Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 44 Barracks Partners

The registration office is located at a large military training base on the outskirts of Rome. When Di Changli and others arrived here and looked down, they saw a dense crowd like ants. Although they had been prepared, they were still surprised.

This year, the number of auditions for law enforcement guards participating in the Social Order Bureau is 100,000, and the total number of internal and external personnel assessed has reached more than 150,000. The scene is naturally extremely spectacular.

So many people are crowded into one place, and they are all refiners who are far more capable than ordinary people, and they also participate in the extremely confrontational selection and recruitment. Safety is a big problem. In order to prevent accidents, the military has long sent federal regular troops to station. There are many sentries in the base, patrols going back and forth, and more than a dozen floating armored fortresses are suspended in the air for monitoring and vigilance to ensure that the emergency can be eliminated in the first time.

This military base has a large area, just like a small city with complete facilities. According to the regional division of Rome, the base has also set up 12 registration areas, and each district has dozens of registration points. Di Changli and the three entered the base, boarded the magnetic float to the registration area of District 9 and drove for several minutes before arriving at the registration area that was still outside the base.

After half an hour of queue at one of the registration points, it was finally Fendley's turn to take the lead of the three. The staff of the registration site is a federal soldier. He has carefully reviewed Findley's certificates and did a finger mold and eye mask examination before asking him to hold a Force test ball.

According to the standard, the minimum value of the Force in the early stage of energy control is 300, which is also the minimum requirement for the Social Order Bureau to select trainee law enforcement guards. After testing, Findley's Force value on the next display screen is hexano, far exceeding the standard. Most of the Force values of the previous candidates are about four or five hundred, which is much worse than Findley.

Di Changli, who stood behind, shook his head slightly, and his expectations for Findley to pass the assessment were a little less. The output of the Force is controlled by the performer. You only need to pass this test, and there is no need to output such a strong Force. This shows two possibilities. One is that Findley is not very comfortable in controlling his own Force, and the other is that he does not pay attention to this at all. Whatever is possible, it is a disadvantage for Findley.

"Pass." The staff must be more aware of this, glanced at Findley and handed him a metal nameplate engraved with numbers blankly: "This is your identification card in the base. It's better to hang it around your neck and put it away. If you lose it, you will be disqualified. First, find your room according to the number. For the rest of the precautions, you can use it to check the election rules on the computer.

Findley took the identification card and greeted Gambino: "I'll go first." Just walk straight away.

The next Ganbino showed a Force value of 41. After getting the identification card, he first said thank you to the staff, nodded to Di Changli, and then walked into a room next to him.

Di Chang couldn't help shaking his head again. Through this small detail, his perception of Findley and Gampino deepened again. Anyway, everyone came together and was a temporary team. Fendley's style was really speechless.

Di Changli passed the test with a force value of 430 and got an identification card numbered Y30545. After remembering it, he tied it firmly around his neck.

When I walked into that room, it was an electronic testing room. After confirming that Di Changli did not carry any weapons and communication equipment, a sound instructed him to enter a gate, and then a conveyor belt sent him away. Walking out of an exit, there was a military camp in front of him. Di Changli looked at the vertical computer not far away and the two fully armed federal soldiers guarding him. He consciously stepped forward and put the identification card on the scanner of the computer.

A soldier glanced at the computer screen and said dryly, "Y30545, your barracks is 085, and now you are allowed to enter this camp."

When he found his residence in the barracks, Di Changli found that this was a barracks of a 12-person benchmark combat unit of the Federal Army. Six people had moved in, and Gampino and Findley were also inside. It seemed that it was a room allocated in the order of check-in.

Personal privacy is still protected in the Galactic Federation, and under some conditions, the army is no exception. This camp room is separated by twelve separate compartments so that soldiers can not be seen while resting. Of course, personal privacy in the army is also limited. For example, the door of the lattice is not locked, so that superior officers can check whether the soldiers have violated discipline at any time.

The first people were in their respective cubicles at this time. At a glance, Di Changli found the cubicle that temporarily belonged to him. The area of the cubicle is not large, and after placing a marching bed, there is not much room for people to move. March ** is fully equipped with bedding, with toiletries and cleaning products on it, as well as two sets of standard federal army training uniforms and combat uniforms.

Di Changli did not care about these. He first pulled out an electronic touch terminal on the head of the bed. After opening it, he scanned the identification card and entered the terminal system.

With Di Changli's identification card, of course, the permission is the lowest level. He didn't want to find any information here. He only honestly found the election code and browsed it carefully.

In fact, there is nothing new. During the period of the base, candidates must strictly abide by the safety regulations of the base, obey management, and are not allowed to enter areas outside their own authority. Violators will be immediately disqualified. In addition, the eliminated candidates must hand in their identification cards at the designated place within the specified time to leave the base, otherwise they will be sent to the Federal Military Court on the charge of spying on military information.

After reading these, Di Changli transferred the base map again. Without him continuing to operate, only the map shows the signs of the camp where he is now, and all the rest are blocked.

After remembering the location of the camp, Di Changli put **'s supplies into the wall cabinet and took a set of training clothes out of the cubicle. Although it is not clearly specified in the election code, it is obvious that if the candidates do not dress uniformly, they may not even see what the first level of the assessment is.

At this time, five more candidates came one after another, and the number of 085 barracks arrived. As Di Changli expected, other candidates also knew this. They took their training clothes or went out first or later to find a shower room.

Everyone's movements were very fast. It only took about ten minutes to take a bath, put on their training clothes and returned to the 085 barracks.

At this time, the atmosphere in the barracks was quite strange. Although there were twelve people, they all did not say a word and only looked at each other. In everyone's look, it can't be said that it is full of hostility, but there is absolutely no friendship and enthusiasm.

The emergence of this phenomenon is actually well explained. As a candidate in the same barracks, he is not only not a competitor in the previous stage, but also will form a group to fight against the elimination of other candidates. He is a temporary comrade-in-arms and must support each other. But after all, there are only so many places to be selected. In the later stage, with the gradual reduction of the number of candidates, the winners in the same district will inevitably become opponents to compete for the poor place. Therefore, how to deal with their relationship is very subtle.

Looking at the big-eyed people, Di Changli took the lead in breaking the dullness: "Everyone, anyway, we live in the same barracks, so now we are partners. Let's get to know each other first."

"Yes." A candidate said, "Although everyone may be eliminated tomorrow, before that, we are also partners. Let's get to know each other first... My name is Cohen."

Someone started, and the atmosphere suddenly relaxed for a long time. Next, everyone reported their names, and everyone was familiar with each other and had a preliminary impression.

Of course, these 12 candidates are all from the ninth district of Rome, and most of them belong to the federal army and law enforcement agencies, and three or four are from the private sector. The recommended quota is also from a certain security company and so on. After all, these places are the place for the strong.

After a chaotic conversation for a while, someone suddenly said, "Since it is a temporary team, you should also choose a temporary captain."

As soon as this sentence was said, the whole barracks immediately calmed down.