Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

46 Princess Yongxing

We have been back for nearly ten days, and the prime minister is almost well. Chu Tianxue is probably not easy to get well. Maybe it is a psychological effect. Anyway, the girl can run all over the ground, and she is still lying in the room. Every day is supplemented with ginseng and chicken soup, just like confinement.

I thought that after the last assassination, Murong Zijun would immediately pack back to the palace and hide for a year and a half! After all, if it hadn't been for Helianwu following me, Murong Zijun would have been a dead grave now. However, Murong Zijun did not run away in a panic. Instead, after having a close talk with Xiang Ye, he packed his own luggage with five or two carriages and transported them to the prime minister's mansion. He officially lived in the best courtyard of the prime minister's mansion.

It's okay to live in the prime minister's mansion. If you take his bodyguard around for three or five hours, he will wander to my courtyard and chat with me for a while. It directly caused me to spend all my time out at night. The time spent with Xiao Qingyun was greatly discounted, which made me very angry.

Su Shixian also wrote two letters to me during his recuperation at home, which was nothing more than writing that he was very good and asked me not to worry about him. He also said that he would come to me as soon as he recovered from his illness, so that I don't have to worry! Then I wrote a self-made poem at the end of the letter, which was very tongue-twist and profound. Anyway, I didn't understand it. After reading it, I fed the candle directly!

Early this morning, as soon as I opened my eyelids, my eyelids jumped twice, which is probably a bad sign! Sure enough, before I got out of bed, the door was knocked, which shocked my heart. As soon as Helianwu took off the bolt, a goose-yellow figure rushed in.

"Miss Three...Three, hurry up...go to the front hall!" Before I finished speaking, I lifted my quilt and asked Helianwu to dress and wash my face together. I looked at the strange face in front of me and vaguely remembered that I had seen her with my mother's third wife Qingliu. It was possible that my mother had done something unreasonable and was discovered, and now let the maid know that I asked me to run quickly! Sure enough, it's still biological!

The two of them gave me a decent set of clothes in the shortest time, and the little girl also gave me some shallow powder, which made me look much more energetic. As soon as it was finished, he pulled me to run, leaving a blank face. When I ran, I felt that this girl had been premeditated. If she didn't give me thicker powder, she might be afraid that I would fall down when I ran!

She couldn't help dragging me straight into the crowd and let me stand at the front of the crowd. I took a cursory look, and the house was all there, including the aunts who swept the floor in the backyard. I was still trapped in the confusion in the crowd and heard a sharp voice.

"Are you Miss Chu Tianxiang?" I looked at the speaker, wearing a navy blue official uniform and holding a handful of dust in his hand. Obviously, he was a man but with a sharp voice. These eight achievements were legendary eunuchs.

I heard my name and nodded subconsciously. The eunuch nodded with great satisfaction and took a small bundle of bright yellow brocade from the bodyguard's hand. The people around me knelt down on the ground, and only I stood there a little out of shape. I don't know who stretched out his hand to pull my clothes, and I also knelt down with the current.

"According to heaven's fortune, the emperor's edict said that the daughter of the prime minister of the dynasty, Chu's Tianxiang. Because Ruicheng solved the disaster in time, although she is a daughter, she is very gratified that she is resourceful. This is a model that women all women in the world follow. In appreciation of his achievements, he was awarded the title of Princess Yongxing. Enjoy a first-class salary, reward a princess's mansion, a thousand taels of gold, 50 silk and satin, and ten treasures... He is specially allowed to walk around the palace, and the gifts of coming out of the cabinet are all according to the princess's gifts, admiration!"

I listened to the long list of rewards, and my eyes were full of white silver tickets flying. I took the imperial edict in a daze and kowtowed to thank him. The prime minister personally sent the eunuch out with a happy face. I was pulled up by others, and then everyone said congratulations to me. Seeing that I was still in a state of shock, there was no response. He turned to the third lady Qingliu, and all kinds of compliments were about to talk about me as a flower.

The first lady took her two daughters away early. Even if I didn't see them, I imagined that they must be in a very bad mood now. The prime minister came back with a smile on his face again, leaving everyone separated and leaving me alone.

