Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

102 birthday

In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

The days I spent on my couch lasted from last winter to this summer.

My fifteenth birthday passed quietly.

Finally, I can stay. You can also walk freely. Although you can't do exciting exercises yet, it feels good to step on the ground.

I don't have to rely on Banxia and Huaxi to help them, and I don't have to worry about them. I can finally walk in the room and valley by myself.

This feeling is like rebirth. I feel that the life that has been desolate for a long time has been lit up by the light again.

I stood out of the window, breathing the fresh air rippling in the valley, and I just felt more refreshed than ever before.

At this time, Hua Xi came over and patted me on the shoulder mischievly. In the past six months, she has also grown up a lot, more beautiful and more beautiful than when I first came here.

Ghost and Banxia love her very much. Although they are somewhat lonely here, it is undeniable that Huaxi is happy.

"Sister Yu Hate, you got up so early again. A few days ago, the master said that you could act by yourself, and you got up so early every day.

I smiled at her and said, "The air in the morning is the best. I remember walking, which can have a good effect on my legs. Besides, I have been lying down for more than half a year, and in addition to the first few months, it has been more than a year. I dream of walking every day, and then go to the valley to collect medicine like you and Banxia.

"Hey, of course we know this. Sister Yu, you look better and better. I have to congratulate you.

I looked back at her and smiled, "Huaxi, you are becoming more and more polite, but I'm also very happy."

"It's good to have a double happiness today."

Listening to her happy voice, I was slightly surprised, "What else is there to be happy?"

"Wow, you forgot this. Half a month ago, didn't I tell you that today is my brother's birthday?"

I was stunned and knocked on my head and said, "Oh, look at my memory. Recently, I only care about my legs, and I have forgotten this."

"I can't forget that my brother's lips live every year."

"No wonder Huaxi dressed so happily early in the morning. So that's what happened?" I said funnyly.

Hua Xi quickly lowered her head and straightened her clothes with some embarrassment. She grew older and became more and more watery.

"Huaxi, did you buy the things I asked you to buy for me last time?"

Hua Xi was a little puzzled and said, "I have prepared all the bamboo, white paper, fine wire, alcohol, cotton cloth and paste you asked me to prepare. But what on earth is this for? You said it was useful on your brother's birthday, and I helped you. You don't know that I was scolded by the master in order to buy these.

"Of course it's useful. I'll use it tonight."

"Real?" Hua Xi looked at me suspiciously.

I nodded and said, " By the way, where is Grandpa Ghost and where is your brother?"

"Every year on his brother's birthday, the master will take him out and burn paper to pay tribute to his parents."

"Is his parents buried in the valley?"

"No, it's just that the master said that even if he doesn't know where his parents' heads are, he can't forget their fertility. Every birthday, my brother will burn some paper with his master.

After listening to Huaxi's words, I nodded thoughtfully. It seems that the old ghost has taught them a lot of principles of life.

"Okay, Sister Yu, can you cook? Today is my brother's birthday. The last time my master and I went outside the valley to buy a few rations and came back, just waiting for today to celebrate my brother.

I think of Banxia's care for me this year, and nodded warmly in my heart, "It's a little thing to cook. In the past year, you have taken care of me. Today, leave this task to me."

Hua Xi couldn't help but be a little suspicious, "Sister, this is not a joke. What about my brother's birthday? Do you really know?"

"Don't look down on people. You can do it today."

"That's good."


Banxia and the old ghost didn't come back until noon.

The two put down the bamboo basket on their shoulders and were a little tired.

When Hua Xi saw the two of them returning, she walked over happily and shouted, "Master, brother, you can come back."

Seeing her happy appearance, the ghost and old monster criticized her dotingly: "What's wrong? The teacher is not here. Are you so hungry that you have no food to eat?"

After listening to this, Banxia said with a simple smile, "Master, I'm going to cook. If you're tired, take a rest first."

At this time, the old ghost grabbed Banxia and said with a kind face, "Silly child, today is your birthday. There is no reason for you to cook. Let everything be a teacher. Huaxi, what are you doing? Help her go.

"Hey, master, I won't bother you today."

Hua Xi stood in place, proudly raising her lips and moving. The old ghost stared at her puzzledly and said, "Huh? Are you going to be hungry?

Hua Xi stretched out her index finger and shook it mischievly, "Of course not. Today, my brother is blessed."

Banxia and the old ghost looked at her in surprise at the same time. They didn't know what medicine she was selling in her gourd.

"Don't stand, wash your hands, and then go to the room and have a look."

After saying that, Hua Xi ran in and stood beside me and said, "Sister, they are coming in."

I looked at her with satisfaction and smiled, "Are you ready?"

She nodded excitedly and her eyes were full of expectation.

In this way, after about a few minutes, Banxia came in with the ghost.

As soon as the two stepped in, I said, "Let's start."

