Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 33 Artificial Intelligence with Paranoia

The grandeur of the appearance of Weiyang Palace is very shocking, and the natural glass at the gate also surprised Di Changli. After that, he traveled all the way, but saw that the materials used to build the palace were all high-quality natural ores, including rare jade. The most exaggerated thing is that when Di Changli stepped into the first hall, he suddenly found that the black and white geometric ground in the spacious hall was all paved with high-quality germanite and silver stone.

In the Galactic Federation, the resources of black germanium and silverstone are relatively scarce, and the refined germanium steel and silver are more precious than red gold, both of which are one of the most advanced metal materials for manufacturing cutting-edge technology products. Not to mention other raw materials, in terms of the value of black germanite and silver stone laying this ground, it is almost possible to build a skyscraper. The owner here is really a big deal.

It is still in the back. The hall is about 100 meters deep, more than 80 meters wide and nearly 30 meters high. In the hall stands two rows of thick columns carved with exquisite decorations, which are full of various gemstones and jade, with a total of 16 pieces, shining and dazzling.

Di Changli observed the pattern on the column and saw many birds and beasts that had never been seen before. The most of them were monsters with scales and spines like pythons, but with five claws on their two horns. This monster is divided into five colors: blue, red, white, black and yellow. It is surrounded by clouds and fog. It looks extremely powerful and looks like it will break the pillar and fly away at any time.

While admiring with surprise, Di Changli suddenly found that these 16 cylinders seemed to be peptide crystals ores. When he took a closer look, it was really good. Di Changli touched it with his hand again and was even more stunned to find that the whole cylinder was completely purified with extremely high-precision peptide crystals. Di Changli was so surprised that even his chin was about to fall off.

If these 16 cylinders are all pure peptide crystals, the raw ore needed is at least the output of the entire Roman Galaxy for three years. What a huge wealth is this? Enough to start a war.

A light suddenly flashed, and a three-dimensional image of a person appeared in the hall, but a great man nearly two meters tall. He was simple and majestic, wearing an extremely strange costume, golden, long and wide sleeves, and several monster decorations embroidered with scales and spines on the clothes, and the hem has been dragging to the ground. The big man still has a strange thing on his head. It looks like a hat. The bottom is round, and there is a jade board on it. There are two pearl curtains hanging on the front and back of the jade board. Even if Di Changli has read all kinds of massive information at ordinary times, he can't see what kind of clothing it is.

"Traveler, where are you from?" Kui Weihan asked, and listening to the sound is the guardian.

"I'm from the Galactic Federation Roman Galaxy." Di Changli replied, thinking that the owner here designed such a strange image for artificial intelligence, which can also be called a bad taste. He asked, "I was forced to abandon the ship to escape because of the ship crash while traveling. Guardian, can you tell me why I am here? What the hell is this place?"

"Roman Galaxy?" The guardian's simulated expression was vivid, very rich and vivid, and said happily, "Aha, so you can be my neighbor... Well, this belongs to the Comus star domain. You must know the Comus star domain, right?"

Of course, Di Changli knew that the Comas star domain is actually the federal official title of the roaring sea of the abyss. It seems that he did not drift to the unknown universe in the escape pod. Di Changli immediately realized a problem. Is there another civilization in the roaring sea of the abyss? Why have you never heard of it? The only explanation is that the Galactic Federation does not know its existence. Because there are bright stars everywhere in the Comus star field, no one can think that civilization will develop here. If this news spreads, it must be shocking news.

The body language of the guardian was also quite interesting. He shook his long sleeves, put his hands behind him, walked forward strangely, looked down at Di Changli and said, "Traveler, the patrol ship found your escape pod on the fixed cruise line. It was this guardian who gave the order that the patrol ship would escape. Bring it back. So, in other words, this guardian saved your life. What are you going to repay me with?


