Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 27 Shameless Victory

The dazzling silver light is like a strong lightning, which can't help blooming in everyone's pupils. This is the electromagnetic cannon of the pioneering warriors constantly firing.

There is no need to bother aiming. The dense asteroids, stones and huge dry ice ahead have been bombarded and bursting, stirring up large areas of cosmic dust, completely blocking the sight between the pioneer warrior and the interstellar villain.

The battle between Di Changli and Sexe has been going on for a long time, but the situation is far beyond everyone's expectations.

At the beginning of the battle, Di Changli also learned from Sykes, hid behind an asteroid, took out an alloy steel shield to protect the weak parts of the fuselage, and only used phase-controlled radar to monitor the surrounding movements.

Everyone was a little disapproving of his tactics and shook their heads. In this environment of the two sides fighting, Di Changli actually has a little advantage. According to the direction of the star ring around the planet, he can completely use the cover of high-speed asteroids or large stones to fly to the front to lock the direction of the interstellar villain. As long as you are careful to dodge, you may find a chance to fight with interstellar villains, greatly enhancing the chance of winning. And this way of purely using long-range firepower to defend defense is almost to use its own shortcomings to fight for the strengths of the other party. It is really a failure, and there is only a beating.

However, what everyone didn't expect is that Di Changli's tactics can't even stick to defense...

Sex was also a little surprised. In addition to the accident, he would not be polite. Since the strength of the interstellar villain is long-range sniper, the radar capture target range and sensitivity are naturally much higher than that of the pioneer warrior. Like a hyena that secretly hunts prey, after hiding in many asteroids, it quickly changed several directions one after another, locked the position of the pioneer warrior from the side and directly with a particle gun. Sniper.

Di Changli was already on guard. As soon as the pioneer warrior's radar sensed the warning of the attack, he immediately flashed to the other direction and retreated away quickly. When the previously hidden asteroid was smashed by a material gun, he hid behind a big stone.

Sax also had a long time estimate of this situation. Before the first shot worked, he drove the interstellar villain to catch up and locked the pioneer warrior shooting again. In any case, the rate of fire of the particle gun always far exceeds the speed of human control of the machine. However, any mecha targeted by the sniper mecha, no matter how good the manipulator's ability is, often end with hatred.

But this shot failed again, and the Pioneer Warriors did not stay in place, but directly changed another position.

The speed of Di Chang's pioneering warrior is naturally not as fast as that of the interstellar villain. It is not safe to avoid it after the other party's attack. Even if he is lucky enough to dodge the first few times, he will eventually be hit because of his lack of reaction. Therefore, Di Changli simply gambled on his luck. After being locked by the interstellar villain, he immediately made a disorderly jump dodge and dodged several times of the interstellar villain in a row.

Sykes was in vain, wasted energy bullets, and shouted angrily: "This style of play is too bad, or it's a head-on confrontation. What a good man is it to just care about wandering around like a rabbit?"

Di Changli responded, "It's okay to fight head-on, as long as you agree to pull our distance within one kilometer."

Within a kilometer, with the powerful firepower coverage of the warrior, it can completely suppress the shooting accuracy of the interstellar villain, not to mention that if the former is accidentally brought close to him, the latter's melee weapons are not enough to watch at all. I'm afraid it will be finished in three or two. Of course, Sykes won't be fooled and shouted, "I'm not a fool. How can there be such a cheap thing?"

Di Changli doesn't care: "It doesn't matter if you don't agree. Let's continue to consume like this."

Sykes suddenly fired a shot at the dialogue, but failed again. He didn't even touch the edge of the pioneer warrior. He was so angry that he jumped in the control room of the interstellar villain: "If you don't shoot, just take care of running away. Who will use the pioneer warrior to fight like this? This kind of oily on the soles of the feet is so shameless that we can just change the name of our mecha.

All the crew members of the June Flower spacecraft laughed. Indeed, the Pioneer Warriors were chased and beaten by interstellar villains. These two different tactical mechas are now completely reversed, and the battle situation is very rare and a little funny. However, it is undeniable that the approach taken by Di Changli is quite effective. After all, the pioneering warriors and the interstellar villains are fighting in space. The disadvantage is too great. Di Changli's ability to drag the battle into a stalemate is equivalent to winning undefeated.

At the same time, everyone has also seen that Di Changli's technology in controlling the mecha is absolutely not superb, and the training time should be limited. However, I don't know if he is too lucky. Every time he dodge, the path direction is just right. The large fragments of asteroids and stones fired by the particle gun basically dodged, and the remaining small debris hit the pioneer warriors with minimal damage. If you change to another person, even if you are not directly hit, I'm afraid that the shock wave at the time of the explosion will also have a serious impact on him. At least, the energy used for defense is bound to be greatly depleted.

