Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

25 seat price

It was noon when I woke up the next day. The first lady didn't like me. In addition, I used to be stupid, so I completely avoided this in the morning. My own mother doesn't care much about me. In a word, my father doesn't love me, and grandma doesn't love me.

The water in the basin on the wooden shelf has lost its temperature, and the more you look at the porridge dishes on the table, the more you lose your appetite. Yun'er doesn't know where she went. I guess after singing yesterday, she was afraid to see me for a few days.

Slightly tidying up my appearance, I tried to tie a simple bun, put a jade hairpin in my head and took my finished product out of the room yesterday.

I walked along the wall of the prime minister's mansion to the side door, and there was no one along the way. I slipped out smoothly. I went to the inn according to yesterday's route.

From afar, I saw Zhang Banxian walking around the inn as if his wife were going to have a baby, muttering something.

Wait for me to walk into the inn, one of the people who helped Zhang Banxian collect money yesterday saw me. Urgently called:

"Master Zhang, here comes, Miss Chu, she comes."

Zhang Banxian looked at me along the young man's finger and immediately greeted him.

"My little aunt, you can make me wait!"

"I'm really sorry that I took a break too late yesterday. Well, I brought it to you before I could eat."

How smart Zhang Banxian is. As soon as he heard Chu Tianxiang's words, he immediately greeted the shopkeeper a few signature dishes and a pot of Biluochun.

After the dishes were served, Chu Tianxiang no longer hung Zhang Banxian's appetite and took out a large pile of rice paper from his arms. Zhang Banxian seemed to be afraid that others would see it, and grabbed it in his arms, page by page.

I don't know the taste of meat for half a month, and now I don't care about any image. Zhang Banxian is addicted to Shuibo Liang Mountain and cares about me flawlessly.

After eating and drinking enough, I suddenly felt that life was much better. Zhang Banxian is still admiring my masterpiece and constantly praising it.

"Wonderful, it's really wonderful!"

But when he saw the last page, he was stunned and slapped the table.

"How can this be!" Zhang Banxian shouted, and most of the people who ate in the inn looked this way.

Zhang Banxian was holding a piece of paper in his hand, and his hands trembled with anger, and his beard was about to rise.

The two young men who followed Zhang Banxian looked at the paper curiously and saw that it was written

"If you want to know the details, listen to the next breakdown!"

I had already expected Zhang Banxian's reaction, but I couldn't help laughing.

I didn't panic to take out the last three chapters of the ending of the Water Margin and put them on the table.

"I don't know what Mr. Zhang thinks is worth of my story?"

Zhang Banxian looked at my small stack of paper manuscripts, and his eyes were about to glow green, but he still pretended not to be interested and thought about it for a long time.

"Well, your story is good. I think it's worth the price..." He stretched out five fingers.

"Five two?"

Zhang Banxian nodded as if I was very generous.

"It seems that Zhang always doesn't want to talk about business with me sincerely! Then I'd better find another source."

I sneered and put the paper manuscript into my arms and got up to leave. Think about Xiao Qingyun's broken manuscript that can be sold for five taels. This is a masterpiece of future generations. Five taels. Go and think about it!

"Don't, don't, it's still negotiable, is it still negotiable!"

Zhang Banxian saw that I was leaving and quickly reached out to stop me.

"Five taels, no bargaining!"

Zhang Banxian was stunned. Five hundred taels. If it really happened, I would be a little rich woman.

Zhang Banxian thought for a while, reached out and called the shopkeeper. After whispering in the shopkeeper's ear, the shopkeeper nodded and walked to the inner room.

"Miss Chu, please wait a moment!" After saying that, he lowered his head and began to drink tea and stopped stepping on me, but his eyes always drifted towards me, revealing his emotions.

The shopkeeper of an inn is so respectful to a storyteller that it seems that this Zhang Banxian is not simple.

After a while, the shopkeeper came back from behind, holding a dark brown cloth bag in his hand and handed it to Zhang Banxian's hand.

Zhang Banxian pulled open the knot of the cloth bag and spread the white silver inside on the table.

"Miss Chu, this is 500 taels, please have a look!"

I just felt that I was almost dazzled by the silver, and I couldn't help but pick up two teeth and bite them.

Sure enough, the ancients did not bully me, and there is a golden house in the book.

"Once the matter has been settled, I won't bother the little girl anymore!"

I boldly handed the rest of the manuscript to Zhang Banxian. As soon as Zhang Banxian took over, he couldn't wait to read it and waved casually to show that he heard it.

I held the pile of silver and walked out ecstatically. When I was about to get to the door, I stopped and hooked my hand to the second child in the store.

"Xiao Er, where is the toilet?"