"Tianxiang, the emperor granted you to live in the princess's mansion after the 15th, which is a gift to our prime minister's mansion!" As soon as I heard that I was depressed, I thought I could move out now! Bai is happy.

"If the emperor rewards those things, I will store them for you and send them to the princess's mansion together!" I'm even more depressed. Even if the house doesn't let me live, I won't let me spend the money. I can't pass!

The prime minister saw that I didn't say anything and thought I agreed, so he waved his hand to signal that I could go down and rest. I went back to the room with the decree in my arms, and Helianwu sat at the table drinking tea and waiting for me to come back.

As soon as I entered the room, I threw the imperial edict on the table. If anyone saw it, I guess I would say that I had sinned. Helianwu looked at it curiously for a long time.

"Miss, the emperor has given you a lot of things!" Sure enough, the person who has been with me for so long is the same as the problem I care about, but unfortunately I can only look at it!

"Miss, aren't you happy to be crowned princess?" Helian looked at me puzzledly. How could I be happy? I don't even want the identity of the third lady of the Chu family. Now I have directly become a relative of the emperor. What should I do then? How can I make a princess disappear without a trace at the feet of the emperor?

Helianwu saw that I didn't speak or disturb me, so she went to play.

"Tianxiang, I came to see you!" Before the man came, Murong Zijun's voice sounded particularly harsh at this time. I decided not to give him good fruit today.

I was also too lazy to get up to meet him. I didn't stand up. I poured a cup of tea and drank it myself. Murong Zijun didn't hold the prince's shelf to me. He dragged a round stool and sat next to me next to me.

Helian dance kindly poured him a glass of water and stood behind me. After Murong Zijun asked the bodyguard behind him to put down the things, he waved him out of my room.

"This is a little care. Thank Tianxiang and Wuer for saving my life that day!" Murong Zijun said as he lifted the red cloth covered on the tray. I have to say that this prince will still look a little pale. When he came like this, I couldn't lose my temper.

The so-called people who reach out and don't smile, I'm not such a ruthless person. Besides, this gift is very suitable for me. It's real gold and silver, more than anything else.

Helianwu looked at the ten yellow gold and his eyes were straight. I bet that she was calculating how much delicious food she could buy with this money!

"Wow, with so much money, how much red office can I buy!" Helianwu stared at the gold with flashing eyes, and the corners of my mouth twitched again. I said, can't you have other noble pursuits, Red Bureau, my God!

No wonder the Helian Ball thought of this thing. A few days ago, I had nothing to do. I saw that there were a lot of red offices in the kitchen and asked her to take some to bake for her. She really fell in love with it!

The person who also pulls the corners of my mouth with me is Murong Zijun. Sure enough, what kind of master has what kind of maid he has. Values are so interesting to cultivate.

"I don't need it. Basically, it's all the credit of Helian Dance. I didn't contribute, and the antidote is also carried by Helian Dance." I pushed the gold in front of Helian Dance, which clearly showed that the credit should be made by Helian Dance alone.

Murong Zijun didn't think that I would say that, but Helianwu was not polite to me and directly took away the gold with the tray.

"Is Tianxiang happy about the canonization of the princess?" Murong Zijun didn't look angry when he saw me, so he asked as if to ask for credit. As soon as I heard it, I didn't want to let him go. It seems that he wanted to find some abuse. Life is too smooth.

"What's good about the princess? My father is not a prince. I became a princess and a false name. Isn't it better than a princess?" Murong Zijun looked at my face, and a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes. Wasn't it okay just now? This face has changed too fast!

"If Tianxiang wants to, I can make you the most noble woman!" Murong Zijun was quickly relieved again, thinking that the power was not high enough, which was very easy to do.

"No, I'm not interested in life in the deep palace at all?"

"What's wrong with the deep palace? Tianxiang doesn't want to go there?"

"Do you think it's good to live a bold life every day? Do you think that as a prince now, there are so many people who want your life, do you feel comfortable now? I raised my eyebrows and asked Murong Zijun. After listening to my words, he suddenly couldn't answer.

