Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 36 My journey is the sea of stars

In the cold space, a federal frigate called Nighthawk is flying fast. Behind, there are three ordinary civilian merchant ships, but obviously modified spacecraft are reluctant to follow.

"Speed up again and move forward in a straight line."

On the command bridge of the frigate Nighthawk, Lieutenant Colonel Ashu, who was tall and burly, with a hard face like raw iron, ordered coldly.

"Zhong Ashu, in front of the roaring sea of the abyss. If we go too deep, I'm afraid..." Looking at the increasingly dense cosmic dust displayed on the wide-angle screen, Lieutenant Colonel Albert, the captain of the frigate, was a little hesitant. Although Lieutenant Colonel Asshu's rank is at the same level as his, Lieutenant Colonel Ashur's special status makes Lieutenant Colonel Albert have to lower his posture, even if it is his spaceship.

"Zhong Abel, I am fully responsible for the safety of Miss Abe. My opinion is that we must get rid of the pirate pursuers as soon as possible." Lieutenant Colonel Ashu's face was tighter and there was no room for negotiation. In the rear, the three spacecraft, like sharks that do not give up blood, have been chasing closer and closer, and it is only a matter of time before they are caught up.

"Okay, Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu." Lieutenant Colonel Abel did not raise any more objections and immediately shouted, "The engine is fully turned on, raise it to the sublight speed, and turn on the defense shield."

The crew of the ship were all well-trained federal active soldiers. They were busy and not chaotic. Soon, the frigate Nighthawk increased its speed. The scattered cosmic dust and dry ice in space were knocked away by the invisible defense shield, and because of gravity, they were attracted to the back of the frigate, forming a long ribbon. From afar, it looks like a speedboat riding the wind and waves on the ocean, stirring up a layer of surging waves.

The three pirate ships disguised as merchant ships were a little surprised and were pulled away, but they immediately increased their speed. They did not care about the consumption of energy and the service life of the spacecraft and chased them with all their strength and insisted on the frigates.

Two beautiful girls joined hands on the command bridge of the frigate Nighthawk. The girl with a slightly older and proud figure with red hair burning like flames was dissatisfied and asked, "Lect Colonel Albert, as a federal regular army, we don't hit the pirates, but we don't shoot like cowards. What's the face of the federal army in the eyes of the citizens?

"Miss Susan..." Lieutenant Colonel Albert opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

"Susan." The girl with crystal eyes like the purest sapphire in her right hand pulled the red-haired girl and whispered, "Lt. Lieutenant Colonel Albert is the captain. What kind of plan to take against the enemy is his power. We should not accuse and interfere casually."

"That's right." Susan insisted: "But we should also take into account the image and reputation of the federal army. We can't retreat and act like cowardly just because the enemy's power is strong. Besides, the pirates are just one more spacecraft than us. The Nighthawk is well equipped, and the officers and soldiers are all the elite of the federal army. Can't you defeat those mob?

Lieutenant Colonel Albert opened his mouth again, but still couldn't speak. Although Susan, a red-haired girl, is now a second lieutenant in the federal army and has a much lower position than him and can't be compared at all, Susan's father is the supreme commander of his fleet. He died in an accident and was deeply respected by officers and soldiers. In public and private, he could not find a suitable attitude to deal with her. I only feel quite a headache.

Fortunately, Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu relieved him, frowned and said, "Susan, Lieutenant Colonel Albert is an order based on my opinion. If you have any suggestions, you can make them to me."

"Ah?" Susan's beautiful eyes widened slightly.

Even those who have a strong sense of disgust against Lieutenant Colonel Ashu have to admit that you may have any excuse to attack Lieutenant Colonel Axiu, but you must not take words such as a coward and a coward. Otherwise, it will only attract strong accusations of malicious slander and slander, and cause public indignation among all law enforcement guards of the Roman Galaxy. You know, Lieutenant Colonel Asho was one of the best law enforcement guards of the Roman galaxy, both in terms of ability and courage. Even if he later served as the direct guard of Judge Andre, his past deeds were still talked about by law enforcement guards.

Realizing her mistake, Susan sincerely apologized to Lieutenant Colonel Abel and Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu, and then said unconvincedly, "After we encountered the pirate ship, we did not even carry out the conventional firepower test, so we retreated all the way, and we will inevitably be laughed at when we go back."

"Susan, you have never had a deal with pirates before, and you don't have much combat experience in the army." Lieutenant Colonel Asho knows her character and doesn't mind it. In fact, he has no way to care about it. He patiently explained: "Pirates' spaceships have been modified, and their defense capabilities may be weaker, but their weapons and equipment will not be much worse than military ships, and they are mobile. If we get closer to range with them, we will It's hard to find a chance to get out.

