Marty Jianghu

Chapter 246 Involuntarily in the world

For a while, Yang Jing unconsciously entered a state of cultivation. The little monk on one side was stunned, "I'm almost fifteen years old and I haven't seen anyone practice so strangely."

Fang Yuan still looked at Yang Jing calmly and didn't say anything. Knowing that he could no longer disturb him, he quietly walked out with the little monk.

Yang Jing, who found the state of this book without a cover, didn't care so much. He cleaned up his mind and entered Dantian again, and gradually felt the deep fire in his heart. Gradually, his mind was completely immersed in the wonderful movement of the fire and completely forgot about himself.

Unconsciously, he entered the realm of the second sentence of the formula, "thinking and moving his mind, with his own righteousness in the blue sky". A seemingly controllable warm current gradually condensed and floated upwards in Dantian with Yang Jing's subconscious drive.

According to common sense, it will take at least three months to produce such a trace of Buddha's true qi, but Yang Jing himself has the mellow power of Su Qianyang for 60 years, and it is a piece of cake to find such a trace of true qi. It's like a child who wants to lift a hundred catties of heavy things has to be trained hard, but a young wrestler is easy to do.

In fact, with Yang Jing's current skills, it is not difficult to practice to the realm of "perfection" in one breath, but it is impossible to understand the mysteries of the first four realms with such a lost foundation. Therefore, Fang Yuan deliberately excused the limit of the number of sentences taught. For example, this coverless book made him step by step to avoid being too eager for quick success and quick benefits.

In my forgetfulness, Yang Jing has cultivated the seventeenth sentence of the formula, and it happened that something went wrong here.

At first, Yang Jing didn't say much about the seventeenth sentence, "Hold the Yuanshen to break the Cloud Mountain, and the golden water is connected to the sky", but he didn't want to bow his head and ask Fang Yuan. After practicing the sixteenth sentence, he relied on his own speculative and drove the reversal of the true spirit in Dantian, but he did not intend to commit a big taboo.

It is necessary to know that the correct mind method is the most important thing to understand the heart of heaven and conform to nature, so there is no adverse luck in all martial arts, and the martial arts of Shaolin Temple are no exception. Yang Jing had no guidance, let alone guarded him, but he was bold and forced him to reverse his true spirit. If he is really a foundationless beginner, it will be fine. Because there is almost no true qi in his body, he will spit blood and faint at most. But he has a Jiazi's true spirit of Buddhist martial arts, which is tantamount to stabing a hornet's nest.

However, Dantian felt a burst of burning pain, and the 60 years of power stored in it was like a flood gate opening, which turned over the river and fell into the sea under the stimulation of reverse transportation of true qi and flowed everywhere. Yang Jing couldn't help shaking all over. He knew that he didn't want to control the true spirit of the wild horse, but he was completely out of control.

Yang Jing didn't know that this was the most feared "goma" of practitioners. He was not too afraid to think that he had neglected a small problem for a while, so he tried to calmly try to guide the true spirit of those who swam through the roaring meridians in his body.

But how can he control it? The true air of the original warmth and spring water became hotter and hotter, and gradually burned the meridians of Yang Jing's whole body, which was going to be out of control.

At this time, Yang Jing only felt warm on his back, and one palm pressed against his big vertebra, and then a thick and round source of true qi was injected into his body.

The inner strength of the true qi did not intercept the chaotic internal breath in Yang Jing's meridians, but slowly walked along Yang Jing's second vein of Rendu, constantly guiding the out-of-control true qi. Yang Jing gradually felt better, and the feeling of suffocation and nausea in his chest also disappeared.

Yang Jing was relieved and wanted to find the true qi he had been controlling just now, but as soon as he thought moved, he heard the person behind him whisper, "Don't move!"

It is not easy to subdue Yang Jing's 60 years of power with Fangyuan's cultivation. It took an hour to calm down and return to Dantian.

Fang Yuan closed his palm. Yang Jing opened his eyes and saw that the window paper was shining white. It turned out that there was no time in the mountains, and unconsciously he had been sitting for one night.

At this time, the two were already sweating profusely, and they breathed a deep joy from each other. Yang Jing sighed secretly that the internal strength of the fat monk was indeed extraordinary.

Fang Yuan said slowly about Yang Jing's mistake, "Go to bed early and talk about it tomorrow. You can't force yourself to come to this Yijin Sutra. Otherwise, it will be falsely called Shaolin Qijue.

Yang Jing protested, "But I still haven't practiced yet."

Fang Yuan ignored him, and the fat figure pushed the door out, looking a little tired.

Yang Jing's mind moved and realized, "I just practiced something wrong. How could he just enter the room and see it? He must have been on the side for a long time. It's just that I concentrate on practicing and don't know. It seems that this fat monk is strange, but he doesn't just make things difficult for me. Maybe he has some intentions.

Thinking of this, the resentment against the fat monk Fangyuan has subsided a little, and the good impression is also a little bit more.

the next day,

After breakfast, he went out and said that he had gone up the mountain to cut firewood. Such a strange fat man can even cut firewood. Yang Jing wanted to look at him with new eyes from the bottom of his heart.

"Well, it's good to leave. It seems that I still have to practice by myself." Yang Jing giggled and looked at the book without a cover and secretly marveled. Unexpectedly, this book turned out to be the Book of Changes Sutra of Shaolin Temple

"Why did Yang Jing, a vulgar son of Li Gu, get such a favor? If I don't do a little big cause, how can I be worthy of my master Wang Jiuzhen and this fat man?" He muttered to himself that Yang Jing opened the book again and locked it with his eyes tightly. This time, he was afraid that he would die if he made another mistake, and no one would come to save him. Yang Jing knew Du Ming about this.