Next, I sang with Huaxi in a pleasant voice: "Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happybirthdayhappybirthdaytoyou...happybirthday Justforyou......happybirthdayhappy......birthdaytoyou.......happybirthdayhappybirthday, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

Listening to the voice of me and Huaxi, the ghost and Banxia were stunned on the spot as if they had been bitten. Until we finished singing, both of them did not come to their senses.

At this time, Hua Xi rushed over and took Banxia's hand and said, "Brother, is it good? I've been learning the birthday song for you all morning with my sister."

Banxia came to her senses and nodded excitedly, "It sounds good."

At this time, the old ghost said, "What a unique song. I haven't eaten it on my birthday. By the way, is that Haipi or something? Is the kelp bought by the master last time lacks oil?

When I heard this, I almost spit it out and said directly, "Grandpa Ghost, you are really humorous."

Hua Xi came forward and explained, "Master, that's a dialect in my sister's house, which also means to wish my brother a happy birthday."

After Hua Xi's explanation, the ghost and Banxia woke up like a dream. Banxia raised her eyes and looked straight at me. Her handsome eyes were mixed with endless joy and emotion. It is an emotion that cannot be expressed in words, and we can only communicate with our eyes.

"Brother, the surprise is still ahead. Look, is this table good?"

The old ghost and Banxia turned around together, but after seeing the dishes on the table, the two couldn't help opening their mouths again.


"Hey, this is all thanks to Sister Yu, but I also have a help. I washed the dishes, and some of them were cut by me, but they were all burned by Sister Yu. Do you smell it?

Hua Xi danced and explained without forgetting to laugh at me.

Banxia didn't say anything, just turned around and stared at me affectionately. That feeling seems to have been similar, as if it had happened a long time ago.

At that moment, I buried my head, went to the table and said to everyone, "Don't stand yet. Let's eat. It will be cold in a while."

The old ghost stared at the dishes all over the table and exclaimed, "Fraging, it's fragrant, but I haven't seen this dish cooked like this for most of my life. Yu Han, how did you burn this girl? It seems that the meals in the court are not like this.

"It's nothing special. It's a home-cooked dish in my hometown!"

"Oh? Where is your hometown? Why are these dishes so strange?

"Cough, my hometown... Let's not talk about my hometown, I'd better introduce this dish to you. After all, it's Banxia's birthday. I just want to make it strange.


"Yes, this is fried pork in a pot. Put the cut lean meat in a bowl, then add some salt, cooking wine, flour and stirring, and then add some seasoning and water as a punch. After mixing, put it into the oil pan and fry it. After frying, it is fragrant and crispy. And this spicy chicken is cut into pieces, mix sesame oil, season, and then stir-fry it in a pot. Finally, cut it into granules with chili radish and stir-fry it. When it is cooked, it is beautiful and appetizing.

As soon as I finished speaking, Banxia interrupted, "What is that round one?"

"This joy is the lion's head for family reunion. First, chop the pork, and use some wheat flour and tofu with lard, egg juice and flour to dress up as meatball soup balls. However, divide them into four lion heads. First, fry them until golden brown, then boil the cabbage in boiling water, then use fried ginger slices, add red sauce, and when the water boils, put the lion's head into the pot, cover and stew over low heat. Thegong fu of a cup of tea, and then it's done.

After listening to my introduction, Banxia was almost shocked.

The old ghost looked at me with a look on his face, and then shook his head and said, "I'm old and my teeth are not good. Looking at these foods, I'm also weak."

After listening to this, I pointed to the nearest dishes on the table and said, "This shrimp, tiger skin winter melon, steamed bass, braised egg, and the minced eggplant are all prepared for you."

After listening to this, the old ghost said happily, "Really?"

Hua Xi nodded and said, "Of course, Sister Yu is very careful. I know that your teeth are not good, so I did it specially to honor you."

After she said this, the old man quickly picked up his chopsticks and ate them.

"Well, it's good, it's delicious. Girl, didn't you think you had this ability?"

In the face of the praise of ghosts and monsters, I was a little embarrassed to say, "It's nothing. I used to like to eat, so I just made it."

"It seems that whoever marries you is blessed."

When I finished speaking, I suddenly felt a burning light shooting at me, and I looked up reflexively, just facing the clear pupils of Banxia.

She saw me looking at him and buried her head and ate as if nothing had happened.

At this time, Hua Xi said, "Master, what about me? Am I not good?"

The old ghost ate and said overwhelmingly, "You are a big trouble. Whoever marries will be unlucky."

Hua Xi couldn't help but say coquettishly, "Master, you are biased. Sister Yu has only been here for a year. I have been with you for more than ten years. Why do you say she is good?"

"Huaxi is also good, and the elves are cute. Although they are a little naughty, they are quite pleasing. Moreover, he is kind-hearted and outstanding. After saying it sincerely, I smiled at her and said, "It's just that Grandpa doesn't want you to be proud and deliberately doesn't want to praise you."

After hearing this, Hua Xi calmed down and said loudly, "Master, isn't he?"

The old ghost stared at her and said, "You are the stinky girl. It's better to hate and be humble. By the way, aren't you tired of cooking this table today? I didn't tell you, your leg..."

