Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 21 Transfer

"You are the elites among the federal police officers, the nemesis, and the protectors of federal citizens. I am deeply proud of you... Now, I announce the list of promotions. Please give warm applause to the warriors who have performed outstanding results in recent times."

The long and dull award ceremony finally ended, and Di Changli had a pair of exquisite silver epaulettes on his uniform.

There are hundreds of people who have been awarded this time, and the highest rank is captain. As a warrant in the last seat of the rank as a green leaf, Di Changli is basically automatically filtered out of his eyes. He was also happy and leisurely, holding plates and freely interspersed in the wide self-service banquet hall, tasting all kinds of delicious food, and not forgetting to patrol everywhere. In such a ceremony of not low specifications, there are many beautiful police girls with good looks and figures, which are rarely seen at ordinary times. At this time, gathering together is just a feast for the eyes.

Di Changli's eyes turned around a large area in the crowd, and finally stayed on a slender policewoman not far ahead. Her curves are very attractive, especially her round buttocks. The curvature is very natural and perfect, and the ** force far exceeds those shaped by fitness equipment.

The policewoman seemed to notice that Di Changli was a little too eye-catching. She turned her face, smiled at him, said something to several people around her, and then came over and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Lieutenant Di."

"Thank you, Neve... Officer, it's a pleasure to see you here." Di Changli didn't know whether his luck was good or bad. Today, there are so many beautiful and sexy buttocks here, but he stared at what he should not have stared at.

"I remember you didn't call me so strangely." Neve said, raising her face and staring carefully at Di Changli's eyes with her crystal blue eyes. I left a message on your communication platform. Didn't you receive it?

Niff's job is at the Information Security Center of the 9th District Federal Police Station, and it is easy to find a public contact number for personnel inside the police station.

"Real?" Di Changli's expression was quite surprised and annoyed, and he said sadly, "I actually missed a beautiful woman's greeting? It's unforgivable. I must hire a lawyer to sue the communication company. Well, what did you leave me? Do you mind telling me in person?

"Actually, it's nothing, but it's very idle that day, so I want to ask you out for a meal and ask about the latest situation." Neve said it quite casually. In fact, she thought about it for a long time before sending the message. Although she had only one chance conversation with Di Changli, it made her feel relaxed and happy. She wanted to invite him to have dinner and relive it, but she did not get a response. According to the change of Di Changli's attitude when he met him last time, and he hasn't taken the initiative to come to her for so long, Neve suspected that he intended to avoid himself.

Of course, Neve understands her attraction to men, and also knows the various strategies and means taken by some men to hang their brains to climb into their own beds. She is sure that Di Changli is very interested in herself. If he uses the method of indulgence, she thinks he is quite successful.

But on the other hand, Neve believes that Di Changli is not such a man. With the unruly and directness he showed last time, he will never be bored to please women. Therefore, Neve is very curious about Di Changli's behavior.

A woman has a strong curiosity about a man who is originally fond of him, and it is hard to predict what will happen after that. Neve made a decision in her heart that surprised her.

"If you are going to invite me to your home for a candlelight dinner, I will be very happy." Di Changli favored Neve and clearly expressed his intention. It will be a great honor."

This explicit attempt usually attracts the woman's disgust. Neve affirmed her judgment and smiled: "I will consider this proposal, but not now."

Di Changli knew that he was self-defeating. Neve was not only smart, but also very quick to react. He saw through his intention at a glance and was obviously more curious about him. A smart fool, Di Changli scolded himself and thought with a headache. Should he push the boat into this charming beauty's boudoir, or alienate him without a trace?

Before he finished his choice, Neve had generously took Di Changli's hand and walked to the people he had talked to. "It seems that you are more lonely here. I'll introduce you to a few of my friends and get to know them. It won't hurt you in the future." Her decision was to introduce Di Changli into her life, although she met him for the second time.

Let nature take its course. The elastic and full touch of the arms made Di Changli, whose will swing left and right, make a decision that is not a decision.