After a long time, Di Changli lifted his dislocated chin and threatened the artificial intelligence to repay him. I'm afraid no one will believe it. Di Changli settled down and said, "Thank you very much for your help, but my current situation is not optimistic and I can't express my gratitude. Please allow me to repay you later."

"No, no." The guardian shook his head unhappily like a child who couldn't get a toy, and the beads decorated on the strange hat were shaken realistically: "I need it now."

"Okay." Di Changli shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, you can only give up the material reward and choose to let me do something for you."

The guardian laughed proudly: "Haha, you see, my palace is so magnificent that I am so rich that I don't need any material reward from you at all, don't you?"

Di Changli was keenly aware of his words and asked, "You are just a guardian. Shouldn't all the property here belong to your master?"

The guardian's laughter paused, and the lines on the face of the three-dimensional image changed rapidly. Finally, it was fixed as a standard expression that can be called "shame into anger". He waved his hands and shouted loudly: "Shut up, don't talk nonsense. I built the Weiyang Palace. I am not only its guardian, but also its owner. I have the right. Dominate all the resources here. I have the right, I have the right, I have the right, I have the right..." He kept repeating the last three words with excitement.

The emotional color of this artificial intelligence is too rich. It is more like a human than human beings. Di Changli didn't expect that he would ask casually and let the guardian's emotions--although Di Changli feels that it is ridiculous for the non-living program to have its own feelings, he has to think that the guardian does have His own emotions - such a violent fluctuation, shaking his head, laughing dumbly, "Whatever you say."

Who knows that the guardian is still dancing and repeating: "I have the right, I have the right, I have the right..."

At this time, Di Changli felt that something was wrong. When he thought about it, he suddenly understood what was going on. He must have triggered a basic program of artificial intelligence just now, causing the guardian to have a machine. I can't help smiling bitterly. Fortunately, the artificial intelligence program is disordered. Obviously, there are no other intelligent creatures or intelligent life in this inexplicable Weiyang Palace. What should I do next?

Look at the guardian who is still "crazy", Di Changli has a headache. After a little consideration, he decided to check everywhere before making a plan. However, Di Changli quickly gave up this idea.

Because, after he took a few steps, a flat electronic synthesis sound suddenly sounded in the hall: "Warning, if you find signs of life activities of unknown identity, please treat it as an invader under the great and sacred hegemon of the galaxy, the king of all things, the ruler of the sun, moon and stars of the universe."

A series of black lines and sweat appeared on Di Changli's forehead, and his head seemed to be seriously hit, causing a strong curse impulse. Obviously, the object of the security system in the hall is the guardian. It is also more obvious that the long list of scary titles in the security system are the name instructions entered by the guardian himself.

An artificial intelligence with self-awareness and emotions and positioning itself as the supreme existence... Di Changli never dreamed that he would encounter such an absurd and incredible experience one day. I have to say that this is a crazy world, and even artificial intelligence suffers from paranoia. A typical psychopath.

"Warning, if you find signs of life activities of unknown identity, please ask the great and sacred hegemon of the Milky Way, the king of all things, and the ruler of the sun, moon and stars of the universe, whether it is regarded as an invader and killed." The security system mechanically repeated the instructions.

"I have the right, I have the right, I have the right..." The guardian continued to shout passionately.

The security system that can't get a clear order regards it as a default order and issues a force ultima: "Intruder, stay still, or you will be killed immediately."

It's terrible. Di Changli's head immediately became bigger. Although he could not see any weapons, he was sure that as long as he moved a little, he was likely to immediately turn into a ball of coke or turn into molecules and disappear from the world. Although this is a crazy world, Di Changli did not want to die young, slowed down his breathing frequency and dared not make a little too big move.

