Infernal Rhapsody

Chapter 60 The Incarnation of the God of Justice


Holrose finally stopped, gasping for breath, and his chest was swollen and stuffy. If a fire is burning, it seems that it will explode at any time, and the body's function has reached the edge of exhaustion. And his mood was even more desperate, like a scarred lone wolf chased to the abyss by hunters.

"Devil, the real devil..."

Holrose's spirit finally collapsed. Because of extreme fear and despair, the muscles on his face twitched violently, which was ferocious and horrible. His eyes were lax, he muttered to himself, and slowly raised his gun against his forehead.

This is a dense primitive rainforest. The towering trees cover the sky tightly. It is dark, sultry and gloomy. Countless beast reptile poisons lurk in the twisted jungle, peeping, following the rules of the food chain, and rushing out at any time to take away the lives of the weak.

Holrose was a biologist and toxicological biologist who set up a laboratory in the rainforest to study all kinds of highly toxic protobiotes for decades. A year ago, he wanted to turn himself into an invisible poisoner who could kill people between hands and feet, so he used various extracted toxins to do a large number of living experiments. Before and after, more than 30 people died for his experiments. Naturally, these people are not volunteers, but basically tourists who come to explore the pristine rainforest.

After the incident, during the arrest, Holros poisoned several federal police officers and then fled into the depths of the rainforest. Decades of rainforest life have made Holrose almost a native here. In a year, thousands of people have entered the depths of the rainforest to chase him, but because the environment is too complex and harsh, he not only did not catch him, but also paid a heavy price. Among them, a bounty hunter five-person team composed of retired federal special police who were hired by the victims' families and were even destroyed. Another law enforcement guard not only returned in failure, but also could not be completely cured because of the deep poisoning. He needed a lot of chemotherapy to detoxify all day long and almost became a useless person.

Later, based on all considerations, the official decided to give up the arrest of Hollos and secretly give the order: our manpower and funds are insufficient, and there is no needless loss and waste. As long as the damned and disgusting poisonous insect no longer comes out, let him rot in the mud of the rainforest.

From a certain standpoint, this decision can be said to be quite correct. However, Holros, as the protagonist, did not want to rot in obscurity. After disappearing for a few months, he began to commit crimes again. Under the pressure of public opinion, the government had to reassemend the forces of relevant departments to arrest him.

After successfully escaping countless chases, the experienced Holrose was more like a fish in water in the rainforest, and more cunning, fierce and cruel. Most of the members of several pursuit teams lost their lives under the invincible poison and various traps. The extremely frightened lucky man lost courage and confidence, only fear. I withdrew from the depths of the rainforest in fear.

Holrose is very proud and happy. He extremely enjoys this wonderful feeling and is convinced that he is the master of this forest. Whoever dares to invade the kingdom will be wiped out by himself without hesitation.

Five days ago, his wonderful and pleasant feeling was ruthlessly broken by a pursuer...

There was a soft click, as if someone accidentally stepped on a dead branch. Holrose bounced up like a frightened rattlesnake, raised the gun and pointed to the direction of the sound, and shouted in horror: "Come out, I know you are here. You are a despicable mouse that only knows how to hide in the gutter. I'm not afraid of you. Come out, I'm not afraid of you. I want to fight with you head-on. I, Holrose, is the king here. I'm going to tear you, a shameless coward, to pieces..."

Holrose's appearance was originally quite scholarly. In the primitive rainforest where he has lived for decades, he can make himself clean and elegant at any time as if he were going to attend an award party. But now, his appearance is extremely embarrassed, covered with dirt and stains, and his expression is extremely angry and frightened, just like a wild boar in anger.

He really can't stand it any longer.

Holrose had long been aware of the arrival of the pursuers and carefully arranged many traps. As long as the other party walked into the surrounding area, he was sure to kill the other party quickly. But the pursuer is simply a ghost, but he doesn't show up. In the past three days, he has only wandered in invisible places all the time, as if he just wanted to remind Hollos of his existence.

On the first day, Hollos felt very funny, sneering and playing patiently with each other. He doesn't think that the other party's endurance is stronger than his own. It won't be long before the other party will retreat in the face of difficulties, or send his life to his door to slaughter him.

The next day, Holrose began to be cautious. The other party was obviously a very patient guy. After a day-and-night confrontation game, the other party did not seem to be bored and continued to wander around like a ghost. He raised his vigilance to the highest level and did not dare to relax a little to prevent the other party from waiting for a fatal blow to himself.

On the third day, Hollos began to feel a little panicked. He thought impatiently and anxiously, is the other party really a ghost? Because he is tired. Many people can do it by insisting on not eating or drinking for a long time, but it is impossible not to sleep for a long time. Holros doesn't believe that the other party's body and spirit will not be tired at all.

On the fourth day, Hollos felt afraid. He really doubted whether the other party was a human being. No normal person could stay awake for several days and nights with high mental concentration. Holrose admitted that he couldn't do it. He thought that the other party must be a devil. He had a timid mind and sneaked deeper into the rainforest. He wanted to find a safe place to sleep well and then deal with this difficult guy. However, the other party did not give him a minute's chance to rest at all. No matter how familiar he was with the terrain and racked his brains to take all kinds of measures, he still couldn't escape the other party's tracking range.

