Unblessed to receive the kindness of beautiful men

226 deaths

After Huaxi and the ghost left, only Ganoderma and Ganoderma were left in the huge room.

Banxia holds Lingzhi and gives in every way. In my eyes, the happiness and bitterness in my heart overflowed at the same time.

Lingzhi was tired of playing in Banxia's arms, so she called me delicately, "Mom, come here for a moment."

"Hmm?" I stared at the little guy doubtfully and didn't know what she was going to do.

She blinked her eyes and said innocently, "I want you to sit with my father, so that I can hold my father and mother at the same time."

When I heard this, I was shocked and shook my head and said, "This won't work." After saying that, looking at Banxia, he looked forward to it and looked helpless. Perhaps what he expects is that he really wants me to go there. But helplessly, he knew that he would refuse with my personality.

Lingzhi turned her head and said angrily, "Why not? People's parents want to kiss together and love each other very much."

After listening to this, I was shocked and thought about where the child learned it. I wanted to blame a few words, but it's hard for me to say that Banxia is there. I can only laugh and cry, "Who taught you this?"

Lingzhi pointed to Banxia's unparalleled handsome face and said, "Dad told me, and Dad also said that you told him these."

I was speechless. Thinking of the days when I fell off the cliff and got injured, Banxia and Huaxi stayed with me day and night to take care of me. And I also deliberately sent some sad love stories I heard in modern times to get rid of their boredom.

I didn't expect that the current half-summer would tell the beauty of the past to my current daughter.

For a while, I only felt something choked in my throat, and my eyes were slightly hot. Five years have passed like this.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Maybe the little guy also noticed my strangeness and asked in panic for a moment.

Banxia came over quickly, with his affectionate eyes with a trace of worry. However, he leaned out his hand and gently put it on my shoulder and said, "You don't have to take your child's words seriously. Don't worry, I won't force you. Until one day, you are willing to."

Of course I know that he won't force it. I just think he's not worth it.

He and Hua Xi were originally a couple made in heaven. It's also a ghost grandpa, a couple from the heart, but because of my appearance, all this has changed. So I pushed his hand in a panic and turned around to leave.

He wanted to catch up, but when he saw the unmanned Lingzhi behind him, he sighed, "Where are you going?"

I didn't want him to worry, so I said lightly, "I'm also going up the mountain. I have Lingzhi disease. As a mother, I should take medicine for her in person. I'm always annoyed by grandpa and Huaxi. I'm uneasy.

Of course, Banxia knows that this is a wording avoided. After all, there are no more than five herbs I know. No one will believe me when I go up the mountain to collect medicine.

However, there is nothing we can do. He still nodded lightly and agreed, "Then be careful."

I didn't say anything anymore, turned around and strode away.

Originally, I wanted to find a quiet place. Then I should think about how to refuse Banxia next. How can Lingzhi reduce its dependence on Banxia? At the same time, how to make the relationship between Huaxi and Banxia closer.

However, the more I think about it, the more confused I am, and I can't figure out a clue.

In order to reassure myself, I think I should go up the mountain to find Huaxi and Grandpa Ghost. Because this is the first time that Huaxi left us and went up the mountain with Grandpa Ghost.

Now there is only me and Banxia Lingzhi in the room. Maybe, even if Banxia and I are really innocent and don't do anything, there will be more or less a pimple in Huaxi's heart. If now I go up the mountain to find them and collect medicine with them to prove that there is nothing between me and Banxia, will Huaxi feel more comfortable?

In this way, under my various entanglement, I still searched for their footprints and walked towards the mountain road.

When I walked halfway up the mountain, I finally found their familiar figure.

Hua Xi and Grandpa Ghost both bowed their waists. Grandpa Ghost seemed to be teaching her to recognize herbs, and she seemed to be attentive and serious. However, only from my perspective could see that she looked a little dull and lost her soul.

Are you thinking about Banxia and me? That's why you are so distracted? My heart ached, and when I looked at it again, Grandpa's old body became more and more restrained.

They really paid too much for Ganoderma lucidum and me. I can't help swearing in my heart that next, as long as I can do it for them, I will do my best.

Just as I wanted to help, I saw Huaxi suddenly put down the bamboo basket on my back. Then he skillfully moved behind the ghost. At this time, the ghost was focusing on digging herbs and did not find this cut at all. However, Hua Xi's hands stretched out to his body tremblingly.

Is this girl going to play any tricks? It seems that since I gave birth to a child, Huaxi's nature is no longer so lively.

At this moment, I couldn't help laughing when I saw that she seemed to deliberately play tricks on Grandpa.

This child is still so naughty and capricious. However, she will only do bad things in front of the ghost grandfather who loves him and spoils him, which makes me feel a little sad.

Because in the past, whether in front of the ghost or me, or Banxia, her innocence will be seen at a glance. And now, she has learned to hide in front of us.

Just as I sighed a lot, I saw a huge rolling sound, and at the same time, accompanied by the old man's pale exclamation.

