong Feng in the eyes of the public, but he thought that Ji Xiangju, the tenth elder of the Xiongfeng's incomparable religion, was vulnerable. He was not his opponent anyway, so he Yi looked at Ouyang Jing.

Shen Dadao and Tang Xiaorou here were stunned. You didn't expect that Xiong Feng would take the initiative to challenge his opponent and call it too reckless. But how can it be taken back as soon as the words are said?

Yang Jing and Gu Lian in the corner are also deeply attracted by the atmosphere and meaninglessness of the majestic wind.

To know Mo Yu's biggest fear is that he doesn't know how powerful Xiongfeng has hurt himself, but he can't accept being defeated by Xiongfeng in front of so many people.

"Then I'll compare with you!" Ouyang said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the disciples of the people's religion shouted one after another. This is a great rebellious thing. If Ouyang Hongmen in the retreat knew that these people let their daughters fight against a very powerful master, and what would happen if you watched them underground? I'm afraid some people would be assigned. Xinjiang.

"No, miss, you can't go up." Hearing this, Moyu stopped in front of Ouyang Jing. If Xiongfeng hurt himself how to take responsibility.

"I have the final say here. You can retreat first." Ouyang Jing said with a very stern look.

And Xiongfeng suddenly felt funny. While thinking about himself, he wanted his own life. For a while, he was an enemy or a friend, and it was difficult to tell whether it was true or false. Xiong Feng looked at Ouyang Jing with a smile on his face and said, "Since the young lady came out, I must give some thin face. I will do my best until the point."

If Mo Yu was shocked by the words, wouldn't Ouyang Jing die?

Xiongfeng knew that if Ouyang Jing came up, he could get out, but he was afraid that Mo Yu would threaten him by attacking Tang Xiaorou, which would be even more troublesome. It's better to directly lead the masters taught by heaven and earth and send Tang Xiaorou and Shen Dadao away.