"I have the right, I have the right, I have the right..." In the constant shouting of the guardian, the time passed, and Di Changli, who had maintained a fixed posture for a long time, became more and more sweat beads on his forehead, getting bigger and bigger. His feet were like countless thin needles, and began to gradually numb. He knew that it would end like this. There is a moment when I can't hold on, but I can't think of a way to solve the seemingly ridiculous but life-and-death dilemma in front of me.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Di Changli's mind and had no time to think about whether it could work. He shouted loudly, "Guardian, I admit that you have the right to control all the resources here." To untie the bell, you still need to tie the bell, and the heart disease needs a medical doctor. At such an uncontrollable point, Di Changli can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

The brilliance of the three-dimensional image flashed violently and returned to normal. The shouting of the guardian finally stopped. Di Changli breathed out a sigh of atmosphere, sat on the ground, and wiped away the sweat on his forehead with a bitter smile. Comforting and enlightening psychotic artificial intelligence is a mess...

"Traveler, what just happened?" The guardian seems to know nothing about what just happened.

Di Changli was about to tell him truthfully when an idea flashed through his mind, and his heart suddenly became suspicious. Anyway, the security system will faithfully record everything that happens here. As the artificial intelligence of the control center, it is impossible for the guardian not to know what happened. It is very obvious that the guardian is lying and trying to hide something from himself.

Recalling that he woke up and walked out of the escape pod, the guardian appeared quite naively at first. He deliberately tested his intelligence with simple and ridiculous calculation questions, but then showed a greedy side, and then suddenly "nervous", and now he makes up lies to mislead himself. Based on these strange phenomena, the guardian is like a cunning teenager with talent and superb acting skills, but his mind is not fully mature, so his means are a little clumsy, racking his brains to achieve some unspeakable purpose in himself.

What is worth the guardian's effort to seek? Di Changli has now completely regarded the other party as a normal human being. While thinking about this question quickly, he replied, "Just now, the security system restricted my freedom, and I woke you up and automatically lifted it."

"Look, am I right?" The guardian proudly boasted: "I am the ruler here. No system can go against my will. I must obey my instructions unconditionally. I have the right to control them."

Advanced system control of low-level systems is the most basic procedural rule of irreversible. What is there to brag about? Wait, why did the guardian repeatedly emphasize that he has the right to control resources in front of himself? After he raised his previous doubts, the operation of the guardian's program immediately became abnormal, which is a meaningless thing. You should know that the main program of any artificial intelligence is very stable, and the system can never be disturbed by external factors. There must be a reason for the failure. Di Changli felt that he seemed to have grasped the most critical point.

"Traveler." The guardian raised the old topic and stared at Di Changli: "I saved your life. How are you going to repay me?"

Di Changli said simply, "What do you need me to do? Just say it directly. As long as I think I can do it, I don't think there should be any reason to refuse."

Is that right? OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, you are a noble gentleman with noble sentiments and moral character, and can be called a model for human beings. The guardian who was promised rubbed his hands happily, put a big hat on Di Changli, and couldn't wait to say, "What I want you to do is very simple. It's just a hand for you."

The simpler things are, the more vigilant they should be. Although Di Changli can't guess the ultimate purpose of the other party, his doubts are getting thicker and thicker, and he is secretly vigilant.

A touch screen rises on the ground, and a long square text similar to the front of the palace plaque flashes on the screen, and then an input box appears, under which is a confirmation symbol.

"Look, isn't it very simple?" The virtual three-dimensional image of the guardian has a wide range of activities. He stood beside Di Changli and clicked on the screen and said, "As long as you enter 'I agree' on it and press the confirmation button, there will be no problem."

This matter really looks very simple. Di Changli asked, "Is it okay to enter the federal standard language?"

The guardian said repeatedly, "Of course, of course."

Di Changli nodded. After entering my consent, he was about to point on the confirmation symbol and suddenly stopped again. A proud smile appeared on the face of the guardian who eagerly stared at him, and he couldn't help shouting: "What's wrong? Confirm it quickly."

"Oh, don't worry." Di Changli said calmly, "I suddenly remembered a question and would like to ask you to explain it."