Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

222 nightmare

In the call of Banxia, I actually fell asleep in a daze, and my thoughts were still trapped in the nightmare of separation from Xiao Qingyun. I vaguely saw him, turned around indifferently, then took Sima Ruer's hand, ignored my sadness and pain, but gradually disappeared in the dark fog. I picked up in pain and wanted to find them, but I found that the darkness around me was endless. In an instant, a chill came like a tide.

Qing Yun, Qing Yun, I called thousands of times, but I didn't know where he had gone. Suddenly, a snow-white thing floated in front of my eyes, as if it were dancing and guiding me to follow it. I couldn't help chasing the white thing and stepping into the unknown darkness. I don't know how far I went. The snow-white thing suddenly turned into a beam of light, like a white spotlight on the dark stage. That's so weird and special.

I looked at the lamp quietly and didn't know what to do. At this time, a young man in white emerged from there, and his handsome and beautiful face showed a harmless quiet smile. My heart suddenly pulled and rushed forward with ecstasy: "Midsummer, halfsummer..."

As I called, I chased forward, but I found that I couldn't chase it. There seemed to be a transparent wall in front of me, blocking me from the beam of light. I called him loudly, hit the invisible wall like a boundary, and shouted his name, but he seemed to hear nothing, and the dark silence echoed emptyly echoed my call. I looked at him at a loss, and the teenager in the beam suddenly looked at me with a sad look. That look is full of despair and loss, which makes my heart hurt. I slowly squatted down and carefully got closer to him. For Banxia, I know that I have always felt guilty. When I came to Wuyou Valley, I never dared to face his eyes, because I was afraid that the sadness in his eyes would make me more painful... In the blink of an eye, Banxia suddenly came to me... I was like a person who fell into the water and suddenly caught a life-saving straw. So, I quickly slapped the wall that isolated me from him, and his eyes looked at me and fell on me. When he saw me, I laughed with excitement, but in a blink of an eye, his eyes fell elsewhere, as if he didn't see me at all. I was stunned and continued to call him loudly. I patted the wall vigorously. Banxia frowned in the light, and then looked around, and my eyes were full of confusion and confusion.

"Hanxia, I'm here, look at me, I'm here..." I couldn't help wave to him and motioned to him.

But he turned his head in my direction countless times, but turned around countless times, as if there was no me here at all. I feel cold. Can't he see me at all in it? Just when I was a little desperate, Banxia's body trembled horribly, and then her whole body became glazed, so transparent that it was scary.

"Half Xia..." I shouted in fear, but I saw his body disappear little by little, just like being devoured by insects and ants.

"Don't..." I cried and shouted. I saw him struggling in the beam of light, but the more I struggled, the faster his figure disappeared.

In an instant, half of his body was gone.

Banxia... I couldn't help screaming like crazy. Tears flowed silently, slapping and grabbing the invisible thick wall desperately. My nails were lifted off, and blood flowed down my fingers to my elbow. The half body is becoming more and more transparent and weaker. Slowly, he finally looked at my face and became distorted and deformed. In that case, he is not the usual half summer at all.

I was extremely frightened by such a scene, which was a deep fear that could not be expressed in words. Then, Banxia completely disappeared. However, I collapsed to the ground and watched all this in despair. The light gradually calmed down, and the light was not as dazzling as before, and it was replaced by endless softness. It was so soft that it seemed that nothing had happened just happened, but there was a fishy red on the ground. The bloody red slowly soaked in, getting deeper and wider. I stared at the spreading blood stains and felt that it would drown me in. Although it is nothing, it is more strange than those substantial monsters.

For a moment, I held my hands tightly and my nails were deep in the meat. While my whole body was shaking, I suddenly opened my eyes. My whole body was cold, my forehead was sweating, and my palm was tingling. I raised my hand and saw that the palm of my hand had been cut by my nails. Suddenly, there was a burning fire on my neck. At this time, Banxia was looking at me worriedly, and her eyebrows were full of tension.

"Yu Hen, are you all right? You finally woke up." I looked at the intact Banxia and woke up. It turned out to be a dream. Seeing that he was fine, the panic and uneasiness in my heart all failed.

At the same time, I looked at him in fear and said, "Bhanxia, it's you..." After saying that, I stood up and wanted to get up.

Banxia didn't let me get up and pressed me down and said, "Yu He, you lie down first."

"I'm fine. I just had a nightmare." I replied softly. Banxia nodded and said with a clear face, "I know."

I was wondering how he knew. Looking back, Hua Xi was standing there respectfully with medicine.

She didn't look at me, just stared at the ground and looked very peaceful.

This is very different from the lively and noisy girl. I looked at her carefully, which was a little gloomy. At the moment, I was shocked. Didn't I say something wrong just now? I remember I was just having a nightmare...

