Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 3 surrender

In an instant, the huge shield of an all-round warrior collided with a fire dragon.

The deafening metal howling suddenly spread like a fire in the air, as if a door of hell was suddenly broken, and the dazzling strong light burst out, emitting a chaotic and fierce fire rain, dyeing the night sky red.


There was another deafening sound in the night sky, as loud and terrible as the horn of the doomsday judgment.

This is the loud noise made by the Rift Star Tomahawk slashing on the Shield of the Count of Hell.

A powerful force knocked the Count of Hell down a few meters again, almost completely out of control.

In the metal roaring frenzy like desperate music*, the nirvana fighter, like a murderous steel god, forced him fiercely with an overwhelming posture. So far, before the official battle, the young people have successfully broken through the enemy's siege.


A beam of electric light flashed quickly, and the giant armor shield of the Nirvana fighter's left arm violently smashed down, and a frightening ferocious light appeared on its sharp edge, and the fierce roar of tearing open the airflow was even more frightening, like an evil demon howling excitedly.

"Wait a minute." Modi was no longer able to fight, and he lost the confidence and courage to fight. He shouted eagerly, "You can't kill me. Do you fucking know who I'm working for?"

The young man squeezed his lips and spit out coldly, "What can you complain to death?"

"Daw, no, no..." Modi howled in despair and waved the arms of the Count of Hell in vain to block it.

In an instant, the sharp and cold sound of metal tears resounded through the sky, as if the magic sound from purgatory was crazy.

The ferocious armor shield was cut down, cut the armor in front of the Count of Hell's chest without compromise, ruthlessly penetrated its chest, and burst into a cruel and dazzling spark.

The red blood rain, the fragmented limbs, and the twisted and deformed parts inside the armor, accompanied by splashing gorgeous sparks, poured down like a waterfall from the cockpit of the Count of Hell.

Three all-round warriors floated in mid-air, and the controllers in them seemed to have completely lost the ability to think and act, and did not want to believe that their sight was true.

Although there is some hardware gap between the armor of the two sides, in the case of four enemies and one, this gap can be completely made up. It can defeat the opponent without any suspense, but it is killed by the enemy in a short moment. No one can bear such a huge contrast.

The young man hit and did not attack others again. The engine quickly disappeared and quickly disappeared into the depths of the night.

The three all-round warriors also seem to have forgotten to pursue. After a while, Mecca gasped and muttered, "What a horrible guy. He must be the law enforcement guard known as 'Satan's Fist'."

Not long after the Nirvana Fighter flew out, a woman's voice suddenly came out in the communication circuit: "Law enforcement guard Di Changli, do you need support?"

The young man Di Changli raised his eyebrows, his expression seemed to be a little strange, and simply replied, "No."

The woman said indifferently in a business tone, "Law enforcement guard Di Changli, if the situation is under control, please make a routine report to the headquarters for this move for archiving and reference."

Di Changli hesitated and said, "I'm chasing a fugitive and can't return to the headquarters for the time being."

The woman coughed, suddenly smiled, and her voice became as crisp as a silver bell: "Di, won't you steal the Nirvana fighter and sneak to another city to play? I see that your coordinates are about to leave Rome.

Di Changli was silent.

"Let me get it right." The crisp voice smiled proudly: "You can't leave me alone to fool around. Come back quickly, or I will report your disciplinary behavior to your superiors."

Di Changli was still silent.

The crisp voice whispered doubtfully, "Di, why don't you talk? Well, why do you fly so fast? Where the hell are you going?"

Deep guilt flashed in Di Changli's deep dark eyes. After thinking about it for a moment, he was about to open his mouth when a majestic man's voice suddenly sounded in the communication circuit: "Di Changli, return to the headquarters immediately and report your action in detail."

Di Changli was shocked, his mind turned quickly, and said quickly, "Report, sir, I'm trying to get a fugitive, I'm afraid..."

The man interrupted him severely: "Di Changli, you are limited to return within ten minutes. This is an order."

Di Changli's heart suddenly jumped.

The crisp voice said in panic, "Bun... Sir, what happened?

The man snorted coldly and said in a low voice, "An Beier, lock his position. If his coordinates move out of the city again, he will immediately issue a federal first-level dangerous wanted notice and notify all military units to carry out an emergency pursuit. If there is any resistance, it will be killed by any means."

Di Changli stopped breathing, and his clear black eyes suddenly became cold. How can the headquarters know its actions so quickly? A trace of doubt flashed through his mind, but it was fleeting, and what he needed to pay attention to was the current situation.

"What?" The crisp voice screamed and said in a trembling voice, "Why... Di, what did you do? Speak up."

Di Changli was silent for a long time before he slowly said, "An Beier, I'm sorry, I..."


The red light flashed on the holographic screen in the cockpit, and the alarm device made a shrill sound of coordinates being tracked.

After the Nirvana Fighters, above the city of Rome, bright spots rose everywhere and gradually converged in one place, like a dense group of meteors, moving rapidly to this side.

Over the sky, the light on the low-orbit synchronous strategic defense satellite turned quickly, shooting five long fires in a row, like a golden spear issued by a god of war, quickly cutting through the dark sky and reflecting the whole night sky red.

Did you deliver five heavy armors with incomparable combat power? In Rome, everyone who saw this scene was shocked and nervously speculated about what had happened.

Di Changli stopped flying, stood in the dark emptiness, and quietly listened to the strong wind roaring in all directions.

Nirvana Fighter's fuselage is equipped with a positioning device. As long as it is still on this planet, it is impossible to escape the lock of the satellite, and it is also in vain to escape into the deep sea. If you abandon the plane and go, you can get rid of the pursuers for the time being, but you will inevitably be found in the future. What can you do at that time? Can you continue to escape, or meet your former colleagues and comrades-in-arms?

What's more, no matter what will happen in the future? Shicai Dichang left the encirclement of the enemies and killed Modi. In fact, he has consumed a lot of Force. If he does not use his ultimate weapon, he may not be able to escape from the current pursuit, but in that case, he is bound to expose another invisible ** identity, and the consequences will be even worse.

"How could this happen?" In the communication circuit, the crisp voice brought out a crying voice and shouted anxiously, "Di, what's wrong with you? Tell me quickly."

Di Changli was speechless, and the previous doubts quickly came to his mind. In a flash like lightning, his mind had turned thousands of times, and finally made a difficult decision - to die and then live. At worst, he would fight for a dead net in the end. He suddenly smiled easily and said lazily, "It's nothing. I just accidentally played big."

One after another of huge red electric lights exploded in the night sky around Nirvana Fighters, and five heavy armors appeared one after another, shining golden all over, stepping in the void like a god.


The huge shield of the Nirvana Fighter's arms collided fiercely with the Rift Star Tomahawk, stirring up a bright spark. Di Changli's clear laughter went away with the night wind: "Welcome, guys, do you want to come to the game?"

The five armors were all floating in mid-air, with empty arms hanging on the waist, and no one answered.

The laughter lasted for a long time. The Nirvana fighter suddenly waved his arm, and the split star tomahawk flew rapidly, penetrating the night with wild thunder and disappeared into the distance.

The long smile suddenly stopped, and Di Changli said lightly, "Go back."