Every virtual machine A battle has a time limit, and Sykes also understands that he has a relatively large advantage. If he does not destroy the pioneer warrior within the specified time, it is actually a failure. He was full of fire, impetuous and drove the interstellar villain to fly back and right, gritted his teeth and fired a few more shots. After falling without exception, he suddenly realized a problem: the energy and ammunition on the mecha are limited. Since the beginning of the battle, the interstellar villain has consumed a lot of energy ammunition. If it continues to stale like this, the main attack weapon particle gun can no longer be fired. Doesn't his interstellar villain have to fight with the pioneering warriors? Question mark

Thinking of this, Sykes was even more uncontrollable. He decided to take a dangerous battle and narrow the appropriate distance to kill the pioneer warriors, and bet that Di Changli's skills and experience in controlling the mecha were not as good as his own.

The engine power was turned to the maximum, and the interstellar villain was inserted into the front of an asteroid at high speed, aggressively forcing the Pioneer Warrior. The distance between the two was originally more than 5,000 meters, but in just a few seconds, it was shortened to about 2,000 meters.

Seeing the bright spot of the interstellar villain on the phase-controlled radar, Di Changli smiled and showed a smile on his lips, knowing that Sykes could finally help it and quickly prepared. When the interstellar villain approached 1,500 meters, he did not hesitate to press the launch of the electromagnetic cannon, and at the same time drove the pioneer warrior forward at full speed. Go.

Electromagnetic bombs poured away like raindrops, bursting out countless eye-catching fires all the way.

Di Changli did not lock and aim at the interstellar villain at all, but shot all the cannon shells of electromagnetic cannons in a rude way, creating a strong explosion in the star rings around them. No tactical skills can do in this situation. It only depends on whose defense shield can resist the impact of a series of explosions. Wave. In other words, Di Changli is going to pull Sykes to be buried.

The people watching the battle were dumbfounded, and Bumble commented, "This is a rogue. Real adventurer warriors will not fight in this way."

Martin, the logistics director, has always been silent, but then he said, "Fight, victory is the ultimate goal, and the way is not important. Besides, this is already an unequal battle.

Helen also nodded and said, "With no hope of winning, I may only take this method. I just don't know if it's a real battle, whether this Inspector Di also has the courage to die with the enemy.

The shock wave caused by a chain of violent explosions is extremely amazing. The pioneer warrior and the interstellar villain are like two leaves in the stormy waves. The owner in it can no longer control it and can only do his best to barely maintain the energy output of the defense shield. The rest is to pray that the other party will be unlucky and destroy the mecha by large asteroid fragments and stones that have run out of energy and lose their defense.

The never-ending hurricane-like explosion wave finally slowed down its power. The two mechas were damaged, and the red light flashed in the cockpit and the alarm sounded sharply. Sykes quickly checked the energy and found that there were still more than 10% left. He was just relieved and was about to denounce Di Changli's rogue behavior indignantly, but he suddenly saw that the pioneer warrior rushed to only two or three hundred meters in front of him. He couldn't help breathing back into his stomach and cursed loudly.

Meet each other on a narrow road, and short soldiers meet each other. At such a close distance, the trick has no effect.

The two mechas raised their protective shields at the same time, and dazzling sparks erupted from the mouth of the gun at the same time, and the dense rain poured down on the opponent.

The victory and defeat will be announced soon. The armor defense of the Pioneer Warriors was originally much stronger than that of the Star villains. In the previous chain explosion wave, 30% of the energy was left, which in turn firmly seized the advantage.

Less than three seconds after the fierce shooting, the defense energy of the interstellar villain dropped to zero, and the shield was smashed, followed by the fuselage burst into a gorgeous and dazzling fire.

This unexpected ending made everyone looked at each other, and no one made a sound. Akuda blushed with excitement, clenched his fists and tried his best to suppress his excitement.

Sykes withdrew from the realistic system and stared at Di Changli: "Mr. Inspector, although you won shamelessly, I still admit that you won. However, I don't think my mecha is worse than yours.

Di Changli smiled and said, "I also admit this. Virtual battles are not equal to real battles. If it is really a life-and-death battle, you have many ways to win. Even in the situation just now, as long as you sink the residence and attack a few more times, I will still lose.

Sykes was depressed for a moment and was no longer so indignant. He thought back and said, "I take back my words. In fact, your method is not too shameless, but the right strategy against the enemy, otherwise you will have to admit defeat or be defeated."

The implication of what he said is that he agrees with Di Changli's ability and also represents the thoughts of all the crew members of the June Flower spacecraft.

Because everyone bet that Sykes won, Captain Parker, who was the village, lost the money to Akuda and won a sum. He waved his hand to the sighing crew: "Today's extra meal is my reward for everyone, and I also wish this hunting a bumper harvest."