At this time, the old ghost who had not spoken stood up with a cough. He looked at me first and then looked at Banxia. Her eyes were full of bitterness and shook her head and said, "I hate you, you are fine now. However, don't get angry easily in the future, and don't be angry easily. It's okay to hurt yourself. It's not good to hurt the fetus in the abdomen.

After listening to his advice, I clearly wanted to say something. But the corners of the lips are bitter.

"I always blame you for going down first. You brothers and sisters, just take good care of this girl." After saying that, the old ghost left with his hands on his hands helpless.

When I left, I didn't understand why his expression was so uneasy and uneasy.

Hua Xi didn't say anything, but nodded silently, which was an answer to the old ghost. Banxia happily held a quilt for me, and there was a completely rare joy between her eyebrows. He said meekly to the old ghost, "Master, you can go down and rest first. I will take good care of Yu Hen."

After the ghost left, Huaxi also left after a while. I wanted to say something to her, but she didn't seem to want to say more.

Only Banxia is normal. Maybe because I fainted, he is more worried about me than usual.

He carefully helped me up and brought a medicine bowl, like a gentle husband, taking care of his pregnant wife.

"Yu Hen, come to drink medicine. The master said that you are too weak. If you don't make up for it these days, I'm afraid it will be bad for production.

I also know my condition, but there is nothing I can do. At present, I can only take a good rest. As for Xiao Qingyun and Sima Ruer, it seems that I really can't think about it. Moreover, I will try to forget them.

I stared at the medicine and said with a bitter smile, "Let me do it myself." Because of the current situation, it is too ambiguous.

Banxia is a good man. And I am no longer worth his efforts. Besides, I also promised Huaxi that I would never be too close to Banxia again.

Thinking of Huaxi's expression at that time, I know that I may have done something to make her sad.

Thinking of getting along well with each other these days, I really don't want to have sex with Hua Xi anymore.

I've been in trouble here. Second, in the hearts of ghosts and old monsters, flowers prefer their own children. As long as Huaxi is unhappy, the ghosts and monsters will not be happy.

The more I thought about it, the more inappropriate I became. I was ready to get up, but I was stopped by Banxia.

"Yu Hen, you just woke up, what are you going to do?"

"I'll get up and go to Huaxi's place."

Banxia looked at me doubtfully and said, "What are you looking for her for?"

"I have something to say to her."

After saying that, Banxia's face was slightly dark, and her eyes were firm: "Do you want to tell her about the matter between you and me?"

I wanted to say yes, but when I saw his self-deprecating and sad look, my words were all stuck.

"I said that Huaxi is just my sister, and you don't have to worry about her anymore."


"Now she is just a child who has not grown up. As long as you make a few days of awkwardness, you will be fine. You still care about yourself.

After saying that, Banxia stubbornly didn't let me go, seriously blew the medicine in the medicine bowl, and then fed it thoughtfully.

I don't want to hurt him anymore, so I can only drink the medicine reluctantly. But I'm thinking, is Huaxi really just a child? Is it true that it will only be noisy for a few days?

Unfortunate, it turns out. This girl has fully matured to the age of love and hate.

In the next month, she hardly said a word to me directly.

When necessary, it's all used. Well, oh, feed it.

The old ghosts also saw the misunderstanding between us and advised me to tolerate Huaxi many times. Of course, I will understand that I am bigger than her and have experienced more than her.

However, several times I took the initiative to talk to her last time, and she also hurriedly avoided it under busy or other excuses.

Every time I see her, I am helpless and annoyed.

Banxia didn't pay attention to it at all. Without the happy days, he updated more closely with me.

I saw that his expression was much better than usual, which made Hua's eyes more and more ugly when she saw me.

I think if it is not resolved and continues to misunderstanding like this, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to get better in the future.

On this day, I took advantage of the ghost and old monster to go to the mountains to collect medicine in Banxia, and then came to a stream in Wuyou Valley.

Huaxi really washed clothes there. At this time, she was as beautiful as a wild camellia on the mountain.

However, her back is full of sadness at present. At this time, he held Banxia's clothes in his hand and was stunned. Those eyes, staring at the clothes, are like staring at a person.

I stood behind her silently for a long time before whispering, "Huaxi..."

She looked back at me, and then immediately hid Banxia's clothes behind her, and her face turned red. That's just like a child who did something wrong being caught by an adult. It's both cute and embarrassing.

"Why are you here?" Obviously, she looked at me with a shy face and looked a little shocked.

I smiled at her and said, "I'm coming to see you."

"I'm washing clothes. What's good?" She tried her best to suppress the boredom and helplessness in her tone.

