Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

70 hard to find incense sellers

I don't know how I got back to Xiangye's mansion. I quietly locked myself in the room and ignored anyone. Helianwu called me outside the house worriedly, but I didn't answer. In the end, she burst into tears, "Miss, if you don't come out to eat, you will die."

I know I haven't eaten for three days. But I still have no appetite. I stared out of the window without any strength. So stupid and naive. The first time I sincerely worked for my friends, the result was like this.

The grass and golden bells outside the window are in full bloom, and vines grow winding along the wall. The beautiful scenery in front of me suddenly distracted me. It seems that everything in the world, including the grassy bells, is laughing at my ignorance.

I couldn't stand it anymore and fell down**. Let's end it like this. I'm so tired... I don't want to get up.

However, there seems to be still concern in my heart. Who broke into my room? I had a long dream.

In the dream, a man hugged me gently, and he slowly fed me the cool water. The fragrance of hibiscus flowers on the man's body attracted me, and it smelled so calm and comfortable.

I stretched out my hand and hugged him in the same way. I really hope I won't let go for the rest of my life.


I woke up on the morning of the fourth day. The sparrow is chattering on the branches.

My room is still locked. It seems that no one came in my room. The one last night was a dream.

It's been four days, and Helian dance has also called me outside the house for four days. I suddenly realized, is it worthwhile for a man? I don't even want sisters for a man. What am I doing?

With the last bit of strength to open the door, I saw Helian dance leaning against the room and sleeping soundly. When she woke up and saw me, her eyes suddenly turned red: "Miss, you finally came out!"

"I'm sorry, Wuer. I'm too capricious..."

"Miss, don't do this again. I'm so worried about you!" Helian danced up, hugged my neck with tears on his face, and cried into a tearful person in an instant.

I gently patted her on the back and comforted her, "I'm sorry, Wuer. This time I was stuck in a deep quagmire. I have figured out that there is really no need for me to torture myself for a man.

I took out the fragrant gauze scarf and carefully wiped away the tears for Helian dance. Her face has lost a lot of weight. I'm afraid she survived these days with me.

"Thank you, Miss." Helianwu choked and said, "Miss, are you hungry? I asked my servants to prepare the food. By the way, the incense vendor Su Shixian found for us came to see you yesterday. He couldn't see you, so he told me that there was time for us to go to his store in person. He is very interested in our nail polish. Miss, are we going to see him?

"I don't see. Wuer, as long as it is related to Su Shixian, I don't want to see it or see it. We went out to find incense dealers by ourselves. I don't believe that with our strength, we can't find anyone who sells nail polish.

Miss, but we are short of capital. We were penniless. When we left the palace, Master Mujin gave me some broken silver to survive.

Yes. Even if you find a perfume dealer who is willing to work with me. You can't start without capital. Silver two is really a headache.

"Miss, I don't know if I should show you." Helianwu suddenly took out three silver tickets from his arms. The face value of each silver ticket is 1,000 taels.

"Woul, where did you get this money?" I looked at Helian dance in surprise, but I saw that her face was bitter.

"Don't dare to deceive the lady. These three thousand taels were sent by Su Shixian. Make money for us, but the lady just said that nothing related to Su Shixian will be used, so..."

"It's okay." I smiled and pulled the three thousand taels over. Wuer, take this money as if we borrowed it from him. Just pay him back when you earn it in the future. We have a clear conscience."

Hmm, I don't know if Su Shixian is a weasel giving New Year's greetings to the chicken... Uneasy and kind. He gave me the money, and I pushed the boat to use it. If we pay him 3,000 taels in the future, we don't want to owe each other. He also wants to share the account with me. That's a fool's dream.

It's a sunny afternoon. Helianwu and I specially bought three materials: pink phoenix, alum, and beeswax. In the courtyard, after simple crushing, watering, volatilization, etc., pink sticky ** - nail polish was born. Although the quality is much worse than the nail polish produced in the 21st century, the effect of manicure is still second to none.

We took an abandoned wooden box and installed the nail polish tightly. Then he ran out of the street to look for vendors selling rouge gouache.