"Tianxiang, I will protect you. With me, what's so terrible about the deep palace?" Murong Zijun still said unreively.

"Are the people you want to protect intact now? That deep palace has never caused you to lose an important person? I asked him, taking the example of watching so many palace fighting TV series. As a prince, it is completely impossible for him to care about everyone who is unscathed! If you want to lie to me, there is no door.

Sure enough, Murong Zijun was obviously trampled on the pain by me and stopped talking directly, and the expression on his face was still a feeling of hanging. My guilt suddenly came up again, and they didn't make any big mistakes. In fact, I'm not like that.

"I said whatever, don't take it to heart!" Looking at Murong Zijun, who doesn't look like usual in front of me at all, I have no pleasure in hitting him at all. It's not up to me to decide what people want to live. Why do I have to care about those who only pass by my life!

"Tianxiang is right. I can't guarantee that everyone I care about is safe now. Even the loyal bodyguards who follow me can only watch them die for me!" Murong Zijun's tone is unprecedentedly serious, which makes me not used to it.

"I didn't expect Tianxiang to think so much for me, but I didn't make progress! So in order to make me grow a little better, Tianxiang, you and I will go to the palace to play for a few days!"

I was fooled again, with a dead tone in front of me, and then began to be unscrupulous again.

"No, what's the fun of the palace? The flowers and plants there are not flowers and plants, and the mountains and rivers are not landscapes. You have to spend so much effort to go to the palace."

"I'm afraid it's up to you. You forgot that your father decreed you to be the princess, and you are going to go to the palace to thank you!" Murong Zijun looked at me with a succeeding face. I cursed him in my heart. Thank you, thank your sister. They all said that it was a damn trouble to be this princess!

"Tianxiang doesn't look good! Then take more rest and I'll go back first! I'm looking forward to what you look like when you go to the deep palace with Tianxiang!" Murong Zijun bent the corners of his mouth and left me depressed at the table. Enter the palace to thank you, don't make any more children!

During the dinner, a young man came to invite us to the front hall for dinner, saying that the prime minister ordered us to shine the door in order to celebrate my canon as a princess. All the servants I met along the way stopped calling me the third lady, and all changed their words to call me princess, reminding me more and more of this fact.

Entering the hall, the minister's concubine sat at the table, and even Murong Zijun was invited to dinner. Chu Tianxue is not well yet. The first lady pushed that she wanted to take care of her, and she didn't come to the table with Chu Tianshuang. Today's third lady sat openly in the seat where the eldest lady usually sits. Now the servants no longer call her the third lady, but directly call her madam. She is very happy and happy.

During the banquet, the concubines of the minister praised me. I was very suspicious of the minister's eyes. I usually didn't feel that these aunts were talkative, but now they are quite noisy at a glance! I ate a meal in great pain. The praise is to listen to, but it's all endless praise for how I can eat.

After dinner, I want to walk in the backyard and take advantage of the cool breeze to calm down. Forget it, you'd better muddle along! Things are so impermanent that no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

Just as I was about to walk, I suddenly heard a cry behind the rockery, as if I was restrained and didn't want to cry, and I couldn't help crying.

Although the sound made me a little hairy, I still walked to the place where the sound came and hypnotized myself while walking. There is no such thing as A Piao in the world.

Just as I slowly moved to the rockery, after a flash of lightning in the sky, a muffled thunder sounded, which scared me so much that I almost jumped up! Shit, do you want to be so appropriate?

The people in the rockery were also scared by the thunder, stopped crying, wiped their tears and came out. I just bumped into the one who wanted to go in.

"Ah..." A sad voice remembered that I quickly blocked my ear, which was about to break my eardrum. If you are so calm, you must be a human.

"Stop shouting! I'm Chu Tianxiang!" The person who squatted in the place holding his head slowly raised his head when he heard my words, and a swollen face appeared in my eyes. He looked a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

"Miss Tianxiang..." She called me and began to wipe her tears again. As soon as I heard her voice, I remembered who it was. This is the maid I swept out of the door - Yun'er!