I suddenly looked up, but I didn't know when the ghosts and old monsters rolled down the mountain stream with bamboo baskets.

I was incredibly shocked, chased after it crazily, and shouted angrily, "What are you doing?" At the same time, he buried his head and looked at the place where the ghost rolled down. The ghost moved quickly and fell down uncontrollably.

Hua Xi didn't expect me to be there. For a moment, she turned pale and looked at me with trembling hands. For a long time, she couldn't say a complete word: "You...you..."

"Grandpa Ghost..." I shouted, and then hurriedly ran down the mountain stream, but it was a slope, and I couldn't catch up with the speed of the ghost rolling down.

Looking at the cheap blood flowers along the way, my heart was like being hollowed out by the devil. The heartbreaking pain made me a little breathless.

I shouted loudly and watched the old ghost stop at the foot of the mountain stream. His bamboo basket had been flattened, lying there covered in blood, and his old turbid eyes looked at the distance.

With these words, he was motionless, like a stubborn stone standing for a long time.

After chasing for a long time, I walked to him coldly and saw the sand and gravel rolling down the slope because of my foot slipping. For a moment, I couldn't avoid it, so I blocked it with my arm stiffly.

"Grandpa Ghost..." I picked up his upper body, but saw his twisted face spitting out a mouthful of blood, so I opened my eyes wide and stopped talking.

I was so shocked that I shook him and said, "Grandpa Ghost, Grandpa Ghost, are you all right? Grandpa, answer me, don't scare me."

Unfortunately, no matter how I shake, he doesn't talk anymore. I looked at the old face full of blood, and my cold hands trembled against his breath.

With no feeling any breathing at all, I know that he is afraid he has left.

I can't accept the fact that a strong old man who greeted me in the morning has died in front of me now. That feeling is like sitting on a flying car, suddenly breaking the cable, and you feel helpless of falling from the air.

"Grandpa Ghost...Grandpa Ghost..." I knew that I might never wake him up anymore, but I couldn't control the panic and incredible in my heart. I called out loudly, hoping that there would be a glimmer of hope that he could return and bring him back to life. You can see the kind smiling face and the gentleness of his treatment of Ganoderma lucidum.

But no matter how I called, he did not move. It seemed that I had felt that his blood was no longer flowing, as if I had noticed that his body was slowly stiff. This is the separation of life and death. Even if that person is by your side, you already know that you are separated from the world.

At this time, there was a rapid sand and stone flying down the mountain stream. Then, I heard Hua Xi's frightened call: "Master, master, what's wrong with him?"

Listening to her false inquiry, I stopped her tears. I said angrily with the hateful eyes I had never shown to her, "Why are you asking these questions? You killed your master yourself, do you still care about this?

In the face of my cold question, she was first stunned, and then stared at me in panic and said, "Did you see it?" At this moment, her whole body trembled, and her thin figure looked like a lost child. The blankness in her eyes makes people feel that she is very pitiful.

Unfortunately, this can no longer be a cover for her guilt. In the past, I always felt that she was weak and helpless, and she needed to take care of her. Even if she hated me before and said all kinds of hurtful things to me, I thought it was wishful. But today, she did such a cruel thing, and she is also the closest ghost to her. In any case, I can't understand it.

"You are simply crazy. He is the benefactor who raised you. How can you do this? Do you still have a heart? Your behavior is simply heartless, and the world can't tolerate it. I scolded loudly and cried because of the death of the old ghost.

She buried her head in silence first. Xu Yi, she raised her head and smiled ferociously at me and said, "Since you saw it, I might as well say it directly. I deliberately killed the master, and I deliberately pushed him down the mountain stream.

"Are you crazy? How can you do this?" Originally, I hoped that this child might have failed, but now, after she said it so fiercely, my heart was shocked and incredible.

She sneered at me and never returned innocently.

"What are you sad about here? I don't want to brake the master, but if the master doesn't die, I can't be with my brother. In the final analysis, it's all because of you." In the end, she almost gritted her teeth and pointed at me.

After listening to this, my anger was put aside for the time being and stared at her coldly: "Why did you kill Grandpa Ghost, but pushed the crime on me?"

At this time, she suddenly cried. And she cried so loudly that she cried heartbreakingly. I began to think that she was for the death of the old ghost. Later, she said, "When I was a child, my master said that I would be my brother's bride in the future, so I dreamed of this day. But because of your sudden appearance, your brother fell in love with you. You are very beautiful and intelligent. Not only your brother, but also the master likes you very much. You took away all their original love for me.

"Huaxi, all this can't constitute your motivation to kill grandpa." I replied sadly, and I didn't expect Huaxi to come this far for love. What should he do if Banxia knows this? On one side is the most beloved and respected master. On the one hand, the dearest sister.

"Well, originally, I didn't want to do this either. You're fine, I know. I wanted to give up my brother and let you be together. However, you abandoned your brother and had other people's wild seeds outside. When she said the word wild, my heart was cruel, but I couldn't refute it.