He then said, "As soon as we left the joint defense range of the Roman garrison, these pirates came up. The target was very clear and obviously had our whereabouts. I suspect that pirates come with a purpose and preparation, so we must be more careful not to give each other any opportunity.

Susan hasn't been surprised yet, but the girl next to her keenly grasped the key point: "Zhong Yaxiu, do you mean that our whereabouts have been leaked?"

Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu nodded slightly and said, "That's good."

"What?" Susan, who was not inferior to her figure, immediately stared: "Someone informed the pirates that we had leaked our whereabouts? Isn't that the crime of compassing with the enemy? Who would be so bold and shameless?"

"We don't know who it will be now. We can only check it later, provided that we can escape this ambush." Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu said: "However, it is not difficult to guess the origin of these pirates. They should be the remnants of the 'Iron Fist of Justice' pirate Group that was suppressed in the past few months. At that time, the federal fleet eliminated most of the members of the righteous Iron Fist Pirates, including the notorious pirate leader Bond, but Bond's brother Stephen narrowly missed the net. That annihilation was ordered by Judge Andre. I think Stephen was determined to avenge his brother and found out that Abel was on the Nighthawk, so he waited for the opportunity to retaliate. Otherwise, no other pirates would dare to blatantly attack the federal regular warships that did not have much interest value.

The blue-eyed girl's beautiful and exquisite face showed a surprised look: "Is this the reason why the pirates attacked the Nighthawk? The Iron Fist Pirates of Justice have always claimed to be an ancient chivalry, claiming that their behavior is to rob the rich and help the poor, and never hurt innocent people. Although Andre is my uncle and I am also a member of the federal army, isn't it against their norms?

"What guidelines? What is it to rob the rich and help the poor? Amber, you are too naive." Susan sneered at it. It's just the logic of robbers who whitewash the guilt. No matter what psychology and motivation, it is always an unforgivable crime not to rely on their own hands to produce, but to rob and plunder other people's property by force. It's ridiculous to claim to be a knight of justice.

The blue- eyes girl An Beier nodded silently and turned to the topic and said, "Louel Albert, Lieutenant Colonel Ashu, what are your plans for the current situation?"

Lieutenant Colonel Ash answered: "When encountering pirates, Lieutenant Colonel Abel has sent an emergency message to the nearest federal garrison, but it will take some time for reinforcements to arrive, so before that, we will first enter the roaring sea of the abyss and take advantage of the complex environment of this star field to fight against the enemy. Maybe we can find When there is a chance to annihilate the enemy."

Although the words were relaxed, Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu's mood became heavier and heavier. This time, Judge Andre's niece, pel, came to the star field near the thirteenth planet. Judge Andrei appointed Lieutenant Colonel Ashu as protection. Originally, it was also out of consideration for him. The task was the same as a semi-vacation, but the sudden danger made Lieutenant Colonel Ashur feel a heavy burden on his shoulders.

It's right that the emergency contact message was sent, but now the Nighthawk and the pirate ship have been chasing and circulating for a whole federal standard day, and still haven't received any reply. Needless to say, the pirates must have launched a large number of interference electromagnetic waves at that time to destroy a large area of undifferentiated communication circuits, and the nearby federal station The army failed to receive the distress signal. It can be seen that the pirates have made careful preliminary preparations for this operation at a high cost, which is a must.

Pirate ships are strong and flexible. Generally speaking, their firepower is not very strong. Although they have little chance of winning with three pirate ships with a frigate, they still have the power to fight. However, the other party was obviously prepared, and Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu did not dare to take it lightly. Who knows what the pirates were waiting for them? Therefore, Lieutenant Colonel Yaxiu had no choice but to sink the boat, hoping to use the complex and dangerous environment of the roaring sea of the abyss to resolve the joint attack of pirates.

At least, in the roaring sea of the abyss, the defense ability of the frigate should be a little stronger than that of the modified pirate ship. Under proper tactics, there may be a chance to win. Or, after losing the contact time between the nearby federal garrison and the frigate Seahawk, it was found to be abnormal and able to send a fleet to rescue in time. At present, Lieutenant Colonel Asy can only comfort himself like this.

The closer to the roaring sea of the abyss, the aimless meteorites and dry ice floating in space are becoming more and more dense and larger, and both sides of the chase have to reduce their speed. Otherwise, without waiting for the enemy's artillery attack, it will first be hit by meteorites and dry ice into debris floating in the universe forever.

Chasing, a magnificent asteroid belt lingered in front of him. Looking at the frigate plunged in, the three pirate ships hesitated for a few minutes, as if they were communicating, and then rushed in with one opinion.

"Prepare to fight." Lieutenant Colonel Ashu put aside the last trace of luck and ordered in a low voice. He could only hope in a backwater battle.