I pretended not to find it and continued, "Actually, you always know that I have something to tell you."

After listening, she turned her head silently, stared at the sparkling lake, and stopped talking. I know that her eyes are still full of happiness.

"Huaxi, listen to me, Banxia and I really have nothing."

At this time, she suddenly turned around and looked at me with resentful eyes and said, "Yu Han, how long are you going to lie to me?"

I was shocked when I heard it. This girl has never called my name like this. I was stunned for a moment. Did she really hate me?

"Huaxi, what am I lying to you?" I looked at her with heartache and didn't understand the hostility in her eyes at all.

She hummed coldly, squatted down, patted the water in the water and said, "You said you would give Brother Banxia to me, but don't you know what you did?"

"What did I do?"

"That day, you were in a coma, and you kept calling your brother's name. You were so worried and afraid of him. How dare you say that there was no brother in your heart?"

Faced with her cold questioning. I suddenly remembered the situation of that day. No wonder she looked at me like that, the helplessness of ghosts and old monsters, and the unexplained joy and concern of Banxia these days. It turns out that all this originated from that dream.

"Huaxi, listen to me..."

"What else do you want to say? These days, you and your brother are almost a couple. Do you still think I'm not hurt enough?"

Looking at her painful eyes, I could only say, "That day, I just had a nightmare, and the half summer happened to be in trouble. I don't know why so many of you were there at that time. Besides, these days, Banxia just takes care of my body, so..."

"So we can love in front of me unscrupulously?" She said coldly, "I really don't understand. It's just that my brother used to like you, but now you are pregnant with other men. Why is he still so determined?"

Listening to Hua Xi's first time saying such unpleasant words and the hateful eyes that have never been seen before. These days, I try to calm my heart, and the pain is a little suffocating again. I always think that if I can't get those long-lasting love, I will be happy to be with the innocent people of Wuyou Valley.

Unfortunately, God doesn't seem to want me to realize even this small wish.

"Huaxi, I have always regarded you as my sister. It hurts my heart to say that, do you know?" I covered my chest and smiled at her in pain.

She disdained and said, "Once, why didn't I treat you as my own sister? Unfortunately, you fooled me like this. Would you be happy for me to watch you and your brother like this?

"I didn't..."

"You don't have it? But you have made it all." She replied harshly.

"If I really want to rob your brother, then I won't come to talk to you about this. Huaxi, do you believe me?"

She shook her sleeves coldly and said, "What's there to talk about? If you want me to believe you, yes, that is, don't see my brother from now on.

"No..." I was stunned. Banxia has always been very kind to me, and I understand his intention. However, if I don't see him now, how much harm it should be to him. Yes, he has always been innocent. I can't make him sad again and again.

Looking at my hesitation, Huaxi smiled coldly and said, "I knew you couldn't do it. If you can't do it, why are you pretending here again?


"Don't pretend. You thought I would believe you before, but now, I won't be so stupid."

"Huaxi, listen to me, if I suddenly don't see Banxia like this, guess what will happen to him? At that time, won't he ask the reason?

"It's none of my business." She said angrily.

"But can you bear to see your brother feel uncomfortable?"

"I don't know." Now, she said Microsoft.

I took a step forward and looked at her with a soft face and said, "Well, I can meet Banxia, but you know that we live together and depend on each other. Wuyou Valley is so small that the family can't see each other. Your request just now is really difficult to force others.

Hua Xi said in a hostile tone again, "What do you want?" Say it!"

Listening to her resolute tone, I can only say bluntly, "I promise you that I will slowly alienate him and try not to have more private contact with him. It will also make him understand that I won't have any result with him.

After listening to my words, she said angrily, "Is it true?" He looked at me suspiciously.

I nodded silently and said, "Next, whether it's true or not, you can see it."

"Well, if you really do it, I will still regard you as the closest sister as ever. If she can't..." She seemed to want to say something cruel, but after looking at my eyes, she weighed it again and closed her mouth.

I looked at her petite and thin figure, and a burst of sadness gushed out again.

It's true to fall in love with someone. But is it the greatest sadness to lose yourself for that person?

Unfortunate, in the face of Huaxi, I can't say anything to her at this moment. I just prayed silently in my heart that she and Banxia could come together and be happy.

And my children and I can also live my life here safely.

As for Xiao Qingyun, I don't want to get hurt or think too much.

Even if he really married Sima Ruer, I hope he can have a good time. Don't be bound by all this.

Looking back, Hua Xi's face was full of resentment. Instead, it is a kind of happiness and joy.

On her face, I seem to see our best and happiest life. I just don't know, can this really be achieved? Still, it's just a prosperous dream. At the most beautiful moment of your dream, you suddenly wake up.