Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 51 The Last Assessment

A cold light, like lightning from hell, wrapped in the extremely cold breath of death, ruthlessly penetrated from behind Hassan.

"I'm sorry." An apology vaguely floated in his ear, and then Hassan was forcibly withdrawn from the system.

The other team, the candidate who was attacked by Findley, was still a little lucky and was not killed on the spot, but lost an arm. In fact, such a serious injury is equivalent to death.

Findley did not immediately pursue again, but submitted a team request to Di Changli through the system, while standing still confronting the candidate and another original teammate.

"You *bred bastard." The seriously injured candidate cursed angrily: "Even if I don't want this arm, I will drag you out of this despicable and shameless bastard."

As we all know, the trauma suffered during the simulation * fight will be reflected in the actual ontology to a certain extent. It is necessary to return to reality for treatment and recovery. The more serious the injury, or the longer you stay in the system illusion, the more difficult the treatment will be. If the time is delayed, it is very likely to cause the ontology. Permanent disability. The candidate said such words, which seems to have hated Findley to the bone.

"Man, please shut up. My behavior is within the scope of the assessment rules. What does it have to do with despicable and shameless? Do you want to judge me morally?" Findley refuted, "I'm still waiting for you here. If you have the ability, just take it out and deal with me. Don't curse like a bitch."

The guy couldn't help suffocating and spitting, but he couldn't find an excuse to say bad words again.

Di Changli accepted Fendley's request, and then submitted a request for a new team to Michaels, who had already fled far away and was full of hostility.

Michaels hesitated for a moment before passing Di Changli's request in the system, but still stood far away and silently maintained a defensive posture.

Of course, Di Changli knew his concerns and didn't say much. He turned to Findley's side, and the two attacked the two candidates side by side. Regardless of the rest, he and Findley are obviously premeditated accomplices. If you want to improve the trust of Michaels, you must first destroy the two enemies and show their due sincerity.

It didn't take much time to solve the battle. Only then did Di Changli introduce and explain to Max: "This is Findley, a friend in the same barracks with me. Before the assessment, we had an agreement... I can assure you that unless there is a death, the members of the team will not change. You Would you like to join us?"

"I understand what you do, but I have a question." Max's hostility decreased slightly. He stared at Di Changli and said, "Why did you choose me to form a team instead of Hassan? You know, he only suffered minor injuries, and it should be more helpful to you in the later battle."

"The reason is very simple." Di Changli shrugged his shoulders and said, "Why is his injury lighter than you? Is it because he is stronger than you? No, it's not for that reason, but because he is too cautious to protect himself all the time. If it were you, would you choose an overly selfish partner as your comrade-in-arms?

"Okay, I accept your reason."

Max nodded and said, "But can I really believe your promise?"

"Believe or not, no one can choose for you." Di Changli said lightly, "I can only tell you that I don't have the habit of making promises easily... You need to make a decision quickly. Another team of people over there has come, and there is not much time left for us."

All kinds of thoughts beat fast in his mind. Two seconds later, Max, who changed rapidly, finally gritted his teeth: "Fuck pervert assessment, I'll bet on this." After saying that, there was no more nonsense, he roared, raised the double-edged axe and rushed to the enemy team aggressively.

"Oh, this guy is very simple." Findley laughed in astonishment, followed quickly and shouted, "I'm here, too."

Di Changli shook his head and laughed, and quickly moved forward, and the two sides immediately fought fiercely.

"Ah!" Max, whose face was full of blood and sweat and couldn't even see clearly, roared and tried to swing an axe at his last opponent.

The other party was also exhausted, but he was tenacious and frighteningly fierce. Instead, he did not avoid it. Instead, he rushed up to him crazily and stabbed out the alloy sword in his hand. Obviously, he is going to die with Max.

There is no doubt that Max's axe can cut his opponent in half, but the sword in front of him can undoubtedly pierce his heart deeply. Max tried his best to turn his body, hoping to avoid the key point. Helplessness. A long period of fierce and vicious struggle had made his body as stiff as a stone, and even such a small move was difficult to do.