Xiao Er respectfully took me to the backyard and then ran away.

I found the kitchen in the backyard, took a scarlet food box, put all the silver in it, and went out through the side door.

Just in the hall, Zhang Banxian has revealed his wealth for me. If I go out from the main door now, I will undoubtedly tell everyone that I am rich and weak. Come and rob me. You're welcome.

Inn is a mixed place of dragons and snakes, no matter what era.

"What do you think of this little girl?"

Shortly after I left the side door, Zhang Banxian appeared in the back alley of the inn with a man of about 20. The man looked at my disappeared back and meditated for a long time. Find someone to follow her and find out her details!"

After changing the heavy silver into several silver tickets with a face value of 100 taels in Qianzhuang, I also changed some scattered silver. I wandered aimlessly on the street and bought some osmanthus cake sugar gourd or something.

At this time, there were many people in front of me. Generally speaking, people are curious. I also followed the crowd to join in and want to see the bustle.

With the advantage of being thin, I squeezed into it without effort.

I saw a woman sitting on the ground dressed differently from an ordinary woman, pressing a piece of paper under a sword, which said, "Sell your body, ten taels, predestined!"

The woman's eyebrows are beautiful, dressed in plain clothes, and her hair is fixed with only one wooden hairpin. Sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, his hands naturally hanging on his knees, as if he were mediting.

I'm happy. Selling my body is still so creative. I originally wanted to see a bad man flirting with a girl, and finally there is a hero to save the beauty. I guess I don't like it.

I had enough of the hustle and bustle. When I was about to turn around and leave, the woman inadvertently opened her eyes and stared straight at me.

"Girl, buy a body!"

I'm a little scared of being stared at, right? I fell in love with a woman at first sight?

I quickly walked around the alley, but no matter how I circled, when I was about to get out of the alley, the prostitute would always appear at the entrance of the alley.

I simply didn't run and leaned against the wall to breathe. My body was still too weak to withstand my tossing like this.

"You...what's your name? Why do you keep following me and have to buy you?" I hooked her hand to come over.

When I approached, I found that she was much taller than me, and there was a sense of oppression in her face.

"Miss Hui, my name is Helianwu. As for why you have to do it, that's designated by God." He Lianwu said with a serious face.

How boring was the immortals that day? Do you have to be designated by God to find a master?

"Don't, don't call me Miss. There are too many girls in my house. Otherwise, I'll give you 20 taels. Don't follow me!" I gritted my teeth and took out 20 taels. This is all my hard-earned money!

Helianwu looked at me in a daze, reached out to take the money for a long time, then suddenly put it in his purse, and then took out a little silver from it and put it in my hand.

I'm speechless. She is not short of money. Is there anyone who sells herself for fun? I'm sweating.

"You haven't told me why you have to designate me to buy you!" I suddenly feel so tired!

"Well, didn't I tell you?" She tilted her head and thought for a moment.

"Well, before I went down the mountain, my master asked me to wait for one person at this time today. The master asked me to write those six words and wait for the predestined person to buy me, saying that as long as I find it, I can find what I want."

"Then how do you know that I am a predestined person!" I gritted my teeth and asked.

"The master said, let me close my eyes and count from one to a thousand. When I open my eyes, the first rich man I see is a predestined person!"

I looked down at my dress. The good cloth in the prime minister's mansion is usually given to Chu Tianshuang. Chu Tianxue has occupied it. The rest of the fabric is not much better than the maids in the prime minister's mansion, whether in terms of workmanship or color. Where can I tell that I'm rich?

"How can you tell that I'm rich?" I touched the silver ticket in my sleeve.

"You have a pastry in your hand. How can a person who has no spare money buy a snack!" She looked at the osmanthus cake I was still holding in my hand with great interest.

I was completely speechless. It was rare to be generous for a while and was seded.

But she may also be a good candidate. Yun'er can no longer be used for me in the prime minister's mansion. There must be someone around me who runs errands for me. I always run out like this. At first, no one cares about it. After a long time, it will definitely reach the old lady.

Chu Tianshuang is easy to deal with. The first lady is an old fox, and Jiang must be old and spicy!

I thought about it and felt more and more that this method was feasible.

"Why don't you do this? It's getting late now, and it's not easy for me to take you back. You wait for me in the inn for a few days, and I'll find a way to get you into the house. You look good!"

"What did Miss say?"

"There are also ladies on the mountain. I think your call is quite smooth!"

"No, it's just me and the master on the mountain. I saw a young lady and her maid earlier today, and I'm learning now!" Helianwu smiled with embarrassment.

I took her to Zhang Banxian's inn and let him bleed today. I have to let him earn some money back.

