Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 29 Hunting

Captain Parker listened to Di Changli's advice and did not neglect it. He immediately ordered the mechanic to disassemble the emergency ejection device and inspect it carefully.

The results of the re-inspection came out. As expected, a small part inside the device was loose due to severe aging, causing a slight leakage and volatilization of the lubricating oil inside, which almost confirmed Akuda's speculation.

Bumble's angry face rose purple on the spot, and it took him a long time to squeeze out a sentence: "Furi, what can be the impact of such a small fault? It will be replaced uniformly during the next maintenance, which will never cause potential safety hazards. He stared at Akuda with a bad look: "Self-righteous kid, get out of here in the future and don't get in my way all day long."

Captain Parker got angry when he heard this and scolded fiercely: "Bumble, you bastard, mechanical maintenance is your job, and your partners trust you to keep your life safe. Now that your mistakes at work are likely to cause great harm, Akuda pointed out to you that instead of thanking him for this, you speak ill of him. What's your attitude?

Bumble is most afraid of his uncle, bowing his head and whispering obediently.

Captain Parker is getting more and more angry: "Why do you call Akuda to get out? I said that you are the one who should get out of here, and my ship will never allow people like you who ignore your partner's safety. From today, you will stay in your cabin honestly. After this hunting, you will go home and never step on my spaceship again.

Bumble was scolded and dared not say anything again. Under the persuasion of Captain Helen and others, Captain Parker's anger calmed down a little and scolded him for a few more words, which made Bumble go back to reflect and think about it, so as not to delay the departure of the hunting team.


The North Pole of the ninth planet is the coldest place in the world, with a minimum temperature of more than 100 degrees below zero. The endless ice is extremely hard, almost comparable to steel. The environment is prohibitive and belongs to the forbidden area of life. There is a joke circulating here, saying that it is said that it may be frozen to the ground.

However, no matter how harsh the natural environment is, it can't stop human beings from being full of greed.

In previous exploration, it was found that there was a small amount of peptide ore under the hard ice of hundreds of meters thick on the ninth planet in the Arctic. At that time, it was abandoned because it was too difficult to extract. But now that peptide crystals are increasingly scarce, prices are soaring, and costs are no longer a problem. Therefore, people break the hundreds of millions of years of silence of this glacier and dug deep underground mines in the harsh cold that can kill people.

In fact, in the North Pole of the ninth planet, the biggest fatal threat is not the cold, but the gale. The hurricane blowing on the huge flat and smooth ice shelf was unimaginable. All the surface buildings that miners tried to build were easily torn apart and destroyed by the gale. After paying a heavy cost of life, they finally chose to live under the ice. Compared with nature with infinite power, human beings are still so fragile and small after all.

Fortunately, the gale is not endless, but regularly found. It breaks out every 12 hours. The hunters of the June Flower spacecraft and Crescent successfully flew from the space port to the North Pole during this intermittent period.

The first thing hunters should do after falling to the ground is to build a solid camp. It took six or seven hours for everyone to dig an ice hole under a sunny slope, which is a simple but solid ice camp. As for the comfort, there is no need to comment.

Just after finishing busy, the distant Roman sun has fallen to the end of the horizon, and the dazzling golden sun pours on the cream-white ice. It looks like a burning boundless sea of fire, which is extremely spectacular and brings a shocking impact to people's vision. Although everyone has ventured in the universe for many years and seen countless beautiful scenery, they are still deeply intoxicated by the wonders in front of them.

The mystery and majesty of darkness came with the night, and the wind that had been sobbing and blowing through the strong glacier quietly stopped, and the Arctic night seemed to fall into a suffocating silence.

"Attention, the gale is about to blow." Captain Helen looked at the time and reminded everyone.

Without warning, an extremely sharp hiss sounded overhead, like thousands of metal filaments in the ultra-high-speed void*, which made people involuntarily frightened. Before long, the sharp wind began to become wild. Suddenly, countless thunderbolts fell to the ground and roared and galloped by. Although everyone is psychologically prepared, everyone's face still changes.

The strong wind continued to rage for half an hour, and finally stopped slowly. Everyone carefully drilled out of the ice hole, and saw straight thin lines on the originally extremely smooth ice, as if they had been picked by a sharp thin blade, and everyone was frightened.

"Let's go. The hunters are divided into four teams, with seven people as the center of the camp and search for an area with a radius of 500 kilometers. After any small team found the traces of the ice dragonfly, the other three teams rushed to catch them together at the first time, and the others stayed in the camp on standby."