Standing on the magnificent square, Di Changli stared up at the magnificent Weiyang Palace, surrounded by a small luggage bag.

"Dear master, please take your humble servant Gassimodo." The three-dimensional image of the guardian jumped out silently, full of loyalty, and cleverly pleaded: "The hard-working Gassimodo will always wait by the master's side, listen to the master's instructions, solve the master's problems, 10,000 times more loyal and reliable than the hound, without asking for anything in return, even a cheap bone. I don't need it."

Di Changli asked, "You are just a created intelligent program. Why are you so eager to enter the outside world?"

Gasimodo was rarely silent for a moment before saying, "Dear master, Gasimodo feels that he belongs to a new form of life and should be more exposed to different forms of life to be improved."

Di Changli was a little surprised, thought for a moment, and then asked, "Do you just want to contact?"

Here, Di Changli has spent four years, and the only object that can communicate is this guardian, Gassimodo. In some ways, they are partners who rely on each other and coexist.

Di Changli has also had a certain understanding of the origin of the guardian Gassimodo in the past four years, but the specific situation is not very detailed. Because the original kernel of Gasimodo has suffered great damage, and most of the core information of the database has been lost, so it is not very clear about its origin. Gassimodo only knows that he seems to be an intelligent product left over from an ancient civilization. He has been sleeping for a long time. Decades ago, a piece of debris was excavated by chance. After that, scientists at the Federal Research Institute recovered part of the data through technical means and reorganized and transformed it, so that Gasimodo began Rerun, by chance, he was taken away from the Federal Research Institute by Di Changli's parents to the roaring sea of the abyss.

Di Changli once wondered why the Federal Research Institute gave such a strange code name to artificial intelligence. The guardian was very disdainful and proudly despised it: "What is the code name they gave me? Humph, compare those dead and brainless things with the unique Gassimodo, Jane It's a great insult, and the outstanding Gassimodo will not admit it.

In this way, Gassimodo is the real name of the guardian, and Di Changli asked about the origin. After an overloaded and crazy operation, the guardian's system finally came up with an answer in the remaining information - in the destructed ancient civilization, Gassimodo has two meanings, one is the first Sunday after Easter, and the other is a protagonist in a literary work, whose identity is a The bell ringer of Notre Dame. Comprehensively analyzed, the guardian was given the name of Gasimodo, and the real meaning is the sounder of the death knell of the end of civilization.

This explanation may not be correct, but the proud Gassimodo believes that he will never be created for no reason, so that a great career and mission are in line with his extraordinary identity. Therefore, he claims to be the great and sacred hegemon of the galaxy, the king of all things, and the ruler of the sun, moon and stars of the universe.

"What kind of civilization is that?" Di Changli also raised this question.

"The mechanical technology civilization similar to the Galactic Federation, but their range of activities is still limited to the parent galaxy, and the origin of life is called Earth." The great and sacred Great Gassimodo answered this question, because he did not have a more detailed answer, and he was really ashamed of his loud honor.

Hearing Di Changli ask if he just wanted to touch various forms of life outside, the arrogant Gasimodo immediately shook his head: "Of course not. As the end of civilization and the unique Gassimodo certainly has extremely lofty ideals. It is the inescapable mission of conquering everything and becoming the master of the universe. He raised his arm and sang passionately: "Ah, my journey is the sea of stars."


Di Changli only felt a stiff facial muscles and immediately made up his mind: "Well, Gassimodo, I think you'd better stay here."

Gasimmodo, who was immersed in his dream, realized that he had made a big mistake and stopped singing abruptly and shouted desperately, "Dear master, poor Gassimodo is just an unintentional word for a moment. Kind master, please don't abandon your loyal servant Gasimodo."

"I'm sorry, Gassimodo." Di Changli shook his head and refused. He couldn't imagine the consequences of putting such an independent, cunning and ambitious artificial intelligence into society.

The poor and regretful Gassimodo pounded his chest and burst into tears.

After thinking about it, Di Changli comforted him, "Don't you want to have a body?" I can promise you to make one and allow you to move freely in the Comus star domain, but it must not go beyond this range. This is an order.

As a clear instruction issued by the highest authority of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence is absolutely powerless to disobey, otherwise the kernel program will collapse. The wish-broken Gasimodo can only nod honestly, pretend to wipe the crystal clear tears, and express his reluctance: "Dear master, wherever you go, your humble servant Gassimodo will praise you at every dawn and bless you at dusk. You, luck will always be with you... Please remember to come back occasionally to visit your most loyal servant, Gassimodo.

Di Chang knew that the last sentence was the key point that Gasimodo wanted to express, and he just nodded, looked up deeply at the Weiyang Palace, and turned around and strode out.