As a result, we didn't go far, and we were stopped by a bodyguard-like man.

"Miss Chu, please our son!"

Can I still meet acquaintances on this street? Chu Tianxiang didn't know him before, did he? It's unlikely!

I filtered the candidates in my mind, but I still have no clue.

The bodyguard took me to the elegant room on the second floor of a teahouse. Through the screen, I faintly saw a man standing by the window. The figure was really familiar.

The man saw us coming in and slowly came out from behind the screen.

"Sister Tianxiang, I haven't seen you for a few days, but you have never thought of me!" Murong Zijun pretended to be unrestrained and fanned the wind with a fan.

I twitched the corners of my eyes a few times, and there are so many surprises today! I haven't seen you for a few days, and I almost forgot this character.

"Don't call me sister, it's so uncomfortable!" I don't have much affection for the prince who doesn't talk about romantic and likes to deceive ignorant girls.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Sister Tianxiang is getting more and more cute!"

"What are you doing here to have a tryout with my elder sister?" It was possible that Xue really fell in love with this pervert and came all the way to find her.

"Sus right, my father asked me to come to the public for a visit, and I came here for official business."

It turned out to be a private visit by micro-service, but with the virtue of the prince, micro-service picking flowers is almost the same.

"Sister Tianxiang, don't be so cold. I brought you a gift. The night pearl paid tribute to the Western Regions is so big!" Murong Zijun saw that I didn't pay attention to him and quickly stroked an orange with his hand.

"But it's a stone that will shine at night. What's so strange!" I curled my lips with disdain.

"Why don't you do me a favor!" My eyes turned and came to my mind.

I'm worried that there is no reason to bring Helianwu into the prime minister's mansion. If the prince comes forward, there must be no problem.

"Oh, what's the matter? As long as Tianxiang opens her mouth, I will definitely help to the end."

"That's a girl I bought on the street today. You also know that I'm whispering in the prime minister's mansion. Surely no one wants to listen to me. Why don't you take her there tomorrow and give her to me by any name?"

I pointed to Helianwu, who was very curious about the screen. I guess I've been on the mountain for a long time and want to study everything I see.

"Well, it's not impossible!" Murong Zijun gently picked up my jaw with a fan and smiled evilly.

"What is Sister Xiang going to use to thank me that day?"

I was about to reach out and kill his fan, but before I had time to do it, I saw Helianwu swinging her sword and split it.

Murong Zijun narrowly retreated, and his sleeves were cut off. The unlucky table broke into a pile of rags, and I was stunned. The sword was so powerful before it came out of its sheath. How lethal it would be if it was really real.

I'm still waiting for Helian's next move, such as going up to beat the ignorant prince or something, but she didn't move and just looked at me.

"Why did you fight with me?" Murong Zijun was not angry and asked with great interest.

"The master said that men and women are intimacy, and men who like to be close to women are all apprentices. Don't let them go when you see them. You must give each other an unforgettable lesson."

"Then why don't you do it again?" Murong Zijun's tone began to be a little unnatural, and I also looked at Helianwu curiously.

"I'm waiting for the young lady to signal. You're not flirting with me!"

I can't help it! Looking at Murong Zijun's injured face, this is probably the most ignored day in his life.

Seeing that I wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, Murong Zijun was a little depressed.

"Sister Tianxiang, you are very interesting. I don't even want to return it to you!" In a moment, Murong regained his pretentious appearance.

I hooked my hand to instruct him to come closer. He looked at Helianwu before leaning his ear.

"Your Highness, what do you think will happen if I tell Xiaowu now that you want to accept her as your little wife?"

Murong Zijun unconsciously stepped back two steps when he heard the words and smiled unnaturally.

"Actually, in my heart, I still think Tianxiang's sister is the purest and cutest. Send it tomorrow, right? OK, I'll do it early in the morning."

I said a few words to Helianwu, and seeing that it was getting late, I quickly ran to the prime minister's house.

I saw Yun'er walking around anxiously in front of my house from afar, and she looked into the distance from time to time.

I ran over as soon as I saw it.

"Miss San, you're back. Come on, go back to the room and lie down."

Yun'er couldn't help pulling me into the house and pulling my clothes.

"The prime minister came back today and just came to see the young lady. I said that the young lady was not feeling well and went to bed early. The young master said that he would come to visit the young lady after dinner."

Not long after Yuner stuffed me into the quilt, the prime minister came over with the eldest lady, followed by the two sisters Chu Tianshuang and Chu Tianxue with reluctant faces.

After the old lady's false greetings and self-reproach, my room became quiet again.

Today's day was also really restless. When I came up tired, I simply fell asleep.