Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 8 Strange Relationship between Father and Son

Near dusk, on a dilapidated street, Di Changli hurried forward with a small bag of natural food exchanged for the space monster wallet.

The neighborhoods in this area are more poor and chaotic, and the residents are as complicated as the most primitive wild rainforest on the Roman colonial star. Before dark, some street girls and addicts can be seen wandering ghostly on the streets. The walls full of messy graffiti on both sides of the road are also wet. It seems that they have never been dried since it was built, and there is a faint smell of potion that makes people's nasal itchy. This is because the Federal Public Health Service has just sprayed air disinfectants and stains to prevent the large-scale outbreak of infectious bacteria.

"Hey, little man." On the way, a eagle-nosed man wearing orthodox clothes that were incompatible with the dirty environment around him shouted at Di Changli.

This man's name is William. Since his neighbor was burned away by Di Changli a few years ago, William has moved here and become the new neighbor of the Di family.

Like Di Changli's father Dilo, William is also an unemployed person, but his life is much more comfortable than the cowardly Dilo. He is always dressed and shows a quite elegant look, like a gentleman who is temporarily in adversity but full of confidence. Some older ladies wandering on the street are friendly. He is called a beautiful man. In fact, William usually relies on a few old * to feed, such as a hungry and unscrupulous leech, greedily extracting the blackened residual blood in their blood vessels.

No one makes a fuss about this, because there is no coercive nature between them. Those * are abandoned goods that were kicked out after being squeezed dry by professional companies. They have no husbands, no children, no partners, only a body covered with various diseases. It is even difficult to find someone to say a few words, and they will rot like a dead leaf on the street at any time.

And William has a thin white face that can still be seen, a flexible tongue that can say all kinds of warm words, and more importantly, he has a compassionate and warm heart of fraternity, which can hold those old * scarred bodies in his arms without hesitation, listen patiently and gently comfort them. Pain. These points are enough for them to know that they are cheating, but they are willing to dedicate their last trace of flesh and blood to it.

Di Changli doesn't particularly hate anyone, but he is an exception to this really inhuman bloodsucker. Every time he sees this guy, he feels like several green-headed flies flying into his throat. He even began to strongly miss the benefits of the former rough old neighbor. At least, the two boy's fists would not damage his esophagus and stomach.

Di Changli stepped forward and pretended not to hear the call, but the beautiful man shouted a few more words and caught up to stop him.

"Hey, little buddy, don't go so fast. We haven't talked about it for a long time. How about chatting?" William smiled and was close, which was one of his strengths. No matter who he was, he could stick to a few words with a warm smile on his face. Even if he met a deaf-mute, he could make a few gestures fluently.

"I'm not interested." Di Changli had no choice but to respond coldly and move his body around.

William didn't care about Di Changli's indifferent attitude. He glanced at the bag he was carrying and exaggeratedly spread out his hand and shouted, "Hey, little buddy, today's food is really good, and there is a green vegetable. This refreshing good thing is not cheap. Hey, little man, have you got any good luck..."

Di Chang has already gone far away.

William looked at his back, and the friendly smile on his face disappeared as if he had been punched down. There was a sinister cold light in his eyes. He spat on the ground disdainfully and said to himself, "Damn little bastard, how dare you show me on my face. Sooner or later, I am powerful. ...... Oh, how can this little bastard have money to buy natural food? Did his unclean pick up the treasure? Well, you have to pay close attention to it."

"Old white face, what the fuck were you shouting just now? Who the hell is lucky?" Several people who were only fourteen or five years old, but their heads were like a few singing little roosters, and came over with a ruffian face and shouted in a rough tone of a little hooligan.

To be honest, because William's vulgar behavior is too low and obscene, almost no one in this neighborhood looks up to him, and even children don't pay attention to him. Usually, several ambitious children who have set up the ideal of marching into the ruling class in the slums since childhood regard him as the best object of the exercise, and catch him to cultivate his future prestige if he has nothing to do.

"Hey, it's a few distinguished gentlemen in the future. I'm talking about your good friends." William quickly hung up his smiling face and greeted him enthusiastically. His eyes turned around and said what he had just seen.

As soon as they heard about Di Changli, several teenagers lost their interest and shouted and dispersed. On this street, all parents can allow their stubborn children to bully other children without suffering losses, but they are not allowed to provoke Di Changli. Naturally, no one wants to be accidentally burned by a nameless fire one day.

William's smile on a long thin horse's face fell again, took a mouthful of saliva, and walked straight to an old * standing in a dark corner in the distance.

When he returned home, his father was not there as usual, and Di Changli was also used to it. He knew that he would not come back before the time when the underground bar closed. He cooked the food and ate half by himself and left half for his father. Then he cleaned the room, which was extremely small but also seemed empty, and then consciously began to study hard. Xi.