Of course, several of Neve's friends are all police officers of the 9th District Federal Police Department. In fact, they should be her parents' friends, who are much higher than Di Changli. In fact, the rank of Neve, who is a second lieutenant, is also higher than that of Di Changli. The rank of federal police officers is very carefully divided. The warrant alone is divided into four levels. Di Changli is only a first-level warrant officer promoted, and Neve is already a senior warrant officer at the third level.

"Congratulations, young man, you are the first police in Rome that Neve introduced to us."

After looking at Di Changli, a wise man in a major* uniform with slightly white temples and deep eyes and sophisticated wisdom welcomed him.

"I am deeply honored for this." Di Changli said. He noticed that these people were all real figures of the 9th District Federal Police Department, and the highest rank was a lieutenant lieutenant police inspector, but they all had a very special attitude towards the major named Sonnier, which can be said to maintain a special respect. Obviously, they belong to a small circle, and Sony is an organizer or leader in this small circle. This is not surprising. The federal police system is not an army. Sometimes seniority and connections are more important, and the size of official positions cannot be strictly distinguished from the rank.

Next is a roundabout question-and-answer conversation. As seniors in the police, Neve's parents and friends have rich digging skills and quickly figured out the basic situation of Di Changli.

The lieutenant police raised a question: "Why did you give up more money to choose to enter federal agency services? Will you regret losing a lot in the future?

Di Changli has answered this question many times. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I wanted to say that it was out of noble ideals such as justice and fighting criminals, but the federal police manual has been very detailed, so I will not repeat this... You are all my superiors, so I I really want to ask you, can you tell me an answer outside the book so that I won't regret it?"

Everyone looked at Di Changli for a moment, then nodded at each other and smiled implicitly. The lieutenant police patted him on the shoulder and said with a meaningful smile, "It seems that you don't necessarily need us to tell you the answer."

At the end of the self-service banquet, Sonnier took Di Changli aside and said very seriously, "I can see that you are a good smart young man. Neve is also a good girl, but since her father and fiance passed away one after another, I have rarely seen her smile so happily. As her father's best friend, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you and earnestly hope that you can take care of Neve in the future.

Di Changli nodded and said, "I will do my duty as a friend. Please rest assured."

Sonier was a little surprised and frowned and said, "I don't quite understand what you mean."

Di Changli said, "It seems that you have misunderstood, Mr. Sonnier. Neve and I are not what you think. We are just friends. Moreover, I don't want to change this relationship, because it is likely that I will lose my friend Neve.

Sonier was even more surprised and stared at him and asked, "Why?"

Di Changli said casually, "Before I was appointed as a warrant officer, I objected because my private life was not very good."

"I see." Serie nodded and didn't care much. She smiled and said, "I was also young and can understand some of the styles of young people. I watched Neve grow up. She has been a good girl who is not worried since she was a child. She has never had any bad problems. Maybe you can make some changes for her. What do you think?

Di Chang said to the stall, "Sorry, Mr. Sonnier, I can't promise you anything."

Sonier's eyes became sharp: "In this case, I'm afraid I have to persuade you to stay away from her. I hope you can forgive me for taking the liberty."

"as you wish." Di Changli was not unhappy at all. Instead, he expressed his understanding of the mood of an elder and said, "In fact, I plan to do the same. However, I have to say goodbye to Neve later. This is a necessary courtesy, and you must understand.

Sonier's eyes eased, looked at Di Changli for a while, and said, "Young man, thank you for your frankness to me. Don't you want to think about it again? Maybe in the future, you will regret missing a person worth cherishing and loving for the rest of your life.

"Maybe." Di Changli doesn't want to talk more about this topic.

"I can't see through this young man, and I can't guess what he is thinking."

At the end of the self-service banquet, he saw Di Changli and Neve leave together. Sonye frowned and said, "With our identity and status in the police, a small warrant officer should have rushed over like a cat that smelled fishy, but he did not try to approach us by strengthening his relationship with Neve, which was very Strange."

Everyone felt the same way and speculated about Di Changli's intention, but they couldn't get a reasonable answer. The lieutenant lieutenant's police supervisor proposed: "Any kind of behavior has its own purpose. We don't need to guess, just observe more. This young man is very clever and not old-fashioned. We need to add such a newcomer. Maybe we can try to cultivate him.