But the more difficult it is, the more Yang Jing wants to conquer him. After yesterday night, he has experienced the fun of practicing the Yijinjing. Although he only practiced the sixteenth sentence, he has felt that there is a world in it, which is fascinating and unconsciously unstoppable.

It's strange that I didn't sleep for half a minute last night, but now I'm not tired at all. I feel energetic and energetic.

The sentences in Yijinjing are profound, simple, and fresh. It is not difficult for Yang Jing, who has been studying since he was a child, but unfortunately, his mind is now full of the thirty-six formulas, and he is even meditating on the true meaning of the sentence "holding Yuan to break the cloud mountain, and the golden water is connected to the sky".

The sun went slowly and saw the noon. Yang Jing only read three pages, which was far from yesterday. However, he is not in a hurry, at least the last half of the 36 sentences has not been practiced by himself.

"Let's practice carefully ink." Yang Jing sighed.



It's time to leave again. These days, Xiong Feng has been kissing Tang Xiaorou and accompanying him, but the more he is separated, the more reluctant he is. The more reluctant he is, the more he is, the more he is.

In the evening, Xiongfeng was drinking alone under the willow tree. Suddenly, he heard a crisp call in his ear: "Hey!"

Xiongfeng smiled and didn't have to look back and said, "What's the happy thing? Let's talk about it."

"Oh, you're leaving tomorrow... How can I be happy? I just feel that it's not appropriate to see you drinking alone, so let's drink together?" Tang Xiaorou stretched out her pink little hand and asked.

Today, she changed into red clothes and looked particularly bright in the setting sun. At this time, she stared at him with small eyes.

Xiongfeng sneered and said, "Are you here for this? It's good to drink together, but if you are not in good health, just take a sip.

The girl nodded gently. In fact, she didn't know why she secretly came to find Xiongfeng. She hadn't recovered from her illness. Shen Dadao didn't let her go out at night. I'm afraid she caught a cold. In case of a little wind and cold, it will be more troublesome.

After a sip, the beautiful face slowly stuck to Xiongfeng's chest and said, "If I'm fine, I can follow Brother Feng to Taihu."

"Well, if there are not so many ifs in everything, then if I haven't promised them that I haven't been a helper, I can stay here every day until the sea and the rocks are rotten, and my heart is still the same."

Tang Xiaorou didn't say anything. Maybe she guessed something about herself and Xiongfeng. Although their reunion was very short, it was really too precious for her. Are you moved when you think that your beloved person has died and suddenly returned to your side so much that you love you? Are you unhappy? But how do you feel when you leave again and don't know if it will be a farewell?

People can't help it!




Fang Yuan didn't come back until after dinner that night. When he saw Yang Jing, he asked, "Have you practiced today?"

Yang Jing yawned with a lazy expression, "Of course you have to have a good sleep while you are away."

Fang Yuan's deep and clear eyes stared at him and said slowly, "Don't practice today, come back tomorrow."

Yang Jing, who has long been eager to practice the Yijinjing, protested fiercely: "Why!?"

Fang Yuan replied lightly: "Don't explain!"

After saying that, the square path led the house out of the house and left Yang Jing alone in the kitchen.

Yang Jing went back to his room and sat down in Zhu** and scolded in his heart, "Old antique, do you think the young master is easy to bully? You deliberately made things difficult for me, but I don't bow my head and beg you! I come by myself, but I don't believe that I can't attack the remaining half!"

After thinking for a while, his anger gradually subsided. He crossed his legs and closed his eyes and entered the retreat.

This time, it was much smoother and more proficient than last night, and soon practiced the seventeenth formula: "Hold Yuanyi rushed to Yunshan, and the golden water came across the shore." Yang Jing learned the lesson from last time and was much more cautious. He slowly guided the true spirit and inner strength to go along the current, and he no longer dared to go against luck.

The trace of true qi slowly ran under the control of Yang Jing and unconsciously turned three times in Dantian, but suddenly it was stagnant, floating in mid-air and gradually condensed into a ball, dripping around in Dantian like a small ball.

Yang Jing was shocked as to why something went wrong again. The warm fire in Dantian seemed to be unable to withstand the weight of the small ball. The small ball involuntarily slowly sank and crashed into the ground. Yang Jing did not dare to move and carefully guided the small ball, but felt that his abdomen was hot, and the small ball had touched the bottom and melted into the true air contained in the bottom of Yang Jing's Dantian.

Yang Jing didn't think about it. The sun disappeared, and the small ball melted. A trickle rose from the oil. It was cool and uncomfortable. The clear stream quickly extended to both sides, flowing like a river in his Dantian field, straight to the peak.

Yang Jing was happy and said to himself, "It seems that this is the so-called golden water."

is also Yang Jing's deep blessing, God bless this son. Although he did not know what "the earth pass" and "sky shore" mean, nor did he know the solution of "golden water", he successfully passed the pass with the second attempt of his heart and solved the first pass in the "peep into the sky".

He carefully tried to control the clear stream, concentrated his thoughts on it, and patiently guided it upstream in the direction of the fire in Dantian.

After several failures, Yang Jing finally controlled the clear stream, held the joy in his heart, and concentrated on leading it to the top of Dantian.

Since then, 19 formulas have been broken, and they have been successfully completed almost without any hard work. When Yang Jing opened his eyes, a wisp of morning light had been mapped on the window paper.