Di Changli does not have very high ideals and lofty ambitions, but he is not willing to draw such a life trajectory on the dirty streets like the vast majority of children in the slums: playing - smoking and drinking - dating or flirting with every peer he sees - smoking marijuana, stealing, extorting children - entering the youth Juvenile Center - Drug Abuse, ** - Every vulnerable object seen by extortion and robbery - go to prison - spend the rest of your life honestly or go to prison or even gas chamber...

This is not the life that Di Changli wants.

His basic wish is to find a relatively stable career when he grows up, take his father out of the slum, and live a good life, as long as he no longer worries about poverty in the future and no longer lets his children play space robber games on dirty and dirty streets after birth.

Of course, Di Changli also has his own dream.

His greatest wish is to become the captain of a space exploration ship, travel freely in the vast universe and explore the unknown world. However, this wish is not easy to realize. A space exploration ship captain not only needs rich knowledge and outstanding abilities, but also needs to be a strong refiner to be competent. He is a rare elite in the Federation and a senior talent that all parties compete for.

A refiner? Di Changli doesn't think that his weak constitution can become a refiner, so he doesn't know whether he can finally realize this biggest dream in his life, but in any case, he has always been working towards this goal.

Di Changli is reading an auxiliary power theory book about how to control the sun (star) ionic wind and travel closely between the stars. This knowledge has gone far beyond his existing learning scope and will only be involved in the courses of higher colleges. However, with his intelligence and perseverance, Di Changli slowly mastered the basic principles without guidance.

When I was studying hard, the light in the room suddenly went out and fell into a dark place where I couldn't see my fingers. This is the federal government cutting off the most basic free power supply for families who have no money to pay electricity. Di Changli is used to packing up quickly in the dark, washing up a little and going to bed.

In the second half of the night, Di Changli woke up naturally, heard someone outside open the door and came in gently, and crept up to sleep. Then he closed his eyes and covered a ring hanging on his chest and continued to sleep.

I don't know what material this ring is made of. The whole ring is inconspicuous silver gray, with a very hard and dense texture and a simple appearance. Five exquisite and complex patterns are engraved on one side, which is the only relic left by Di Changli's biological parents.

After getting up early in the morning, Di Changli had a synthetic breakfast and woke up his father and said, "There are some vegetables and meat outside. Go and eat it."

Dilo is not old, not yet 60 years old. He is in his powerful prime, but his forehead is already full of wrinkles too early, and his shoulders are always slightly drooping, as if he is carrying some kind of invisible heavy pressure all the time. Hands also tremble nervously from time to time, which is a typical symptom of physical dysfunction caused by excessive alcoholism. Once alcohol intake is stopped, the symptoms will be aggravated.

Delo* said vaguely with his bloody eyes, "I don't want it. Go and eat it. I helped in the bar last night. A guest invited me to a beef sandwich, and I'm still full."

Di Changli smiled and said, "Last time you also said that a guest would treat you to a beef sandwich. Can you change it to a strip or a canroni or something next time?"

"Oh, okay." Dilo probably didn't wake up yet. He subconsciously nodded, but immediately woke up and grabbed his messy hair awkwardly and argued, "I'm serious."

"If it's true, you will eat it, or you will dump it." Di Changli didn't allow him to talk about it, and said, "I'm going to school."

The relationship between father and son is quite strange to outsiders, but they are calm and do not feel anything strange.

"Okay, you go." Dilo nodded and suddenly remembered something. He stopped Di Changli and said, "Today should be the day for you to test multiple intelligent attributes. I heard that the parents of other children have given gifts to the student guide. Do we also give something to your teacher, Mr.netli, otherwise I'm afraid he will be unhappy."

The multiple intelligence test is a comprehensive test evaluation by the federal government on the bodies of minor citizens who are suitable for injecting gene conversion fluid, and has a long history of application.

Experts believe that human intelligence is diversified rather than single. It is mainly composed of eight attributes: language intelligence, mathematical logic intelligence, spatial intelligence, body movement intelligence, music intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, self-cognitive intelligence and natural cognitive intelligence. Everyone has a different combination of intelligent advantages. After an accurate test, we can determine the most suitable development direction for each person in the future, and thus decide which type of genetic conversion solution to inject each person.

Di Changli was silent for a moment, and a heavy look that was not commensurate with his childish face flashed in his clear black eyes. He shook his head and said, "No, this is a free test unified by the government. Even if there is no gift, Mr. netley will not do it for me."

He concealed one thing. In fact, the director was very worried because he had not seen Di Changli contribute gifts for a long time. Yesterday, he found an excuse to drive him out of the school and used this method to ultice him to pay tribute in time.