First of all, we found the largest gouache store in the capital - 'Yaxuan Pavilion'. The boss's wife of Yaxuan Pavilion is a ** woman named Han Qinglan. The reason why she is ** is that Han Qinglan's face is covered with all kinds of red and white powder, and her mouth is also covered with various colors of lip fat.

From afar, Han Qinglan's mouth is like two big roasted sausages, which is terrible. I really don't know how she sold the products and how she made Yaxuan Pavilion the first in the capital.

We went to the cabinet to explain our intention to Han Qinglan. She invited us into the inner room. I opened the wooden box and lit the pink nail polish in front of her.

Han Qinglan lived for more than 40 years and saw such a strange thing for the first time. With her eyes shining, she wiped a handful of nail polish on her index finger and said, "Miss Tianxiang, this is the nail polish you mentioned. Why is it so sticky?"

I saw that she was very interested in this and smiled, "Well, Boss Han, because the ingredients in the nail polish are beeswax and alum."

"Beeswax?" Han Qinglan heard the word beeswax and suddenly licked the nail polish on her index finger. It's not delicious. It tastes like burnt rice. She frowned and complained

"Khan, who told you that she could eat it?" I quickly put away the nail polish on the table so that she wouldn't swallow all the nail polish on a whim. Looking at her special dress, you should know that she has different hobbies from ordinary people, and I should be on guard.

"Boss Han, spit it out. Miss told me that this nail polish is ined and poisonous!" Helianwu poured a pot of tea and patted Han Qinglan on the back.

"What?! Poisonous, ah!" Han Qinglan spit hard and then began to vomit. Several cups of tea were poured, but no nail polish was spit out.

The result is very sad. Helian and I were kicked out by Han Qinglan. Well, in fact, I turned my head and thought about it. The nail polish I made does not add any pigments that can cause infertility, but adds a little alum that is harmful to health, and I am not afraid of eating people.

Besides, the side effects of eating too much alum will only lead to Alzheimer's disease in the future, which is not much poison. In the 21st century, I still ate alum deep-fried dough sticks every day. Moreover, the beeswax in my nail polish is very healthy.

Khan, I don't know where I want to go. Although I failed to find a partner for the first time, Helianwu and I were still full of confidence. Because we have full confidence in nail polish.

Our second goal is "Spirit Spring Pavilion". I heard that the boss's wife is Han Qinglan's sister, and her name is Han Qingnuo. The name is quite modern. But what I'm worried about is that she won't be as great as her sister.

But when we met Han Qingnuo on the second floor of the pavilion, I gave up this evil idea. Han Qingnuo in front of her is two years old and graceful. I really didn't expect that Han Qinglan, who is in her forties, would have a sister in her 20s.

The body under the cigarette skirt is petite and exquisite, and Han Qingnuo is very lovely. Her voice was as wonderful as a warbler and a swallow. You have already met my sister. In fact, my sister is not my own sister. I was raised by her.

No wonder you and Han Qinglan don't look like each other at all. I took out the wooden box and presented the nail polish to Han Qingnuo. This time, I specially held the wooden box in my hand to prevent accidents. I also told Han Qingnuo that nail polish is not edible.

Han Qingnuo's eyes are full of spring. I'm really interesting. She didn't know that I was really scared by her sister. Tianxiang girl, the nail polish is quite beautiful. But can this thing be washed off after it is applied?

"Boss Qingnuo, it's okay. When you first apply it, wipe it off directly with water. After wiping it for a period of time, it is best to wipe it with cotton while washing with water. Generally speaking, it's similar to removing makeup.

"Well, that's good. The more I look at it, the more I like nail polish. But the color is too monotonous, only pink. Han Qingnuo can trust the quality of nail polish, but she is not satisfied with the color of nail polish.

Of course I will give her a tranquilizer at this time. Don't worry. Boss Qingnuo, as long as we use different colors of phoenix flowers, we can make different colors of nail polish. It's not just pink."

She nodded her head, then bent down and approached the wooden box. Helianwu and I were shocked when we thought she was going to eat. It turned out that she just smelled nail polish.