"After this incident, I thought my brother would give up on you, so I finally rekindled my hope. However, the senior brother accepted you and the child together. At that time, I thought silently that even if you were still affectionate, the master would not allow you to marry you. However, the master actually loved Lingzhi more than his brother. His love for Ganoderma lucidum exceeded even me. So, I'm desperate."

It turns out that all this comes from the love of ghosts and their children. It was because of this that he became the indirect murderer of his murder.

For a while, my heart ached even more when I thought of this.

Grandpa, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. You are so kind to me and my daughter, but we let you die. In this life, our mother and daughter are destined to owe you.

"Grandpa, we are sorry for you. Have a good journey." I shed tears and gently closed his eyes with my hand. Maybe he can't believe it all his life. His death was caused by his favorite apprentice.

Even I can't believe that the joy in front of me is the devil who kills ghosts and old monsters.

Unexpectedly, there was no trace of repentance on her white face: "The master himself said that if he dies in the future, my brother will take care of me with all his strength. Therefore, the master won't blame me for killing him, and he is getting older and worse now. He has to leave early and late. I just ended his pain early.

"You..." I stared at her in an atmosphere and couldn't find words of criticism for a moment. Maybe I was so angry that even my mind began to knot.

She looked at me with a sneer and said, "I really didn't expect that you would give up the opportunity to be alone with your brother and come here today. At this once-in-a-a-lifetime opportunity, you saw me personally push down the master. It seems that everything is doomed, and it is impossible for me and my brother. Tell him that I killed the master. Even if I can't get my brother's love, he hates me all my life, and I will admit it. After saying that, she looked up to the sky and smiled sadly, and a string of pearl-like tears suddenly slid down. Under the golden sunlight, there was endless sadness.

"Huaxi, do you know what Grandpa Ghost said to me the other day?"

Hua Xi wiped her tears and seemed to be a little disapproving: "What can you say? Isn't it that you can marry your brother immediately to form a perfect family?

"Do you really think Grandpa Ghost is better to Ganoderma than you?"

"Isn't it?"

I smiled bitterly and took a look at the old ghost in my arms. Even if he died, he could not let his apprentice understand his good intentions.

"You're wrong. Although Ganoderma lucidum is very fond of Grandpa, you are the one he values more. After all, you are the one who brought you up. He cares more about you than anyone else. He once earnestly told me to persuade Banxia to change his heart towards you. It's just that I haven't said anything in order not to hurt Banxia. That's why today's tragedy was created.

After listening to my words, she shook her head as if she didn't want to admit it or believe it, "You lie!"

"I'm not lying. I'm going to persuade Banxia to marry you these two days. Because I know that Grandpa Ghost has been in poor health recently and wants to oppress him in the name of Chongxi. It's just..." At this point, I cried sadly.

"No... If so, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"You avoid me every day. I want to talk to you, but you don't give me a chance."

"But the master didn't say anything."

"Because the master loves you and Midsummer. He didn't want to force Banxia in a hurry, so..."

"No..." At this moment, Huaxi woke up, staring at the old man who died in my arms incredulously.

"Huaxi, everyone is dead now. Do you think it's necessary for me to lie to you?"

She couldn't help shaking her head, and her head seemed to burst. For a long time, she couldn't recover and let out a roar.

The voice was sad and painful, regretful and helpless.


The next second, she knelt on the ground with a "plop-" sound. I don't know if her knee seemed to have been victimized by a fierce touch. But I understand that at this moment, I'm afraid that even her death is not enough to repent of her sins.

"Master, I'm sorry..."

The sadness and sadness that gushed out of Huaxi in an instant were no less than me. At this moment, I watched her cry so sadly, and those hatreds and grievances disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, we have no other mood but sadness.

In this way, Huaxi and I cried for a long time. Maybe we are all tired, and even the crying seems to be weak.

For a long time, Huaxi stopped crying and smiled at me sadly and said, "I'm a sinner. Tell me that I killed the master. I'm guilty."


"Please bury the master well. He has worried about us all his life and has never enjoyed Qingfu, but he was killed by me, an unfilial disciple. I will no longer face him and my brother." After saying that, Hua Xi's eyes were swollen and she wanted to leave with a desperate face.

She looks so lonely and sad at this moment. It seems that even heaven and earth have become gloomy because of her expression.


Under my angry drink, she stopped slightly and looked at me with a sad face and said, "What else do you want to do? If you are angry with me and scold me, you can do better than hit me.

I smiled bitterly: "I can't do it. I just want you to go back."

"Go back? Can I still go back?" After saying that, she smiled sadly and her eyes were full of sadness.

"I won't tell Banxia that I want you to marry him."

"Why?" At this moment, her water eyes had a resurgence of light and incredible suspicion. There are also some unbelievable precautions.

"Because this is Grandpa Ghost's last wish, and I must fulfill it for him."

After listening, countless struggles flashed on her face. There are happiness, happiness, hatred, sadness, and more contradictions and fears.

After a long time, she shouted powerlessly: "Master..."

"Let's go. Now that you have regretted it, you should respect the last filial piety. Burial your master, and then fulfill his last wish.