After he finished speaking, I interrupted, "It's okay. Hua Xi is helping me."

"Yu Hen, you won't do this next time. Your leg is just right. My master and I don't want to see what happened last time." Banxia rarely looked at me seriously, with a slight heartache in her eyes.

My heart was slightly hot, and I smiled at them: "It's really okay. I'm almost embarrassed to be taken care of by you like this, so I'm going to behave well today while I'm on the birthday of midsummer."

When this word fell, everyone smiled openly.

At this moment, I finally experienced the feeling of home and the warmth of my relatives in this ancient times.

Although they are not related to me, the relationship between us is deeper than that between our relatives.

A meal was very happy, and Huaxi was the happiest. In front of everyone, she gave Banxia the charm she had asked for from Qingguang Temple half a year ago as a birthday gift.

Banxia didn't know her intentions and was happy to accept it.

But I know how many feelings Huaxi has had in the past six months.

She has joys, joys and sorrows, misses, melancholy, worries and reluctance.

After packing up everything, it became dark.

Although the old monster's body is still strong, he is still there at his age. Today, I went out with Banxia for a long time, and when I came back, I tossed with me for a while, so I was a little tired.

Go back to rest early and look at today's birthday in midsummer, and don't care about us. Let us young people play and go crazy by ourselves.

This is the first time that the three of us don't sleep in the middle of the night and play together in the valley.

At this time, Hua Xi stood up and said to me with some surprise, "Sister Yu, didn't you say that there were still gifts for your brother in the evening? It's dark now. Where is your gift?

Hearing this, Qingjun's face was a little embarrassed and said, "Yu Hen, you have done enough today. This is the happiest birthday since I grew up. Don't worry, your legs are just right.

"Hey, it's done. It's impossible for me not to take it out and give it to you, right? Let's go and follow me to the back mountain.

The back mountain is not far from this wooden house, less than 100 meters away.

When they saw me leaving, they followed. Although my leg still hurts a little, I didn't say anything and held back.

When I arrived at the back mountain and looked at the bamboo forest and silver fire insects all over the mountain, I took out the Kongming lantern I had prepared in advance from a small haystole.

Hua Xi saw what was in my hand and asked with surprise, "Sister Yu, what is that round thing in your hand?"

I pointed to the Kongming lamp and said, "This is the wish lamp. After lighting it, we can release it, and then make a wish to let it fly out of the sky with your wish and then come true."

"Wow? Really? Is it so magical?" Huaxi said in disbelief.

I nodded and looked at the snow-like Banxia Road in white. On this quiet night, he looked more and more dusty and clear: "Bangxia, do you believe it?"

He nodded and said, "I believe in everything you say, because you have brought me so many surprises."

"Well, you use fire to light it."

ban xia Junyan happily took out the flint she carried with him and quickly lit the cotton fat in the sperm.

Then the wind rose, and Hua Xi and I dragged it with our hands. I shouted, "Bangxia, you can make a wish. This lamp will fly to a high place with your wish, and then let God make it come true for you."

After listening to Banxia, he quickly closed his eyes. Under the moonlight, his clean face looked so beautiful and serious.

Especially the pious appearance, slightly closed eyes, like sleeping elves, people can't help but want to get close to him.

Then, he moved his thin lips and said something. Neither Huaxi nor I heard it. Then he opened his eyes and said, "It's okay."

After listening, I nodded to Huaxi, and we let go at the same time.

At this time, the Kongming lamp floated into the distance against the wind.

The swaying firelight was like a star, reflecting the red cloth, which was beautiful in an instant.

Hua Xi couldn't help cheering on the ground: "Look, it's really flying, flying."

"Yes, Huaxi, that lamp can really fly, and my wish will come true, right?"

The two people cheered incredibly in place, and the moonlight shone on their faces, which was a childlike innocent and flawless smile.

I stood quietly behind me and couldn't help laughing.

"Sister Yu, you are so awesome. I will also put this wish lamp on my birthday in the future."

I nodded: "Okay, I will definitely do it for you."

"Yu Hen, I really don't know what to say. Thousands of words, how can a thank you be finished?" Banxia turned his head and stared at me affectionately, with a completely unexpected surprise in his eyes.

I smiled at him and looked at the endless sky and said, "This should be what I said to you. Over the past year, I have kept everything you have done to me. I can't repay you, and I can only use it in this way.

"Yu Hate.... You are not allowed to say such words in the future, because we are a family.

Banxia suddenly looked at me seriously, and there was a rare coldness between his eyebrows. I stared at his handsome face in a daze, and the long eyelashes cast a thick shadow under my eyes. White skin, a pair of dazzling black eyes that seem to see through all the sorrows of the past and present life, smile like a crescent moon, and a cold star when in awe. The straight nose and lips are crimson, and the outline of the side face is as sharp as a knife, but it is soft and touching. The white clothes set off his straight figure. What's the reason why I don't follow every word such a beautiful man says?