"Tianxiang girl, I am the owner of Lingquan Pavilion, so I need to carefully check the hue, taste and appearance of the items. This nail polish doesn't smell good. There is a smell of choking.

Han Qingnuo's words also hit the nail on the head, which is worthy of being professional. I haven't considered this before. But he heard Helian's inspiration and said, "Boss Qingnuo, we are going to add spices to the nail polish. However, because the production is in a hurry, the taste is biased.

Good idea, I really want to give Helian Dance a bear hug. But Boss Han Qingnuo was in front of me, and I tried my best to restrain myself.

Han Qingnuo nodded thoughtfully, and I found that this was her most satisfactory approval. Tianxiang girl, I have contracted this nail polish!"

Haha, the emperor pays off. I really want to jump up and shout ' long live'! Helian dance was also overjoyed. We were a little excited. However, I currently have a question. Since Han Qingnuo and Han Qinglan are sisters, why do they sell rouge gouache to each other as competitors?

I am currently telling this question to Han Qingnuo. Han Qingnuo pretended to be mysterious and said, "I couldn't reveal it. But we are now partners, and it's okay for me to tell you what's inside. Tianxiang girl, did you find any difference when you first entered our Lingquan Pavilion?

I tried to recall what happened when I just entered the cabinet. Inexplicably, he said, "Yes! Everything in Lingquan Pavilion is very expensive. I was very surprised when I first came in. But does this have anything to do with your sister?

"Of course it does. My sister and I sell the same rouge gouache. Our two families look like competitors from outsiders, but in fact, we are a family in private. We all buy goods at the same price. Our Lingquan Pavilion is very expensive, but Yaxuan Pavilion is very cheap. When guests come to us to buy goods, they will retreat when they see the price. Then they went to my sister's store and saw that their favorite items were sold so low that they felt that they had taken a big advantage. Therefore, my sister's things sold more and more, and she gradually became the largest gouache merchant in the capital. My things are expensive, and some people buy them. The ladies and ladies of the senior officials are the main guests. They think the more expensive the better.

"Aren't you afraid that other stores will follow suit?" Helian asked with a little contemplation.

"Don't worry at all, because my sister and I's goods are all from Lingnan. We have a contract stipulate that their goods are only provided to us. So we are not afraid that someone in the capital will follow our business style.

I was stunned to hear that a real business-minded person is here. I have learned another trick. I am very relieved to cooperate with such a smart person.

"Cough. It's far away." Han Qingnuo ordered his servants to bring paper and pen and said, "Miss Tianxiang, let's make a contract quickly."

"Boss Qingnuo, I have figured out the content of the contract. I will pay and make nail polish, and you are responsible for the sales. How about seven or three accounts? It's fair, isn't it?

Han Qingnuo shook her head, "Miss Tianxiang. It should be our Lingquan Pavilion Seven, and you are three.

What? I'm sure my ears heard it right. Boss Qingnuo, I pay and work hard. You are just providing shelves. Are you mistaken?

"I know you contributed money, but nail polish has never been sold, and there is no customer base at all. Who knows if it can be sold? Moreover, the price of our Lingquan Pavilion is very high, and you can also get a big share of the money, and you won't lose money.

"No. I can't accept Boss Qingnuo's proposal. If you don't modify the division, that's it." I fled from the Lingquan Pavilion with Helian Dance.

I said why her business acumen was so developed, and it turned out that it all came to me. The capital is so big that I don't believe I can't find any other trustworthy incense vendor. Helianwu and I went around more than a dozen stores in the capital, but in the end we talked about the customer base.

In an instant, it was evening. Helian dance and I bathed in the afterglow of the sunset and were tired and out of breath. It took an afternoon, but I didn't even find a suitable incense vendor.

We passed a small stall, and the fragrant smell of meat suddenly took away our souls. I proposed to work after a full meal, and Helian dance very much agreed. When we sat down at the table and shouted for four bowls of meat noodle soup, Helianwu took my arm and said, "Miss, look. The incense vendor that Su Shixian found for us is sitting in front of us.