Although it is night, time cannot be wasted for hunters. Simply supplemented with nutritious food, Captain Bill immediately made arrangements, and the four teams immediately took the shuttle boat to search for prey in four directions, southeast and northwest.

Six is the captain of the North team, and Di Changli still follows him and goes north with six other hunters.

Hunting space monsters on the planet is no better than outer space hunting. The tool used to find prey is a portable biological exploration instrument with a wide range of about 10 kilometers, so it cannot be gathered together to search. Along the way, the hunters in the team were placed on the empty ice and snow one after another, and were swallowed up by the dark night in a blink of an eye. With such a few people, it takes some luck to find prey from hundreds of kilometers.

Di Changli and Sykes were placed on the outermost part of the search area, and the two rode a snowmobile together. This snowmobile has a magnetic levitation function and can fly off the ground, but in order to save energy for emergency needs, they can only stay on the ground and collide against the wind and snow.

The night of the ninth planet Arctic is very deep, and the lights of the snowmobile are difficult and far away. It can only shine a few meters away at most. When the wind is slightly strong, the snow and dust are flying and the wind roars, making people feel a kind of unreliable fear from the bottom of their hearts, as if they have come to the abandoned corner at the end of the universe.

"Do you feel very nervous and excited?" Sykes asked. Because the temperature in the Arctic is usually 70 or 80 degrees below zero, and even breathing air directly becomes very dangerous, so everyone wears thick cold-proof clothes, and the sound from the helmet is somewhat distorted.

"It's a little bit." Di Changli admitted and said with deep feelings, "The danger of adventure hunters is indeed unimaginable. In addition to facing the unknown horror, the fear of death, as well as the cruel natural environment and loneliness, I admire that you can overcome all kinds of difficulties and persevere year after year."

"If you want to make a profit, you have to pay. After a long time, you will get used to it." Sykes said carelessly and smiled, "This hunting environment is not the worst. If you do this job, you will have a chance to see more. However, your performance surprised me a lot. You know, when I was in an environment like this for the first time after I became a hunter, I was so scared that I almost peed my pants.

Di Changli smiled and said, "Actually, I'm also afraid, just don't let you see it."

The two talked and laughed to pass the loneliness, and were not afraid of the cold and dangerous road. After galloping for more than an hour, the biological detector on Sykes suddenly flashed with a dark green light.

Di Changli, who was feeling boring, was refreshed and quickly approached Sykes: "What did you find?"

Six shook his head and said, "There are creatures nearby, but it's not the target we're looking for." He pointed to the flashing green light on the biological detector and explained: "Any space monster with energy crystals in its body emits very strong energy, and the light will appear red. Therefore, the animals found now should be animals living in the Arctic.

In addition, scientists have found that there are positive and negative spaces in the universe. Space monsters are actually not native organisms in the positive space where human beings are located, but alien creatures from antispace. The two spaces occasionally fluctuate for unknown reasons, resulting in large or small space cracks, and more or less space monsters escape from space cracks. Some of them wander around in space, and some live on the planet. Most of them are fierce omnivorous creatures. Although even ores can be used as food, they especially like to attack human beings. They can definitely be said to be natural enemies of human beings.

Sykes added: "In fact, the unique creatures on every planet have its value, especially the animals that can survive in this environment, some of which are also quite precious. Anyway, the ice dazzling dragonfly will not be found in a while. We might as well go and have a look. If it is a valuable rare species, we will catch it by the way."

Of course, Di Changli was happy to follow, and the two turned the head of the snowmobile and left.

For a moment, the two flew to the position of the signal source, but they only saw that it was dark everywhere, and the snow illuminated by the light was smooth and smooth, and they could not find anything strange.

Sykes has long been accustomed to this situation. He took away more than ten meters from Di Changli, took out a modified strong*, and put a horneddymium into his mouth, signaling Di Changli to take out the tungsten steel knife prepared for him. When it's ready, blow it down with your cheeks.

This hornedium emits an overclocked sound wave. Humans can't hear any sound, which can strongly stimulate the nerves of animals and make them feel dangerous and become panic-mania. After Sykes blew a few times, a small shadow suddenly flew in the snow, which was as fast as a loaded bullet. With the sharp "squeal" sound, he rushed to Di Changli quickly and incoherently.

"Careful." Sykes saw it so clearly that he didn't have time to shoot to stop it and quickly shouted a warning. If he is a partner with rich experience in the adventure team, naturally there is no need for him to remind him, but it is still the first time for Di Changli to participate in this kind of hunting, but he can't help but worry about what Di Changli has made a mistake.