At the critical moment, a cold light split down like lightning from his side and shot down the long sword.

As the blood under the axe blade splashed out like a fountain, the system prompt also came like the sound of nature: "This team has got 18 points and passed."

After escaping from death, the relaxed Max felt that all his strength seemed to be vented. He barely stood firm after holding the axe and gasped and said hoarsely, "Thank you. It seems that I bet on this one."

"You don't have to thank me." Di Changli just smiled and said, "Anyway, a total of 2,000 candidates passed, leaving a familiar face, which is better than a stranger, isn't it?"

Max was stunned and then nodded with a sincere smile: "You're right."

At this time, Findley danced and shouted excitedly and rushed at them like a madman. Pass, we passed, haha, we won, haha..."


"Y30545, standing here shows that your ability, courage and courage are the best among all the candidates. We welcome and extend our heartfelt congratulations to you. Now, we will ask you a few questions for the final review reference, and you can answer them at will.

Di Changli stood in a spacious room, a few meters in front of him. The three were wearing casual clothes, but their eyes were as sharp as eagles, and their whole body exuded a strong and powerful momentum, which made people know at a glance that the examiner of the federal elite soldiers sat behind the table and looked at some information. After waiting for a few minutes, a master in the middle The examiner just began to speak.

The first question raised by the examiner is: "Do you think you are excellent in all aspects?"

Di Changli smiled and said, "Shir, you have helped me summarize the answer to this question. I will answer it again affirmably, yes."

The three examiners who looked quite serious looked a little relaxed, and the examiners sitting on the left head then asked, "What are the biggest similarities and differences between you and me?"

"The similarity is that we are all breathing and living people."

Such questions seem simple, and the answers can be diverse, but Di Changli understands that whether he can finally pass this election depends largely on whether his answer can satisfy the three examiners. He controlled the rhythm of his speech and replied calmly, "The difference is that you sit while I stand."

The three examiners finally smiled, and the other examiner on the right suddenly asked the third question: "In order to solve a crisis, you must kill 100 civilians or an important government official. What will you choose?"

Di Chang replied without thinking, "I'm waiting for the instructions of my superiors."

"There are no instructions or orders, you must decide by yourself." The examiner seemed to have known how he would answer.

"Well, I choose to kill that senior official." Di Changli shrugged his shoulders.

The examiner immediately asked quickly, "Why?"

Di Changli answered slowly: "Because it's much easier to kill a person than to destroy a hundred people."

"Well." The examiner didn't even give him time to breathe and continued to ask, "Can I think from such a perspective that you are in favor of sacrificing the lives of a few people to save the lives of most people?" You don't need to make any assumptions about the situation. You can only answer yes or no.

Di Changli was stunned, frowned tightly and thought for a while before nodding and saying, "Yes."

"Very good." The examiner stared at him and asked again, "If you are successfully selected as a trainee law enforcement guard, you must be sacrificed in exchange for the lives of ten comrades-in-arms in one mission. Are you willing to sacrifice yourself?"

After asking such a bloody question, Di Changli sighed helplessly and said honestly, "I really want to answer yes, but the real answer is, I don't know, sir."

The three examiners exchanged their eyes, and the examiner in the middle said, "Okay, that's all for the test. Y30545, you can leave."

When Di Changli's back disappeared behind the door, the examiner with the left head said, "This boy is very witty and interesting. He is not nervous and cramped in front of us, and his psychological quality is very excellent. The evaluation results I gave him are excellent. How about you?"

"I'm the same, excellent." The right examiner's impression of Di Changli is the same as him, and added with a smile, "I also hope that he can quickly stand out from the trainee law enforcement guards. Looking at the dull faces of you old guys every day is really boring and disgusting."

"His wit and control of his own emotions can also be regarded as a manifestation of smooth hypocrisy on the other hand." The examiner held different views and thought for a moment and said, "As for whether this is so or not, no one can judge now. However, with the ability he showed in the previous assessment, it is still not a problem to be a trainee law enforcement guard. I will give a qualified evaluation so that he can successfully pass the final review... Well, You can call the next one in for the test.