On the fifth day, Holrose became manic because of fear, and he realized that he could never get rid of the ghost behind him. Therefore, he changed his mind and preferred to give up his strengths in combat and take the initiative to attack in turn. No matter what the result is, he doesn't care. He just wants to end the nightmare hunting game in front of him.

However, that ghost, no, the terrible devil seems to feel that he is not having enough fun, always hides in the dark, laughing coldly and evilly silently, appreciating the panicked and semi-crazy Horros, who kept cursing and cursing.

Finally, Holrose collapsed on the sixth day. He wanted to end all this and give the unbearable body and soul a peaceful rest...

"Sw." A bullet shot before Holrose's finger buckled, burst his head, and the blood splashed out and sprinkled on the surrounding vegetation. It was like being splashed with high concentrations of strong acid water and withered visibly.

"In the name of the Federation, I sentence you to death."

Di Changli slowly walked out of the dark with an indifferent expression. After several days and nights, his face was extremely pale, but his eyes became darker and deeper, emitting a cold light that people dare not look directly.


Headquarter of the Federal Social Order Bureau of the Roman Colonial Star, Special War Department.

I heard that there is a guy who took the initiative to apply for duty in the Special Warfare Top Group, and he is still a new trainee law enforcement guard who just came this year. Is that true?"

After a rotating law enforcement guard signed in, he curiously asked the internal staff.

"That's right, sir." The internal service staff answered affirmatively, checked the information, and told in great detail: "He is currently out on a mission, targeting Holros, who has a risk factor of A on the wanted list. In the two months since he joined the special forces, he has killed a total of 18 criminals and arrested nine criminals. During this period, he only took three days off due to injury. He was originally a fourth-class lieutenant and had been promoted to second-class captain a week ago. If Holrose is successfully eliminated this time, I'm afraid he will have to consider the promotion ceremony for him and prepare to be promoted to a formal law enforcement guard. Ha ha, I bet that he will set a new record for the fastest promotion of a trainee law enforcement guard to a formal law enforcement guard, all federally.

"Is this guy an invulnerable madman or a god-bless saint?" The law guard said incredulously.

"Which one do you think it is? Sir."

The law enforcement guard turned his head and saw a line as hard as an axe. He immediately looked cold and shouted, "When I spoke, I didn't seem to allow you to interrupt. Don't you know that this is an insult to contempt of superiors?"

"Maybe I took the liberty, sir." Di Changli said, "However, I want to remind the officer that it is also very impolite to talk about others behind their backs. Moreover, as a party, he seems to have the right to express his own opinion.

"Is that guy?" Although Susan's pupils are much bigger than ever, it doesn't hurt her beauty.

"Yes, sir." The internal staff said, "It's this officer."

"I'm sure that you will never be a saint, but there is still some distance from the madman."

Susan stared at Di Changli and couldn't help asking, "Can you tell me why you did this?" Do you know that it will make you die quickly?

Di Changli was silent for a moment and said with a smile, "Because I am the embodiment of the god of justice, can this reason satisfy the officer's curiosity? Sir, do you have any other instructions?

Susan wanted to order him to jump directly from the top of the headquarters building.

Susan is so angry that she is going crazy. She dared to conclude that no matter where the hateful bastard died, hell would immediately open a door for him there.

"What's wrong with you?"

Abeer is very strange. She has never seen Susan look so difficult.

Susan didn't want to say anything. She felt indescribable shame, grievance and resentment. You know, she has grown up so big, but she has never shown concern for any of the opposite sex, even if it is too euphemistic to feel. However, that bastard is a hundred times more cunning than ten foxes combined. Can't you see his kindness? Ghosts believe.

Under An Beier's reluctant inquiry, she finally got the answer. She also showed great anger and stood up and made her debut: "I haven't settled with him about the last time. This time it's coming again. We must teach this guy a good lesson." And he made a plan and said, "Let's find out his details first, and then find a way to deal with him."

Susan is deeply convinced.

The two young ladies came out in person, and their efficiency was naturally extraordinary. Not long after, from birth to now, the information on Di Changli's surface was quite complete in front of them.

"It turns out that he was so pitiful when he was a child that he had no biological parents, and even his adoptive parents died so early. I really don't know how much he has suffered to become a trainee law enforcement guard..."

An Beier felt sad, blinked her eyes vigorously, continued to check the information behind, and suddenly shouted in surprise, "I know why he had to take the initiative to join the special forces..."

After watching for a long time, Susan suddenly said, "His girlfriend is very beautiful..."

"Yes." Amber nodded gently and whispered, "Maybe you should look for him."

"What's the reason?" Susan is a little embarrassed. It is impossible for her to directly find Di Changli to apologize. With the character shown by Di Changli, she will never accept the mercy of others. In this way, it can be imagined that there will be no possibility of reconciliation between their conflicts and misunderstandings.

"I have a way." Amber's blue eyes flashed strangely, and she suddenly laughed and said, "I'll tell him that you secretly fell in love with him."

"You are a little crazy girl." Susan jumped up in surprise.

An Beier looks like a completely good girl, but after deciding on something, it is difficult to pull back even 90 cows. She firmly declared: "Objection is invalid."