"That's a good idea." Sonnier nodded in approval and thought for a moment and said, "Well, I remember that not long after Matt took office in the 52nd division, that guy complained that there were too many soft eggs under him and was not very obedient. Di Changli is a good recruit. Although he has not undergone formalized and systematic training, he is familiar with various rules in the slums and can grow up alone in a short time. If he is transferred, Matt will be willing to accept it.

Di Changli and Neve's dinner was quite pleasant, but because the location was in a restaurant rather than at home, and there was no candlelight, the atmosphere was not too romantic. Moreover, when Di Changli sent Neve home, he did not propose to sit in and have a cup of coffee or anything, so he politely said goodbye, which made Neve a little surprised and a little frustrated.

A few days later, Di Changli received a transfer order and was assigned to the 52nd Branch as an agent. Surprised, he immediately understood the reason.

Tie Niu is very indignant about this. The identity of a branch agent means that he can wander freely on the street all day in plain clothes and have his own jurisdiction. In other words, he has a channel to get rich oil and water, which is the first important goal for every uniformed policeman.

It took Tie Niu more than two years to see the hope of surviving, and Di Changli successfully crossed this hurdle in only a few months. He couldn't help but be resentful. After Di Changli was promoted to detective, the first thing he had to try to transfer him. And patted his chest and promised that as long as Di Changli did this, he would be willing to block a bullet for him. Then, in the name of celebration, he killed the crying and laughing Di Changli in the golden cat nightclub.

The procedures for the transfer of staff inside the police station were not cumbersome. * The day after the release, Di Changli stood in front of Lieutenant Colonel Matt, the 52nd Police Station in Rome.

Matt's hair was meticulously combed, and his eyebrows were thick and cheekbones protruding, giving people a very harsh first impression. Before Di Changli entered his office, a police officer almost ran out with a rough scolding sound.

When he saw Di Changli, Matt, who was angry, still gave him some face, squeezed out a smile and greeted him to sit down, and entered the topic with a few words of greeting: "I have read your information. Well, to be honest, I'm very happy for your arrival and want to share a heavy burden for you, but your qualifications are too shallow. Moreover, you haven't undergone long systematic training and are not familiar with various case handling procedures, so I'm a little worried that you won't be able to integrate into your new job soon.

"I will strive to improve my ability to complete my work under the guidance of the officer. I hope I will live up to your expectations and trust." Di Changli made a statement.

Matt was quite satisfied with his tacit stability, and the smile on his face was naturally. He said encouragingly, "Inspector Sony is an old boss that I respect and trust very much. Of course, I am also confident that he is a good choice of talents... Well, at present, there are three departments in the police station that lack manpower, namely, the fraud group and theft group. Which one do you want to go to?

The division of labor of the federal police is very meticulous, and there are many departments. The more important ones are the serious crime team, the execution team and the murder group, etc., the well-rich contraband management group and the commercial criminal investigation team, etc., as well as the forensic groups and electronic groups with strong professional skills but not much money, and the blasting group with extremely high risk coefficient. Wait. The three departments mentioned by Matt are less than the top, more than the bottom, and the requirements for professional level are not too high. It can be seen that he has spent a lot of time thinking about how to settle Di Changli. After all, Sony's instruction is to cultivate Di Changli as a reserve force in the interest circle.

Di Changli is now more aware of the internal operation of the federal police system and immediately expressed his gratitude. After a little consideration, he expressed his willingness to be included in the theft group. What position is more suitable for a professional thief as an identity cover and better used?

Matt warned: "There are some things you must pay attention to, abide by the rules, and not violate the rights and interests of your colleagues. In addition, in the process of handling the case, the truth is not important, so the evidence is important. Under any circumstances, you should avoid putting yourself at a disadvantage.

Di Changli was sincerely taught again.

Matt was more satisfied with his modesty. For the leader, obedience was more important than ability. Then he gave a few words of encouragement to end this conversation.